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BPAL Madness!
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LexieBlom's thoughts,quizes, and random factoids.

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My Reviews

Organized in alphabetical order, and identified with a ✔️ if I liked it enough to keep, or a ❌ if it was a "no."

✔️A Countenance Forboding Evil
❌Alice's Evidence
✔️Banshee Beat
❌Blood Kiss
✔️Bocal de Sang
❌Bon Vivant
✔️Bow and Crown of Conquest, The
❌Dance of Death
❌Destroying Angel
❌Dragons Bone
✔️Dragons Hide
✔️Dragons Musk
❌Eat Me
✔️Fenris Wolf
❌Follow Me Boy
❌Godfather Death
❌Golden Wave
❌Gourmand CT #18
❌Jazz Funeral
✔️Jolly Roger
❌Juke Joint
❌La Petite Mort
✔️Mort de Cesar
❌Music of Erich Zahn, The
❌Old Scratch
❌Phoenix Streamworks
❌Red Moon 2013
❌Red Queen, The
❌Serpents with Glittering Eyes and Forky Tongues
✔️Sherlock Holmes
✔️Tavern of Hell
❌Voodoo Lily
❌Wings of Azrael
❌Wretched Rose Window, The




Switch Witch forum questions:

Pumpkin?: I love pumpkin flavors, but am particular about pumpkin scented things.

Booze?: Absolutely! Any and every kind. I run an alcoholic cupcakery from my kitchen, so I'm always looking for new things to try.

Yellowstone?: Sure, no idea what they offer though. Never been there!

Decorating?: Unfortunately, I'm in the process of moving to a new country, so I don't really have the option of decorating right now.

Coffee/Tea?: I love both. I prefer coffee to be whole bean, light roast and tea to be in sachets and prefer black flavored tea.

Sense of humor?: Tends to be dark and horribly inappropriate.

Board games?: All day every day! My favorites are MtG, Fall of Pompeii, 7 Wonders and Exploding Kittens. Shoutouts to Gloom and Flux as well.

Do NOT want to receive?: Used makeup/nailpolish. It kind of freaks me out.

Plain or fun socks?: Either! But i'm a sucker for black lace and fishnet.

What would you like to learn about?: I'm studying occult theology, so anything based around that. I'd really LOVE to learn about Tarot and the like.

What would you like to do more of?: Archery! i love it, but only get to the course about once a month. Also, any Steam games will fill plenty of time. Steam name: Elliex or GrahznyVonnyBum

Would you like cookie butter?: YES YES YES! There isn't a Trader Joes anywhere around here.

Art that speaks to you?: I LOVE old antique photos/postcards and paper dolls. I am also a fan of anything morbid, death, or occult related.

Any BPAL/BPTP Lilith items?: I would LOVE to try En Garde and Blood and Judgement So Well Commedled

Crochet items?: I'm a huge fan of Elf Hoods and big, flowy scarfs.
Lush?: I love Lush! Bathbombs are my life.

Handmade or Store-bought?: Either! I tend to thrift-shop anyway, so used/handmade items have never bothered me much except with makeup.

Spice tolerance?: Sriracha makes everything better, so on a scale of 1-10 i'd say maybe a 6.

Other perfume companies?: I'm not hugely into any other brands, honestly. A lot of them bother my skin.

BPAL Holy Grail?: Either Mort De Cesar or layered Voodoo/Snake Oil

Animal Affinity?: Definitely octopus. I love all things tentacles.

Kitchen needs?: Not a ton, honestly.

Chocolate?: I'm a huge fan of milk chocolate, and my favorite brand is Marabou, though I'm happy with any.

Halloween Items?: HALLOWEEN IS MY FAVORITE. But, I tend to lean towards halloween things I can use all year round. I'm not a huge fan of the cutesy-cheesy stuff, though.

Bat Conservation?: Oooo, I'd love some batswag! That pin is adorable.

Favorite Scary Movie?: I like dark/morbid musicals. Repo!, The Devils Carnival, Little Shop of Horrors, RHPS, etc.

