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Easter Swap!

What is your favorite Easter candy?   Sour candies! Like skittles or something. Chewy not hard. Dark Chocolate!    Do you like Jelly Bellies?  If so what flavors?  Yes! Popcorn, Cakey, Blueberry…. I love popcorn jelly bellies.    Do you have a preference for plastic eggs, treat bags, paper, or no preference? No preference   Are you interested in some of my homemade brown sugar shortbread? I can do gluten free and/ or monkfruit sweetened. Flavors include "plain" vanilla,  chocolate,  orange blossom,  cherry blossom,  lavender, rose, combinations thereof.  oh yes, anything homemade!   For those who don't like imps... In the case I find that I have something PERFECT for you in my collection that I want to share, would decanting into a squat itty bitty bottle with a screw top lid or rollerball be ideal? I am OK with imps, even empties off my wishlist!    Hi little chick,  I just got yet another seed catalog in, and was thinking about the garden.  It seems on theme, so do you garden? Would you like anything like seeds? Hmmmm, Maybe hollyhocks?    Spring Chick o' Mine, I have a question about mugs! What are your general feelings on mugs/drinkware?  I like them!   




Yule Cat Answers

Are there any currently available BPAL scents that you would love a bottle of?   Alisz if ordering from lab. Oops, i bought second hand   Is there anything you're eyeing from Paintbox Soapworks' winter update?   Struggling with dermatitis right now and having to opt out of bath products except I am trying to use luvmilk (or other brands) bath salts or soaks as I dont rub those directly in skin. Would you like anything from Cellar Door (they do soaps and candles)?   Anything of interest from Luvmilk? (Milky Monday, their version of Black Friday, is on 11/7!)   no dyes for these in salts or milk baths:  Lofty Castle, Star Circus, Wedding Day   Crocheted Granny shawl. Yes or No? Preferred colors? (this one is pressing, I would need to start soon)   Well, this was my question so I am the one making these. But If you are the one who likes to crochet, mermaid colors please.     BPal wax melts? I have TKO and Red Velvet Cake, Would bundle up a few for you to try of one, or both if you like.   My questions! But i do love me some foodie wax melts, and also my husband likes foodie mints   Are you interested in boozy homemade fruitcake?    Boozy cake yea, fruitcake no (i dislike the citron and green bits)   How about booze itself, specifically, moonshine whiskey infused with spices and fruits?    Very much yes and please include a handwritten drink recipe you use it in for sentimental purposes?   Brown sugar shortbread? "Plain" buttery or flavored? Favorites include lavender and chocolate orange, but..   OMG, lavender brown sugar? Holy cow yessssss..    My favorite incense store is Good Earth Mercantile, any interest for an incense from them?   I am an incense newb, but would try.   Are you a cotton candy fan? Would anything from Chocolate Storybook interest you?   nom. any.   Body Scrubs from CarolinaOrganicsSC are AHHHHMAZING! Any interest?   I believe you! I love body scrubs and sucar sceubs and I am on a hiatus until o get a skin condition cleared (and feel sad)   House of MetalWorks has super cute and dainty gold-filled stacking rings in my price range! If this interests you, include ring size!   Oh, I have a metal allergy. Boo.   What size do you typically wear in sweaters/sweatshirts? 
S = 4 
M = 6    I sometimes like cozy oversized, that would be the medium.    Several questionnaires mention joy in receiving homemade baked goods. What are your favorite holiday baked goods? Cookies, Cakes, Fudge? Other?    I love Maple Fudge! I love boozy rum cakes, rum balls, crispy cookies (not chocolate chip, peanut butter). generally i hate peanut butter in anything desert, btw. I love homemade hard candies, too! And from scratch cakes, but not anything from a cake mix… I taste the cake mix unless its got rum in it. ?     Are you into peanut butter cookies? If yes, would you enjoy them with creamy or crunchy PB?   No… peanut butter us not something I enjoy in deserts.    Nother Question: I am thinking of making flavored sugar. What are flavors you would NOT enjoy out the following:   Lavender Rose Lemon Orange Vanilla Thyme Ginger Spice   I may even combine some of those!   I would bot nope any of them, but need to know how to use the Thyme Sugar!    Would you like anything from Witch Baby Soap? (Make sure to check the Throwback Thursday section of the website; they bring back a few things every Thursday!)   UGH! I think a bath bomb in Sparkling Snow would not flare my current dermatitis predicament.   NEW QUESTION   Pickety witch has the yule offerings up, including Yule Cat pins (black or white) and ornaments.  Which do you love most?   THAT WHITE CAT PIN. YOU BEST POKE ME CAUSE I MIGHT GET PANICY AND SNAG FOR MYSELF.   




