Etsy: Please note that this wishlist includes a load of "if I win the lottery" things that I will buy when I'm rich!
Amazon: - please ignore any Pandora charms on there!
BPAL/BPTP: in my signature
would you like a scarf? If so, colors, length, iwide or skinny? Bulky yarn or thin and slinky?? No thank you, I've got far too many. The only knit/crochet thing I have need for is mid calf socks
How about some dishcloths, for the kitchen? Or spa cloths for the bathroom? If so, which? Any particular colors?? No thank you
Would you like any of Cat Coven's Halloween goods? It's her original artwork based on medieval art. (It's a limited edition of everything, so hopefully things arent sold out yet.) The Spring Awakening zip bags, the Cat Dragon print, the Leave Me Alone print above all others, the Marginalia crew (2XL)
Look at The Green Salmon's webpage The Green Salmon - do you fancy any of the teas, coffees etc? It's a favorite place for me to stop on the coast, and I'll take any excuse to drive to the ocean. The Na Na Na Na Bat Blend! or Campfire Blend in whole beans. I would have liked to try the hemp infused coffee but I think customs will have a fit
What are your favorite halloween/samhain treats to eat? Please be specific. I have access to various candy stores, including healthy candy lol. Tablet and fudge always go down well, love cherry, vanilla, chocolate, salted caramel
Would you like any of these Snag Halloween tights? And if so, which of their sizes? (my question, I've grabbed what I like)
Also is there anything you would particularly like from the UK? - A properly left wing/green government. Membership of the EU. (It's my question ? )
What Halloween things off RedBubble do you like? Share link if possible. Cathulu tee: or Miskatonic U tee: (V neck, 2xl and charcoal heather)
Is there anything you might want from Japan? Snacks (autumn flavors are out~), nerdy stuff, cute stuff anything! Cute cat or Ghibli stuff, shiso pepper, old kimono fabric, little soup bowls, very shallow bowls or triangular plates (had some once but all broken now ), gansai pigment set
is there anything being removed from site or a virtual con scent you are interested in trying? No thank you
Moonalisa.....she just released her new Halloween scents, lip balm, candles, and soaps, want anything? ( No thank you
I was wondering whether Tim Tams in any incarnation would tempt my witchee? They would not
On the less sweet side, are there any other Australian things you might be tempted by? Something savoury? Not sure what is available
Do you enjoy fanfic? I would be happy to write something for you, and/or read/comment upon/gush over thing(s) you've written, if that's something you'd enjoy... Not my sort of thing
Would you appreciate rare TAL decant(s) in 1 mL amber roll-on bottle(s)? Yes if it was appropriate
How do you feel about enamel pins? If positively, which fandoms or topics would you like? I like them but I never wear them
I make lightweight hairfalls, the kind that can be attached to a pony tail or to pig tails. They are good for those of us that are more tender-headed. I use a variety of materials like shibori ribbon, and puffy yarns and pieces of lace and silk. You can use them for every day or as part of your Weenie costume. Is this of interest to you? If so tell me what length, what color(s) and if you want one for a pony tail or two for pig tails. No thank you
During my recent travels I got to experience the incredible delight of Serge Luten perfumers here in Paris (imagine if the Lab and Anna Sui made babies inside a Cadbury Cream Egg decorated with stained glass windows've come close to the experience of being in that shop). Anyway, after spending gobs of monies, they loaded me up with delectable samples of their insanely expensive wares- do you want some??? I would love to try
Haus Of Gloi just had their Halloween update! Anything appeal to you? Refresher sprays - Hex, Kitchen Witch, Apple Milk
I just came across this Etsy shop (TheGrayMuse) and I WILL BE ORDERING and wondering if you would like something from there as well? Not the flowers but the colour wheel keychain is awesome
Future Primitive Soaps has released it's fall stuff. Would you like anything from there dearest witchee? I will be putting an order in as soon as I know who my witchee is - I have a permanent discount there so better for me to get it
I harvested some elderberries yesterday and I have a lot more out there, so I made a batch of elderberry syrup. Would you appreciate a 4oz bottle of it? no thank you
Do you want anything from Sea Witch Botanicals (I can buy it locally from shops)? Incense sticks and a burner (Quoth the Raven or Hermitage)
Hirons Drug Store - which is basically an Unbelievable place to browse for every kind of eclectic, fun, spooky, weird, and even useful thing you could want - so tell me some Odds And Ends of things you like or want, I know this is open ended, sorry - - gadgetry, stickers, toys, pens, costumery, snacks, decoration, kitchen stuff, etc - One time my witch got me an awesome skull headed dish brush with 'crystal' eyes and after about a decade it died, I'd love another
Gift Certificates you'd like to places that are local to you? Cowling & Wilcox art supplies
How do you feel about ILNP nail polish and what are your favs from the new Cosmos collection and any others on their site?? No nail polish - my nails are, quite frankly, buggered since chemo and will never be good again
Would you be interested in anything from Alobudra? No thank you
are there any more “traditional” Japanese souvenirs you’d like to have (think chopsticks, tenugui, washi paper, etc.)? Little ceramic bowls, gansai pigments
Would you like to try Brujita Skincare ? (Ignore the out of stock except for In Your Room collection and Inner Child Ritual candle.) No thank you
Would you be interested in any jewelry or other items made with tiny bones from this shop? There are some Halloween themed ones: No thank you
If you like tea, is there anything you would like from Bird & Blend? - this was my question ?
BloomChic - just discovered them - Take a look at the Halloween stuff, and tell me the link and the size of whatever thing you like! Size 1X grey in this:
Poesie Tea! Do you like? Some of my favorites are from this company. - no thank you
Would you like anything from Trader Joe's? (Pumpkin products are, sadly, not in stores yet, but they will be during this round!)
Do you have any Halloween traditions? No
What about Halloween-related fandoms? (ie. The Nightmare Before Christmas) Does Sandman count?
non-U.S folks!!! We always end up asking what we'd like from your exotic-to-us locales, but do you have any wishes for things from the States? I do love Goldfish crackers
I make things from thrifted sweaters that I cut up & make things from. Do you like armwarmers? yes
Long or short? wider and medium - I like long but I'm short!
Solid color ( elegant) or funky stripes made from multiple sweaters? Stripes
Fave colors? Jewel brights, black & grey
Is cashmere okay? Yes
Wool & related blends? ( I never use scratchy wool for arm warmers.) Yes
Do you like buttons used decoratively? Yes
I also do coiled & sewn rope work- it's functional art I wrap the rope in fabric & add appliques. I just had my first art show with these- bowls, trivets ( that can hang on the wall when not in use), coasters. Is this something you'd like ? Probably not for me
What sort of Halloween fabric? Whimsical? Witchy, bats, mushrooms, moths? Moths, bats
How gothy do you like? Not completely over the top but I do like it
have velvets & sparkly stuff to work with too. What is your preference witchee? I like velvets, not so much on the sparkly as it always seems to shed
How do you feel about cherry things? Check out Cherry Republic and let me know if anything catches your eye! Most things I like won't travel well or are too heavy (CHerriyaki Sauce!), but cherry shortbread and Michigan Minnows look good
Similarly, are you into fancy flavors of olive oil or vinegar? Check out Fustini's and let me know if anything appeals! Herbs de Provence or Persian Lime oils, and the Bourbon Maple Syrup
We also have an awesome store for jams and sauce, American Spoon which you should totally check out! Smoky Corn Salsa looks so good but it would be too heavy
Would you like some locally sourced maple syrup? Always
Finally, I live in a place known for fudge. Do you like it and/or are their flavors you particularly like? My favorite shop is Murdick's if you need to see a flavor list. Fudge is always awesome - Butter Pecan, Butterscotch, Cherry, German Chocolate, Maple Bourbon Pecan, Penuche, Chocolate Espresso or Turtle would be awesome
Anything from the IKEA Halloween store catch your witchy eye? Thos pumpkin string lights I own the Magical Nature Tarot and love the feel of the cards. They have candles and teas and tinctures and books of the activist or witchy sort. Anything you see that you'd like? No thank you
I live near a Penzey's Spice
- do you cook? yes
- Do you want fancy schmancy spices or spice blends? yes - Sunny Paris or Fox Point herb blends, Sichuan Pepper if they have it.
- Do you have a favorite alternative source that you prefer and or recommend? For example egads I am asking lots of Qs Curio Spice Co, Diaspora etc do ethically sourced spices.
- If you cook is there a type of cuisine you are interested in learning more about and would appreciate a starter pack of spices for that type of cooking? No thank you
Colourpop's Haunted Mansion collection dropped today.
If you're interested in makeup or skin care, are you interested in anything from Colourpop? No thank you
Anything of interest from Cellar Door? (They have candles and soaps.)
Are you into wax melts, candles, incense, room sprays, or none of the above?
Would you like anything from Luvmilk's Monster Mash?
I dye yarn. Are you a person who crafts with such? What fiber, weights, and colors would tickle your fancy? Would you rather have two different 100g skeins or enough of the same something for a bigger project? Not my sort of thing
Provided my experiments work, would you be interested in a bar of homemade tallow soap? I promise I will not send you anything particularly suspect, so this is entirely contingent upon my competence. No thank you
Do homemade caramels or shortbread tickle your fancy? Shortbread would, caramels sadly damage my teeth
What are your chocolate preferences? White, milk, dark? What inclusions (fruit, nuts, none, etc.)? Milk or white, fruit, honeycomb, very small bits of nut but not whole nuts
I make mixed media art (like collaging kinda). Is a mixed media art piece (small like an altoids tin or small canvas) something you'd be interested in? Maybe a little tin for imps or medication
What music platform do you use (Spotify, Apple Music, Pandora, etc.)? Do you like receiving music recommendations? I use Apple Music
Would you appreciate a pair of hand knit socks. If yes, would you like them in a particular colour? Yes, all the socks! I like them calf length but loose around the calf, and I love stripes or teal, green, blue, purple colour ways
What type of spooky season imagery do you like? (Ie. bats, ghosts, vintage Halloween, etc.) bats
Astrid's Autumn Line and Anniversary Tea Party just dropped. Anything you want? No thank you
Homemade and preserved food goodies - Which of these things would you like my dear witchie? All are organic and grown or made by me.
sun-dried heirloom tomatoes - yes
dried ancho chile peppers - can be whole halves or ground into a delicious powder - ground but customs might freak
sugar-free candied pecans and walnuts or almonds - no
gourmet quality fudge in many flavors (formerly from my ETSY shop which I had to close until I have my own home again) please give me an idea the kinds of flavors you like. My more popular ones are Penuche, Choc & PB, Pumpkin pie, Forest fruit (with cherries, blueberries and cranberries), Vegan chocolate - Penuche fudge, salted caramel, coffee, rum & raisin
dried italian plums (pitted) - no
sugar-free canned plum or logan berry jam - no
freshly dried rosemary, thyme, basil, parsley individually or in combo - no
almond flour baked goods (low carb, sugar free, and gluten free) - give me examples of savory and sweet things you'd like - shortbread, cookies, cheese sticks
Might you like a witch hat? Later this month I'm taking a class at an area museum where I'm supposed to decorate 2 hats. Also I crochet wicked cute witchy hats. - no thank you
Do you see anything here that interests you? They have dry shampoos, whipped soaps, awesome hand cream, linen spray, sugar scrubs and perfume. - room spray in Hansel, Bear Hug or Enigma
Anything you want from my favorite local tea shop? - I like chai but prefer teabags
How about from my skincare person? no thank you
How about from my witchy Chandler? - Some of the candles look lovely but I don't dare have open flames around my stupid cats
It's also that time of year where I make handmade soap (usually with calendula infused olive oil, tallow, oatmeal and honey) and candles (feel free to specify color and size, I don't usually scent them, but I do have a clover and apple scent I've been wanting to play with). I can also annoint and dress candles with TALs and herbs. Any interest? No thank you
I also grow herbs which can be culinary or magical. I'd be happy to prepare a smudge or dry some herbs for your enjoyment. I currently have oregano (yellow and standard), mugwort, thyme, sage (purple or garden), tea peppermint, chives, lovage, plantain, comfrey, raspberry leaf, and yarrow. I'm probably forgetting something. No thank you
I also make salves! My go to in an arnica, calendula and comfrey mix for healing wounds or chapped skin. This can also be used on pet paws. We do have barely enough time that I could do a custom infusion. Arnica, calendula and comfrey mix sounds great
Anything in the Paintbox Soapworks Halloween update looking good to you? Let me In At Your Window hot process soap (I don't really like her glycerin soaps these days)
If you have a furry friend living with you, what sort of treats do they like? One likes dangly things on a stick, the other two like plushies and little stuffed toys. No catnip please!
What is your feelings on seasonal mugs? Yes or, no? Too many in your house or bring them on?? Probably too many in our house
Are your wishlists - Amazon, Etsy, etc - up to date, and if so, are they all linked somewhere that I can find them? yes
Do you have anything you use every day that you wouldnt mind getting more of? Good quality spatulas, fine line black pens, cool notebooks
Anything you love or need to have from Adagio or Rishi teas? Chai teas in teabags
List here things you wish you would've added to your questionnaire - I forgot to list that I would love art supplies - canvases, interesting watercolour paper, a beginners oil paints set, brushes
Nocturne Alchemy just dropped their Halloween update! You like the looks of anything? I'd be interested to try Masquerade RA
Is there anything you would like from the Weenie update? My most wanted are:
Is He, You Know?
Things Are Fine
October Bonfire Linen Spray
Pumpkin Incense Linen Spray
Halloween Cat
How do you feel about stickers? If positively, are there any themes you'd rather not have stickers of? No thank you
What about crystals, cool rocks, and gemstones? I keep meaning to get an amethyst geode but that's all
How do you feel about Squishmallows and Squishables? (They have mini and micro sizes for those who like cute plushies but don't have a lot of space.) Not really my thing
Would you wear enamel pins with chains that are meant to be put on lapels? (Something like this.) No thank you
Speaking of enamel pins... The Pickety Witch's Autumn and Halloween collection just dropped. Has anything caught your eye? Poison Garden tank (2XL), Lucipurr and Baphy plushes, the vampire bat pin
I used to make mobiles out of paper cranes, would you appreciate something like this? if so, what size restrictions do you have, if any? ie., should it take up less space vertically or horizontally? color palette preference? A garland type thing of cranes would be nice but nowhere left to hang mobile type things
ordering bulbs from and was wondering if my witchee would like some. If you were i the UK then yes, but as it stands you're not allowed to ship over here
Would you like something like "sock arms" if I find time to craft? (Sometimes I make a pattern called Toast or Toasty {one has a thumb the other is just a tube} here are other photos from my blog: ) Toast!
-- If so what sort of colors? Jewel colours, stripes, rainbows
Witchee, what's your take on seasonal-themed Washi tape? It's cute but I hardly ever use it
What about seasonal treats from Trader Joe's? Maybe, no idea what there is!
I make gluten-free biscotti this time of year, lemon and also cocoa varieties: does this sound good to you? No thank you
Would you like me to make a music mix for you? I kick it old school with a burned CD. If you're into this, name at least 3 to 5 genres of music you already love, or are interested to explore more of! No thank you, no CD player
Anything here you like? Oh so many! - Old Dreams Waiting, Membrane Mono, Spiralling Out of Time, Magic Hours, We Drift Like Floating Embers pics
Anything you'd like from my Ren Fest? There is an outstanding garlic based shop I'll be going to next weekend, for my annual stock up of their spice blends & garlic oil blends. Any other Renny stuff that you like? Always up for garlic oil but probably difficult to ship
know we are looking at a lot of candles, but if you are into looking at more (and it is ok to say you are not), do any of these strike your fancy? No candles for me because stupid cats
(Feel free to take a look at their current and signature scents too but I wanted to highlight these fundraiser scents first!)
f you are a person who appreciates tarot and oracle decks, do you have a strong preference about receiving new ones vs gently/barely used? No thank you
Are you a Studio Ghibli fan, and if so, what are your feelings about fan made art featuring characters? I am a fan of Ghibli but unsure about fan art
Want anything from LUSH? Here's the link specifically to their Halloween drop ( BUT, feel free to peruse all of it. No thank you, I have a shop just down the road
Part 2 of the Autumnal/Halloween drop from Haus of Gloi is coming this weekend- take a look and see if anything is compelling! (fall part 2 is live on Sunday, here is a list of what is coming: Nothing seems to be right for me
Also, I live in Philly and will use ANY reason to spend time at the Mütter Museum- anything of interest (including, but not limited to, the well-loved BPAL exclusive for the museum, Ü?) Marie Curie or Plague Doctor keyring, Mutter collection 2xl tee, the Pencil packs, and of course Umlaut perfume
If you are so inclined, do you want or need any natural items or ingredients for spellwork that could be collected from forests, ocean, fields or stream? I also have access to oak gall ink and various other esoteric substances. No thank you
Are you a fan of the show Cobra Kai? I'm not
Do you enjoy any of the scented items from Victoria's Secret? No thank you
Would you be interested in receiving a silver locket with papyrus and herbs inside, as a protective amulet? Yes
So Witchee mine, are you a spellworker? - any interest in acorns from a tree known as The Mother Oak at my Ren Fest grounds. It is the biggest tree I've ever seen in MI. It is cared for by tree scientists from MSU. It is the mom to every other oak on the grounds. Saturday is Mabon & I will go & gather acorns before the park opens to patrons as I do each year. But this time it's actual Mabon. So Witchee dearest, would you like some? Not for me thank you
Witchee, do you like anything from Lenny Mud? I wish I had room for more mugs as some of those are excellent, but I really don't
From previous questions you've answered, I know a lot about the teas you'd like from specific places, but I want to know your more general tea preferences. Black, green, white, rooibos, oolong, herbal? Black tea only
- Japan is particularly big on their green tea and hojicha (roasted green tea), any interest?
- My partner has given me an extraordinary amount of rooibos from South Africa. It's amazing and I'd like to share, so would you like some?
despite being uk based I’m probably gonna have to make a torrid order because I fell in. Anything catch your eye while I’m doing it?
This tee:
This tee:
This hoodie:
Etsy: Please note that this wishlist includes a load of "if I win the lottery" things that I will buy when I'm rich!
Amazon: - please ignore all the Pandora charms on there!
Would you like to receive Girl Scout cookies and if so, what kind is your favorite? I have no idea what any of these are like
Would you like a Gnome amigurumi? (smol knitted or crocheted gnome) Yes
-- if so, What gnome colors appeal to you? (three-four colors please) Blue, green, purple, teal, red
-- do any of these patterns appeal to you (I pretty much have all of them including the ones for humans but I'm not going to make a colorwork sweater for you, sorry. I *might* make a hat or mitts if you like grey, blue, and red as shown because I already have that yarn.) Gnome de Plume, Go Big or Go Gnome hat, Oh Gnome You Didn't
How about Gnome tea towel(s)? No thank you
Would you like a cross stitched gnome picture / ornament? If it was a teeny picture
What's your favorite way to experience Nature? A hike in the woods, a day lounging on the beach, only as screen savers on your computer? Alone in a deciduous forest or alone on a bleak windswept Northumbrian beach
what kinds of safety and environmental concerns need to be considered for your gnome so they can safely reside at your home? will they live outdoors so they need to be weatherproof (for what kind of weather)? will they be indoors and need to be pet or child-safe? do they need to be very tiny or capable of hanging on a wall? tiny or wall hanging or small plush to be appropriated by the cats (but no catnip please)
How do you feel about zombie or other horror gnomes? Not unless it was a small plush intended for use as a cat toy
Do you need any seeds? If so what varieties might you be interested in? Flowers, veg, herbs.. ? I love veg seeds but they mustn't be sent from the US over to Europe (aka we stole your corn & potatoes and now we're good!)
Would you like feathers from my Peacock, Gary (short for Gyrados)? The cats would destroy them
if BPAL is one of your treasures, which BPAL would you like the mostest? (Maybe one that is available right now from BPAL and one Limited Edition/Discontinued?) Goblin Sack or the current Swine Killing lunacy one!
Would you like to receive Girl Scout cookies and if so, what kind is your favorite?
Would you like a Gnome amigurumi? (smol knitted or crocheted gnome)
-- if so, What gnome colors appeal to you? (three-four colors please)
-- do any of these patterns appeal to you (I pretty much have all of them including the ones for humans but I'm not going to make a colorwork sweater for you, sorry. I *might* make a hat or mitts if you like grey, blue, and red as shown because I already have that yarn.)
How about Gnome tea towel(s)?
Would you like a cross stitched gnome picture / ornament?