Weenies?: i am super curious about Dead Leaves and Tobacco, Disappointing Pencil and Vampire Bride.

DVD?: I actually download most of my movies.

Game System?: PC! I've listed my steam name above.

Halloween Costume Accessories?: Yes actually! I'm going as "Cruella Won" and am looking to get my hands on as many Dalmatian beanie babies as possible.

Bags?: Anything from Kreepsville, Betsy Johnson, etc. I like bright colors and creepy themes.

Fandom?: I'm a Studio Ghibli junkie.

Comics or Graphic Novels?: I am always looking for new comics. I like dark and morbid, or ridiculously funny. Super Tranny is a favorite.


Dragoncon?: I REALLY wanted to try Dragon w/a Llama Mohawk, but couldn't get a fairy. :/

GC Curiosity?: I really want to try Fighter from RPG and Streets of Detroit from OLLA. I don't know if those are strictly GC, tho.

Socks?: I love socks! Lacey, fishnet, black/white/nude are what i generally lean towards, but i'm happy with anything!

Candy?: I tend to like hard candies that I can suck on for a while, and lean away from fruity stuff. I usually like butterscotch, chocolates, etc. Also, sunflower seeds. I know it's not candy, but any flavored sunflower seeds are my favorite snack food, ever.

Animal products?: I collect oddities! Bones, taxidermy, furs, jewelry, you name it and I promise I have some of it. Always looking to add to my collection.

Restaurant Gift Cert.?: I'm not hugely into eating out, unfortunately.

Toys?: Dalmatian Beanie Babies for my halloween costume!

Eclipse BPAL?: OMG i need it so badly. But my witch is UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES required to spend that much money on me.

Height/Arm Span?: 5'2, 49.0

Bentos?: I adore bento boxes!

Hanging/Standing Art?: Unfortunately, since I'm moving soon, there isn't much point in any large pieces of art.

Soap?: Definitely! I love soaps and scrubs and lotions and things.

Gourmet Marshmallows?: Oh my glob, I didn't even know these were a thing. I need Guinness marshmallows in my life.

Dabber/Slather?: Dabbing, usually.

Tea?: Top 3 - Rooibos, Earl Grey, unflavored Black and I prefer bagged(cause i'm lazy as shit.)

Villainess?: Not really a huge fan, a lot of their stuff bothers my skin.

Duct Tape Crafts?: I've never been hugely into ductape, but wouldn't be opposed either.

Favorite Flowers?: Gerbera Daisys and Alstroemeria

Electronic Cozies?: Not much I need, really. I have cases for most of my things, except my Nintendo 3DS

Halloween/DotD/Bunting?: Sure! I'm all about Halloween

Book Accessories?: Not much I can think of that I need.

Music?: I like a lot of electroswing recently, like The Diablo Swing Orchestra.

Leg Warmers?: Totally! I love wearing them under boots.

Halloween style?: Somewhere between scary/grotesque and everyday/practical goth.

Martian?: I do plan on seeing it, but never read the book.

NaNo?: Not participating, and not super interested.

Honey/Beeswax?: I LOVE honey sticks for tea, and honeycomb as a snack. Beeswax I use quite often, as well.

Car Gear?: I don't actually have a car, or drive.

Discontinued BPAL?: Antique Lace, Utrennyaya, Vechernyaya, and Tobacco Honey!

Anything you can use more of?: Sharpies! I go through them at work like no one's business.

Marmite?: No thank you.

Used Nail Polish?: Nope. Sorry, like stated above, used beauty product freak me out.

Jamberry?: Working in the food industry, it's impossible to keep my nails nice, so Jamberry would go to waste on me. :/

Blooddrop?: Nothing really calls to me.





