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HAEE Halloween Scents OH MY!

Bolded ones are the ones I want to try.   All Hallows Eve - Mysore Sandalwood, Night Blooming Jasmine, Cassia, Anise, Starfruit and Hinokiwood   Superstitious 2007 - Burning Chapel Incense, White Musk, Golden Sandalwood, Clovebud, Cyclamen, Cocoa Absolute and Taratahi Lilac   Hallowed Ground - Burning Leaves, Forest Loam, Cedar Accord, Dried Flowers, Mosses and Rain   All Souls - Licorice, Cassia, Black Amber, Patchouli, Lavender Wood, Clove, Violet Leaf Absolute and Myrrh Resin   Tortured Pumpkin - Toasted Pumpkin, Toasted Marshmallow, Toasted Maple Sugar, Toasted Vanilla Sugar, Toasted Brown Sugar   Rattled Chains - Black Currant, Black Vanilla, Black Patchouli, Opoponax, Resin, Toasted Hazelnut, Fig Lychee, Butter Co2 and Vanilla Bourbon   Restless - Bitter Chocolate, Peppermint, Caramel, Green Apple, Cinnamon Leaf and Pumpkin   Ghouls Dessert - Bitter Chocolate, Marshmallow, Toasted Maple, Graham Crackers, Cheesecake, Deep Fried Banana and a drizzle of Caramel   Premonition - Tibetan Amber, White Tea, Ginger, Amaryllis, Clementine and Pink Grapefruit   Samhain - Irish Soda Bread, Apples, Currants and a drizzle of Irish Cream. Dedicated to the Irish, where Halloween began.   Autumn Equinox - Jasmine, Sandalwood, Rose, Patchouli, Vanilla, Ylang Ylang, Vetiver, and Mimosa   Higan no Chu-Nichi - Bamboo, Freesia, Cherry Blossom, Rice Flower, Red Bean Paste (Sweet) and Incense notes   Oh who am I kidding, I might need them ALL! I wonder if they will offer samples. I hope so or this is going to get expensive!!




More aquatics!

Ava Luxe: The Beach - This is so close to what I'm looking for. It's beautiful and very much like a day at the beach but it's not quite IT. God I'm so picky!!   Nocturne Alchemy: The Nile - This is all sweet melon. I LOVE it but it's not what I'm looking for.   I'll have more later but I have to get back to work!




Blue Moon order

I just wanted to try and put together my next order to be placed with the upcoming revisit of Blue Moon. It can't be as extravagant and my last one but as long as the new CD scents don't come out, I'll just focus on getting a few GC scents I've been wanting.   Blue Moon - Hopefully we'll have a few reviews before it goes live again but if not, I think I'll get two bottles just in case I ADORE it. $27.50? The Star $26.50 Y'ha-nthlei $15 Kiyohime Changes from a Serpent $25.50 Sunrise with Sea Monsters $25.50 Snake Oil $15 Whip $15 Sea of Glass $15




Search for the perfect Aquatic 2007

Some of you may have seen me around the forum, searching like the madwoman I am for the perfect ocean blend. It all started when I received Thalassa (which is amazing!!) and I just became obsessed with aquatics. I pretty much love any aquatic (unless they are heavy because those give me a migraine) probably because I am a water sign. So I thought I'd keep track of all the scents as I try them on my little quest. A huge thank you to all those that have offered suggestions and samples. You all are very awesome!   Thalassa the Galapagos Mermaid - The scent that started it all! This one is actually just a shade to the left of perfect. It has other things going on though and I'm looking for a pure ocean scent. That is actually why I'm looking to other perfumers for this because Beth doesn't do the single note thing anymore. This one gives me my fix in the meantime and I just love it for those days when I'm feeling the spring fever and I can pretend I'm a mermaid....or something.   Mara Fox: Mermaids in Atlantis - Sensing a theme here? This had no aquatic in it whatsoever but it is a lovely, sweet melon! Very nice and cool for summer.   High Priest Not to be Described - I actually knew this wouldn't be a straight aquatic but I thought I'd include it anyway. I really like the way that the Arkham scents really evoke that sense of impending danger I get from Lovecraft stories.   Roux-ga-Roux - This one definitely has that deep, brackish bog water aquatic and I love it but it still isn't quite IT.   Caliban - OMG this is GREAT! It's not exactly the scent I'm looking for but it's very salty and oceanic and probably the closest so far.