What's your favorite way to experience Nature? A hike in the woods, a day lounging on the beach, only as screen savers on your computer?
what kinds of safety and environmental concerns need to be considered for your gnome so they can safely reside at your home? will they live outdoors so they need to be weatherproof (for what kind of weather)? will they be indoors and need to be pet or child-safe? do they need to be very tiny or capable of hanging on a wall?
How do you feel about zombie or other horror gnomes?
Do you need any seeds? If so what varieties might you be interested in? Flowers, veg, herbs.. ?
Would you like feathers from my Peacock, Gary (short for Gyrados)?
if BPAL is one of your treasures, which BPAL would you like the mostest? (Maybe one that is available right now from BPAL and one Limited Edition/Discontinued?)
If you are a tea drinker, which (if any) of these teas tickle your fancy? I don't drink much tea these days
would you like a tiny hand drawn gnome picture? This is my question
Is homemade vanilla something you might like? I have a "Mother Jar" that I can decant from. These beans have been steeping for 2 years in a very nice bourbon. Sounds lovely
Are there any colors you would prefer your gnome not to have? Yellows and pinks
If the creativity bites, would you possibly like a small embroidered gnome? Could be an ornament? Any gender preference or details you might like added (small mushroom, bee, heart or egg...)? Yes, mushrooms or bees
Do you have a need for cheese knife? No but that's lovely!
I'll be in Seattle next week- any treat you might enjoy from the PNW? Spoopy/ Gothy things? Nice coffee beans? A Nirvana t-shirt...? Seattle chocolate - the filled kind
I'll be back in Disney World next month- anything you might like from Epcot or Hollywood Studios? Not my sort of thing
Would you be interested in a small copper nature totem that could nestle in your garden or amongst your plants? I can do some chasing to create a mushroom or a leaf or a special bug fren... yes, any of those
Would you be interested in a decorative pillow or zippered pouch featuring a gnomely figure? like this? or a little coin purse? or please tell me to make this because oh my gods... That last one is quite cute
I have an angora rabbit and she's currently molting. Would you like rabbit fur for spinning, felting, or other crafty uses? No thank you, I have a cat that does that!
Do you need any spices? Not really, I have an awful lot
How would you feel about gnome-inspired clothing? Socks maybe
Does anything, scent and / or product-wise, catch your eye from the Haus of Gloi summer drop? ( [you're free to pick stuff NOT from Summer as well, of course! ] Beguiled Refresher Spray, whipped soap in Beguiled, Sanctum or Asperitas
Yes, the rumors are true- I'll be in Paris this summer! Tell me up to five things you'd be happy to get from there, including any specific teas from Dammann Freres, my favorite french tea shop! ( Those fancy fruit jellies or marrons glace? But if you're in Paris, pop over to London!
I recently discovered Khamila Luna and plan to place an order soon to get a present for my roommate. Is there anything you'd like from them? Coconut Lime or Vanilla Raspberry scrubs
is there any small gift from mother nature that you'd like me see if I can source for you from old forests? I feel like there is but I can't work out what!
do you wear rings on all your fingers? how about a range smallest to largest? I think my questionnaire answered this
If your Sprite were to gift you magical items or workings... a) Would you be interested in that? b) If so, what intention(s) would you appreciate most? Not for me, thanks
Would you be interested in a set of (rpg) dice? If so, what colors/aesthetic? I have a lot of really nice dice and a bag to put them in, and I still laze out and roll on my phone
What's your favorite creature? Cat, octopus, lizard
Do you like reading comics? If you haven't really read 'em, would you be interested in receiving a few that match your book genre preferences? We have a stupidly large collection already
I'm headed to Puerto Rico in July - anything particularly interesting you would like from there? Maybe an interesting spice blend?
Would you be interested in receiving a small bottle of home infused whiskey aged from commercially produced moonshine? Any particular flavors you might enjoy (examples include orange chai or cinnamon chocolate or hot peppers)? Yes but I don't think you can ship internationally
Would you be interested in homemade shortbread that fits your flavor preferences? Yes, absolutely
If your bday is during the swap, how are you planning to celebrate? Probably a nice meal from
Likewise, how do you celebrate relevant spiritual holidays in this time period? n/a
Anything you want from the UK? A better, more responsible government that feeds its people instead of wasting a billion pounds on a party for the richest woman in the country? Please?
Seeds, y/n? I can only have them from the UK/EU I think. I always love organic (not F1) veg seeds
Are you interested in skincare/shampoo/conditioner? No, I have quite a lot. Shower gel is the only thing like that I need
Are you interested in tights? If so, what thickness, style, and size? No thanks, I have loads and yet never wear them
Do you use tarot decks? Would you like to receive more - and if so, can you list the ones you already have? Not for me
What do you think of the art on this website? I love the Night Garden cat and blue mushroom prints
Is loose leaf tea good, or do you prefer bagged? I prefer bagged
I make arm warmers. I make them from sweaters I thrifted. They can be all one color, or stripes of different colors. They can be long, to the elbows, or shorter.
If you would like a pair, tell me your favorite colors. Solids are more generally elegant, Stripes can be as wildly funky as you wish. Long? Short? Cashmere? Tell me your fingerless mitts arm warmer dreams. - Stripes, shorter length, and blue/green/purple or rainbow
PBSW Summer collection is live!!! Anything catch your eye? - not at the moment
It's farmers market season in town and I have loads of lovely local artisans to shop from. Would you be interested in items from any of the following?
The Rod Homestead (I love this one I helped fund her commercial kitchen) - lemon thyme salt or raspberry orange syrup
Working Class Coffee - no thank you
Philly Nuts - onion & garlic cashews, buffalo ranch cashews, tequila lime pistachios, pineapple habanero cashews
222 Creations - no thank you
Carol's Epiphany - no thank you
Does anything, scent and / or product-wise, catch your eye from the Haus of Gloi summer drop? ( [you're free to pick stuff NOT from Summer as well, of course! ]
Yes, the rumors are true- I'll be in Paris this summer! Tell me up to five things you'd be happy to get from there, including any specific teas from Dammann Freres, my favorite french tea shop! (
I recently discovered Khamila Luna and plan to place an order soon to get a present for my roommate. Is there anything you'd like from them?
is there any small gift from mother nature that you'd like me see if I can source for you from old forests?
do you wear rings on all your fingers? how about a range smallest to largest?
If your Sprite were to gift you magical items or workings... a) Would you be interested in that? b) If so, what intention(s) would you appreciate most?
Would you be interested in a set of (rpg) dice? If so, what colors/aesthetic?
What's your favorite creature?
Do you like reading comics? If you haven't really read 'em, would you be interested in receiving a few that match your book genre preferences?
I'm headed to Puerto Rico in July - anything particularly interesting you would like from there?
Would you be interested in receiving a small bottle of home infused whiskey aged from commercially produced moonshine? Any particular flavors you might enjoy (examples include orange chai or cinnamon chocolate or hot peppers)?
Would you be interested in homemade shortbread that fits your flavor preferences?
If your bday is during the swap, how are you planning to celebrate?
Likewise, how do you celebrate relevant spiritual holidays in this time period?
Anything you want from the UK?
Seeds, y/n?
Are you interested in skincare/shampoo/conditioner?
Are you interested in tights? If so, what thickness, style, and size?
Do you use tarot decks? Would you like to receive more - and if so, can you list the ones you already have?
What do you think of the art on this website?
Is loose leaf tea good, or do you prefer bagged?
I make arm warmers. I make them from sweaters I thrifted. They can be all one color, or stripes of different colors. They can be long, to the elbows, or shorter.
If you would like a pair, tell me your favorite colors. Solids are more generally elegant, Stripes can be as wildly funky as you wish. Long? Short? Cashmere? Tell me your fingerless mitts arm warmer dreams.
PBSW Summer collection is live!!! Anything catch your eye?
It's farmers market season in town and I have loads of lovely local artisans to shop from. Would you be interested in items from any of the following?
The Rod Homestead (I love this one I helped fund her commercial kitchen)
Working Class Coffee
Philly Nuts
222 Creations
Carol's Epiphany
I am learning to do embroidery. Would you possibly like a simple hand embroidered piece?
If you would like this is there a simple favorite flower or summer symbol, like a bee? I do like bees, and irises
What kind of sprite would you prefer? A ninja or to know the ID right away? I like both styles for different reasons - I would like to know eventually, but other than that I have no preference
Are you ok with shunga label art (bpal?) yes
I dye yarn. Is custom yarn of interest to you?
- If so, colors? I have various weights of wool, sport and dk cotton, cotton thread in 3/2 and 5/2, and light fingering weight bamboo rayon that dyes like a dream - no thank you
My European travels are expanding! Anything you want from Portugal or Berlin??? no thank you
My friend makes cool art with garbage, is there anything here you might like?
No thank you
Would you like items related to your astrological sign and if so what is it? No thanks - it's cancer and I've already had enough of that!
what do you think of plushies? I like them but they tend to all turn into cat toys
Are there any Korean or Japanese food/craft/self-care items you would be interested in in receiving? Savoury food
Is there anything for your garden or houseplants that you need, or would like (tiny, hand thrown cachepot for a prized astrophytum, etc.), or are you proudly black thumb and shun any plant that isn't resin? I love pretty outdoor pots but am aware that they are heavy to ship. I can't have indoor plants because my cats are assholes.
How many books is too many books? I don't understand the question!
I’m knitting up washcloths right now. Would you like some? No thank you
any spices you need/want? I’m fleshing out a Penzey's order!! Chana masala mix
your feelings on chocolate? Milk chocolate, Dark chocolate, White chocolate? with or without nuts? How about truffly goodness? Truffly goodness, milk or white. I like fine ground nuts but whole nuts or big chunks are difficult
Do you want anything for your vehicle? Like bumper stickers or magnets? I don't drive
any interest in Japanese fashion-ish items? (kanzashi hair pins, and other things made form old kimono fabric, fans, tenugui, etc?) A fan or anything from old kimono fabric including a kimono
I am afraid to send chocolate in this heat. What other things might you enjoy?
Gourmet lollipops? Handmade Marshmallows (not by me LOL)? Flavored cotton candy? other ideas? Marshmallows & fudge
do you have any reservations about wearing leather, like in an accessory?? No
So I took a "viking knitting" class (which is really wire weaving) and can now make necklaces and bracelets. Would you be interested in either one? A slimmish torc necklace would be nice
What color wire would you like? (silver, gold, copper, blue, purple, yellow, green orange, black, turquoise, pink, so many colors.) I have THIS PACK among others. Blues, greens, silver, bronze
What length would you want (on either or both?) 50cm
What kind of fasteners do you like best (lobster claw, toggle clasp, magnetic?) and color of fasteners? (silver, gunmetal, copper, gold?) No fastener on torc styles
- some of the toggle clasps come in cool shapes.
Do you think a larger chunky one like a torc or a slimmer one? I can draw the wire down to different sizes with my draw plate.
Etsy: Please note that this wishlist includes a load of "if I win the lottery" things that I will buy when I'm rich!
Amazon: - please ignore all the Pandora charms on there!
SockDreams: https://www.sockdrea...hlist_id/96472/
BPAL/BPTP: in my signature
Lilith are up! Is there anything from the release that you want? Decant or full bottles? 2020 Aesthetic and A Vigilant Eye both sound awesome
How would you feel about recipes? probably not
Would anyone be interested in anything from Bucees?! It’s a magical giant beaver gas station/shop! It has spices, fudge, Knick knacks, all things Texas, candy, beef jerky, roasted nuts, and of course beavers! Most things like the fudge and nuts are made in house. Always like fudge
How do you guys store your decants so they are not a confused mess? If you've got a system, please share it. Mine are a confused mess ?
I'm a knitter. I have some knitted washcloths done, and can knit up more. Would you like some? Also, if answered soon enough, I can maybe get a scarf done. Would you like one? What colors would you like? Thin or thick? With or without fringe? Are you allergic to any fibers - wool, cashmere, angora, alpaca? no thank you
Witchee, darling, there's a *slight* chance I might be going on a trip next week and *might*, in the course of this trip, have access to Disneyworld goodies from Epcot and Magic Kingdom - any stuff you might desire? I don't know what kind of things they have but my only Disney favourites are Captain Marvel and Black Panther
Would you like any of Snag Tights’ Halloween offerings and if so, what size? This is my question - I've bought loads
Do you prefer getting one or two really nice/more expensive things or several smaller/less expensive little things? Or do you have no preferance? No preference
Witchee, do you like tea? If so, what kind? Black tea, chai and smoky flavours, earl grey type things
Witchee, do you want anything? Shirts, mugs, postcards from Anarchist Seattle, Portland, or New York.... no thank you
Would you be interested in a gently-used tarot deck (or other oracle)? If so, toss out some styles you gravitate towards, cause I have SO MANY DECKS and I'd love to send one or more along! no thank you
Are you interested in receiving a burned CD of music? If so, name of genres, artists, styles that you are into or would like more of to explore. No thanks
Do you have an Amazon wishlist? If you do and you're ok with getting stuff from it, please share the link! Link above
Pumpkin/pumpkin spice – yay or nay? Yay in food/drinks but nay in other products (soaps, perfumes, etc.) or vice versa? What are your thoughts? I like Future Primitive's Pumpkin Chai, but often find perfumes and candles are overpowering. Food is ok though.
Candy corn – love it or loathe it? Or just don’t care much one way or another? loathe it
9/23/20 <---- would you be interested in receiving tea and / or scents from Poesie? Tea - London Smoke & Fog sounds awesome, as does S'More Tea
I have been remiss--witchee (or anyone needing a minion), I am notorious for homemade caramels, shortbreads both savory and sweet, and catnip/catnip laced toys. I've also started playing with homemade marshmallows and fruit candies. Any interest? marshmallows and sweet shortbreads
I happen to live near this amazing place. Do you have any interest is anything that I could pick up there? The have hand made pottery, cookie molds, cookbooks with historical recipes all sorts of good stuff. I love the pie plates, crocks and jars, but I think you'd have issues with shipping!
Is there something from your fandom that popped up in another country you'd be particularly interested in? What, and what store?
Would you be interested in some boozy chocolates (or anything else) from ? Absolutely everything!
Witchee, assuming you like home made/home canned condiment goodies, what is your spice level preference? mild to medium
Would you be interested in anything from Cellar Door Bath Supply Co.? Once Bitten candle (I have the soap), Raspberry Beret candle, Sex Machine candle. Bath salts look good but are all sold out
Would you, my dear Witchee, like anything from April Gloom? (this is our @spookygrrrly - switch witch code coming soon to a spreadsheet near you.) I do love the ghost in a cup pins
How about from ? (This shop belongs to @twilighteyes - we can maybe crochet some of the unicorns that are sold out...) I have no real need for a bag right now but love the Big Black Kitteh print!
Are you a sock person? If so what are your favourite kinds to wear? Do you have a sockdreams wishlist? I do, and I love ankle & crew styles
If you're not near one, is there anything from Trader Joe's you'd like? No idea what they sell!
How do you feel about local items from my city, like spicy (think chili) things or local coffee? The coffee is not spicy lol. Local coffee
do you have good feelings about Funko Pop? yes, I have quite a big collection but looking for Kamala Khan, Ms Marvel, Black Panther and any Firefly ones
Candles! Anything from these places catch your fancy? (restocks Friday 9/18 at 9:00 PST) Library Scriptorum candle, Stonemoss Chapel candle, Sanctuary candle Arya candle, Sansa candle nothing grabs me
Would you enjoy anything from my friend Brian's Etsy shop? The We Float Like Drifting Embers print
I have a friend who does pet caricatures. He's done ones for all of my pets. Is this something you would be interested of for your pet(s)? Maybe, but would want to see the style
Do you decorate seasonally/for holidays? Is there anything in particular you would like to that end? I don't decorate
Would you like anything from House of Gloi, especially from their Autumn Update? ( No thank you
I know the tea question has been asked, but what, specifically, about Adagio teas? Earl Grey Moonlight, Earl Grey Bella Luna, Thai Chai
What about anything tempting from Dandelion Chocolate? ( the salted caramels (and all the cake!)
Anything you'd like from Future Primitive: Even though its my question - whipped soap, conditioner, bath grains in Blackberry Sage, Lugnasadh, Tombstone, Warrior, Sparklebox, The Orangery, Pandemonium, Toffee Moon Face
I wanted to share this link to a soapmaker I love and ask if y'all see anything you would like from them! Lemongrass and patch body wash
Nui Cobalt Designs perfumes...(just got her latest email): How about the scents being discontinued? The Critters?
or other ones? Blue Jay, Northern Cardinal and Mourning Dove sound like what I need right now, but I don't do the magic thing so not sure if I should?
9/13/20 part 2
is there anything you want from Lush? No thank you, I have a shop just down the road
Do you need any astrological work done, since thats one of my professions? Any particular areas you could utilize a consultation? no thank you
How do you feel about the homemade fudge I sell in my etsy shop? (See link to my shop in my signature) -particular preferences, flavors (consider I take special flavor requests all the time!)? Yes! yes! Yes! Flavours like apple pie, butterscotch, penuche, orange choc
How do you feel about keto or sugar-free, low carb baked goods or treats?? low carb cheesy or spicy crisps would be good (ok, chips if you're in the US)
Do you have a favorite art style/movement/artist? Pre Raphaelites
Who is your fashion icon(s)? I do not have one
What is your favorite mythological creature? probably a dragon
9/12/20 part ii
After enjoying looking at the links several others have put in the questions, I decided to add some of my own favorite independent artists who I enjoy supporting - so, what do you think of the goodies from these people? And specific items you love? Enjoy!
1) any of the 2XL leggings or Dream cat slouchy tee if they weren't sold out,
2) no thank you
3) a gazillion of the cat prints made me cry. If you needed me to pick one get someone to prod me. Notebooks, prints, acrylic blocks
4) no thank you
5) Took A Wrong Turn notebook
6) Beautiful but not for me
7) no thank you
8 ) no thank you
One of the things I do is make nifty things from sweaters that I cut up & upcycle into things like super warm mittens, arm warmers, striped arm warmers, cowls, teapot cozies, & French press cozies. I don't have a slipper I love yet, but I'm working on it. So, which of these things might you like? Give me some thoughts on colors you like & if for a teapot or press, I need to know a size. The only thing I would want is a weird creation of my own devising - arm warmers that go from shoulder to elbow only (quite wide for large arms) and joined across the back to hold them in place. Colours - purple/blue/green/black but honestly anything other than pink or yellow. I have tons of fingerless gloves, mostly made by Twi!
I enjoy historical reproductions and am a fan of LBCC Historical Apothecary. Is there something in her store you might be interested in? Oh yes! Enchanted Woodland powder & a puff or Cucumber Cold Cream
Does anyone like the prints or items from ? I have a few of her prints and the notebooks and they are quality! The Mewl prints are fun
What about Anything specific? no thank you
Does anything from stick out to you? Nonsense polish, nail elixir in Continuity or Dulcet
I do pour painting/acrylic fluid art (with varying degrees of success, haha). Would you like a custom piece in colors of your choice (takes 3-4 weeks with curing, longer if you want it sealed, so it would arrive post-round if custom) or a piece already finished in my collection? I have mostly 12 x 12 and 10 x 10s right now. Pics available upon request! Probably not
Do you have a particular fandom you'd like stuff from? Firefly, Captain Marvel, Ms Marvel, Studio Ghibli, Babylon 5
How do you feel about tea? Preferences? Would you want anything from David's Tea (, Steepologie (, Bird & Blend (, or do you have a favorite tea maker to suggest? What about tea tools or cups? I like black teas, chai or smoky flavours
How do you feel about fragrant things for the home like incense, candles, atmosphere spray? Atmo sprays are good, as are candles with a safe holder/container rather than things that go in a candlestick. Incense gets too messy.
Do you share your home with any loved ones (human, feline, canine, etc.) who might enjoy a tiny treat too? 3 cats who like toys, but no catnip please as one is allergic
would anybody like a small cross stitch thing, like a patch or pin? or cross stitching notions like handmade needle minders?
not my sort of thing
Art and artists - anyone dig any of this? (They also do masks, see here.) Not really my sort of thing
If you knit/crochet/weave, would you like custom dyed yarn? And if so do you have preference on weight, fiber, colors? I don't do that sort of craft
what is one fun/frivolous thing for $20 or less that you’d enjoy? USB or battery halloween string lights, fancy garden stakes
If I sent you to a dollar store with $20, what would you walk out with? Plant pots, wooden plant labels, medium sized food storage boxes
what are your feelings on home made/ home canned jams & pickles or syrups? I even make things with berries I grow in my garden. I make both brandied & bourbon cherries. Syrups good for cocktails, in lemonade or tea, flavors include Lavender, Lavender + Lemon, & Lavender + Vanilla.