Yule Cat

Are there any currently available BPAL scents that you would love a bottle of?   Is there anything you're eyeing from Paintbox Soapworks' winter update?   Would you like anything from Cellar Door (they do soaps and candles)?   Anything of interest from Luvmilk? (Milky Monday, their version of Black Friday, is on 11/7!)   Crocheted Granny shawl. Yes or No? Preferred colors? (this one is pressing, I would need to start soon)   BPal wax melts? I have TKO and Red Velvet Cake, Would bundle up a few for you to try of one, or both if you like.   Are you interested in boozy homemade fruitcake?    How about booze itself, specifically, moonshine whiskey infused with spices and fruits?    Brown sugar shortbread? "Plain" buttery or flavored? Favorites include lavender and chocolate orange, but I could definitely do a holiday spice or peppermint batch or two. 
Interested in anything from Odins Daughter?    My favorite incense store is Good Earth Mercantile, any interest for an incense from them?   Are you a cotton candy fan? Would anything from Chocolate Storybook interest you?   Body Scrubs from CarolinaOrganicsSC are AHHHHMAZING! Any interest?   House of MetalWorks has super cute and dainty gold-filled stacking rings in my price range! If this interests you, include ring size!   What size do you typically wear in sweaters/sweatshirts? 
S = 4 
M = 6 
L = 8/10
XL = 12  1XL - 14/16 
2XL - 18/20 
3XL - 22
4XL - 24    Several questionnaires mention joy in receiving homemade baked goods. What are your favorite holiday baked goods? Cookies, Cakes, Fudge? Other?    Are you into peanut butter cookies? If yes, would you enjoy them with creamy or crunchy PB?   Nother Question: I am thinking of making flavored sugar. What are flavors you would NOT enjoy out the following:   Lavender Rose Lemon Orange Vanilla Thyme Ginger Spice   I may even combine some of those!   Would you like anything from Witch Baby Soap? (Make sure to check the Throwback Thursday section of the website; they bring back a few things every Thursday!)   NEW QUESTION   Pickety witch has the yule offerings up, including Yule Cat pins (black or white) and ornaments.  Which do you love most?   IF YOU LIKE COFFEE --- Do you like any specific roast more than another? Light? Dark? Medium? Breakfast Blend?   Haus of Gloi's Yule is up, fancy anything?   Teeturtle has some adorable designs and their t-shirts often go on sale. Any designs that appeal?   Is anyone else here an Erin Morgenstern fan??  https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/711842/the-phantomwise-tarot-by-erin-morgenstern/   Anything from the Lunacy You are eyeballing?  https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-tag/late-october-2022/?fbclid=IwAR3OzugxYK-rNtwgJBFwUfRSp_jneUcOmEgAfwRdgC_dlM0tRESwX244rqM   What kind of cat representations do you like?  Realistic?  Modern/abstract?  Cartoony?    Cellar Door Bath Supply just sent out their black friday promo - wondering what looks good, if anything, to my Yule kitten   Did I ask what your favorite nut is?       