Big Order Pending

There is something so thrilling about knowing that your order is at the lab and that it's waiting its turn to be filled and sent off to your waiting arms. I placed what is probably my biggest order yet and I'm just so excited waiting for it! It's my "Got My Taxes" order. It's also the first time I've ever purchased multiple bottles without testing first. I ordered the following;   2 bottles Monsterbait: Bloody Mary 2 bottles Monsterbait: Tokyo Stomp 1 bottle Monsterbait: Ventriloquist Dummy 1 bottle Minotaur 1 bottle 13 1 bottle Riding the Goat 1 bottle Lady Luck Blues 1 bottle St. Theresa in Ecstasy 1 bottle Bordello 1 bottle Amsterdam 2 imp packs: Calico Jack, The Deep Ones, Bein Loin D'Ici, Poisoned Apple, 51, Squirting Cucumber, Voodoo Lily, The Dodo, Queen Alice, The Knave of Hearts, Croquet, and Cthulhu.   I don't know why I think that Bloody Mary will work for me since I have trouble with fruit in general but I'm so excited about it, I couldn't help myself. I figure if it doesn't work on me, I can wear it in my new locket. Tokyo Stomp sounded just too good not to get two bottles.   I'm a bad girl.




Order musings

Skip this, it's just me musing about my next order. Since it's spring and almost summer, I'd like to get a few new GC scents that I've been noting as good spring scents.   I'm definitely getting;   MB: Ventriliquist Dummy MB: Bloody Mary MB: Tokyo Stomp   .....and I might get a couple of the Dogs Playing Poker scents; Riding the Goat is really peaking my interest and one other whispered to me the other day but I can't remember which one.   I'm wearing Bordello today and really loving how fresh and sweet it is so I might order a 5ml of that for the season. I need one more springy scent so I'll have to decide between getting something like Amsterdam (light florals) or Manhatttan (modern and sleek) or maybe even Empyreal Mist (very green and fresh). I also really want a 5ml of St. Theresa in Ecstasy but I'm not sure if I should wait until later or not.   I have a few things that I need to sell on ebay to boost my paypal balance a bit. I'm getting my tax return in a few days but I really need most of it to pay off bills. I'm thinking I should only use about $200 of it on teh smellies.   I'm a bad girl because I just ordered a couple of Villainess soaps too and I still am working on my Snake Oil soap and I have one Kumiho to use!   Now I'm going to go haunt the Retail Therapy section in hopes that I can find some really good body lotion....preferrably unscented....because my skin has been so dry lately.




the madness

What is it about knowing that you will have new bpal waiting for you at home that makes working so unbearable!!! I for sure have a box from the lab filled with tons of goodies and I'm hoping a box from the trading post too. But either way, it's there, mocking me, calling me, whispering, "Jessie, come open me....sniff me....you know you want to."   But I can't. I have to work.             But I will sneak off at lunch and go check my mail! Muahahahahahaha