Interested? Cherries sound lovely but probably quite heavy to ship. I wouldn't eat lavender anything.
Is there something that you're especially hoping to receive for this round? For example, a brand you've heard of that you're especially wanting to try, or a certain "thing" that you really want but just cant bring yourself to buy for yourself??
Would you rather receive supplies/tools for your own craft/hobby or receive something you can't make yourself? Something I can't make myself
Is there anything you'd like from Penzeys ( Pico Fruta and Arizona Dreaming look interesting
Would you like anything from here? No thank you
Would you like a face mask from one of my favorite artists? No thank you
one of our fellow BPAL friends makes custom masks, Hakutaku Custom Masks on facebook ( ). Would anyone be interested in one of her masks? I love these - 15, 17 & of course 40 are the best
are you familiar with ? Take a peak & let me know if you might like to try something.
Is there anything you want from Japan? Other than that, anime goods, cute stationery, other Japanese snacks, lay it on me! Rice crackers and teriyaki chips, cute stationery, ground white sesame seeds, a secondhand large haori
What are your favorite self-care items or activities? I'm especially curious about things that you hesitate to do/get because they feel like frivolous luxuries. My self care was always lovely meals out, so failing at an answer right now. I garden to relax
Does anything from Paintbox Soapworks catch your eye ( GOAT or Pick-a-Duck candles
Does anything from the Trading Post's etsy page catch your eye ( Atmos - Sanjuana Rokkasen and Manao Tupapau
Etsy: Please note that this wishlist includes a load of "if I win the lottery" things that I will buy when I'm rich!
Amazon: - please ignore all the Pandora charms on there!
SockDreams: https://www.sockdrea...hlist_id/96472/
BPAL/BPTP: in my signature
Would you like anything from Future Primitive? (It's fine to mention OOS things) - my question, and I have far too much!
Does anyone have a favorite horror movie that they love? Need a copy/DVD of? No thank you
Do you like smallish knitted stuff (hats, fingerless mittens, scarves, toys, etc. -- be specific!)? Cat toys, but don't need hats or gloves unless ... long half fingered arm warmers wide enough for my lower arms
Do any of these knitted items appeal to you?
Odyssey Shawl
Knitted Pumpkins
Little Bear Stuffy
How do you feel about thrift store finds (assuming they're in good condition and have been thoroughly cleaned before shipping)? It's all good
I may have bought several full size Rituel de Fille makeup items in a frenzy over their whole vibe. If I tested something once or twice (and it can be sanitized), would you be interested? I only use eyeliner
Are you interested in trying different skincare products from higher end, clean brands? no thank you, skin is incredibly tetchy these days
Any interest in anything from Torrid, noting their "fangirl" and Halloween collections are updated? The Capatin Marvel zip hoodie
What on the following list would you like to receive something related to (or have something donated to in your and Joni's honor?)
· turtles
· inappropriate candies (either in shape or in contents—ex., boozy candies, creatively shaped peanut brittle…)
I'll be going to Seattle, London and Paris during this round- anything you'd love to have from any of these locations? Seattle chocolates are always well received, and in London I want a meet up!
Is there anything you would particularly like from Japan? Stationary, bento supplies, a particular snack, etc. The fall flavors for kitkats this year are Chestnut, Sweet Potato and Apple Pie. Chestnut or apple pie kit kats, cute washi tape or notebooks, Studio Ghibli items, a little kitsugi bowl, Japanese 5 pepper mix, good tamari
Thinking about really good natural food stores like Natural Grocers or Whole Foods, if you could have ANY bath and beauty or body care items, what would you love?
Also what kind of treats, snacks, foods, condiments, bulk items, teas, housewares from the same natural food stores would you love? Cashews if fair trade, tamari or fish sauce
Also, are there any particular sustainable kitchen or household items you would love to receive? wooden spatulas, light drawstring produce bags, silicon zip bags
Did anything catch your eye from the Liliths? Impromptu Goat Yoga <3, plus also Bullseye, Generation Spooky, Lazy Daisy (even though its got jasmine), Social Justice Paladin
Would you like anything from Lush?
No thank you
Is there anything kind of weird and niche about which you feel this way, fellow witchees? I am rather a medical history geek (but please don't give me smallpox!)
Kickstarter (and similar): Any thoughts, witches? I was reading that they were refusing to allow a union and fired two union organisers and so I am now boycotting them. I have 2 Patreons and do like them.
Do you have an Etsy/Goodreads/Amazon or anything else wishlist you’d like to share? at the top of this blog
And what’s your preferred wrist/necklace size? in my questionnaire
Does anything from Bird & Blend take your fancy? my question, I get lots from there
Knitting questions have have been asked, but how about wash cloths, anyone need any? What colors?? not for me thanks
is there anything from World Market that tickles your fancy? I like the various geometric desk organisers, then I wandered into the cookware section and there is far too much and its too heavy, but I love the little magnetic coloured spice tins
There's a special thing happening over at Rituel de Fille this weekend, where some gorgeous makeup items are coming back for just a couple of days. I'll be placing an order Sunday or Monday- anything that might strike your fancy, either from the special sale or from the site in general? ( I only use self sharpening eyeliner
How do you feel about tarot or oracle decks? Would you be interested in any (for artwork or for mystical purposes)? New or used? Not for me, while they're usually really pretty, I no longer use them. My life feels like it is continuously The Tower.
Would pigment samples from companies like M.A.C. or Notoriously Morbid tickle your fancy? If so, what colors catch you eye? Not for me
do you have a favourite saying or quote?
Far too many so I'll just pick these:
In order to fly all one must do is simply miss the ground - Douglas Adams
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars - Oscar Wilde
Not today - Arya Stark/Syrio Forel (in case you have no idea what I'm talking about, see - that entire 5 minscene got me through chemo on some very bad days)
How do you feel about spicy foods, and where on the Scoville scale do you hit your limit? Much less able to tolerate than I used to be - probably around 1000 right now. I'm hoping it improves again
How do you feel about coloring books, especially those pertaining to a personal interest or fandom? I always get them and never use them so it would be a waste
A few questions have been asked about knitted items--are crocheted equivalents acceptable? (crocheted fingerless gloves, shawls, etc.)
Any fiber issues? crochet is fine, nothing itchy please
About the Weenies: please list what you've bought or are definitely purchasing for yourself *as well as* what you would like to possibly receive from someone else!
I'm not buying anything immediately during the round, waiting for reviews. I'm interested in:
Fall Leaves, Fall
Les Heures de la Nuit
Hypnotize Me
Songs of Autumn 1 - most interested
Songs of Autumn 4
Chlorophyll - most interested
Dear Witchee, are you at all boozy? Anywhere between hard cider to straight whisk(e)y? And any interest in the "unusual" stuff? (unusual as in non-mainstream, local craft ciders or meads, regional fruit wines, experiments from local distilleries, etc) I drink Irish whiskey, proper mead and Jack Daniels with or without honey.
Nail Polish: Do you need or want some? If so, what colors and brands are you interested in? I wear it in winter when not gardening. I like pale and unicorn like for my hands, dark and dramatic for my toes. I generally only succumb to BPTP nail varnishes because that's where I see them! For darks, purples, greens, jade, teal
Does anyone else do nail wraps? Nope
What about postcards? Not for me
Is anyone interested in anything from the Nocturne Alchemy Halloween release (or, presumably, anything else from the site)? If you really need me to look, get someone to prod me, its all a bit overwhelming
How do you feel about salt? I don’t mean, like, salted nuts or potato chips. I mean straight-up salt, like alder-smoked finishing salt or Hana Flake sea salt. I have some smoked salt flakes but I forget to use it so probably a waste
I am infamous for baking (shortbreads savory and sweet, poundcake, various cookies and bars), butter caramels (flavored or plain), and catnip. Are any of these relevant to you or your household? shortbread and caramel/fudge would find a home. I avoid much catnip because my cats are mad enough already
Do you like to cook and do you need/want any spices for such pursuits? More long pepper, but I think that's easier to get over in the UK
Would you wear any of these?
Fern , Nuada, Manannan, Duleek Abbey or an infinity scarf or tube cowl tall enough for a hood (like this scarf or this cowl for shape example)? I like Duleek Abbey
Do you have any utilitarian needs for everyday life? Things that would help or that you've been needing or wanting for work or whatever? Lightweight produce bags for loose dry goods or fruit/veg
What kind of vegan snacks do you like? And vegan chocolate...favorites? I don't like vegan chocolate really. I like puffed chickpea snacks such as Hippeas, especially the smoky flavour, blue corn chips, corn puff type things
How would you describe your crafting style? Whimsical & Cute? Elegantly modern? Totally Traditional? Erm ... Inept?
So....we are about to process a metric f*ton of green tomato relish, which is basically bread and butter pickles but with sliced green cherry tomatoes. Is this relevant to any witchees? I like pickles but have zero idea what bread and butter pickles are. Love relishes!
How do you celebrate Halloween/Samhain? Do you dress up? Would you like something for your costume? And am I the only person left on the planet who wears socks? I don't dress up but I do wear socks, as long as they are not longer than mid calf
Are you interested in anything from Art Of Tea or Adagio Teas? I like black teas, 1896 looks interesting on Art of Tea, from Adagio I like the look of Cat Scratch, Candy Apple Concoction and Thai tea
I make light-weight hairfalls, doll-style, using a variety of fun stuff, like ribbons, lace and soft batting. Would you be interested in receiving a set in the colors of your choosing? Not for me
And a quick question here--I'm going to this amazing looking event on Saturday--does my witchee see anything they might be interested in? (the Oddities Market) This looks fascinating but no idea what I would want - maybe something strange rom the quack medicine type of stall?
How do you feel about enamel pins? Love them, hate them, slightly interested, totally indifferent? Interested if its cool
what is your T-shirt/shirt of choice Size? Usually XXL, prefer v necks
OCTOBER LUNACY! I know turn around time is unlikely, but just saying (JUST SAYING), dear Witchee, did anything catch your eye? Songs of Autumn 1, Chlorophyll, Fall, Leaves, Fall or Hypnotize Me (Britton used to run Haus of Gloi.) Witchee, are you interested in any kinds of things from the Blood Moon Botanica update? No thank you, I'm on too many meds that might react
also I took some beading classes and have been making bracelets, necklaces, and earrings. Would you be interested in any? If so, how big is your wrist or how long would you like your bracelet? Any preferred styles of beads? I like seed bead bracelets but I'm a klutz and would likely destroy it by catching it on something, so usually only go for sturdier things
If I was to donate to an animal rescue on your behalf as the "lucyboo" component of this swap, is there one in particular that you would choose? It would probably be a cat rescue
What is your very favorite Halloween candy? If you don't have one/don't do candy, what's a seasonal treat you love? I like Reese's Pieces and fudge and jelly belly beans
Etsy: Please note that this wishlist includes a load of "if I win the lottery" things that I will buy when I'm rich! Amazon: - please ignore all the Pandora charms on there! SockDreams: https://www.sockdrea...hlist_id/96472/ BPAL/BPTP: in my signature
I have a new question! I'll be headed to the PA RenFaire the end of this month. Is there anything you'd be interested in? you scroll down a bunch there's a list of merchants) There is so much stuff I love that it would be really hard to pick - except not from Wayward Leather as I have ... ahem ... 3 of their monster boxes, even at the price it cost to ship over here! The stained glass stuff in particular I love but its hard to ship, the Scriptorum looks interesting but it won't link anywhere for more details 10/16/18
Are you a board game nerd like me? Is there a game you want right now? I love board games but have too many and no one to play with most of the time
There are some really awesome spice shops in NYC. Would you like/need any herbs or spices? Yes if it's something interesting I couldn't get here
Anything from this curiosity shop the type of thing that interests you? Dreadful Curiosities: Probably not
For those of us Switch Witches who ARE witches....if you have a Book of Spells would you like a page for it from your witch? No thank you
What house were you sorted into? Ravenclaw
Practical Magic or Hocus Pocus? Never seen either!
Does anything from either of these shops interest you? The Stitchety Witch stitch creations and patterns - no thank you Black Abbey Studios art w/ a gothic tendency - The Reader is the only thing I might be interested in
Is there something (either a specific item, or type of item, like bath/body, perfume, candy etc) you're really looking forward to or hoping to get? A BPAL Resist button
What's something you want or look at, but always talk yourself out of buying (or for whatever reason never purchase)? I don't have that sort of self control!
Are there any subscription/subscription style boxes you have an interest in? (This could be a very specific sub like sihaya or lootcrate or an idea/concept you're interested in without a specific company in mind, like "book related candles"). Sihaya always looks interesting, Lootcrate iFirefly, Deadpool or Marvel (or any other of my fandoms if they exist), also YumeTwins box
Coffee or Tea? Anything from David's Tea(esp the new Halloween) that catches your eye? The Monsters mug, Stormy Night
What are your DISO BPAL dreams? All on my wishlist
Spooky stuff! D'ya like... ghosts? Skeletons? Aliens? Bigfoot? Unsolved mysteries? not my sort of thing
Is there anything from the Lush christmas line that was just released that you're interested in? Only Perle de Sel - but I do have a Lush shop just down the road
Is there any scents from the more current releases you have been wanting to try (Weenies, Motherhood/Fatherhood)? A backup of Truth Will Prevail
How do you feel about buttons, pins, and badges? I would almost kill for a BPAL 'Resist' button, but otherwise I'm good
Speaking of OOS/Discontinued - Are there any old favorites from no longer operating companies that you would like if either anyone had a stash OR could find a reasonable dupe? No
Booze, yea or nay? Favorite kinds? I'm fine with it, but have a to large stash. I like irish whiskey, brandy, rum, JD. I hate lager and American beer
Knitted stuff? Need/want anything specific? Colors? A skullcap, socks or fingerless gloves that actually do have fingers just not ends. I love purple, blue, green, black and I like stripes too
Feelings re: Lewis Carroll/Alice in Wonderland? Love it, hate it, meh it? It's ok
Are you thinking of participating in NaNoWriMo this year? Any merch or pre-Nano supplies you might want? No
I just recently discovered MoonMagic -jewelry with a focus on moonstones but also opals and labradorite. They currently have a sale. Anything that stands out to you? ( Lots! Almond bliss, sanity & new moon bracelets, old soul and lost luna necklaces
Do you like quirky socks? Any preferred styles (ankle, thigh-high..)? Yes, short to mid calf
Are you witchy or like witchy things like incense, sage, palo santo, crystals, tarot, altar supplies, candles, etc.? Whatcha like/need? not for me
Do you need decanting supplies? Sample vials? Pipettes? Standard labels? no
Let's get specific about this knitting thing! Do any of these items/styles appeal? I've numbered these so you can just reference numbers if you like!
I like 7 but would need it to be shallower, I dont want to roll up the brim. I also like the little kindness Monster
If your witch was able to obtain digital media that you could not access (TV, movies, books, etc.), is there anything you have been in search of for quite a while? If yes, what devices do you use to play such (i.e. Windows, Mac, etc.)?Not really
Is there anything you want from Japan? Some kind of food, cute stationary, fandom merch, maybe you collect lucky cats, anything! Loads! Decent broth seasonings, Spirited Away or Totoro stuff, if there's such a thing as a Japanese rubber duck, cat plushies
Are you interested in anything from Nerdlacquer? No thanks - I have gardener's nails
Etsy: Please note that this wishlist includes a load of "if I win the lottery" things that I will buy when I'm rich! Amazon: - please ignore all the Pandora charms on there! SockDreams: BPAL/BPTP: in my signature
Witchee, would you like anything from the Trading Post Halloween update? https://blackphoenix...y/weenies-2017/ I'd like a Louder Louder Louder! bath bomb 10/1/17
Awesome farmer's market by my house. They have a local honey stand (which also sells things made from local honey like Propolis tincture!); there's a small apothecary and she additionally makes soaps and hand-made, hand-poured scented candles; plus a guy that makes an array of BBQ and Hot Sauces. Does ny of this appeal? Would you like anything from my local farmer's market? BBQ sauces sond lovely, and not-very-hot hot sauce would also go down well
Smolder Cosmetics. Do any of their products (glitter, eye dusts etc) appeal to you? I really wouldn't use it
Anything from Strobe Cosmetics ( I really wouldn't use it
How would you feel about getting Hello Kitty stuff? I'm sitting here in Hello Kitty pants (UK meaning!) so I guess so!
Would you like to get some favorite recipes? Not really - while I would like to bake, I don't because then I eat it all
Would you like anything from my shop? Not for me thanks 9/30/17
Would you like anything from the Haus of Gloi Fall Part II update? https://www.hausofgl...ween-scent-list Hex sounds interesting 9/27/17
How do you feel about these little guys? I think they're adorable and kind of want them all, but especially the ghost and pirate ones. https://lovemomiji.c...imited-editions They're cute but not really my sort of thing
Witchees, do you want anything specifically from this page? Mitts, hat, shawls, unicorn... Unicorns! (I already have some lovely mitts from Twi
What are your top three most wanted DC'd or previous LE BPALs? March Hare, All In The Golden Afternoon, always more Ava or Ill Mannered Dragon
What are some things you do NOT want to receive? Lotions unless its in a scent I really love - I have far too many already. The sort of toffee that pulls out your fillings, or whole nuts
is there anything from here that you might be interested in getting a print (or pillow/make-up case/etc) of? Not a print, but a Ravensong or Triggers pillow would be nice
Claire's has some super cute Halloween stuff. In the style of Haunted Mansion - black lace collars, lace and sparkle masques and the like. A few items in Dias de los Muertos style. Would you be interested in such things? No thanks
Would you be interested in anything from Orange Thyme? If so, which products/scents/flavors? Lip balm in Cherry Gingerale, Strawberry Lime margharita or Vanilla Coffee, soaps in Cococabana, Coconut Lemongrass or Meyer Lemon 9/25/17
Anyone like/want calendars or dayplanners? no thanks If you like stationery, do you like plain, colors, images, or specific DON'T LIKES? I like fineline gel pens in black and colours What about general desk stuff like cool colored paperclips and post it pads? The only things I use are largish pull off notepads for putting notes in BPAL packages
Would anyone be interested in having any of Abigail Larson's artwork (either as a print or on something, like a pillow, blanket, or t-shirt)? Yes - I love the ravens and the tentacles - especially leggings (XL), pillows, tote bags, Night Circus art print or tote ... hell, pretty much everything, why didn't I know this existed?????? 9/24/17
do you collect the art cards that BPAL sends out? Any in particular that you are looking for or definitely don't need? I don't collect them
Do you like this beautiful art, and she makes stickers and prints...SOOOO gorgeous: Oh wow - Moth & Moon, Koi, Nostalgia, Annabelle's Blue Umberella
Favorite animals or wild creatures or mythological creatures? cats, lizards, dragons, rubber ducks
would you like any swag from the Depeche Mode concert? (pins, posters, shirts, program, dunno what they'll have!) no thanks!
Is anyone interested in the new Resistance scents that the Lab just released (Take a Knee and SN: Flor de Maga)? Take a Knee
Is anyone here into zero waste, plastic free living, urban homesteading, or any simplicity/minimalism-esque lifestyles? If so, could you use any tools or equipment? Working towards it - would quite like lightweight cloth bags with drawstrings for if I'm buying loose veg or storecupboard items. Also any clever ideas to help this that I may not have thought of yet
Are you interested in anything from Bath & Bodyworks? Which products and scents do you like? not really my sort of stuff
I am possibly going to a crystal / gem show tomorrow. I can't afford expensive gem stones, but... What kind of crystals would you like? blues, greens, purples, also geodes
Pumpkin or Zucchini bread? no thanks
What kind of homemade cookies are your favorite? no big chunks of nut - everything else is yummy, I guess spiced is a favourite, and white chocolate
Could you use a muscle rub? (We make ours on the lunar cycle and it has menthol, wintergreen, habanero, cayenne, olive oil, st. john's wort, arnica, beeswax, calendula, and ginger. It tingles. We call it "Thunder Butter". If you have really really super sensitive skin, I would recommend against it. And don't take a hot shower or open all of your pores before using it.) no thanks, I always end up with that sort of thing in really sensitive spots!
