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BPAL Madness!
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Ah, one of my favourite things to do: making this list! The Great He-Goat Butterscotch Balls and Black Beetles Jolly Roger Bloodlust (would love a bottle) Brusque Violet (would love a bottle) Prunella Ochosi and Obatala Brown Jenkin (would love a bottle) Incantation (would love a bottle) Liadain and Curithir Jack Whoso List to Hunt Tezcatlipoca Intrigue Lyonesse Black Pearl   Grog Dragon's Blood Beer from the Marsh Woman's Brewery Death and the Grave-Digger Drink Me   La Petit Mort Anne Bonny OPS How Doth the Little Crocodile The Lion A Countenance Foreboding Evil Chaos Theory Strange Attractors DCCXIII Burial Lawful, Half-elf, Ranger and Neutral Al-Shairan Bliss   White Rabbit Dragon's Hide Mary Read Mandrake Pain Alice Van Van Blockbuster Whitechapel




Now about these things we promised not to write..

Nothing sexually orientated, profane (what does that mean? I think it's an Americanism for swearing but it sounds a bit medieval; I'm afraid I'm not planning religious stuff - much) - and various other things. Which all sounded a bit un-BPAL, though I guess I do really know what the mod's are getting at. I had no intention of writing anything like that until I was told not to   Anyway, I'm chuffed to bits that I've figured out how to write a more free-form thing here, away from the forums. Not that they aren't great, but I do have a tendency to rattle on.... And I am prepared for the fact that nobody reads these things. Doesn't bother me in the slightest, solipsistic wench that I am.   Right, now to what I really wanted to write, which is just a quick note about the Halloween oils. I hate the word Weenies. Meh. So... thoughts.   I love the sound of the idea and the notes of Samhain, but I'll wait to see some reviews on how the balance of this year's version works out. I'm not keen on apple in things - though I love the smell for real, and in a kitchen, but when I've detected it in oils it's always put me off for some reason.   Bonfire, has just got my name on it. I adore fire and autumn and bonfires, and Guy Fawkes' night (although as an ex-Catholic and pacifist I'm a bit uneasy about some of it). Still. I was nervous about the beer note until I tried a frimp of Beer From the Marsh Woman's Kitchen and just adored it, so that's fine too. Can't wait, and I will have a bottle, damn it! (does that count as profane?) Sugar Skull - sounded grim from the name. I'm squeamish about skulls and not keen on sugary flavours, but then I read a few reviews - oooh caramel, and raw sugar -well, this has to be done. No question.   I'm put off most of the others by ideas of melancholy, sadness and blood. I find that blends with that atmosphere lack something that, emotionally I despise but apparently I find olfactory essential. Harrumph. My nose is a right Pollyanna   So there we go. I can't afford 3 bottles but if the reviews of Samhain sounds good I shall find a way. Just as well Bub is :DGC!



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