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About this blog
The ramblings of a Siouxsie-loving short person...
Entries in this blog
More on the home front.
It's been a while...
Another GSSS entry...
Acceptable Nightgown Quest, phase I
Life go 'splodey...
a friend of my chosen sister took it upon himself to inform her abusive ex-fiance that she has moved back to that town
the Grad Student and I have been on the telephone with one another three times, hand-holding one another through assorted emotional crises
I tried to smash a bone in my finger to kindling while trying to hammer a ring shank into shape
and some information has left me a little worried about my future ability to do my Friday shows at the Cafe.
I can't do anything about the possibility that Alex might be deployed, and the idea has haunted my nightmares ever since Shrubya declared Son of the Sandbox ("My daddy got a war, an' I want one too!"). I can't do anything about (possible) new ownership at the Cafe, even though the official owner has reassured me that nothing is changing. I can't bolt to Minneapolis -- I already have an airline reservation that's only 11 days away -- and I can't drop everything and camp out on Sioux's doorstep with a broadsword, much as I want to. I have decided that I need to have the income of a Lady of Leisure, only without the attitude that usually accompanies it. I want to be able to throw money at the problems of family and friends until they go away; I want to be able to drop everything and fly to wherever I'm needed on a moment's notice. I want to provide boltholes and margaritas, storage and critter-sitting, tea and sympathy, and not have to worry about who is going to have to pay for all of it. I want to be a punk-rock, ElderGoth Auntie Mame to friends and family, and direct emotional and logistical support to D. I want it all, and right this second; but it's not happening on my current budget. Mostly, I just want to make a difference that amounts to more than "I'm here, and thinking of you."