Interested in trying some of our rose petal (rose petals, sugar, everclear) or lavender vanilla bean (lavender, vanilla bean, vodka) liqueur? yes
Want some honey from the bees on our property? yes
Would you like some homemade jam? I have blackberry, rose petal, strawberry rhubarb, peach, and cherry. Strawberry rhubarb, peach and cherry all sound lovely
How about some homemade candied jalapenos with garlic cloves? I have regular and with habanero. no thanks
I didn't dry any apples this year but I was thinking of heading over to Green Bluff and seeing if any honeycrisps are left. I have a commercial dehydrator so let me know if you are interested in any "Apple Crips" (as voodoocatwoman calls them!) I wash, peel, core, and slice before dehydrating. Maybe
Do you need any kind of dice bag, tote, project bag, cosmetic bag, pencil bag, or whatever? I have lots of bag patterns and fabric. We make bags under the name Twinkle N Twilight. Or how about a couple of pillowcases? yes please - drawstring bags I can put loose goods like veg or beans in, also cotton tote bags
Would my witchee like this to warm up the fall coffee cup?? https://www.truelemo...gory-s/1871.htm No thanks do you like to take baths? if so, do you like oils, salts, things that fizz, all of the above, none of the above? all of them!
What style/make/etc of phone do you have? What about size of tablet? Laptop? Would you like decals, skins, or cases for any of these? No thanks, I love the one I have
See's Candy. My absolute favorite. They have special Halloween candy..any of these pique your interest?? Cinnamon Apple Scotch Mallows, Pumpkin spice truffles, pumpkinspice lollypops, caramel apple lollypops, or any other of their chocolates, etc? The scotch mallows look wonderful
Are any witchees into coloring books? I have a few but never really get the time
Witchees, is there anything that catches your eye at Animi Causa ( I love Gracula, the Supergirl bookend and baby Nessie
If I were to find an adorable autumnal/Halloween-y dish/flatware/etc. design, how many settings would be needed in your household? 2 please
Do you like Broadway shows/music? If so what are some of your favorites and/or ones that you hope to see or listen to eventually? Would you like merch from your favorite shows or CDs from shows you want to listen to? No thanks
I'm heading to NYCC in October! Is there anything I can get my Witchee while I'm there? Apple VI, Sugared Apple bath oil
I'm going to Edmonton Expo this weekend (It's Edmonton's version of comic con). Would a witchee like anything from there? Probably but I'm not sure what! Something that links to my fandoms maybe?
Anything catch your eye from this site ( Lots! Eco market bags and organic Africa camp tee in XL stand out
Do you have any favorite, lesser-known stores? Especially ones that sell hand-crafted or independently made items. Future Primitive
Imagine you're going to the most gigantic art & craft show imaginable, and money is no object - what kind of things would you gravitate towards and probably spend money on? Include as specific as you want to get! Automaton sculptures, large paintings, altered books, stained glass - things like the high priced stuff on my Etsy wishlist!
Are you interested in anything from Think Geek? Studio Ghibli plush Catbus or Jiji or NoFace, the Firefly flash drive Do you have something you wish you put on your original questionnaire/forgot to put/would like to add on to?
Any additional misc. information about yourself you want your Witch to know? (I think this was on the survey, but again if there's something that you forgot...) I am a Green Party member and regularly stand for election. PSA: the UK Green party is NOT the same as the US one!
If you could decorate your house (or one room) in any one theme, what would it be? Your answer can be as simple ("Star Wars" or "Baroque" or "Modern"), or complicated or a combination (e.g. Victorian Gothic) as you feel best fits. Gothic or Egyptian or Morroccan
Aprons: Do you wear them, do you want one? Utility, decorative, cooking or crafting? No thanks
BTW, would my witchee be interested in something like this? (photo of black and white striped knitted doll) It would become a cat toy. This would be fine with me but it's a lot of work for a toy!
It seems like there's a question about socks on the questionnaire, but I don't think it got down to this level: Do you wear them? Any particular style (crew length, knee high, anklet, boot, etc.) or fiber (wool, cotton, bamboo anything but wool, etc.) preference? Socks, all the socks! Crew/ankle length, slouchy if higher than ankle, natural fibres as highest percentage, especially love bamboo & cotton
Would you be open to previously-loved books? absolutely
What about partial-full bottles of BPAL or BPTP? yes please
So what are your favorite fandoms? Firefly, Totoro/Spirited Away, Babylon 5, Star Wars: Clone Wars/Rebels (the animated stuff)
I'm in France at the moment, is there anything here you might like? I'm in Provence, the land of lavender, so if you like that flower in particular just say so! provence herbs of the savoury type (I grow my own lavender)
are you into divination? What kind(s) do you currently do? Do you want more books and/or tools for that type (e.g. new tarot cards, new runes)? Is there a new type of #divination you've been meaning to try, and if so, are you looking for the tool, a book on the subject, or both? not for me
World my Witchee be interested in a Tarot or Astrology reading done personally? no thanks
Does my Witchee need any magical supplies? no thanks
Would you be interested in any of the seasonal (or regular) soaps from Cellar Door Soap ( Applefest, Midnight Mocha, Moonrise Bonfire, Once Bitten, Pumpkin Chai or Zombie Repellent soaps all sound awesome
Favorite gemstones? opals, amethysts, emeralds, jade, lapiz, sapphire and other things of those colours
If you enjoy jewelry do you like discrete and elegant, flashy and gaudy, small and light, or large and chunky? - small & light
Any love of pirates or SCA? not really
Is there anything you would like from Disney World? No thank you
Are you a Potterhead? If so, to which house do you belong? nope
How do you feel about chokers? They choke me!
Here's a few questions from me: Would you like some Halloween or other themed decor in the form of a banner, something like this If so, would you prefer a traditional style or a vertical door type? No thanks, the cats would destroy it
Do you live near a Trader Joe's? If not, are you interested in trying any of the numerous Pumpkin goodies they come out with this time every year? Maaaybe
Do you like to cook and/or bake? Could you use any specific ingredients (spices, oils, salts, extracts, etc.) or kitchen utensils/gadgets? I love to cook, I like interesting spice mixes I may not be able to get over here
I'm at Ocean City MD for bike week......would a witches want anything from here? Bike or beach related?? No thank you
What is 1 thing you would love to see in your final box? Can be ANYTHING - your choice.
Who would love some USPS eclipse stamps? No thanks
Do any of you potential Witchees have any kitties, puppers, or youngling humans you want spoiled in your packages? What treats or toys do they like? 3 cats - the youngest likes human toes, but something scrunchy would go down well. No catnip please, they're mad enough already!
Is there any interest in any of the fragrance oils from the Nocturne Alchemy Weenies update? maybe Vincent or Hallowcats
Is there anything you want from the trading post (or trading post etsy) that is available to order right now? (Fatherhood, Puppers, normal GC things) If they ever come back into stock, ANY XXl yoga pants or ANY soaps. Otherwise, what is on my wishlist from the Fatherhood collection
Are you a gamer? If so, what games are you currently playing and is there any merch for that game you'd love to have?- I do like Skyrim stuff - dragon/thieves related If you are a gamer do you have a steam/gamestop/amazon wishlist? no
How do you feel about the following scarf options (assuming you're into scarves)?
Simple eyelet scarf - no thanks
Chevron scarf - no thanks
Lacy and fuzzy - no thanks
Skinny rib knit (extra long for lots of wrapping) - no thanks
Leafy! - pretty!
Like beer? What styles most appeal to you? Not these days
Like booze? What kinds? Irish whiskey
Like Wine? What kinds? Merlots
Would you be interested in a set of hand-made hair falls? It's something I do for fun and I can make any length and do an array of colors! Not for me
For those who watch certain movies every year for Halloween, what are those movies, whether horror or not? Any favorite horror movies that aren't necessarily on the annual-viewing list? How do you feel about fan-made merch for these movies? I don't do thid
What are your feelings about Scooby Doo? - meh
How do you feel about indie makeup (read: loose eyeshadow, blush, highlighter)? - I only ever use eyeliner
I drink this stuff almost everyday would anyone else be interested in trying it out? - sounds interesting, plain or Maya for me
Would you like one of the Halloween Teeturtle shirts? https://www.teeturtl...alloween?page=1 Not really my thing
Here's a great local soapmaker I love--y'all see anything you would like?
Soap - rompo beer, rosemary mint, thunder ann, vanilla bean all sound wonderful What are your favorite/preferred Halloween/autumn icons/images? Any to specifically stay away from? black cats, ravens and bats - not just for Halloween!
Do you eat candy, and if so would Halloween candy be welcome? Specialty candy from local or unusual sources? Chocolate? Yes but not that salt taffy the US folks like or the salty liquorice the Dutch like please!
Do you want Fidget spinners, desk toys, or other frivolous things that you look at and decide you don't need enough to spend $ on but would make you happy to have? No thanks
Any zentangle lovers, people who would like to try it, or would you want a piece of someone else's zentangle art? Sounds interesting to try
Any love of hair toys, clips, ribbons, fascinators, mini hats, etc? not really
What local goodies may be of interest? Local Honey, jams,candy? I love honey & jam but its heavy, sweets go down well
Are you interested in any prescription services like serial magazines, Birch box, ipsy? No thanks
Would you like funky Halloweenie costume makeup like Gothic eyelashes, nail effects, black lipstick, etc.? No thank you
How do you like to listen to music? CD, 8 track tape, mix tape, Pandora or Spotify, I-tunes? CDs
Do you prefer reading on Kindle or actual book? What kind of books do you like? Would you like to be surprised with a scary, classic, horror book? Kindle, but I have a stupid amount of books
Candles, Incense, or wax tarts? Do you have favorite brands or Weenies scents for the home? Would you like to receive a wax tarts burner, incense burner, essential oils diffuser, or Halloweenie themed candle holders? I daren't have open flame around the cats so no thanks
Witchee: are you interested in crafting materials? not for me
I'm in Japan, is there anything specific from here you would want? Totoro and Spirited Away stuff, good dashi stock mix
How do you feel about nail wraps? I dont use them, I have gardener's nails
if you were to receive something hand knit, what type of item would you like? hat, cowl, handwarmers, etc. and what color(s)? Grey/purple/black or blue cowl, stripy socks - would you use knitted washcloths? a scarf? Are you allergic or sensitive to any fibers? I don't like itchy stuff much prefer wool or cotton
If you could be ANY character from a film, TV show or book, who would it be and why? I'm overthinking this ... Inara Serra from Firefly because she's awesome, knows her boundaries, sticks by her principles
If you could hop into a time machine and travel anywhere/anytime, where would it be and why? Back to when I was around 22 to impart all my wisdom!
If you could invite 3 famous people to a BPAL meet and sniff, who would invite? Neil Gaiman, Margaret Atwood, Beth Barrial!
Do you like and/or want anything from Elements and Artifacts? You can be vague like "yes" or "no" or name specific past pieces you coveted or current ones you love, whatever works best. Beekeeper necklaces,
Would you like something hand sewn by your Witch? A dress, shirt, skirt, infinity scarf, something else? yes but not sure what right now
Anyone want any kind of costuming accessories or makeup or odds and ends? Not for me
Are there any hobbies or crafts you've been thinking of trying, but haven't had the chance yet? I'm already too busy
Would you want to receive a custom spell kit or magical tea? If so, what purpose would you want it to be for? No thanks
Do you like poetry? Only very specific stuff, not generally
Anyone like handmade critters, stuffed animals, or custom repaints? I love handmade critters
Would you enjoy any designer/specialty yarn for your own craftyness? I'm not crafty
Would anyone like a donation made in their name to a cause or charity? no thanks
Please provide wishes from the last two updates? Dragon Smooch, Dragon Sideye, Ego Sum Lux Mundi, Valuable Powerful Deserving, Blodughadda
Would you be interested in things from Future Primitive? ( Anything in Toffee Moon Face or Mama Didn't Listen is awesome, I use their soap, whipped soap, conditioner and bathing grains all the time
Are there any UK things you'd like to get? This is my question
Are you into podcasts? If so, what are your favorites? Would you like any merch related to any of them? No thank you
Would you like something from Nui Cobalt Designs ( As it's the jewellery I love I can't justify picking anything so expensive!
Or maybe some of Christina's lovely Halloween candles at Sihaya & Co. (https://www.sihayaan...lection-candles)? No thank you (because nosy cats) but I love her fairy wing earrings
ILNP? Who would love one of their awesome holos like MEGA or one of their amazing chromes? It would be wasted on me
Do you enjoy stationery? I'm thinking cute/quality notebooks, washi tape, stickers, fun pens etc. Washi tape & little notepads for swap package notes are always useful
Are you interested in anything from Cocoa Pink? Black Berry Bliss, Black Widow or Demogorgon shampoo/conditioner/ - Or Haus of Gloi? Cozy Sweater or Insalata Nocturna sound lovely as soap
Would you be interested in a Halloween wreath? No thank you, the kittens will murder it
Have you seen this: https://www.bustle.c...llection-80733? (Lush Halloween collection.) And what would you like? Lord of Misrule shower cream (but its quite easy for me to walk to Lush from here)
Are you interested in anything from the Moonalisa Halloween update? Apperscotch is the one that catches my eye
What are your coffee and/or tea preferences? - Coffee: whole beans or ground? Whole beans - Flavor and roast preferences? Dark roasts - Tea: black, green, herbal, flavors? Black teas, chais, earl grey type things - Loose leaf or tea bags? Bags because I'm lazy! - Anything specific you don't like? I hate Kona and refuse to try Kopi Luwak - Are you in need of any gadgetry? No thans, we have too much already
How would you feel about receiving a hand-painted container for your bpal and/or other treasures? - would you want a big wood box (~50 bottles), a small wood box (~20 bottles) or a tin for carrying imps around? a small wood box would be lovely, decorated or plain
Who is into K-Beauty (Korean beauty products like sheet masks) - What are your faves if you are? - If you aren't would you like to try something? No thank you
What are some NEW things you've gotten interested in this year? Could be anything, from a new hobby, new genre of book, new healthy way of living, new fav brand of whatever...
WIshlists Amazon: Etsy: SockDreams: - At 22nd Sept SockDreams wishlist isnt working properly on the new site - I am repopulating it as fast as I can! Crocus:
Hibiscus seeds? While I would love them, Customs would never allow them in
Off-color needlepoint? Not really my thing
What interests you from the latest (pre-Halloween) BPAL update? I've ordered decants of all the Liliths that sound promising. From Unicorns part 2 there's Union of Adam and Eve or Wild Woman with Unicorn that I am considering bottle purchases for
Like beer? What kind? Booze? Same question! Beer gives me gas - I only drink Irish Whiskey, Moniac Mead or red wine (Merlot and similar) these days
Knitted items? Type? One of those tube scarves that go over the head and can be worn as a scarf or can act as a headscarf too. Socks, always!
Are you allergic to any fiber or do you know what kind of yarn you prefer? I don't like itchy stuff, I prefer natural fibres but don't mind a mix
Caramel? With chocolate? Salted? yes. yes. yes!
Would you want a quilted pot holder? no thank you
Do you have any preferred flavor of shortbread? all of them?
Would you be interested in project bags/pouches? No thank you, I have lots
Homemade Food? (if it will ship well) - garlic dill pickles - yes - blackberry jam - no - dried honey crisp apples - curious - applesauce (with or without red hots) - no - elderberry syrup (with honey and apple cider vinegar - great for immune boosting) - yes - honey from our bees -yes - rose petal liquor (made with our own rose petals and everclear but diluted down a bit so it doesn't knock you over) - no - baked goods of your choice, what do you like or dislike? - fudge, easy to eat caramels that won't break my teeth
Is there anything you'd particularly like to get from the UK?
Socks/sockdreams/etc? My wishlist is at the top
Is there anything you would like to get from Japan? - Totoro stuff, Ghibli stuff, cute goth kitty stuff, washi tape, old kimono material, savoury seasonings, stuff for my bento box. No sweet stuff thanks!
Would you object to re-using of clean mailing materials? No
Anyone a nail polish fan? What colors interest you? I probably have too much already
Who here is a Raging All THINGS HARRY POTTER fan? no
Do you like things with Pumpkin (or Pumpkin Spice?) I dont mind
Does anyone like fleece character hats? Like these: like-fleece-hat? What kinda characters would you like to see? Love the kitty, would also love Totoro
Do you decorate for Halloween all year? If not, what level of decor do you have for Halloween? no, not really
Indoor/outdoor Halloween decorations? What do you do, and what would you prefer to receive? we don't really do it here
What's your preferred Halloween decor style: classic/traditional (skulls, pumpkins, bats), kitchsy/cute, retro, elegant/Victorian, horror/macabre? cute
What's your candy preference? fudge, marshmallows
Speaking of snarky, who's a fan of The Mincing Mockingbird? It looks quite funny but probably not stuff I'd use
Do you have an Etsy wish list, and if so, what's your user name there? I'm PrayUntoBastet
Tokyo Milk? Yea or Nay? unsure!
would you like notebooks or journals? Utilitarian or fancy? Lined or blank? Tell me of your stationery lustings. I always love decorated notebooks (like this) but not sure if I would actually use. I do love cute washi tape & stickers, and use them for group orders. A notepad for quick notes in packages would also be good
If you are ok with knitted things, what colors do you like? purples, blues, teals, greens If striping, what two (or more) colors together? subtle stripes of any of the above with grey If you want yarn, what colors do you want? n/a --- A color palette would be lovely if you use Pinterest. Or just want to post palette photos in your blog.
Are you interested in fabric? Again, what colors, what themes, etc. Love it but wouldn't use it
What are your tea and/or coffee preferences? Loose leaf / whole bean or bagged / ground? Do you have a favorite type? Flavor? Retailer? black teas, in bags, or whole bean coffee/flavoured ground coffee
If you could receive one handmade item - everything from knitted or crocheted gloves and scarves to sewn bags to fanart or original art, what would you prefer? a cowl or an embroidered piece of wall art or stripy socks
What are your favorite fandoms, if any? Firefly, Babylon5, Studio Ghibli, Dr Who, Gotham, Deadpool seems to have snuck in there, and Tom Hiddleston as Loki *swoons*
Skincare- do you use a particular routine? What products would you absolutely not use? Facial skincare I stick with what I use, which is Origins. Bodycare, anything that smells nice and absorbs quickly and isnt totally full of nasties
Bath/shower products? either but need more shower stuff
BPTP products? Pre-owned okay? yes and pre owned is fine
Essential oils and aromatherapy oils- yay, or nay? nay
Favorite animal? Cats
Twilight Alchemy Lab oils? I have a few imps but dont need more
Authors - Jennifer Estep, Faith Hunter. Heard of them? Love them, hate them, or eh? hadnt heard of them but probably not my sort of thing
Knitted things. Specifically scarves/cowls and shawls.....grabby hands or not? Favorite colors? Are you allergic or sensitive to any textiles, ie wools, cashmere, nylon, metallic threads, mohair, alpaca? Knitted washcloths? For the kitchen or for the bath? And again, colors?? Cowls - that was the word I was looking for earlier! No washcloths though, I use a sponge. Colours as always purples, blues, greens, black, grey
Candles or wax melts/wax tarts? I love BPTP candles but theyre heavy to send. I cant use wax tarts
The second part of the Haus of Gloi update is live tomorrow (the 25th)- is there anything you're interested in? Never tried them but weenies don't usually suit me. From their GC though, Insalata Nocturna sounds interesting
I'm going to the NY Renaissance Faire tomorrow- anything you'd like me to look for? no thank you
Would you be interested in Kings Game by Lisa Millraney? too late, already bought it!
Would you like any brown paper bags of "seconds" from Seattle Chocolates? yes, absolutely
Elements & Artifacts has a fall/halloween collection up? Anything catch your eye? Yes, lots! The green Iulius necklace, the Forsaken Leaf of Shadow and Flame VI, and the E & A Sugar Skull necklace are all gorgeous
And speaking of shops from BPAL folks, any favorites in the stores on the SW Stalking and Services Spreadsheet 9/22/16
Would you like some hair falls? I can make a single (ponytail) or double (for pigtails). Short, long, types of yarns, ribbons? Extra things (buttons, beads, wire wraps? Colors/color combinations? Stuff to avoid? Not really my style
Honey? I love it but I don't think you can ship?
Coloring Books? no thanks, I have lots
Do you celebrate Mabon? Would you like "witchy" or pagan decorations and objects? For example, pentacle wall hangings, mabon poppets, corn dollies, ritual candles, etc? no thank you
Anyone hankering for Craftsy classes? Maybe the Extended Harvest one?
Would you be interested in any of the following: jigsaw puzzles; puzzle books (like word searches or crossword puzzles or suduko); coloring books; card games; board games? Board games : King of Tokyo is my current hankering, card games: yes please, I have Gloom, Munchkin, Love Letters, Cards Against Humanity, especially interested in things for only 2 players
BPTP: - this doesnt seem to be working properly as its only showing one thing - have asked Puddin to have a look at the website, but if you need a real wishlist, just ask
I keep all my wishlists up to date, but ignore the 'shops' bit on Etsy as sometimes those are things for other people.
Do you like colouring? yes but dont really have the time right now
Crochet goodies yes or no? If yes, what kind of goodies? socks!