Darkling Tag questionnaire

1. What is your favorite candle scent? Warm Tobacco Pipe by DW Homes. (Tobacco, Suede, Aromatic Greens, Wood, Leather, Patchouli) 2.Do you have a favorite book? I'd have to say Sum - 40 Tales of the Afterlife 3.Are you a tea or coffee person? Both, but it varies from day to day. Recently though, tea. 4.What is your favorite brand and color of lipstick?Jeffree Star -Weirdo 5.What is your favorite perfume/cologne? BPAL of course! At the moment, I'd have to say Mort de Cesar 6.Do you have a celebrity crush? Not really, but if I had to chose one, it would be Dan Fogler in Fanboys (Hutch is my spirit animal.) 7.If you had to give up the color black, what color would you choose instead? Probably a royal purple. 8.If you could change your name to a stereotypical 90s/2000s gothy name, what would it be? Wednesday! 9.What are your top three tips for surviving hot weather while black clad? 1. Light fabric, 2. Dresses/breathable pants, 3. Stay in the shade. 10.What song will always make you happy (doesn’t have to be a goth band)? Teardrops - Massive Attack 11.Are you active in the arts (ex. Play an instrument, paint, write, etc)? I play ocarina, piano, harp and glockenspiel. I've never been super talented with drawing, but I love DIY projects. 12.If you had a teacup or mug made inscribed just for you, what would you have it say? I already have mine! It reads "Because Chocolate Can't Get You Pregnant." 13.What is your number one non-gothy hobby? Video Gaming, i guess. I spend an obnoxious amount of time at LAN centers. 14.If you could be a supernatural creature, what would it be & why? I'd like to be a shapeshifter, and get to change my look every day. No more spending money on hair bleach! 15.What horror monster-based super power would you have? I'd like to turn invisible on command. 16.Do you feel confident or comfortable interacting with other Goths or gothy people (online or IRL)? Why or why not? Definitely online. I have pretty severe social anxiety, diagnosed and medicated, and I'm still not entirely comfortable talking to people in real life. Even people I already consider friends. But, I'm always happy to make new friends! 17. Which is more important for a look: Great hair or great makeup? I don't think either are necessary. Just do you, if you don't like to spend a lot of time getting ready, so what? 18.Is there something you wish there was more of in your subculture? I'd wish for more awareness and acceptance. Please, mommy of 3 walking towards me on the sidewalk, don't cross the street to avoid me. And don't scold your child for saying she liked my hair. I'm actually a nice person. 19.Care to share an embarrassing story related to your “darkliness“? When I was about 11, I was just starting to get into the goth subculture, and was just googling "goth makeup". Well, I came across this image of a girl that had drawn barbed wire across her eyes, and decided "YES! That's gonna be my thing!" So, i practiced and practiced, and when the next Monday came, I decided to show off my awesome goth-points at school. Apparently, the teachers didn't like my makeup as much as I did, and sent me to the principals office for "causing a distraction." So the nurse in the office wiped all my makeup off, while i was screaming and crying my eyes out because YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME, I AM THE NIGHT! I went back to class makeup-less. 20.How are you at DIY? I LOVE DIY! I cosplay, I'm currently making my own Ren. Fair costume, I make a lot of my own furniture when I can't find anything like what I'm looking for. DIY is easily how I spend 20% of my time.   Quickly describe your ideal wedding: I don't actually want to get married, I find it superfluous unless for legal reasons. Confessional (aka True or False): I love watching cheesy romance films: False   I ALWAYS remember to wash off my makeup at night: True!   I sleep with plushies: True   I wear non-black pajamas most nights: False   I still listen to a boy band that had disbanded years ago: Absolutely true   I think Andrew Eldritch is overrated: True   I don’t like vampires: True   I don’t like clubs: True   I’m dating a goth/darkly-inclined person: False   I don’t enjoy graveyards: False   Blood makes me queasy: True   I’d sooner faint than pet a spider: False! Spiders are my favorite.   I don’t like haunted houses: False   I still browse Hot Topic’s clearance racks: True   I’ve never read Dracula: False   I think “Bela Lugosi’s Dead” is a long & boring song: True, I'm not the hugest Bauhaus fan anyway.



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