love me, love me not

I know this is not related to bpal at all but if anyone reads this, I need advice! So there's this boy....haha I sound like I'm in High School again! Anyway, we work together at JC Penney; but we do such different things that we never see each other. Let's call him L. I knew him from before JCP because I also work for a college where he was a student until very recently. I just recently took the job at JCP for some extra money. Naturally I wasn't allowed to pursue anything until he graduated but I've had a tiny crush on him for awhile now. My best friend also works there. My best friend is on a mission to hook us up and she's very persistant, she sees him often since their departments are right next door. Now I don't know the specifics but apparently the question of his manliness came up; he works in the salon so it happens quite often, and in defense he said a few things about his moves and how great of kisser he was and some girl that worked there verified. A lot of this was joking around, though he was being a bit of a pig. I think my friend called him on it because then he said that there was one girl that he knew before she worked there (JC Penneys) that he really respected. My best friend asked him if it was me and he said 'maybe'. So what, if anything, does that mean? Respect me? Like a sister or a friend? Of course, we don't even know if he was talking about me. I don't know everyone that works there. But by saying 'maybe' it implies that it is me. If it wasn't, surely he would have said no.....right? My friend "knows" that he was talking about me and is of the opinion that he was saying he's interested in more than having a fling with me. So what is he looking for then, a relationship? He hasn't even asked me out yet! And he doesn't seem like the shy type.   The worst part is that I'm a hopeless wreck when it comes to flirting. I get nervous and stupid and can't conjure up complete sentences to save my life. And if he really is interested, he's just as bad. Once we are together and actually talking, we're fine but what leads up to that is usually a lot of comedic error. I'd ask him out myself but see above. It would probably end badly.   I don't care what anyone says, ze boys ze make no sense.




I hate my life sometimes.

Please disregard any residual joy from my last post as it is gone. I won't be able to place that much anticipated order. Just when I thought I was ahead and was ready to treat myself.......I forget to log a debit and my account goes overdraft. The fees sucked up every last scent.   No new BPAL for Jessie for the moment. Thank god I didn't actually place the order and then find out I was broke! Thank goodness for small favors.




A Windfall!

I just came into a handful of money thanks to my Grampa so now I can place a rather large order!! I know that I want to submit myself for the Inquisition for sure. I don't even know if whether I'd prefer Agony or Ecstasy...except that I like the Ecstasy t-shirt....so I think I'll just leave it up to them to decide. I'm hoping I'll get what I'm meant to.......or I'll just trade until I do. Oooh and a couple of the fizzyBOOMS!! (Grr and either Seduction or Quietude...I haven't decided which yet.) Now that I have a bathtub.....!!!!!!!!!   As for the rest of my order, I'm going to order:   The Parliament of Monsters Arachnina Eshe Faiza Asp Viper Hope & Faith Meskhenet Thalassa Tiresias Zarita Priala   Abhisarika Khandita   Salon Exhibit I imp pack   And a 5ml of Anubis because I've been putting it off for far too long and I really want it.   *squee* This is going to be a fabulous order!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Mme Moriarty has just been bumped to the very tip-top of my favorites. I not only got my first bpal compliment today but I also may have enabled someone too. And not just anyone, my evil boss! How do we feel about enabling someone we don't even like. On one hand it's money for the lab but on the other, I hate her. Oh well, yay for me and my enabling ways. And yay for Mme Moriarty which proves everyday to be even more fabulous than before.





My wishlist just got crazy out of control. It's like its grown, divided and had babies like a couple of springtime rabbits. The worst part is that I'm BROKE.....yes the kind of broke that deserves capital letters, bolding and color. It's a very sad situation indeed.   I'm wearing Mme. Moriarty today and I may have fallen into deep deep love with it. It is an amazingly beautiful scent, with depth and incredible lasting power. I may have to hoard it. I have a feeling it will age in truly lovely ways. At the moment I have one lone decant so I'm being very selective. Its so strange that it even works on me at all. Plum smells like stewed prunes on me and fruit of any kind is usually a death wish anyway. And if everyone else is swooning over it, chances are its just not me. (Snake Oil, O and Smut anyone?) Who knew!   What I'm really dying for right now (I mean besides the parade of fabulouness that is the current update.) is Penny Dreadful. I got a chance to test it at our Meet N Sniff and have fallen deeply in love. I really knew that I would love it because I just can't get over how fantastic the name, concept and notes are. I mean where else but at BPAL could you even dream of finding a perfume of rich graveyard loam and noir perfume? But I suppose that is what drew me here anyway. My true favorites are almost always the really unique blends like Loviatar and Underpants. Hah talk about preaching to the choir.   Ooh I enabled the one person that I swore would never fall for BPAL! My best friend actually asked me for my imp of Delirium, which I was happy to pass along since it was in my swap pile. Unfortunately the lid broke and then I made matters worse by cracking the vial and in the end, it'll probably end up getting poured into my bath. I'm just glad that even she of the "oooooh Paris Hilton's perfume smells gooooooood" camp can be dragged in kicking and screaming. And just in case you're wondering I forbid her from buying the stuff and instead gave her one of my extra bottles of Lancome Miracle (which is smells exactly like I might add) and she is happy.   Ooh Seduction fizzies! I must have one or two or 5 million!!!!! (someone get the straight jacket, quick!)