Do you have any allergies to animals/smoke/food etc? no
Graphic novels: we have a huge collection, only really want the ones in my wishlist or something local I couldn't get over here
Nail Polish: I only wear it on my toes (because gardening) and I only wear BPTP stuff these days. I have Moth Shadow, Dream Awake, Titan Toadstools, Oneiroi and Temple of Dreams
BPTP: yes, love the bath oils, like some atmos, can't use hair gloss. Would kill to try some Floof if it becomes available
Nail Wraps: not for me, they would die too quickly
Teas/Spices/Spice Rubs/Specialty Ingredients from a local tea & spice shop? yes to all
In Regards to loose/bagged tea: bags preferred because I'm lazy most of the time
Speaking of spices - where's your spicy/heat threshold? (scale of 1 - 10 - 1 being nothing more than black pepper, 10 being ghost pepper+) 7
Preferred book format? Physical, PDF, Kindle, etc? Kindle preferred except for graphic novels, gardening and art books - but no problem with real books
Would you be interested in any handmade critters? Stuffed animals, knit or crochet beasties, or anything remotely similar? Yes, especially if amiguri type. I'd love one (only one, I'd have to lock it away from Luna) Geeky things related to my fandoms, Studio Ghibli creatures, cats, lizards, dragons would all be good Or cat toys!
Since this is the Spring Fools' round, is there anything that goes with the theme of April Fool's Day or spring that might be fun to add to your package? Garden related stuff
Pet owners - would you like any kind of toy or supply for your pet? Cat toys without cat nip
Geek paraphernalia! Almost everyone here has SOME sort of geek-love, whether it is Harry potter, Horror movies, graphic novels, science, etc. So would you be interested in any kind of items related to your geek-ish interests? Always
Any yarn, plastic, metal, or fabric sensitivities? I have to have sterling silver earring wires
would you like pretty stationery/note cards, etc, for writing snail mail? I don't write snail mail but I'd love a pad of cute paper for putting notes in swap packages
If you could have any BPALs right now (GC, LE, HTF) what would they be? Give examples of at least a few of each category HTF: Tea, Trick (no. 2) LE: Snow at Midnight, Needlework, Alias, Blue Carbuncle GC: Fairy Bites, Machu Piccu, Gomorrah
Any places you would like gift cards from? Sock Dreams, Crocus
Do you wear make-up? Any brands you like? Color preferences? I only wear eyeliner of the self sharpening kind, mostly Clinique. I like black, grey, brown & green
Junk food and candy? Trying to lose some weight, so not very much of this please! I like the tea and coffee candies and tortilla chips
Witchee, regarding your fave TV shows, would you be interested in the associated DVDs? Fan books? I pretty much have all of the DVDs and books
Do you need any items for your kitchen (linens, gadgets, cooking supplies, etc.)? I always need more spatulas, tea towels are also useful
Gardens/plants: I am dreaming of spring, dear witch: Do you like plants? Do you have any? Indoor potted plants? A balcony bed? A yard? Do you want/need anything? I have an entire allotment and always want stuff BUT I don't think you can send seeds here from the US/Canada If someone ever found geeky gardening gloves I'd love them!
If I were to make you something based on one or more interests mentioned in your Q'aire/blog, would you prefer something you could wear, something that hangs on a wall, or something that sits on a shelf (or couch or wherever)? Wearable is favourite, with wall hanging second. Killer kitten destroys things left on shelves :(
Are you in need of BPAL storage? Nope.
Do you like candles? Incense? Wax melts? I like candles but am short of room for them now
BAGS! Do you like/want/need any kind of bags? I would be happy to get tote bags that I could use for gardening stuff, especially the type made from reused feed bags that someone switchywitchy makes/has family that makes, or other ones that can stand up to dirt. Plus in answering another question lower down I found at least one messenger bag I love!
I make handmade journals/albums/smashbooks/junk journals. Would you be interested in anything like that? I love them but end up never using them
What's your favorite animal/totem? Would you be interested in a small figurine of said animal from this etsy user? cat, dragon, lizard ... I wouldn't like a figurine due to Killer Kitten, but those Toothless bags are adorable <3
Anything exciting to you in PBSW's Spring Collection? Bath streusel or sorbetto in Lemony Biscuit or April Fools
Witchee, are you interested in this kind of music (it's one of my favorites)[Tartanic - uncivilized]? I can take it or leave it
Oh dead Witchee, how do you feel about Sakura Matsuri? Do you like Green Tea and Sakura flavored desserts/treats? Decorations or jewelry with a cherry blossom theme? I like cherry blossom as decoration but can't stand the taste, and dont really like green tea either
Hey, witchee! If I were to send you a garment, what size would I send? Difficult, as I'm busy dropping a load of weight. It's really best, outside of XXL crew t-shirts, to ask me specifically
It's Hottie Friday, witches and witchees! Name a famous crush or five Tom Hiddlestone, Alan Rickman, David Mitchell, Tom Ellis, Morena Baccarin
Also - what are the last 5 songs that appeared on your random or shuffle music list
Jethro Tull -Heavy Horses Slayer - Angel of Death REM - Losing My Religion The The - This Is The Day Inequality Street - Skyclad
If you should happen to be my witchee, are there any items in my store that you would like? Nut-Made by LisaNut I like the look of the cowls
Oh Witchee, have you seen the kimono tops that are all the rage right now? Would you like one? I will sew you one if you do, just tell me if you're a fringe or lace edge or plain edge type of person- I have your color picks from your questionnaire, unless you'd like it in something different than those? Plain edge please
I was thinking about busting out the sculpy clay - I sometimes like to make cute little fantasy miniature sculpture, like fairy doors, or miniature garden gnomes for potted plants, or I've even made a couple of tiny smaug's based on this cartoon. If you were my witchee, how would you feel about receiving some tiny fantasy art for your home? Any preference between a fairy door, or a garden gnome, a tiny fairy box, or something like smaug? All the Smaugs!
If you won a gift certificate for $100 (Or similar amount in your country) that could be used ANYWHERE what would you get? either clothes from Nomads or BPTP, or garden stuff from Crocus
Something that you look forward to each spring, or that when you see it (hear it/smell it/taste it, etc) you think "Yes! Spring is here!" or something along those lines! seeing catkins appear
I keep all my wishlists up to date, but ignore the 'shops' bit on Etsy as sometimes those are things for other people.
Alcohol: You might not be able to send it because customs, but I drink spirits except the hell that is tequila. I prefer Irish whiskey, rum, brandy, mead
Pumpkin - I don't mind it
Yellowstone/huckleberries - I have never tried huckleberries, would love to
Decorating - very eclectic, so here's a wall from my old house which I have not as yet had the spare time to replicate, but it's on the list! For those of you who don't drink alcohol, can you specify if you live with any drinkers or ever have alcohol on hand for guests, vs. abstaining and preferring not to have it around at all?
Are you a fan of the TV show Penny Dreadful? I've got the first series ready to watch next
What are your coffee and tea preferences? Do you prefer one, the other, both, or neither (and if it's neither, what about things like hot cider and cocoa)? Loose leaf or bags, whole bean or ground? Is caffeine OK? Any gadgetry you're in need of? Any brands or flavors that you particularly love, loathe, or want to try? coffee beans, especially flavoured, black tea in bags, especially chai and earl grey types. I love the David's tea that I've tried
What's your sense of humor like? Do you enjoy puns? Play on words? Dirty humor? Dry humor? Who are some of your favorite comedians? Bill Hicks is my all-time favourite, also like David Mitchell, Bob Monkhouse, Stephen Fry, Bill Bailey. I like sarcasm, clever word play, dry & some dirty humour. (yes, my humour has a "u" in it!)
Do you like board games? If so, which ones? Traditional or more unique? (like Settlers of Catan, Small World, Red Dragon Inn, etc) I love Smallworld and Munchkin and play board games with one of my partners. Really want to try Cards Against Humanity but also mentioned this in the 13 Nights swap so maybe check with my swapper there.
Is there anything that you specifically do NOT want to receive? Religious stuff
Plain or fun socks? I like both - I like subtle fun ones rather than full-on, and I like interesting textured plain ones. Love stripey socks too, but no toe socks please
Name one (or as many as you would like) thing you would like to learn more about? I still have a lot to learn about gardening, sorely tempted to learn baking but then I might eat more (I refer you to the conflicted bit in my questionnaire!)
What one thing you would like to do more of? exercise, relax, playpiano (learn to count )
What are some things that fascinate you? Or, What would you like to know more about? my real fascination is the social history of diseases, I own books on things like how different disease through the ages have been touted as 'evidence' of sin, like how at one point Leprosy had all the same social commentary as HIV did later. I still have a few flu and smallpox books on my wishlist!
Would you like any cookie butter (just to be clear, store-bought, not home-made, and does contain wheat since it's, y'know, cookie butter)? No thanks, I hate it
Is there any particular piece (or pieces) of art (painting, photograph, etc) that speaks to you in some way? I did a long answer in the thread but basically pre-raphaelite
What kinds of things would you like from the Lilith BPAL or BPTP update (or are you joining a decant circle?) I've joined a decant circle
Do you want to received knit or crocheted items? If so, could you describe or even link to a couple of items similar to what you would like to receive? Socks always welcome, would love a small beanie/skullcap type hat but have quite a small head. An example of style not colour or pattern.
What thing do you want to do (or get) but you keep putting off for one reason or another?
Would you like anything from Lush? No thank you, I've been shopping from them since before they were called Lush!
Do you prefer hand-made or store-bought? I like both
SPICY! Scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being "oh, that's a bit too much black pepper for me" and 10 being "ghost pepper? scorpion pepper? I laugh at these! I love as much heat as you can throw my way!" Where are you? probably 6
What is your BPAL "Holy Grail"? Tea (the Luper) ranks high because you can't search for it on the forum, but also Banshee Beat because I stupidly sold my spare bottle
Analog or Digital? Or Both? Analog for films, either for books, digital for music
What scents from other perfume companies are you really wanting to have in your collection and or are just really wanting to test? Companies like NAVA, Arcana, Solstice Scents, Possets, Haus of Gloi etc.....? Just the two on my wishlist
Do you have an affinity for any specific animals? Cats, rats, little lizards, ducks if they're rubber!
Kitchen Needs or Wants? A pepper grinder that actually works well, interesting spice mixes from your area (except Hawaii - I have a ton of spices from there from a previous round)
Makeup! Do you like it, would you want some? If so what brands do you like to wear? Eyeliner is all I wear, and I prefer the sort that sharpens itself. I usually wear Clinique in brown, grey, green purple or black
Chocolate fiends ahoy! What kind of chocolate do you like? Do you like any other things in it or just plain good ole chocolate? Love chocolate especially Ghiradelli, Lindt, Seattle Chocolate, Suchard, Montezuma. I like things in it but not whole almonds as I broke a tooth on one of those. Itty bitty almond is fine.
Would you be opposed to receiving a ton of Halloween themed items? I don't really do Halloween so it would be a waste
Would you be interested in any special little thing I might be able to pick up from the Great Lakes Bat Festival this Saturday? Both Janell Cannon (author of Stellaluna and other kids' books) and Fiona Reid (illustrator for lots of animal field guides) will be there, so would you possibly be interested in something like an autographed copy of Stellaluna or one of Cannon's or Reid's other books? Or something from the Organization for Bat Conservation, like a shirt or other swag? If there ended up being a bat print available I'd like that
What items from the Weenie update interest you, should you have to option of getting anything as a gift from your Witch??? Would you be ok with decants, or bottles? I'm going to get decants of: Second Spring Apples II, III, IV and V Young Woman Appealing To A Witch Depart Pour Le Sabbat Liebeszauber The Magic Circle The Witches Witches Kitchen Portrait of an Unidentified Man As Mephistopheles
I'm not going to buy until I've tried decants but my most likely needs for bottles are: Witches Kitchen Portrait of an Unidentified Man As Mephistopheles
What's your favorite scary movie? I don't like horror films because people are generally stupid. So i'd probably pick a Clive Barker film like Nightbreed, but in no way could I call any of them a favourite. I listed my other favourites in the original questionnaire.
Blu-ray or DVD? Either is fine but they need to be Region 2 for Europe
Game systems - console or computer? Mac/PC? Which console? The only game I really have time for now is Sunless Sea, the standalone spin off from Fallen London, which I play on my Mac
Are you dressing up for Halloween and if so do you need any accessories for if? I don't dress up
Talk to me about bags, what kinds do you like? Sizes and styles? I could do with plasticised totes for gardening stuff, or a satchel/messenger style that would fit music books in as well as the rest of my stuff
What are your favorite fandoms and do you want to receive anything related to such? Firefly, Babylon 5, Dr Who, Gotham
What are you planning to order from the Weenies update? See above
The Last Huzzah of the NY Renaissance Faire happens this weekend and I'm going! Is there anything you might want? (Besides a turkey leg, which won't ship well!)
Do you like comics or graphic novels? Any issues or collections you want to read? I love graphic novels but have a vast collection, only after things on my Amazon wishlist
Do you like fanfic? Would you like a story written for you as part of your gift? What characters/fandoms/pairings etc do you like? I'm not a big fan of fanfic, sorry
Where do you have wishlists at? If you could please link to them or to a post that links to them. (Amazon, Etsy, Think Geek, Pinterest, Sephora, Lush, BPAL/BPTP, Soap Box Company, everywhere and anywhere!) All at the top of the blog
Let's say you have indicated interest in receiving a hand knitted item. What colors, exactly, do you like? If you could provide color swatches here or to pinterest (or something visual), that would help out a lot. This purple or this mix or this green or this blue are all very much my sort of thing
Would you rather receive a bunch of little packages through the round, a couple of medium packages, or one big package at the end? Whatever you pick is fine but for preference lots of little packages or a couple of medium ones
For those of us with out-of-country Witchees, would you be happy with receiving a few packages from local to you merchants (say, through Etsy or equivalent)? Yes, I always do this for my witchee
Would Witchees like something from IKEA? (Or any other not always accessible by everyone store?) Not unless you can ship me a new bookshelf
If/when you go to the mall, for which store(s) do you beeline? The deli and the comic book store
Do you receive any subscription boxes (julep, lootcrate, ipsy, birchbox, etc.)? Graze
Do you like tarts/candles/incense? If so, what type of scents? ot right now, I will have a new kitten next week so am avoiding burny stuff
Is there anything you wish you could have picked up from the Dragon*Con exclusives? BPTPs Housebreaking Your Dragon atmo
Is there a GC you've been dying to try but haven't got around to yet? No
The questionnaire asked about gold & silver jewelry, but how do you feel about copper jewelry? Do you like colorful jewelry, or do you prefer to keep it neutral? I like copper jewellery
We asked about decorating style, but are you interested in receiving decorations for your home? Are you interested in things that go on the wall or things that go on shelves? I can probably find space for a couple more wall things, but very little room for shelf things unless they also have a purpose
Office supplies hound? Pens, pencils, journals, any preference, or favorites? Pens for drawing especially Letraset promarker type and very very fine point black pens
Talk to me about socks! Is there anything, dear, dear Witchee, that I can get for you from Sock Dreams? Anything from another place? I love Sock Dreams and have a wishlist, also have lots on my Etsy wishlist
I live near a huuuuge candy store. What kind of candy do you like? Gummies? Caramel? Chocolate? Sour? Sugar-free? Those US tea and coffee candies are always a favourite when I get them as frimps
How do you feel about animal products? Not so much animal toys or food, but more like furs, paws, bones, etc. No, the cats will think it's theirs
Are you interested in receiving any gift certificates for your area? No, I dont think they reach this far!
How do you feel about "toys" - stuffed animals and the like? I might like interesting/cute/geeky ones. I have cuddly Rubella, MRSA and Brain Cells
Did you see the eclipse last night? How do you feel about astrological events, like eclipses? Any interest in the Blood Moon Eclipse scent from BPAL? I watched it but I think the scent will burn me
Witchee's, how tall are you? And perhaps, what's your arm span (from wrist to wrist)? short and wide! 5'2" but no idea about arm span
How do you feel about the 4 elements? Or are you more of an Asian 5 elements person? Do you feel strongly about any of the elements, like a connection or a preference? I prefer the 5 elements
How do you feel about bento boxes? Is it something you would use if you were to get one? I have one really cute one but would potentially use another especially if it actually sealed properly
Scarves, shawls or cowls? Mittens, gloves, fingerless mitts or wristlets? fingerless gloves
how do you feel about online classes? Like, say, craftsy or creativebug? Or even I don't have the time
What do we want from Paintbox Soapworks? I'd love to try a hot process soap like Rice Pudding and I love sorbettos - Afternoons & Eiderdowns, Rice Pudding or Gingermilk would all suit me well
If I were to make you some art, would you prefer a frame that hangs or one that sits? And what color/style would you prefer? A frame that hangs please. As for style, look at my Etsy wishlist for an idea
How do you feel about gourmet marshmallows? Yum as long as they arent floral flavoured
Are you a slatherer or a dabber? It depends on the scent
Talk to me, dear witchies, about tea. I know we've covered this a little, but I really need the nitty gritty here- not just companies you like and don't like (Teavana? Adagio? David's? Some tiny place?) but I also want to know the other stuff: top 3 flavors, loose or bagged, the kinds of tea accessories you use- or have always wanted. Be specific. Provide links if necessary. Bagged tea will get more use but I do own a teapot and strainer. I love chais, earl//lady grey and smoky black teas like Lapsang and Russian Caravan
Villainess is putting out brand new stuff for the first time in a while (as opposed to bringing back former lines). Sooo.... who wants it? Never tried anything but Gingerleaf sounds lovely and the Smack sounds good is many scents
How does everyone feel about duct tape crafts? Any favorite patterns? not really my thing
Are there any flowers you especially like? Fritillaria, cornflowers, forget-me-nots, irises, borage
Would you be interested in any cozies or cases (yarn o fabric, not hard cases) for tech stuff (phone, laptop' etc) or for cups/mugs/bottles or anything else similar. no thank you
Would you like Halloween or Day of the Dead themed ornaments or a "bunting"? no thank you
Are there witchees who would like book related gifts like a booklight, bookmark, bookseat or something for your reading gadget,like a cover or a light for example. no thank you, I have a wonderful cover for my Kindle
I make handmade journals, mini albums and similar items. Would my witchee be interested in something like that? I do love interesting journals
What songs/music/artists/CD's do you like to listen to around Halloween? the same as the rest of the year
Are you interested in leg warmers at all? nope, I lived through the 80s
Is your Halloween style scary, cutesy, folksy, grotesque . . .? Such as it is, probably cutesy.
I bought the Portal board game last week & it came with a Portal 2 steam free download code. I already have the game on another console & it's one of my favorite series of all time. Soooo, would you want it? No thank you
Have you read The Martian? Or do you plan on watching the movie? I haven't read it but I'd like to
Pertaining to that, how does everyone feel about such things? Will anyone be participating? How about NaNo swag, is there any you want? I don't understand the question!
Honey or beeswax products? Discuss. Yes
How do you feel about bumper stickers and car magnets? What do you like--cute, pretty, snarky, geeky/fandomy? I have no car
Last updated: 13th October
Amazon wishlist :
Etsy wIshlist :
Crocus wishlist:
Books on Amazon - I tend to pick Kindle where available, but I know Kindle books still aren't giftable (who thought that was a good idea? ) so I would be happy to receive a real copy too.
1. Pumpkin : I eat a lot of squashes, but only in savoury things. I don't tend to get on with pumpkin scents as they usually have burny cinnamony stuff in there so i tend to just avoid.
2. I currently have a CSA and my significant other is perpetually out of town for work, so I've been doing a lot of canning and baking with my vegetables. How do people feel about canned good (pickles, salsa, etc) and vegetal baked goods (squash bread, zucchini bread).
3. Trading Post wants? On my wishlist
4. What direct sellers do you not like and would prefer not to get things from? And also feel free to list any retail brands you really don't like. Avon would be a no for me, most of the other companies I don't even recognise!
5. How about y'alls coffee and tea preferences? black flavoured tea or herbal 'mint/ginger plus something' teas. I like interesting coffee beans too. I hate herbal teas with chamomile or hibiscus in
6. Do you cook? Would kitchen accessories make you happy? I keep meaning to get a mandolin, and a nutmeg grater. I can always use more wooden spatulas.
7. How do people feel about creative endeavours? Would you like to receive one? Or supplies to make your own? What do you like? Drawings, stories, poems?