I leave for a ten-day trip to Paris and London in one week's time and I'd love to bring back a goody or two if my Naughty/Nice Puss has any requests!   Something locally made by. female artisan. Examples: necklace, scarf… 
are you interested in an advent calendar?  What kind?  (Dog cookie, tea, chocolate, etc.)   no…. I forget to open them.   Officially asking for your krampus preference, naughty children!    CAT!   I hand-make light-weight hair falls, the kind that is NOT meant to look real, but more like doll (or Dolly) hair. I use stuff like recycled silk, ribbon yarn and the like to keep them extremely light-weight and pretty. Is this something you would like? If so, tell me your color preferences (the more options, the better!) plus any allergies I should know about (wool, alpaca, silk etc), and length.   I work in  gym and keep sweaty hair in. tight low ponytail. This lovely creation would be wasted on me. ☹️   Would you like a super ugly "Christmas" sweater with krampus all over it??     Nah. Krampus socks though! Cat krampus socks.     Is there anything you particularly have your fingers crossed for on your wishlist?   Hmmmm, thats so kind to ask. I think the ones I want the most are also the hardest things to find. And having wishes makes me happy as it gives me things to daydream over. Anything given in love makes me feel happy, so do not sweat my wishlist.   are you hoping for more perfumes or more non-smelly goodies?   I will have yule perfumes incoming from arcana and bpal, so if its more fun to shop for other items, that works for me, too.   dear Victim, are you in need of a squishable krampus? (or other squishable?)   I think these would become a dog or cat victim in my home.   Anything from Penzy's to show you praise or to punish your wicked tongue?   not familiar with their catalog, but if they have an herb mix that you would add oil to for bread dipping YES.   Do you like homemade fudge if it is Krampus'ed up?    If krampus upped means boozy, yes.    would you like a piece of Krampus themed art? Either watercolor, resin, polymer clay, or wire wrap?    Watercolor!   I'm probably going to place an order for October 33rd once I get paid next week. Are there any BPALs (recently released or otherwise) that you would love to get on St. Nicholas Day?   welp. Pumpkin Rum cake cause i ordered then they added it.   Is there anything you'd be interested in from Loreworks?  Please note, the body wash is marketed as body wash/bubble bath, but it DOES contain SLS for those who avoid it.)   Bodywashes are nice.   dear victim, are you interested in a microwaveable bowl cozy?   no   Dearest Victim, might you bed a fan of the glorious old punk band, the Damned? I'm seeing them perform on Friday, so there might be things like tour t-shirts or stickers available- would any of this be of interest to you? (if not, no worries, I can worship them enough for the both of us!  )   no   Dear *ahem* Victim *snicker* ... Would you enjoy a 2023 wall calendar?   No. I forget tp use them.     Victim, is there anything you would like from the Zeep holiday collection releasing on November 1st?  (see this post)   ohhhhh any non apple wax sounds fun, especially in clammies as it wouldnt be too extrvgent an expense for my partner. Interested in cranberry ones and pine ones and cookies and peppermint,      Are you interested in boozy homemade fruitcake?   Boozy all the things BUT fruitcake. I dislike the citron.    How about booze itself, specifically, moonshine whiskey infused with spices and fruits?   YES   Brown sugar shortbread? "Plain" buttery or flavored? Favorites include lavender and chocolate orange, but I could definitely do a holiday spice or peppermint batch or two.   Yum, yes!
   I want to make altered altoid tins for Christmas.  Would you like one?    Ha ha, my question. YES   What kind of homemade cookies do you like?   not a cookie fan… but like when I do get cookies its the pepperidge farm Bordeaux cookies. I just found copy cat recipes and am going to try to bake them!    Are you interested in having any freshly dried apple crips?   (Golden Delicious and Fuji -- sliced, dried apples with nothing added.)   no thank you.   Is there anything you're eyeing from Paintbox Soapworks' winter update?   I am having issues with dermatitis and avoiding all skincare right now except milkys bathsalts feom luvmilk




Halloween swap

I just have to start this ....Cellar Door just posted their Halloween goodies - I love their scents, soaps and candles - which of these might you fancy? https://cellardoorbathsupply.com/collections/halloween-fall-collection?_kx=wJHWHTN2OASY0k5c5ZR301X0_-q-0iaglCjL2XDqO-E%3D.SE8AhX   no thank you. I do not use soaps and prefer wax melts to candles.   If you'd like handmade knit items, are you good with soft wools or do you prefer acrylic only?    Whatever is used for nice tight socks   Are there any items you'd love for fall/halloweenie? (Ie mittens, hat, fingerless mitts, cowl, legwarmers)   socks, shawls.    Anyone fancying the new Paintbox Soapworks or Witch Baby Soap Halloween launches?
no. But hoping luvmilk has some seasonal offerings in their bath salts. And actually coming back to this, Witch Baby salts if she leaves out the flowers and stuff. They clog my bathtub. ?   What about Bath and Body Works?   A thousand times NO. Friends, I have very weird texture issues with bath products. I am on the spectrum and have sensory issues. Soaps, or bath gels with Shampoo textures (bath and bodyworks) give me heebie jeebies and make me gag. I usually use scrubs or Astrids Shower Cremes which are long gone and I miss so much.    Would you be interested in an adult Halloween coloring book? I recently backed on kickstarter for one by a local gothic art market near me and it's due in during the swap period. 
no. I never color.    What are some OCYL brands you've been wanting to dabble in? 