sniffy sniffy

We Arizonans had our first successful Meet N Sniff in Mesa yesterday. It was such a treat to meet all my fellow BPAL addicts. And how cool to check out everyone's collections and swap right there. It was like Christmas!   I've been chomping at the bit lately to place another order but I have to wait until after Christmas because I am BROKE. The kind of broke that deserves those capital letters unfortunately. In the meantime, however, I've come up with a new list for my order.   5ml Penny Dreadful [1 set] Salon Exhibit 1 imp pack 5ml Lick It Again 5ml Jacob's Ladder 5ml Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller   If I can do all of those, that will be fantastic but if not, I may just go with the Yule scents and the Penny Dreadful for now. We'll see. Eeek I can't wait for the CD update!! *fidgets*




no matter what I do....all I think about is you

I have a very serious dilemma! My list of bottles that I need to buy before December 1st is seriously straining (if not trampling on) my budget. I was able to try an imp of Pumpkin Queen thanks to the fantastic portalkat so I know I want that. I've dying to try Glitter for so long, it seems sad not to scoop up a bottle with the resurrection! There are a few others that are calling to me too but I have to be strong. I'm thinking of just getting 3 bottles period. Whether that's two Queens and one Glitter or one Queen, one Glitter and another scent is another matter.....I don't even know why I want Glitter so desperately anyway. All the notes are pretty much guaranteed to not like me but there is something about wearing a scent called Glitter that is too awesome for words. Well I suppose we'll see what happens. I suppose reading the reviews might help narrow it down a bit. :sighs and trudges back to work:




yum yum yummy

I got my 13 order yesterday and I'm in heaven!! 13 is such an interesting scent. At first it starts out a bit chocolatey and then the citrus emerges and gives it an aquatic scent. I couldn't stop smelling myself! After completely drying, it became Underpants! This is like a more masculine Underpants ----> Manties! I might have to accidently spill it on that special guy!   Also in the order were Snow-flakes, Snow Maiden and my beloved Loviatar! I'm wearing the latter today and feeling particularly domineering because of it.   Now I just have to wait patiently for my next order of Lick It Again!!!!!!! *fidgets*




Christmas Order Planning

Damn all the fabulous resurrected scents! Now I'll have to totally reevaluate my order plans.   Before December 1, 2006   Pumpkin Queen (2) Yoki Onna Glasya (not sure about the dragon's blood but taking the chance anyway.) Glitter (i've wanted to try this for awhile now.)   $70.00   Before February 1, 2007   Jacob's Ladder 2006 (sounds divine) Sol Invictus Stardust 2006 (dying to try!) The Penitent Magdalen   $70.00   Holy crap, I'm going to be broke after all of this! I'm trying very hard to ignore Purple Phoenix because it is pretty much guaranteed to not work for me and I'm trying not to buy it anyway. I'm also not counting anything that I fall in love with and need more of because I'm expecting that will happen at least once.