8. What culture or country (doesn’t have to be modern) do you feel an innate connection with? What about it makes it special to you? Northumberland - no matter that I haven't lived there for decades, it's always home - wild, bleak and utterly beautiful
9. Is there any sort of art commission you would like: cartoony, pin-up, fantasy, realistic, etc? If so, what subject would you like drawn (a picture of you, a character, a loved one or pet)? The only thing I can think of is a stained glass panel to fit the little area above my door
10. What do you find yourself doing for fun in your free time? What are your main hobbies and interests? I study Biology for fun - just finished a genetics based course, currently doing immunology, next up is probably study of epidemics. I'm also learning to play the piano and have just taken on an allotment!
11. Table-top gaming? If yes, what kind, edition, etc? Gaming accessories you long for? Pretty dice are always needed - D20, D10 and D8s particularly. The 8s need to roll low ;-)
12. DVD movies or games that you wish would magically appear in your hands? Can they be used, through Amazon? Used DVDs from my wishlist are fine, but they need to be region 2 or region-free (standard US is region 1)
13. What kind of snacks or candy from other countries/states would you like to try? Interesting savoury stuffs
14. Do you have a favorite internet meme, character or pop culture fandom? Toooooo many ...
15. Do you have a Facebook profile (or other social media) that you are comfortable linking to aid your witch in stalking? Please note whether you are willing to add BPALers as friends. I'm Zeb Brigham
16. Anybody interested in something from RCCC, whether it's con-exclusive merch or from a particularexhibitor or artist? Something little from Steampunked Out if they actually *do* little!
17. How important to you is regular contact / chatter with your witch? Contact is good but for chatter - see Flyby's answer - sometimes I'm good at responding, sometimes not.
18. Do you like puzzles/riddles/treasure hunts and that sort of thing? Puzzles -yes ... riddles, no because I'm useless at them. And little real treasure hunts could be fun!
19. If you were to receive music, would you want a physical CD or digital versions? either is fine
20. What’s a current problem/annoyance you have that could be remedied but you haven’t had time to address it? The only thing that comes to mind is lack of sex
21. How do you feel about having some sort of trinket to carry around for good luck/wishes? i.e. a small figurine, symbol, card, coin… I never have pockets so probably not
22. Are you superstitious about anything? Any things you can't have in your house for that reason--bad associations? no
23. Not veggie
24. Ok, so we've covered pumpkin. How do you feel about the other fall classic – apples? I like apples
25. Do you have any fabric or skin-contact aversions? I don't like itchy yarn to wear, or acrylic/polyester
26. How do you feel about Christmas/Yule ornaments? Not my thing
27. How do you feel about Hello Kitty, and Hello Kitty accessories (including mugs, cups, etc)? I prefer the zombie version
28. If you had a week free where you could learn anything, with no financial restrictions, what would you want to study? EIther Biology actually at MIT instead of virtually, or a bookbinding course
29. Do you enjoy poetry? Who are your favorite poets and what type of subject matter do you like? I am incredibly picky about what I like, best not to try!
30. Would you enjoy receiving something related to a favorite Disney character? no, absolutely not
31. How do you feel about cute things as decorations or accessories? (Example: Would you enjoy this stationery - or do you prefer elegant/creepy/neutral stuff?) I like some anime 'cute' stuff but prefer creepy, and don't use much stationery
32. What is something you'd really like to receive from your witch? Please be as specific as possible - no, "Oh whatever she thinks is fine!" This is a nightmare question because it feels like demanding. Something that shows they paid attention to my likes/dislikes? If pushed for an answer, I'd really like some stripey wooly armwarmers for winter (I have an autumn pair) or stripey socks
33. Go to your music source of choice - on random or shuffle setting if possible - & share with us the 10 most recent songs/artists.
Marillion - Warm Wet Circles
Breed 77 - La Ultima Hora
Tea Party - Grand Bazaar
Fusion Orchestra 2 - Don't Forget Your Key
New Model Army - Green and Grey
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication
Beethoven - Waldstein Sonata
Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
Ludovico Einaudi - Una Mattina
Van der Graaf Generator - A Plague of Lighthouse keepers
34. Tarot cards, rune stones and/or other divination tools yay or nay? No, not my sort of thing
35. Do you have a Celeb crush? or someone who you just can't get enough of....other than your SO I would not kick Tom Hiddleston out of bed, but at the same I feel bad for doing all that objectifying
36. Glitter? are you okay with it, or hate it like the plague? A little bit is fine ... an Arlith-style glitter bomb would be too much!
37. If there was another time period other than now that described your style/aesthetics, what would it be? I don't seem to have any style but I do like steampunky type things and medieval style stuff
38. If you had to pick one or two quotes to live by, what would it be and why?
"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
or "We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars.'"
or "Not all who wander are lost"
or "In order to fly, all one must do is simply miss the ground."
or "These woods are lovely, dark and deep
But I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep
And miles to go before I sleep"
I could go on ... and on ... and on ...
39. Do you prefer physical books? CD books? eBooks? If eBooks do you have preferred format, kindle/nook/kobo/PDF/ePub/ect? eAudio? I prefer Kindle for convenience but paper are lovely too
40. Smut! Yes or no? If yes, what kink, er, kind? I am BDSM inclined, loathe the sappy romantic type of stuff. 50 Shades is sappy and repetitive and predictable.
41. Ebooks! Yes or no? yes
42. If you were to get a custom bottle from House of Gloi made for you what notes would create your perfect blend?
43. If your witch were to take a photograph (or paint or whatever) of something just for you, what would it be? Landscape? Flower? Critter? Something to illustrate a favorite quote? Deep inside a forest pics, or ocean, or "Not all those who wander are lost"
44. What is your favorite Halloween animal or other symbol/decoration? Cats, always cats
45. Makeup, especially of the indie variety. Nail polish, nail wraps, eyeshadow, lipstick/gloss, etc. Y/N? Specific preferences (color, finish, product, brand, etc.)? I love nail varnish but international shipping is an issue. The only makeup I use, which is every day, is eyeliner - like greens and browns and purples and greys but also black. I especially like self-sharpening ones so I dont get splinters
46. How do you feel about profanity and off-color humor? Profanity is fine ... don't like racist/sexist/homophobic or potty humour
47. I make hairsticks...would you like/use them? I've always wanted to try
48. Does anyone here LARP? If so, what kind of LARP? And what kind of character do you play? I used to LARP but got too old and achy to sleep in fields. I almost always play a rogue but just tabletop now
49. Would you completely freak out if I sent you a chocolate covered scorpion or some other food oddity? This includes things like 'bacon powder' from No insects!
50. This has kind of been covered, but, are you ok with receiving canned jam (from a veteran jammer!) and if so, what flavors would you like and not like? No jam for me, too much sugar
51. Let's talk nail polish. What colors do you love? Hate? Which brands are you dying to try? Have you ever used indies? Do you like glitter? Any textures to avoid (glitter, sand, etc)? I don't like nail varnish with glitter/sand texture even though I like the look, I don't wear red, pink or yellow
52. How do you feel about getting a special Halloween plushie? probably not
53. I'm in Japan, anything specific you might want from the land of the rising sun? Totoro or Laputa stuff might be cool
54. Are there any GC scents that you know you love, but for whatever reason, keep putting off buying bottles of? see my wishlist
55. I know not everyone likes Lush products, but if you do, which Lush items would you like to get from your Witch? Not for me, I left them for BPAL (and I could walk to the shop)
56. Is there anywhere (in the US) that you are dying to get away to? Also when would you be able to get away. Would this even be something you were interested in? If so, go look at the Southwest sale for routes and dates and times. This question isn't for me!
57. If you are ok with receiving t-shirts, what size are you, do you prefer tissue tees, normal crew tees, babydoll etc? XL for tissue tees, XXL for crew tees, don't do 'girly' sized tees
58. THINKGEEK! Who loves it - do you have a wishlist on there?? What are some things you are jonesing for on there for under $20? Love it - my wishlist can be found from my email
59. Zombies, yes or no? No
60. Would you like arm warmers/fingerless gloves? If so, what length? just beyond the wrist, almost to the elbow, full sleeves? Just before the elbow, or wrist length please
61. Do you feel a particular affinity for a specific animal/s? Cats, especially abyssinians
62. Anyone have any Paintbox Soapworks loves? Oh yes! Dying to try the Rice Pudding soap and Crofters soap, love the sorbettos especially Gooseberry Beach and Indian Summer
63. How would you feel if your witch or a minion of your witch showed up in person at your house with goodies? Thrilled? Annoyed? Completely creeped out? In theory I'd like it, but then I'd be so paranoid because it was messy and I was behind on the vacuuming and all that
64. Do you have a ravelry account? Tell me about your yarn obsessions. nope
65. Sock Dreams, yay or nay? Yay
66. Knitted items like scarves, shawls, dishclothes....yay or nay? Favorite fibers? Favorite colors? I'm more a socks or armwarmers type, and I like non-itchy natural fibres
67. Is your Amazon WL up-to-date? Yes
68. If you were to receive handmade caramels, would it matter if they were made with raw cream (unpasteurized)? It wouldn't matter
69. Would you enjoy getting a sampling of quality incense taken from various sources? Are there types of incense you know you don't like? Would you want a burner for loose incense and a few charcoals to get you started with that, or would you rather stick to simpler types? Not really my thing
70. I know we already had a question about needed kitchen accessories, but what about spices? I have a ton of SE asian spices so dont need more, but US specific blends, or lovely Japanese peppery blends would be nice
71. Would you like handmade stationary or cards? How about a quill pen? I'd think they were pretty but wouldn't use them, with the exception of a tear-off notepad I could use to put notes in swaps and sales
72. On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being "gimme that ghost pepper!" and 1 being "oh, that's a bit too much black pepper for me" Where is your heat tolerance? Around a 7
73. What is your favorite type of Halloween candy? I don't really have one ... maybe praline-filled pumpkins from HotelChoclat?
74. Do you need or want any cosy footwear, like fluffy slippers, or slipper socks etc? I like wearing fluffy bedsocks as slippers
75. What do you most look forward to each Fall? The smell of bonfires in the air, falling leaves and the lovely lovely lovely cold! (I hate too much heat)
76. What gadgets do you use in your everyday life and would you like a cool case for them - with your favourite fandom or artwork or saying? I have a beautiful Kindle case so I'm good there. I have a nice iphone 5S case but am open to a change on that one. I've picked some styles on Etsy but really hoping sooner or later to get my hands on the BPTP one
77. Are there any beauty accessories you need or would like? For example make-up brushes, facial brushes or eyelash curlers. Only the glass nail file I mentioned elsewhere
78. Would you be disappointed to get one big box, or would you prefer a bunch of little ones? And would you be disappointed if your witch actually had it together early and sent it to you sooner than later? It would be really rude to be disappointed with whatever my witch prefers! I have a slight preference for lots of little ones, but that's as much about my own style of international witching due to postage costs.
79. PJs - cotton/flannel or natural fibres please, and I'd be a UK 18/20 and a US 20 or XXL - I like them baggy
80. Do you like M&Ms? - yes but probably not enough for them to be my one sweet thing
81. How about wax melts? no - too many nosy cats
82. Would you like a subscription for Spotify? No thanks
83. What scents from the Lillith update would you like to try? I've bought bottle of Blueberry Picking. Avunculus and Venustas - I'd be interested in trying decants of Lily Witch, Amicita and Goofballs
84. Would you be interested in receiving a box of sugar cube skulls? No thanks
85. Skin care routine? Fave cleanser? Toner? Moisturizer? What about body lotions? Any particular brand or scent? Lip balms? Yay or nay? Skin care routine is patchy at best! I use Origins stuff. I do use body lotions, also patchily - my favourite is Gooseberry Beach by PBSW - I tend to like lighter, fresher scentsfor body lotions as well as the usual sorts I wear. I like lip balms
86. Is there anything you would like from Salem MA (mugs, keychains, postcards, etc.or witchy supplies like incense, candles, books)? No thanks, while I would be interested to visit myself from a historical point, I'm not going to celebrate human stupidity
87. Would you be interested in any of the items in LisaNut's etsy shop? Not my sort of thing, sorry
88. Spiders (as in cute knit kind) yes or no? yes if it will stand up to being a cat toy
89. Pillows (the mostly decorative type)? yes
90. Any kind of bags - big, small, medium, purse, grocery, etc? tote bag or backpack (the kind with thick straps not cord)
91. Is there anything special coming up in your life? Nope
92. Which one scent would you want from each of the following updates: Metamorphosis, Lilith and GC? I bought my main Liliths and Metas. From GC probably Last Unicorn or Eros
93. Are you interested in anything from NYCC? Most likely the BPAL/BPTP offerings!
94. Would something from the Tokyo Game Show (e.g. postcards, fans) possibly interest you? probably not
95. Would you enjoy any of these couple rings? Or anything from the same store's Halloween collection? No but some in the geekery section are awesome, especially the 'Not Today' bangle (I went on about this a bit in the thread)
96. If you imbibe at all ... preference between: wine/beer/cocktails and then glassware and/or bar-ware? cocktail gadgetry? Books on the subject/recipes? would you want sample bottles of local/regional/small batch craft spirits if they were home decanted and labeled? I'm skipping alcohol for a few months while I diet
97. Would you like some chai, lemon, rose water or other flavored sugar cubes? No thank you
98. Jamberry nail wraps? sure
99. If you had to choose one currently available book (used-but-obtainable counts if you do used) costing $20 or under for your Witch to buy for you, what would it be? From my Amazon wishlist - probably Pump Six by Paolo Bacigalupi
100. Are there five things under $25 at Birchbox you would like?
Origins Clear Improvement Charcoal Mask
Origins Drink Up Mask
Harvey prince Hello Liquid Loofah
Eco-Armour Shave With Benefits mint
Make Gel eyeliner in Heavy Metal
101. Do you want anything from the Fatherhood update at the Post? A Moment in Time, Flying Kites and Mornings In New Orleans and maybe Pralines
102. Street art! Into it? Not into it? Meh? I love Banksy's rats ... I have them all over my walls
103. If you could only pick one note that you love (e.g. Vanilla, Orange, Lavender, Rose) & you could only wear/have perfume, etc in that note, what would it be? Really struggling with this one, like really. I'm just not a 'pick one' type of woman, which may explain the polyamory I've narrowed it down to vanilla, honey, lime lavender and patch!
104. What are you interested in from the NYCC exclusive list? Little Maggie
105. Most anticipated "Weenie blends? Most weenie blends dont work on me - if they brought back Creepy I would grab some more, and the Trading Post /might/ be the ones doing Melty Pumpkin Ice Cream oil which I loved the proto of
106. Caffeine or no? And is this a health or preference? Caffeine - yes!
107. Are you interested in anything from the MAC Rocky Horror or the e.l.f. Disney Princess make up collections? No thank you
108. I pass this shop every day, If you were my witchee would you like a custom chocolate bar? What would you choose? Plain, white or milk and with what? Milk or 55% dark
109. Would you like to try chocolate covered Turkish Delight or flower flavoured things I like real turkish delight except for mint flavour, but I hate rose/violet sweets
110. For those of you who like Fantasy or play Dungeons and Dragons... would you be interested in a custom painted miniature? If so, what gender, race and class? Any preferences for a theme, color scheme, preferred weapons/armor, etc? Specific character description you would want me to try to hit? I'd love a dark-haired half elf female rogue who carries two blades
111. Are there any local or national charities that are close to your heart that you know would appreciate a donation in your name? No thank you
112. I have two partial (Backup) bottles of some scents on your wishlist, Witchee. However, the labels aren't perfect, due to a tragic imp explosion. Would you still be ok with getting them? Yes
113. Do you like incense? Or are you more of a fan of essential oil aromatherapy/fragrance oils a la Yankee Candle/B&BW? Or all of the above? What scents do you prefer for those kinds of things? Nag champa? Lemongrass EO for the house? PUMPKIN SPICE EERYTHANG. What companies do you like specifically (if any) - links? I don't really like incense but I do love good scented candles. Yankee candles seem to smell false to me. I love Trading Post candles but havent tried many others.
114. Trading Post Weenies are up!! What's everyone interested in? Cacoa Dusted Sugar Skulls bath oil, Choc Pumpkin or Samhain candles, On Halloween or Death On A Pale Pumpkin atmos
115. My mom has crocheted a bunch of little witch hats, would this be something you are interested in? Not for me
116. Are you interested in anything from my mom's Etsy shop? I like the chicken bag
117. Are you interested in dried honey crisp apples or italian prunes? apples yes, prunes no
118. Do you need any travel mugs, coffee mugs, tea makers, rock sugar, coffee or tea syrups, etc? no but Teavana tea would be lovely
119. Is there anything from my shop that you might like, past or present? Steam Sun Moon or Bound In Copper
120. What are 6 GC scents & 6 others that you would be interested in as imps? See my wishlist
121. Lush just released holiday stuffs. Any interest? No thanks, Lush is very close to me
122. Any chocolate loving witches want something from this place? truffles look good
Last updated: 5th November
ETSY wishlist(don't look at favourite stores, some of them are there specifically to remind me of presents for other people)
Amazon wishlist
Are there any GC scents that you love, but for whatever reason, you keep putting off buying bottles of?
Cheshire Cat and Mage
Do you want to be an early accepter or would you prefer your reveal later in the swap, say maybe closer to the deadline?
I'm easy
Is there anything you would like from the Blooddrop Halloween update? no thanks
Do you prefer to receive whole coffee beans or ground? Also, if you like flavoured blends, what sort of flavours? (caramels, nuts, chocolate, etc.) either is fine and I love all sorts of flavoured ones too
How do you feel about robots? meh unless its Asimov, but I have all those books
Are you interested in anything from the Haus of Gloi yule update on November 3rd? Which products and which scents? Any of the lip balms or Honey Tree/Insalata Nocturna bubbling scrubs
If I made fairy, dragon or butterfly wing earrings, would you wear them? If so, which would you prefer? If they aren't studs, I'd like fairy wings or dragon wings
How do you feel about nail polish? If you like it, are there any brands or colors in which you are interested? Love it, especially purples, greens and blues
What about makeup? What brands do you prefer and which products would you most enjoy receiving? I really only use eyeliner and I particularly like the kind that you dont need to sharpen, the self propelling type
Name three BPAL scents you have tried, but are dying to get more of.The Stormhold, Gorgs Garden, Cheshire Cat
Jewellery? pierced ears - dangly or hoops but no studs please. Necklaces need to be 22-24 in really. Bracelets need to stand up to me constantly banging my wrist against doors, chairs, walls etc - I'm a klutz
Spicy things? Medium or mild is best for me, but I love spice
Baked goods? I like them, but I don't think you can mail international
Spoonfudge? I'm going to pass because the last lot I got, I could not under any circumstances stop eating it once I'd started.
Witchee, would you like a set of Cards Against Humanity? Oh yes
Are there any craft project/s you are working on now that you need supplies for? Or rather, is there a craft project you've been wanting to do but need stuff to start? Manga drawing pens or steampunky bits
Is there anything you'd really like to have/try from Trader Joe's, or any other popular-but-not-available-everywhere store? I don't know what they have - if it's food, maybe some sort of savory snack?
Would you rather have something fun or practical? Practical - but it only just wins
Table Games I like them but the only one I want is Cards Against Humanity as I have no printer to make my own
What do you think of hair sticks? Would you like a set? Yes, but only if they come with instructions!
If you were my witchee, would you be interested in anything from my store or something similar? (Nut-made by LisaNut on etsy.)The scarves are lovely but I already have too many
Say your witch works at a used bookstore. what kinds of things might you like from there? cool old pulp fiction paperbacks? tarot cards? (we have those.) a dr who pen? books about haunted cemeteries in seattle? you may have all of these things:) An old medical/pharmacy book would be loved
Witchee, the Haunt Halloween update goes live tomorrow! When it does, please post right away and let me know your dreams and wishes! I like lots of the regular lip balms, Strawberry Lime and Vanilla Pear especially, I like sugar polish too. Halloween scents: Tell The Bees or Claw & Cobblestone (but not for perfume because cinnamon). Regular scents: Pan or Raspberry Honey or Witch-Wife all sound glorious
I've got some canned goods put up -- mostly jams/jellies, some apple butter, some applesauce. Want some? If so, what kind(s)? I love pickles and chutneys
How feel you about lip balms, glosses, and lipsticks? Any particular favourite scents/flavours? Any favourite makers/sellers? My favourite right now is Blisteze Raspberry Lemonade, in general I like the ones that come in sticks and are flavoured, citrussy or spiced
Halloween Candy, Decorations, and Costume supplies - What kind are your idea of FUN and which ones would you thoroughly dislike? Candy if its not hard on the teeth, but decorations and costume are probably wasted.
WHAT traditions to you partake in for Halloween? Knowing what you do our how you decorate or how you celebrate? It's not that big a thing over here, I guess my tradition is to join in Switch Witch!