None. But older Arcana OOS is nice . Theres alot of older Arcana I never tried and you can not disappoint me there, even with your ratty tatty Arcana half used imps.    I know a lot of us are witchy and have deeply held beliefs about the materials we use as part of our practice. If you're one of those individuals, are there certain herbs, crystals, etc that you do not want to receive?    Not witchy.    When you have a distinct preference for one holiday over another, What are some cross over items that actually work for both?   I will start. I associate Black cats with Halloween AND fall. I associate Pumpkins with both. Candles for both but incense only halloween. Witches for only halloween, but carnivals and fairs and all their yummy goodies (funnel cakes, caramel apples, popcorn balls) for autumn AND Halloween both. Nightmare Before Christmas is a genre I like All season and halfway through winter. LOL. We have both Jack for Halloween, then a Santa Jack for fall.   The Ghost and Mrs Muir is an old movie that for me is also fall and halloween both. PSL is both! Hot chocolate is both!    One question (that is actually several questions) -- Local honey? Infused/flavored honey? Local infused/flavored honey with Southwest notes (jalapeno, other pepper, mesquite, acacia)?   JALAPEÑO HONEY YES PLEASE. Not CBD infused tho, Georgia is strict.    Would you enjoy spooky stationary?   Yes!    Do you have any interest in spooky squishmallows?   No. My cats would kill them. ?   Does anything from JiJi Knight spark your interest?   No   Any spooky/weenie DVDs you're missing and would like in your collection? NMBC? the Crow? An old Hammer film? Dark Shadows? The Omen? Sleepy Hallow   I do not watch tv.   I just got the email that the Ectogasm Halloween Collection is live. Does anything interest you? https://www.ectogasm.net/collections/halloween   That cat with the pinnacle butt!   On a scale from Paprika Is a Heatwave to Let Me Eat a Peck of Pickled Ghost Chiles, how spicy is too spicy, and how spicy is just right?   Pretty spicey!    I make lightweight hairfalls- would you be interested in some? Either to incorporate into a costume or just for your own year-round use? If so, name your colors and preferred length, and if you have any fiber allergies you want me to take note of!   No, thank you.    I love making stickers!! If I could design you some stickers, what would you love to have? It could be halloween themed or not!   Witchy cats!   Homemade canned and baked and concocted goodies? Any aversions?     Love, love, love (especially since I am fully vaxxed now)   If I could make you some of my fudge, what would you prefer?   Maple, pumpkin, dark chocolate, cookies and cream   Are you open to trying different indie perfume houses if I find a scent that I think you'd enjoy?
No     Would you be interested in a bag like we sell in our etsy shop?    https://twinklentwilight.etsy.com - if so, but you don't see fabric you like maybe link to some photos of fabric you like? - we can do small box bags or pencil / cosmetic / notions type bags too.  or with a drawstring on top instead of a zipper. - you don't HAVE to use them just for knitting/crochet, you can use them for cross stitch or even not as project bags.   OH THEY ARE ALL LOVELY BUT FAT BLACK CATS ARE BESTEST EVER.    If you are a yarnie, are you interested in a ceramic yarn bowl?  I have an extra Harry Potter (I know, I know) one from Lennymud that I bought before the whole JKR debacle and it didn't profit her in any form anyway.  I believe it's Gryffindor themed.   I had to look up yarn bowls! Its super cute, but, I need to read up on how to use one. ?   If you are a yarnie, I'd love to gift some yarn from my stash so give me an idea of colors / weight / material / yardage you'd like.     Fingering weight, pumpkin colored, purples, blues, grays. Currently making shawlettes that use 400 yards.    Are you interested in trying some of our "thunder butter"?  It's like tiger balm or icy hot, but with herbs, beeswax, cayenne or ghost pepper, menthol, wintergreen.  cbd version or no?   No thank you (my skins reactive)   I need to inventory our canned goods but do you like things like peach jam, cardamom plum jam, peach butter, plum butter, pickles, applesauce with nothing added, applesauce with red hots, dried apples or pears, bread and butter pickles, dill pickles, blackberry jam, huckleberry jam, candied jalapenos?     candied jalapenos huckleberry jam cardamom plum jam   Any interest in things from our garden like dried mint, catnip, lavender, rose petals, dill weed or dill seeds, sage, rue, mugwort, rosemary?   lavender and rose petals   How about alcoholic things like rose petal liqueur, lavender vanilla bean liqueur, various flavors of mead (chocolate orange, strawberry mango, whatever my son is making)?   No mead but Any flower liquors!     Pumpkin bread or zucchini bread?  How about blueberry zucchini bread with a lemon glaze?     Yes. ❤️blueberry zucchini bread with a lemon glaze .  Any interest in the August releases that got announced today? https://blackphoenixalchemylab.com/product-tag/august-2022/   Oh! how fun! I ordered half bottles in. decant circle of the ones I was most interested in which were Lav Buttercream, Ceres, The pistachio trio and the Butternut Squash trio and Choc Doob. ❤️   I have a new question! Do you wear nail polish, and if so, would you like some? What colors or finishes?   I do not.