broke but smellin' good

I'm pretty broke right now which leaves me jonesin' for a little retail therapy. Instead of causing further damage to already bruised wallet, I'm going to do a little advanced planning for my next order which will have to include some Christmas gifts...but also a handful of nice things for me!   Pumpkin Queen (I adore pumpkin but Jack hated me and according to reviews, this isn't at all like Jack. I thought I'd give it a try!) Lick It Again (I'm really not a foodie person but this sounds so yummy, I just have to try it! The thought of smelling like a sugary candy cane definitely has it's allure.) Jacob's Ladder 2006 (This sounds perfectly wonderful although I'm not sure if I want to get this now or later. I suppose it will depend upon my budget at order time.) I want something from the GC but I haven't decided which one yet. I was thinking about getting something appropriate for cold weather but I can't decide yet. I'm thinking Sloth, Black Rose or Anubis. My friend Leslie gets an imp pack but I haven't decided if I want to get her a mix of love potions or the Salon set. Because of my budget, I'd have to split up the Salon set between her and someone else. If I did the love potions set I'd probably do; Lucy's Kiss, Whip, Les Petite Mort, Libertine, Les Bijoux, and Snake Oil. It will be fun. I'll be gift-giving and enabling all in one fell swoop. Glorious!   I was also thinking of using imps as random extras with gifts so I'll have to acquire a few for that purpose. Maybe the Wanderlust with different scents for those interested in various places. Actually I have an idea! I should make a spa package for my cousins based on where they like to go. A Kyoto/Neo-Toyko/Kabuki one for my cousin Mindy (who lived in Japan) with some candles and bath stuff along that theme. All cherry blossoms and pink!   I love Christmas planning!




you know you're obsessed when....

I dreamt last night that I was at someone's house and they were otherwise occupied so I got into their BPAL! They had all sorts of the new scents that I was dying to try (Pumpkin Queen) and so I had a lovely time sniffing my way through.   That's all I remember but isn't that a lovely dream!   Pumpkin Queen smelled lovely by the way.




pending orders

I'd really like to place an order right now but I can't....not for a couple weeks at least. I'm a bit broke right now. But because I can't resist plotting future orders, here is what I'm planning.   Next order: Pumpkin Queen (yes I'm caving!), Jacob's Ladder, Knecht Ruprecht, a 5ml of Sloth and maybe an imp pack of the Salon scents.   I want to have some nice warm, spiced scents for Autumn (my favorite season) and then I'll start planning my winter scents.   Winter order: Stardust, Lick It Again (!!!!), The Winter of our Discontent for sure and then something for a good friend who I'm trying to push nudge over into the dark side. Although I don't know what scent I should get her....maybe an imp pack to try??   Okay seriously, back to work.




long time no obsess

Well not really, I'm always fighting the urge to buy buy buy and I'm sure many of you sympathize with me there. I just placed two orders that I'm dying to finally get! The first one consists of; Lucy Westenra, The Carpathian Mountains (because how awesome is it to have Dracula-themed scents), Dia De Los Muertos 2006 (my only Halloweenie scent) and three CD scents; Carnival Diabolique, Midnight on the Midway and The Candy Butcher. These will be my first CD scents so I'm super super excited about it! I feel like I'm the only one not talking about them!   My next order is a bit more conservative and includes; 13 (because I couldn't resist), a 5ml of Loviatar and two Yules (Snow Maiden and Snowflakes) that I hope work on me although I don't have high hopes. It's funny, I have a zillion imps waiting for me to try, I belong to the GC swap circle AND I still haven't made up my mind about the Dark Moons and yet here I am needing more! I guess I'm just crazy.   I've been trying, rather unsuccessfully to get a few local friends equally obsessed but so far, nothing. I even bring out the imps when people come over and have them sniff! What's wrong with these people!? I'm planning a party for this Saturday to break in my brand new apartment and (ultimately) seduce a guy I know and I'm not only planning food and drinks but also scent.......do I want to go sexy or innocent? I'm thinking of using Red Lantern, Underpants, Loviatar or Alice. Red Lantern and Loviatar might be a bit overpowering and Underpants maybe too sweet but I feel like Alice is an everyday scent and not so much party material. I suppose it all depends on what I want to project; decadence, sex, dominance or innocence.....although Loviatar might give me some much needed confidence and maybe I could layer it on top of Follow Me Boy or #20 Love Oil for extra oomph. I just can't believe more people don't understand the importance of the right scent for the right occasion. Hasn't anyone else heard that adage; you wear clothes for other women but you wear scent for a man. I don't know if he's a scent guy at all but it can't hurt to have that in my corner.   And I'm done preaching to the choir.