Are you a fan of anything that you would like a tshirt of? If so, what size would you wear? This is difficult because there are some awesome shirts out there, but so many fandom tees are just naff. I'd love a good Sandman one, my old ones fell apart. I wish I'd got the DR Who/Led Zep Dont Blink tee that was on RIPT a few weeks ago. I also adore BPTP tissue tees, the halloween kitty is awesome. Cthulu & steampunky thngs are also good. L or XL in BPTP tissue tees, XL in normal crew tees and I don't tend to do girlie tees.
Do you love, hate, or are indifferent to.....pumpkin flavored things? There really aren't many pumpkin flavoured things over here so I'm not sure. I eat pumpkin/squash a lot but mostly in curries!
Dear future Witchee, did you get anything from the Beaver Moon or Weenie updates that I need to know about, so I don't accidentally repeat anything? For once I'm safe from the Lab update. I'm coveting the BPTP mug and pen and especially the Halloween kitty tissue tee. If I scrape up the money for the tee, I'll remove it from my BPTP wishlist.
Do you want anything from Starbucks or Teavana? Tea, tea makers, rock sugar, tea tins, coffee, via, via refreshers, mugs, tazo tea...? Loads of the teavana stuff sounds amazing
Hey, Witchee, it's getting cold. Socks, scarves, hats or arm warmers? Socks and arm warmers please!
Stuff I really don't need more of:
Mugs: I have a gazillion
Dr Who? been watching it since 1967 ...
How much do you like lipbalm? Flavored or unflavored? What are your favorite brands and flavors?
I like sticks not tubs and I much prefer flavoured. I tend to use Chapstick because its easy to get!
Do you like and wear lipgloss? If yes, what colours? Nope
For those of you whose wishlists contain only BPALs, are there any other perfume companies you like or would like to try out? I have a couple of other names on my list, but I dont want to get addicted to yet another overseas company!
Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends. And if you had them and dislike them, can you name a few *other* tea companies you're into? I like interesting chai teas but haven't had anything from Adagio
What about coffee? Love loads of coffees, use beans or occasionally ground, hate decaf and refuse to try the stuff that's been pooped out by rodents
Who is your favourite female of all time? Historical, literary, ANYTHING, and why? Annie Besant from real life, for her social activism & birth control work. Or in fiction, Arya Stark from Game of Thrones or Jinian Footseer & Fringe Dorwalk from some of Sheri Tepper's books, each in different ways for doing the right thing.
If you were a Disney princess you would be?: I would NEVER be a Disney princess. I'd be Cruella De Ville
Would you like a seashell from Florida? Yes
What craft project do you currently have on your docket or that you want to start? And that craft goodies would be welcome? I'm busy (in a lazy way!) making steampunked up sets of mini drawers and learning to draw manga style. Distressing type paints, steampunky bits and manga marker pens always welcome
Do you read literature/culture blogs or websites of any kind? I'm thinking about anything that would help a putative witch to get a sense of what your current tastes in books, movies, games, genres, approaches to culture and literature and so forth are I don't reliably read any blogs
How do you feel about traditional picnics (namely the intimate table for two variety)? Old-fashioned basket or something more utilitarian (cooler/insulated bag)? I love them - old fashioned basket In fact I did a recent Etsy Treasury list about this!
If you were put in a room with 100 random other people the same age and sex as you, from your country, in what way do you think you would be different from the average? I'm polyamorous, I'm probably geekier, probably kinkier, probably far less girly. Arrogantly, I think it's likely I'm cleverer too.
Haus of Gloi did a Reverie update! Do any of them interest you? (Or anything else up currently?) I haven't looked - trying not to get addicted to more international stores than I already am
Witchee, do you cook? Do you do all the cooking? Is it a chore or a pleasure? I cook, I do all the cooking, and it can be either
Which reading level do you prefer to read in YA or Adult? Or even both? I can read either, but adult for preference
If you could have one rare bpal which one would you choose? I'd love a sniffie of MB Underpants to see what the fuss is about. I hoard Midway, if 2 bottles can be considered a hoard
(Feel free not to answer, I know it's not a standard one!) Are you kinky? Oh yes
Do you enjoy scented candles? Certain sizes that you like? What kind of scents or brands? I have some BPTP candles which I love. I'd only like unusual scents, I hate Yankee Candle type stuff. I like proper big candles rather than little ones
Thoughts about South Africa? Have you been here, would you like to go? Would you like to receive anything South African? I have South African in-laws so I don't really need anything. Please NEVER send me biltong or mealy-meal!
Do you like Sockdreams? If so, what styles would you prefer? (You can also link your wishlist.) I've never had anything from there, but love short socks
Do you need hair accessories? If so, what kind or color? I've often wanted to try hairsticks but have no idea how. I use hair ties for the end of my plait.
What is your favorite shade of blue? Moroccan blue, egyptian blue, cobalt, teal, lapis and those ones that are really purple!
Do you have any kitchen gadgets (a SodaStream, a Kuerig/Tassimo) that you want mix things for? not for me, thanks
If you were to start learning something new (intellectual or craft or hobby), what would it be? I'm busy learning manga drawing
What about candy? Do you have a sweet tooth? I have a sweet tooth but try not to overdo it.
Do you have an e-reader? What kind? Would you like to get ebooks? I dont have one
If your witch is an extremely crafty sort, and she were to send all kinds of homemade foody goodies and handmade crafty stuff - what are items you would NOT LOVE to receive. Please dont hedge on this one...some of us are serious crafters and will be making most of what we send! I like: socks, armwarmers/fingerless gloves, sweeties, arty decorated boxes, fancy frames for my pictures (to fit pics 4 x 6 in & 7 x 10 ins are what I need right now). I don't have room for many knicknacks and don't need scarves or cuddly toys. Anything else, feel free to ask!
Witchee dear, do you like video games? Are there any you want to play? Do you have a large library? I like them but don't really have time.
Do you have something you do, without fail, as a personal daily habit/ritual? (Examples: pen-and-paper journal keeping, tea/coffee drinking, morning yoga, nightly bedtime reading. I'm kind of thinking on things that would be dear to you and might need small supplies or could use certain extras. ) I can't think of anything other than morning real coffee
Do you wear nailpolish? What colors do you tend to go for? What are your favorite brands? Are you open to trying indie brands? I love purples, greens & blues but I think it cant be sent internationally any more
Name three BPAL scents you have tried, but are dying to get more of. See my wishlist
Do you still write real letters on nice stationary to people you like/love? only very very rarely
Have you ever tried anything from Paintbox Soapworks? Which products or scents would you prefer? I've stuck a load on my Etsy wishlist
Do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you grow? I have a teeny garden - I grow courgettes, leeks, tomatoes, herbs, strawberries and blue flowers
Do you like sample sized things? Think lipgloss, mascara, bodylotion, scrubs, mini candles, and so forth. I like trying samples, except of make-up
Have you tried Fortune Cookie Soap? What products or scents would you like? I've not tried, again, trying not to expand my B & B international range!
Do you use solid soaps at all? If so, what kind do or don't you like? I use BPTP soap & Paintbox soaps
Have you ever tried Cocoa Pink? If you are curious about it, what looks interesting to you? I shouldn't have looked! Scents: Agave Lime Stiletto jumps out at me, plus Disco lemonade, Lady Bug, Spank Me. Probably lotion or scrub, I'd try shampoo or conditioner but do not need to get addicted to international shampoo!
Do you like Lush? If so, what is your favorite product that is currently available, also, what is a product that you love but has been discontinued? I bought from Lush since 1987 when they were Cosmetics To Go - my favourite product is the original Ginger which they no longer make - I have about an imps worth left. I walk past Lush every day though, so it's not that special!
Do witches prefer the answers posted here, but a more cherry-picked number of questions answered, or a more exhaustive list posted in the blog, which means posting here much less? Blog
Anyone a fan of Shiro Cosmetics? Any particular products? Eye shadow pigments in general? I only wear eyeliner
Are there any companies, products, or items you boycott? McDonalds, B & B animal testers
As I am in Japan, what sort of things would you like from there? beautiful chopsticks, little bowls, bento supplies (I already have the best bento box!)
Since FB and the FB Gusp group (and the BPAL Sorority which is quiet) have become gathering places...what are some of your favorite Facebook pages you like? I hardly ever go on FB
Is there a Quote that resonates with you, or that you particularly like a lot. Would this be something you would like artwork made of for your walls or a shirt/bag/scarf? My favourite quote is the one in my sig!
Also, STARBUCKS, Yay or Nay? Anything you particularly like? I go there but I'm pretty meh about it
Is there someone on the forums (within SW or not) who knows you really well and might be able to help with stalking? Quillifer
If you happen to find out who yours is, how much would it bother you? It wouldn;t bother me, but I do like guessing!
Do you use waxmelts or tarts? If so, which ones do you prefer? I don't use either
Do you enjoy drinking hot chocolate, and would you like stuff to make it with, or to add to it? I like it, and would like things to add to it
Have you ever tried Spoonfudge? Would you enjoy it if your Witch would send you some? Which of the flavors would you like?
I've never tried it but I bet I'd like it, all of it
What's your opinion on Moonalisa? Any favorites or products you'd like to try? I've never tried it
Are there any BPALs that you loved the idea of, the imagery - whether artwork or description - but which didn't work out for you? (I'm asking because if they did, you might mention them elsewhere, but if not, the imagery might be helpful) War,
what is your favourite object, that you own, ignoring sentimental reasons for attachment? So I guess something you find beautiful, or fun, or incredibly useful. A glass lizard, you can see him here
How big is too big...for something to hang on your walls? If I'm painting you a pretty picture, are there maximum dimensions that you have/prefer? Probably not bigger than 18" x 24" - I love pictures so my walls are covered in them
Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for? I like them, things like for Sockdreams, BPTP, Paintbox Soapworks if they do them
Is there anything from Australia you would like? eg: snacks (yes, you can ask for Tim Tams!), books, magazines, memorabilia? Still interested in trying TimTams
Do you have any problems with swearing or particularly off-color humor? no problems with swearing, I can't appreciate racist jokes
What style is your sense of humour? Sarcastic - think Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Monty Python, xkcd
Opinions on table top games, from cards and board games, to dice and rpgs. What do you like? What don't you like? Favorites? Any classics you like? Do you collect any? I play RPGs but have been doing so for decades, we tend to write our own now. I like board games but have no one who will play them with me.
What would you like from the most recent BPAL update? What are you planning on buying for yourself and what would you like to try? I've signed up for decants and (will) have bought a bottle of Sweet Pea and a bottle of Aurelia
Is there a literary character you identify with? Even if it's not spot-on, just someone you found yourself having that "I identify with this" feeling? Jinian Footseer from the Sheri Tepper book of the same name
What are the three books you most want to read right now, and which you don't already have? My Amazon wishlist is the only way I keep track too
Would you like something from Empire Edibles? Yes, all the fudge except Marmite - but I asked this question
Is there anything small you try to collect from everywhere you visit? Not really
Witchee, I know that SW isn't about what you get... but could you name one thing you would be heartbroken not to get and one thing you would be a-ok if it didn't make it in your box? (i.e. do you REALLY want perfume oil of some sort, or would you be totally heartbroken if there was no Lush in your box, etc Nothing comes to mind
Do you like tarot cards, pendulums and rune stones etc? If so, what type? Not for me
What fandoms do you belong to? I dont see it as fandom, but I like Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, Babylon 5, most of Gaiman's stuff
What cheers you up? Sex! Curry! Oh, ok ... seeing beautiful things, like Pre-Raphaelite pictures in the Tate or beautiful forests or walks along a deserted beach
Who or where would you most want to haunt? Who would you least want to be haunted by? This just makes me go "huh?"
What question do you hate to answer? Why have I put on so much weight?
What is the best compliment you have/could receive? That someone spontaneously likes my art
Would you like anything from an European country? Any particular food or goodies, magazines, books, whatever would be available to your witch in his/her country. Belgian chocolate, Vla from Holland, Spanish & Italian sausages & cheeses
Do you like bags? If so, what type (rucksack, clutch, shopping bag) colour and would you like/need a new one? The only bag I need is a little cross body type one that would hold purse, keys & phone size. I have too many others
What's your favourite comfort food(snack or candy etc) and/or drink? Southern Indian crab curry, fresh baguette with Philadelphia cheese, Seattle Birthday Cake chocolate, Lindor chocolate, good quiche
Would you be interested in someone writing out for you a favourite recipe, or finding or devising one which they think you'd like? If so, please provide your favourite ingredients, info on how you like to cook/store and use food, and any intolerances - unless all of these are in your questionnaire, or you don't like the idea. (I'm not saying I'd definitely do this, unless someone is keen, and it wouldn't be the only gift). I guess for other witches this might include something like a knitting pattern - not my thing but would you like that? Or indeed would you like a picture created for you (if so what kind) or a story written? yes
If you knew you were going to live comfortably for say 800 years, what profession, calling or project might you pursue with some of your extra years, which you imagine you may not do in the life that you have? I'd retrain as an artist, especially high end computer graphics, or train as a doctor
Is there any thing - an object, a donation on your behalf, some research done for you, whatever - that your witch could do about this that you would like? And if you can't think of a present, would you rather she/he (I!) didn't either and confined themselves to things you are already involved in? Can't think of anything
What colors/style is your kitchen decor? And do you entertain in your home? I entertain a load of badly behaved RPG geeks, does that count? And my kitchen is green & cream & fake oak
Are your ears pierced? yes
Do you like stuffies/stuffed animals/art doll type thingies? If so, any particular type you'd love to get? The only sort I like is diseases/medical! Like this - I have brain cells and rubella!
Switch Witch is, of course, all about you.....but if your Witch was so inclined, are there wee little ones in your home that will get jealous and are just too young to understand why you won't share the love, who maybe need a touch of Witchee love all their own, to distract them while you hide all your lovelies?!? Everything will belong to my cats anyway - that's just the way it is!
Do you have any symbols or totems that are meaningful to you? The infinity shape, the figure 8 one ... I know it has a proper name but I just woke up
When you are having a really rough day, what do you like to do/have to make it a little brighter? walking is good if the weather is nice, or talking to one of my partners, otherwise a lovely BPAL bath or a nice cup of tea
Would you like if your witch sent a regional pop/soda? If so, what type (Root beer, creme soda, cola, citrus-flavored, chocolate-flavored, etc...)? I don't think it would ship - but otherwise, happy to try something without too many horrid additives, as long as it is not root beer
Ninjas or Pirates? Ninjas disguised as pirates
Werewolves or vampires? meh
Zombie or Cthulhu? Cthulhu
Do you want to receive one big package or a bunch of small ones? Digital stuff all at the end when the box should arrive or as we go? Some small ones preferred, so that I can squee often, but I'm easy really
Do you welcome knitted items? If so, what would you like most? (amigurumi, washcloth, socks, shawl, shawlette, scarf, wrist warmers, hat, etc.) Do you have any favorite fibers? How about any fiber allergies? Favorite color for knitted items? I don't really like acrylic, I like socks, wrist warmers/mittens and my favourite colours are of course purple, green and blue
What are the three BPALs you would most like to receive - one GC, one not-hard to find LE, and one HTF LE from your dreams? The Stormhold, Chrysanthemum Moon, Temple Viper (not sure which of those LEs is hardest to find!)
If you knit/crochet, what sizes of needles do you need? I don't knit
What styles of artwork do you like? Pre-Raphaelites are my true love, but I also like some other prints - examples on my Etsy wishlist
If you cook, would you be interested in-hand made spice mixes/rubs? yes, just nothing with celery salt in it
Would you like mexican vanilla or silver rings/necklaces? Yes, absolutely
The Conjure Oils update ( looks absolutely fabulous...I didn't know she made soaps and candles and whanot. Is there anything from the Oddment Emporium you would like? lotion in Heliophobe, Potters Field Picnic or Fire Dragon Parasol
What is your favorite color? Purple
What is your favorite season? Autumn I think ... but sometimes Spring
If you could live anywhere in the world and money was no object, where would it be? More than one place - I'd like somewhere in Malvern, England, a seaside place in Northumberland, a place in LA solely so I could go to Will Calls , a place in New Zealand, South Island, and maybe somewhere in NYC or in Finland
Name three things that you could use, but might not necessarily think to get for yourself? A box for safely storing 3 or 4 BPAL bottles while travelling, a facial or pedicure, spice rubs for fish
Would any witchee be interested in this comic? or any of her three comics? yes but I'd want the first one first!
Do you have any long trips coming up? If so, could you use things to occupy yourself? No long trips
I'm going to Jungle Jim's next week (it's basically a massive international food gasm in Ohio, look it up); would anything interest you? I'm sure there would be things I'd like - just no idea what!
Does anything from the TP Etsy update interest you? I already bought all the things - but I had a good excuse, I needed something for my own witchee
I just found out Oreo is launching ones with watermelon flavor in the USA only. Is it something you would enjoy? yes, at least one!
What are the three BPALs you would most like to receive - one GC, one not-hard to find LE, and one HTF LE from your dreams? The Stormhold, Chrysanthemum Moon, Temple Viper (I'd normally put Midway but I got gifted a bottle in my last swap so asking twice in a row is excessive)
If you don't consider yourself in a "fandom" (and I get that ... I don't really go overboard on my liking of any TV show/Movie/etc), are there any TV shows or Movies that you really like and/or watch regularly or any actors/actresses you wouldn't leave standing in the rain (unless you like looking at them sopping wet, in which case ... well, nevermind)? Wouldn't kick Michael Fassbender out of bed. I also have a thing for Morena Baccarin but she's got Hollywood skinny lately and that's sad
So, dear witchee, would you like some Tw*twaffle soap or scent or lotion? Oh yes!
Has anyone asked about tattoos? Do you love them? Hate them? Have any? Want any? I have 5 large ones and I love them because they are really well done and art in their own right.
I live near the Brown and Haley outlet - makers of Almond Roca and Mountain Bars - would you want anything from the outlet? For nut-haters, they have nutless Roca For the no-sugar folks they have sugar-free as well. Not for me thanks
I also have an Oberto jerky outlet local to me - any wants there? No, definitely not!
How do you feel about home-canned goods?- I don't think these can ship internationally
Do you like BPTP clothing? Adore it
What size do you wear of:
Baby-doll T's - I only wear the tissue tees, I take a L but XL is doable too
Regular T's - I don't wear these
yoga pants - XL
Also, what is your favorite lunacy (or non-lunacy) T-shirt that you don't already own?
Or other clothes from BPTP? Dragon Moon tissue tee is my big fave. I only like the dark coloured shirts, I'm too mucky for whites & pastels
What else do you love from the Trading Post site, and need to have? My wishlist for currently available BPTP stuff
Is there a particular movie genre that you like (Fantasy? Drama? Romantic Comedy? Musicals? TV-Series, etc), and what format would you prefer: DVD, Blu-Ray, or something in the cloud (like Amazon, iTunes, Flixster, etc)? Only the DVDs on my wishlist - I have a stupidly large Sci-fi DVD collection
-Following up on the Adagio question from earlier, what are you top five wishes, for teas and blends? Masala chai, spiced apple chai, thai chai, raspberry green, peach oolong
-Do you have anything that you do ritually, every summer? Does piss and moan about the heat count?
-What are your top five wishes from ThinkGeek?
1. Tentacle Hoodie
2. Blue Sun tee in XL
3. Serenity poster
4. Luminglass
5. Purple Cephalopod tee - this almost got the 'OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!!' award!!!
-Seen anything lately that makes you go OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!! ? This - though I'd pick medical books or Lovecraft or Poe
Do you like audiobooks? If so, do you have/would you like to try Audible? (I'm an addict, myself.) No, I like reading it myself. On paper.
Chocolate: Love? Hate? Allergic? If love, what are your faves? Love - especially high quality milk chocolate with things like raspberry, strawberry,lemon, or pistachio cream in it, and Seattle Chocolates Birthday Cake Batter bars (or indeed their lemon bars)
I know Canadian chips can be different than others, how does "dill pickle" or "ketchup" sound? They sound good
If you were getting a custom Haus of Gloi blend, what four notes would you choose? Summer notes listed here and you can click through to the whole list from there. I tend to worry that I'd make an awful custom blend, but here goes: Vanilla bean, apricot, peach skin, kaffir lime leaf
QUESTION! Do you like Kickstarter? Are there any projects up that you really like? I've joined in a couple but until I see one I don't know if I'm interested - the last 2 I did was money for medical research in Sweden and a project to build a full size working model of Babbage's Difference Engine
QUESTION! If you have an Etsy wishlist, what are your top 5 favorite things on there? The price is unimportant, not because I'm rich, but because I'd like some inspiration. This and this and this and this and these. Oh and this - I just couldn't cut it down to 5!