Would you be interested in a tumbler like these? If so, what theme would you like it to be? Glitter or no glitter? What color do you want the liquid to be or would you prefer the blood drip look?   No Thank you.
Would you like either a basket or a tablemat (that works as a place to put hot dishes as well as being decorative).   No thank you.
How do you feel about ribbons?  Is there anything in particular you are looking for if you'd want some?  What about ribbon remnants?  Colors/textures?   Silk ribbons in vintage hues.
Would you be interested in any skincare items?  Anything you would not want?    I work part time for a skin care youtuber. I am good, thank you.    New question: Is anyone else interested in the latest Sphere & Sundry release? https://sphereandsundry.com/offerings/bpals-of-exalted-venus-ii/ Or other S&S offerings?   No thank you   Do you have any interest in trying my infused moonshine whiskey? I've been thinking of experimenting with autumn spices (cinnamon, nutmeg, clove) and maybe a chocolate chai.    Infused liqueur is always good here, I love artisan and cottage crafting! Yes, yes, yes. The chocolate chai sounds amazing!    Any interest in spooky shape wax melts in your favorite candle scents? (What are your favorite candle scents?)   I have a TON of wax, shameful amounts, really! But… ok, what about pistachio pumpkin cupcake, or blueberry zuchinni waffle cone? Thats my jam.    How about lotion bars?f   No thank you.   Bird and Blend tea just did their Autumn drop! Anything look good to you? https://www.birdandblendtea.us  (Also, if you're not a pumpkin person, I invite you to check out the rest of their offerings, which are always exceptional!)         Arcana Craves halloween drop! Anything catching your eye? https://arcanacraves.com/   I think I bought the obes I am most interested in, but you could make ne a decant of the new strawberry and new pumpkin one. ❤️   I feel like with some of the witchy/seasonal stuff it might be helpful to know everyone's signs.  If you're interested in that kind of thing, what's your sign?    Nah.    Would you like anything from The Pickety Witch? (I'm going to the Vegas Oddities and Curiosities Expo next weekend, and she's vending there, so it may not matter if an item is in stock or not on the website!) https://www.thepicketywitch.com/   https://www.thepicketywitch.com/products/pumpkin-cauldron-halloween-enamel-pin-collection-packaged-with-lavender https://www.thepicketywitch.com/products/pumpkin-kitten-halloween-enamel-pin-collection-packaged-with-lavender     so these nail polishes keep showing up on my instagram and they are kinda vampy--do you wear polish and do any of these float your boat?  NOTE I have never worn Holo Taco stuff so cannot vouch for quality just the vibes are super witchy ? https://www.holotaco.com/collections/dark-rainbow-collection   No polish please   I have another new question! Favorite bands/artists? Perhaps you'd be interested in a DIY patch to sew onto your jacket/pants/bag or maybe pins or a sticker or anything DIY-ish?   No patch or stickers I think. I am a cycle instructor so my interests are all over the place based on what I can make a class profile to. I currently am using in my playlists:  The Prodigy, Nothing but Thieves, David Guetta, Elderbrook, Rufus Du Sol, Armin Van Buuren, Rez, Swedish House Maffia, Grabbitz, Two Feet, Deadmaus, Jackson Wang, T Pain, Bob Moses, Cardi B, Little Sis Nora, Yellow Claw… get the idea?    I actually do not listen to music outside of the gym as I teach ten classes a week.    oooh I am reviewing my switch witch help answers from 2017 and was reminded of Lush--there used to be a big Lushie/BPALista crossover at one point.  Is that still the case?  If so dearest pumpkin are you a Lushie?  Is there anything from Lush you are coveting?  Their halloweenie stuff is out here: https://www.lushusa.com/halloween/?cgid=halloween&pmid=604&start=0&sz=28   I do not like Lush because I do not use soap bars and have never tried their other products.      