Projected Order List-just for my info :)

Ima gonna be a baaaaad girl!   [2] Chaos Theory 30.00 [1] AL-A-GA-ZAM 250.00 (!!!!!!!!!!!)   by August 15 Total: 280.00   [1] Salon Imp Pack 82.00 [1] Panacea Imp Pack 42.00   Imps of: Lyonesse, Kumari Kandam, Cockaigne, Yerevan, Uruk, Tenochtitlan, Pontarlier, Manhattan, The Hanging Gardens, Gomorrah, The Jersey Devil, Leanan Sidhe, Tavern of Hell, Bathsheba, Les Bijoux, Queen of Sheba, Salome, Caliban   [3] Imp Packs 58.50   [1] 5ml Eden 14.50 [1] 5ml Loviatar 14.50




on the subject of obsession

True Story: I was yet again waxing poetic on BPAL to a guy at work and like always, he was ignoring me. I knew that he was thinking of a truly fitting description of my insanity so I simply said, "Hey Robert. You know how you feel about those grass plugs you just planted in your lawn? Well that's how I feel about perfume." Suddenly the planets aligned, pure light rained down from the heavens, for a moment the world made sense and we understood each other. What a great moment.     He still thinks I'm crazy though but I certainly don't blame him!             P.S. My sister had a girl yesterday!! Yay! I now have two nieces and one nephew and I'm in Auntie heaven!




feelin' arty-farty

I've been a very bad girl today. I called in sick for work so that I could sleep all day. I guess we all need a break once in awhile but I still feel really guilty about it. I do think that it was necessary for my mental health. Now I'm just ignoring my phone and watching old episodes of X-Files. If it sounds like a slice of heaven, it is.   I know that everyone else is in the same boat, waiting for any sign that the lab is sending out orders regularly again but I may really be going insane with the excitement. I'm also concerned about it making it here before I leave on June 7 since then I'll be gone until August 8 and won't be able to sniff the goodies. I was also counting on having my 10 ml of Alice to take with me. I can't even soothe my restless urges by placing an order because I don't want it to get here while I'm gone! Oh the unbearable pain of it all! /melodrama   I have a few more signature icons that I made in a fit of photoshop-foo. Take them and enjoy with no credit needed but please don't hotlink.     Back to avoiding the world for awhile longer.




what's that smell?!

It's another dull and rather long day at work but it matters not when I'm wearing teh Underpants. The only thing that I'm sad about is it's quick-fade tendencies. I also don't feel like anyone can even smell it. I haven't gotten one compliment and gosh darn it, it smells fabulous on me! I know that I'm a scent addict but I'm always noting when people smell good and I tell them too. A delicious smell can totally make an otherwise yuckerific day and so I like to appreciate those that brighten my days. Eh...I'm sure it's just me that's weird. I was actually thinking about my obsession with smell the other day. I have the keenest sense of smell and I often associate different smells with moments in my life or places I've been to. I remember things based on their smell more so than what they actually look like. I know that it comes from my childhood. I had a super weak bladder as a kid so essentially I always smelled like pee which isn't all that great for making friends. Once I got over that phase, I became absolutely obsessed with being clean and smelling good. I also think it comes from my mom who is constantly remarking on how things smell. It's kind of interesting how your childhood shapes the rest of your life and how it can have such a huge impact on such seemingly natural things like how we use our senses.   I think that's enough rambling, I just thought that you all would sympathize with my general whinning....or not but what can I do?




bpal makes me do bad things.

You tell yourself that you won't do certain things. You draw the line and swear not to cross it. I learned, however, that some scents will cause me to throw all of my principles out the windown and turn me into a raving slobbering maniac bent on obtaining it at all costs. I don't know how else to justify paying 3X what an oil was originally worth. *sigh* Well, at least I will use and enjoy it. I did it all for the Underpants. Would you have done the same?   I'm still waiting patiently for my Dragon Moon order, t-shirt and oil! Well okay, not so patiently but I'm trying to restrain myself from checking my e-mail every 5 seconds. It's difficult but I'm managing.   And now I must do a little cleaning because I'm currently living in a pigsty. And I'm going to have a diet coke and think long and hard about what I've done........