Festival this week -- includes an "encampment" and an art faire. any interest in trinkety things from the encampment or cards/prints from local artists Yes
How do you feel about glitter? does loose glitter make your skin crawl or would you bathe in it? Tiny amounts are ok like in Lush's Fairy Jasmine bath bomb, but lots is awful.
Do you want/need/like/collect journals? If so, do you prefer lined or unlined? An unlined one might be nice
Does the idea of wearing a plant as jewelery give you the warm fuzzies or the heebie jeebies? I love the idea but they can't be sent internationally
Gourmet popcorn, yes/no? What do you like: glazed, savory, candied? Nuts or not? Any flavors you wouldn't like (like Bacon CHeeseburger, Pizza, Watermelon, Root Beer Float, Hot Chili Dark Chocolate)? Or if any of those sounded interesting, how weird is weird enough? Yes, but not too weird - no root beer or wasabi, and probably without nuts
Question: I make my own hair gloss, would you like some detangling and very shiny hair gloss made by me? This is a 'cone rich blend, not the least bit natural. Not for me
If I wanted to include something for your fluffball, what would be good, and what should I stay away from? Catnip filled things would be good, but only if very clearly labelled for customs
Would homemade treats be something you'd like for your dog/cat? No thank you
If you get a long weekend this weekend... what are you doing with it? Staying in? Going out? Family? Friends? If you don't get a long weekend, are you OK with that, or a little sad? (If you are Canadian, apply this to last weekend). No long weekend ... strangely the UK doesn't celebrate being beaten by the US!
Would you be interested in getting a kombucha starter and instructions on how to use it to easily make your own fermented, probiotic tea drink? No, makes me want to run in the opposite direction!
Anything interesting from the new Paintbox Soapworks update for you? Avast & Candy Floss sound gorgeous
What about recycled sari silk yarn, witches and witchees? I would like something made with it, but have no skill to do so myself!
Sooo, the Blooddrop update (Aviary and Summer Simplicities). Anything you'd like from there? Not really
DEAR FIBER AND YARN PEOPLE: I am going back to Paradise Fibers today. They have like almost every type of fiber roving and dye and stuff available. If you're a spinner and have any fiber wishes, what would you like? Dyed or natural? Do you need dye? colors? brand?
Every package has to have something blue in it. Blue can also be used to describe more risque would you rate your general sense of humor? Are you strictly PG-13, R-rated, NC-17? My sense of humour can be dirty on occasion!
Do you like puzzles? What kind? Jigsaw, word, etc?
*2013 version coming soon!*
Ketchup answers and things I forgot on my questionnaire ... last updated 7th October
ETSY wishlist: (don't look at favourite stores, some of them are there specifically to remind me of presents for other people)
Amazon wishlist
Stuff I really don't need more of:
Mugs - I have so many, I even have some stored in the cellar
Would you enjoy receiving cute but useful items like colorful kitchen utensils/gadgets, or bento supplies? (boxes, chopsticks, accessories, etc?) What about things like spice mixes (homemade, or Penzey's for example) Bento supplies would be wonderful, but don't need an actual box. I love spice mixes.
Do you like cute, seasonal or fluffy PJ bottoms? Like they sell at Target, Old Navy (they have had cute Halloween ones!) Not really for me
What kind of chocolate do you like? Nuts, no nuts, white,dark, etc? I love good quality chocolate like Lindt, Hotel Choclat etc, I hate things like Cadburys,they've really gone downhill since being bought out. Don't mind nuts.
I live near a Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, and Penzeys! What does your little heart desire from any or all of these places? I have no idea what any of these sell!
Are home made foods acceptable or does the idea of eating strange mailed food disturb you? I like homemade foods but I'm not sure it's practical to mail internationally.
I just gave you $20 and sent you into a "has everything" store ala Walmart and told you that you have to come out having spent it all, and none of it on anything you need. What would you buy? Be as specific as possible! Cushions, nail varnish, coffee syrups, gourmet type sauces & spice mixes
What kind of cuisines do you like? (I mentioned this in my ?aire but curious what my witch may like)And, what are your favorite restaurantsAsian food of all types - Indian, Thai, Nepalese, Japanese, Malaysian, Korean, Vietnamese, Sri Lankan all stand out! My long list of favourite restaurants matches that too.
I'm from Canada - is there anything specifically a witchee might like that is only available here? I like maple sugar but just got some from my unbirthday swap
What are your "fandoms" and would you like a t-shirt from TeeFury if an appropriate one came up? Firefly, Babylon 5, Crusade
Do you have an eReader and if so which one? Nope
Do you like candles, or tart burners, or something? If so, what's your favorite scent to burn? I don't use them much but have been drooling over the idea of a Trading post Shub or Misk U candle
Would you be interested in washable/reusable muslin “paper” towels (basically muslin squares hemmed around the edge)? No, I don't think so
Do you drink alcohol and if so, would you be OK with your witch sending you homemade infused vodka? Also, does your state allow alcohol to be shipped through the mail (for example, PA doesn't). I drink, but not vodka, and I think customs wouldn't allow home made through
Marzipan? I do like it, but only in small amounts
If you get me (or a fellow Aussie, if there are any playing this round) as a witch or witch's minion, would you like to try some Australian specialties, such as TimTams (delicious chocolately cookies), Caramello Koalas (koala shaped chocolates filled with gloopy caramel), Australian native spices or anything like that? Spices, if they came with a clue how to use them!
If your witch is a knitter, crocheter or sewer, is there a particular type of garment you would love to receive (hat, scarf, wrap, cowl, socks, fingerless gloves, arm warmers etc)? socks, fingerless gloves or arm warmers
Is there anyone else in your house (kids, pets, partner) that would really appreciate a small gift being included for them in the switchwitchy haul so they don't feel left out? no, they get enough treats from me!
How would you feel about a taste of (insert witch location here) box? Love it, especially if it's mostly savoury
Since it's been mentioned several times, and I've also offered to nacho witch some, would you you like to receive wild rice and or maple syrup? I promise to include recipe ideas with the wild rice. Sure
Would you be interested in having a bat adopted in your name? No thanks
Some of your favorite artists? Classic and modern? Modern are on my Etsy faves, Classic - lots of the Pre-Raphaelites, with Millais, Rosetti and Dadd being top.
If you could have an image or certain subject painted for you on any type of "canvas" (on a box, on paper, on a canvas, and so on) - could you point your witch to some of these images? Decorated boxes - I have some on my Etsy list
Is there a GC scent that's been on your list for ages but keeps falling off the bottom of your order because of the LEs?Kumiho and Mr Ibis
What's your favorite indie brand of nail polish? Or what's your favorite mainstream brand of nail polish? Or are you not big on polish? I keep meaning to try some claw polish, especially Embalming Fluid or Robotic Scarab. I usually buy Nails Inc. stuff
Who likes Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kisses? Love to try - no idea if I'd like them
What does your kitchen look like? Colors/style? Pale wood laminate, dark counters, hideous green & rust tiles ... not what I'd pick
Witchee, what are your favorite quotes?
If you love somebody, let them go. If they return, they were always yours. If they don't, they never were.
In order to fly, all one must do is simply miss the ground.
We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.
Put your iPod/MP3 player/what-have-you on random and list the first 10 songs it plays!
One Of These Days - Pink Floyd
My World Is Ending - Mercenary
London Calling - The Clash
What A Waste - Ian Dury & The Blockheads
I Don't Believe In Love - Queensryche
Cup Of Brown Joy - Professor Elemental
Jigsaw - Marillion
White Rabbit _ Jefferson Airplane
51st State - New Model Army
Roll Away Your Stone - Mumford & Sons
What's the neatest freebie you've gotten? It can be cool or thoughtful or just totally unexpected, and not limited to BPALdom. From carwoman's Etsy shop - I ordered a pendant and she sent me a small extra one free, and it was exactly the other design I'd been contemplating She rocks!
What's one random thing you really like and one random thing you really dislike?Like: Cornflowers, Dislike:Pigeons
Are there any herbs that you haven't been able to lay hands on that I could send you? There's an herbal shop I really like here in NYC called Flower Power ( that has quite a wide selection. No, I have a vast collection
If there are no "witchy" shops near you, is there anything I can pick up for you from Enchantments?not for me thanks
Hey Witchee! I want to send you a delivery. It could be cupcakes from a local bakery, it could be a singing hugging bear-a-gram, it could be a bouquet of flowers. But it will be something that you need to be there to receive.
a) Are you OK with "special deliveries"? *waggles eyebrows*
B..) Is the address in your questionnaire the best place to reach you for said deliveries?
c) If the delivery requires a phone number (as say, some florists do) would you be OK with that information being tracked down by your Witch or asked of you anonymously?a) and non-live things are fine and can be left at the shop next door if I'm not in, c)ask Quillifer
What are some things you are OK with receiving gently used or homemade, and some things you absolutely do not want if they are gently used or homemade? gently used is fine as long as there's no body fluids!
And now a new question: I live near a Mast General Store ( It has lots of vintage-y toys, southern foods (jams, jellies, spices) and vintage candy. Is there anything I can get for you?apple cinnamon syrup, good & evil hot sauce, Kentucky red bourbon BBQ sauce
Do you have any Fall or Halloween traditions?nope
Ninjas or Pirates? Ninjas
I have an extra room spray and 2 extra bath oils (one Cephalopod, one Exhibit Hall Fatigue) from Dragon*Con - would anybody like a decant? Please please please some Cephalopod
Witchee, would you like it if I made you a "mix tape" of songs that I think you might like? And if so, would you prefer mp3 or CD format? MP3 is easier but either is fine - I do have a vast metal collection though
I know it is totally the wrong season (for most of us), but do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you like to grow? herbs, purple & blue flowers
I'm about to be near a Lush store next week, is there anything you might like from there?no, I walk past Lush every day
Songs that you keep meaning to buy but never get round to it? Queen - Sheer Heart Attack
Any favorite Bath & Body Works scents/products?no, never smelled any
Haus of Gloi is offering custom perfumes - would you like one? What would your ideal blend be? I think this would be dodgy for me - I think I'd end up picking something that didn't work despite me liking the notes
Any Bath, Body or nutritional type items you would love to try from a Natural and Organic food store (similar to Whole Foods) that you don't buy because they are a bit too pricey?no
Witchee, will you be gone from your normal mailing address at any point during the round?only for some weekends
Are you a Disney fan or does even thinking about Disney make your head hurt? If you're into Disney, would you like something from the Happiest Place on Earth ? my head hurts
dear witchee, would you, could you use an electric candle warmer?nope
Do you lust after some new socks/tights? I love mid calf/ankle socks especially stripy, I like bright opaque tights but they need to be roomy
are there any of MeiLin's books (e-book or print) you'd be interested in? no
Are you a gamer (of any sort - video, casual, tabletop) and are there any games you want? I am a gamer but it's rpg, dont really need anything
Would you be interested in BPTP CANDY? OMG YES GIVE ME ALL THE CANDY!!!!!!
Do you like coffee? If so, what kinds? Flavored, fancy, basic? Beans or ground? We use beans and get through a vast amount of what is probably fancy coffee
Would a Starbucks gift card make you happy or do you prefer your local place? I prefer local
CUSTOM-Made Pottery?? yea or nay? coffee mugs, rustic or more elegant? a set of bowls? soap dish? bird feeder? something alltogether different? and lastly, good colors for glazes...? I'm in great need of bowls - deep purples, blues and greens would be lovely
Do you have a forum buddy? Someone who knows you and/or your tastes well enough to answer questions on your behalf? Quillifer
If you are on Livejournal, would you appreciate LJ stuff like paid time, custom userheads, stuff like that? If you are NOT on LJ but are on other sites that have similar paid-for services (Flickr, for example?) would you, and what are those sites/etc? - not for me thanks
A question, witchees: if you are into tarot, what is your favorite card? Not into tarot
And another question: would you like your own set of handmade rune stones or worry stones?
again, not for me
Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, cider, or none of the above? Coffee, chocolate, tea that isn't chamomile based
Gum, hard candy, soft candy, or none of the above?maybe soft candy, but not the others, with the notable exception of BPTP candy whatever type it turns out to be
Loose tea or tea bags? Do you need anything for your loose tea? (Filters, presses, etc.) tea bags are easier!
If you like tea, what kinds? chai, earl grey, lady grey, mint, ginger
Do you do Goodreads or LibraryThing or a site like that? If so, can I see your to-read list, please?don;t have one
Zombies; Yay or Nay?nay
If you have cats, do they like catnip toys? If you have doggies, would they like a super-reinforced canvas toy with a squeaker in it?My cats do like catnip toys
If you have kids, what are they into?no kids
How do you feel about wearable knitted lace? Shawls, wraps, and the like?very pretty but I'm unlikely to use it
Looking at the warehouse, I notice that our lovely Greenwoodtree is able to do chart readings and/or forecasts at a very reasonable rate. Is this something you would want? no thank you
I live in Japan. Anything you would be interested in from there?Maybe spice mixes
Candy Corn: yes, no? I have never tried this
WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH YOUR ASS OFF!!! movies, comedians, black humor, your partner, a comic strip? what? XKCD, Bill Hicks, Tim Minchin, Bill Bailey
You are meeting up with someone on a casual lunch/early afternoon thing. This person is someone you want to impress/look good for (for whatever reason, not necessarily romantic, and not necessarily for business either). What would you look like, given the contents of your wardrobe/etc? Black trousers of some sort (probably leggings), bike boots like this, v-neck tunic top like this
You are to be let loose in a clothing store of your choice, to pick a full outfit, down to the shoes, the accessories, etc. and things would be altered to fit you if needed. What store would that be, and what would you look like? This coat that I've wanted forever, this shirt, some (more) plain black leggings. They don't sell shoes so I guess I'll go barefoot!
You open a box from the post office to reveal the 3 things you want most right now. What are they? (caveats: size doesn't matter, but they have to be tangible/buyable). BPTP belladonna yoga pants, the coat from the link above, some Leonida's chocolates
The end of this month I'm going to Scarefest, the big horror and paranormal con in Kentucky. ( If I were your witch, is there anything you would like from there (skull jewelry, art prints from an artist that catch your eye, etc), or anyone whose autograph or photo or such you would dig? The only horror themed stuff I really like is Roman Dirge
What is your holy grail "I'd kill to just have one drop in an imp" bpal scent? I don't have one now - it was Midway but I've been lucky enough to acquire a bottle, so no killing today!
Are there any existing Weenies that you have your eye on, but haven't gotten around to getting? I'm waiting for my decants to arrive to see, I already grabbed a bottle of Lurid library as that one I was sure about.
If you wear earrings, do you have pierced ears? yes
My new job is at a consignment store where we have all kinds of designer brands for very reasonable prices. Are there designer clothes/purses/sunglasses that you desire/love? (Give some indication as to your "style" as well. For example, do you like bohemian-style frocks in lavender? Crossbody purses in black? Sunglasses that are round and bug-like?) My style is I guess most reliably illustrated from one of these 2: Joe Browns or East. I tend to like long tunics with leggings underneath, or black jeans with a BPAL t-shirt, not so much into designer stuff except Radley picture bags like this or this or this
I realize that we had a similar question in the ?aire, but I need you Witchee-s to list at least 5 items, each ranging $20 and under from or Lots of things in this price bracket on my Amazon wishlist
In the meantime, let me know what you like to do on the Internet to kill time. Flash games? What are your daily websites/blog visits, or favorite YouTube videos? Here, Fallen London, Mousehunt, lots of IM to my dear ones
And what are your favourite characters from your fandoms? Inara & Kaylee from Firefly, Galen from Crusade
My Little Pony... Cute or meh? not only meh but ick
Lip balm - tube or tin? tube
Would you like to receive a journal or sketchbook? How about other pretty paper goods like post-its, notepads, bookmarks, letter paper/envelopes?I have lots of sketchbooks and don't really use any of the rest
Are you interested in audiobooks? If so, any specific titles? No thanks
Bar soaps with some scrubby bits, yes or no? Not for me
Do you need any small electronic gadgets like flash drives and the like? No, got loads
Would you like a pair of knitted socks? Absolutely - bright and stripy ankle length or calf length would be great
Do you have any use for knitted dishcloths, facecloths, etc, especially if they were fandom related? not really
Do you subscribe to any sample boxes, and if so, which ones? Would you like to receive some samples? no thanks
do you have a problem with nudes??? If not, do you prefer male or female? I don't have a problem with nudes if they are well done - don't mind what gender
Paintbox Soapworks: Interested in anything from her? It all looks lovely but I know I wouldn't use soap - maybe a body scrub
are there any other e-tailers you're desperately wanting to try? if so, any specific items/scents/etc?
ThinkGeek: anything interesting to you on there? The tentacle hoody, and I think I had the Firefly Blue Sun posters already on my wishlist
What's one thing you want, right now, that you're having difficulty finding? Only intangible things like more time or more patience - or even, more sex. Not much help to my witch, I know!
Who here is going to be picking up JK Rowling's new book on Thursday? Not my sort of thing
What do you do to take care of yourself when you're having a rough day (sick, life not going your way, whatever)?
A long soak in Butterfly Nectar or Hockey Urchin bath oil, chicken soup with lots of buttered bread, snuggling up under a quilt with a good book, chatting to my sweetie via IM, he almost always manages to make me smile
favorite and least favorite baked goods? Ginger cakes, fruit cakes and lemon cookies are all favourites - least favourites muffins and pies
what size T-Shirt do you wear (standard AND babydoll)? I'm awkward - BPTP tissue tees are a L but the standard and babydoll ones are probably still an XL. I get very confused with US XL sizes in general as they often swamp me, but I'm always a UK size XL
I found a fantastic little shop while traveling that had unusual jellies and jams. Would you be interested in trying something like Georgia Moonshine Jelly or TOE Jam (each letter stands for some kind of fruit, I don't remember which ones) or something similar? How about homemade jam in general? they sound interesting but they also sound heavy!
Would you be interested in homemade herbal remedies and tinctures? No thanks
Owls?Only if they talk like Samuel L Jackson
Do any of Villainness' Soap Box exclusive scents interest you, especially any of the Smooches/Whippeds?
I try to avoid getting interested in other US scent e-tailers, one addiction in that field is bad enough
Puddin' just put a shitton of old Lunacy shirts on the BPTP Etsy! Any ones interest you?I will be very interested in black L (or XL) once Puddin puts the tissue tees up - favourite designs of the ones up so far are Trick, 2008 Dragon Moon, Candles Moon, Whirling Wind Moon, Sea of Tranquility Moon, Windy Moon
Witchee, do you want anything from the Haunt update coming up on 10/3? I know it might be too early to say, but if you could look at the preview on the night of 10/2 and let me know if you want anything... probably not
Gardening? I grow some herbs on my square yard of garden
Is there anything you might want from the latest update (Lab or TP)? TP stuff: Pumpkin Tart or Dead Leaves candles, Pumpkin Pie or Spider Silk bath oils
What's a new company to you that you most want to try a product from or what would be a new product to you that you most want to try (make-up, perfume, or bath/body)?No one comes to mind
If you like necklaces, what are some symbols or images that you would love to have a necklace depict? (ex. spiders, skulls, hearts...?) Steampunk type stuff would be good - but easier to say what I'd hate: crosses, skulls, flowers
If you had a fairy for NYCC, what exclusive scent would you kill to own? I've got a fairy getting me Badger
What do you think of Shiro Cosmetics Halloween Collection? ( They're really pretty but I only wear eyeliners
The Godiva Halloween Collection: Everything!
Would you be interested in comic books and if so what ones do you read or what genre of comics are you interested in? I have the Girl Genius ones on my Amazon wishlist. Love Sandman & Watchmen & Firefly but have all of those.
WITCHEE, DO YOU WANT ANYTHING FROM CALIFORNIA? The entire contents of the Lab & the Trading Post? Other than that I don't really know!
IngenuiTEAs? I ahve a few individual teapots so no thanks
Honeycrisp "Apple Crips" (Dried honeycrisp apples, nothing added.) DO YOU WANT SOME WITCHEE????? They sound nice
Design a tea? I'd end up making something very like chai!
FusionSweets? (etsy) The marshmallows look gorgeous and I'd buy some myself if the shipping was less, the chai caramels look wonderful but I'd be worried they'd wreck my teeth
Poe Day? Dark Del merch in general? Alone is the only one that grabs me
Kombucha? Sounds scary!
Are you dressing up for Halloween, Witchee? If so, is there anything you're looking for to complete your costume? No, we don;t really do that over here
Do you need any accessories for your smartphone (case, skin, etc)? No - My iphone3 is on the way out and I haven't decided what's next yet