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100 things about me - the first 50

1. I don't really know the first thing about blogs. 2. I believe that will become self-evident fairly quickly. 3. Apart from snoring like a train, my husband is pretty wonderful. 4. My two little boys are best friends and wish they were twins. 5. I am hopeless at computer games. 6. I am fiercely competitive at board games. 7. I own thousands of dollars worth of board games. 8. I would like to learn more card games. So far I know poker, 500 and euchre. 9. I desperately want to be able to do one really good magic trick. 10. My fingernails and toenails are always painted. 11. Nailpolish and books are my favourite things to shop for. 12. I got two tattoos when I was 18, a rose and an arum lily. 13. I will probably get at least one more. 14. I am so pale I almost radiate. 15. I hate the sensation of sunlight on my skin. 16. I have contact lenses but most of the time I'm so lazy I just wear my glasses. 17. I wear the same gold rings, gold bracelets and gold earrings everyday. 18. I wear a different necklace, mostly long beads, everyday. 19. I love ginger. 20. I read voraciously. 21. My favourite book is 'To Kill a Mockingbird'. 22. I watch Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends with my kids and it makes me laugh out loud. 23. I have a 30gb video ipod that goes everywhere with me. 24. I don't like meat. 25. But I can eat my own bodyweight in seafood. 26. I like all vegetables except celery and sweet potato. 27. I love all things piratey. 28. One of the greatest gifts I have ever received was a tiara which I wear more often than I care to admit and boss everyone around. 29. I had two bridesmen at my wedding. 30. I am learning more about tarot. 31. I have worked fulltime since I left university but I have no career goal. 32. I would like to travel more. 33. I need a creative outlet but I am not crafty at all. 34. I paint, but unfinished artworks make me crazy. 35. I am an INTP. 36. I cannot stand to have my stomach touched. By anyone. 37. This probably because it closely resembles porridge. Childbearing was not kind to me. 38. I have no desire to be a domestic goddess but I love Nigella. 39. Nothing riles me quite like deliberate ignorance. 40. I saw an owl somewhere every single day I was pregnant with my first son. 41. I have two chickenpox scars on the bridge of my nose. 42. I think the number 42 is lucky and I'm not sure why. 43. I sing when I am stressed. Which seems to be a lot lately. 44. I have no desire to go to the beach (hate the sun) but I would like to live near one. 45. I spend my life perpetually tired. 46. I love photography. 47. I hate having my photo taken. 48. I have some very odd handbags and purses. 49. I own lots of coffee mugs and tea cups and get weird about finding just the right one for the occasion. 50. I secretly wish I was a ninja. Or at the very least had a ninja at my beck and call.




A Hundred Great BPALs....

(Of course there are many more - but this is where I will keep the aftermath of an exploded Top Ten list. And a different day or a different mood would probably garner a different list, but for today these are my loves.)   Resiny Woody Incensy Goodness Minotaur Schwarzer Mond Cathedral Midnight Mass Greed Priala the Human Phoenix Tabula Smaragdina The Lurid Library Riding the Goat Valentine of Rome Resurrection of the Flesh Anne Bonny Mr Jacquel Urd   Snuggle in a Little Closer Baby Baghdad Spider Hunter Moon 07 Luperci Dracul Doc Constantine Tristran Dee Hand of Glory A Bachelor's Dog Bien Loin D'ici Coyote The Lion Sheol Love and Pain Frederic Aziraphale Casanova   I Enjoy Being a Girl... His Station and Four Aces Garden Path with Chickens Love in the Asylum The Peacock Queen Pepper Singing Moon Rose Moon Parlement of Foules Sitting Up With a Sick Friend Beltane 08 Ostara Longing Maiden Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge Nemesis Lucy's Kiss Orpheus Mama-Ji Lune Noir Florence Les Infortunes De La Vertu Whip   The Great Outdoors The Twisted Oak Tree Ahathoor Deep in Earth Stranger in Camp The Clod and the Pebble The Winter of Our Discontent Worm Moon Black Forest Wolf Moon 06 Oborot Hexennacht 08 October Death of a Gravedigger The Phoenix The House   Lurking in the Shadows Clemence Plunder Umbra Cathode Meskhenet the Vulture Maiden   Scents to Fall Asleep To Old Scratch Sleepy Moon Kephra The King of Hearts Death Cap   Special Kinda Clean Krampus Cytherea Omen Melpomene Sylph Dance of Death Les Anges Dechus Ides of March   Special Kinda Dirty Loviatar Nanny Ashtoreth Geek Shrunken Heads Two Monsters Dream of a Fisherman's Wife Crowley Czernobog   Frooty Patootey Aeronwen Lurid Tenochtitlan Twenty-One Kumiho




Blah blah blah me me me

Here are a few of the questionnaires I've struggled through lately.....   Layers of You   "Inside the Actor's Studio"   Because I know you like answering questions...   What's in your purse?




100 things about me - the second 50

Right, I've had a couple of hours sleep...   51. I wear makeup every single day. 52. I believe in karma. 53. I am a fountain of useless knowledge. Comes in handy on trivia nights. 54. I hate prankster/hidden camera shows with a passion. No matter how things might work out in the end, I don't think it is ever worth making a person feel the way they do until the 'reveal'. 55. I fall asleep in movies and usually only see the credits. 56. I am afraid of grasshoppers. They have disgusting little spiky legs and fly directly at you. 57. I love mushrooms and would include them with every meal if I thought I could. Raw, grilled, fried - whatever. 58. I'm not a gardener, but I have a few David Austen roses I just love. 59. I love charms and tiny ornaments. Just love them, and have done since I was a small child. The littler, the better. 60. I know beyond a shadow of doubt that the TAL oils work. I just wish I knew better how to use them to get the best effect. 61. I dream of owning my own business. 62. I hate driving. My father was in a very serious accident before I was born that left him with brain damage and I guess that I have always been afraid the same could happen to me or my loved ones. 63. I'm a nightowl, I like the quiet when the world is asleep and I can stare at the stars. 64. I am really driven in my work life but a terrible procrastinator at home. 65. I will not eat any meat off the bone, or things on sticks. 66. In real life, I use very passionate and dramatic language. 67. Musicians rock my socks. First time I saw my husband he was playing lead guitar and singing in a band. 68. I believe wholeheartedly in love at first sight. 69. I talk with my hands, even when I am on the phone. 70. Religious fanatics freak me out. And downright piss me off when they try to stuff their beliefs down my throat. 71. I love flat shoes and haven't worn heels for more than ten years. 72. I really love sushi, and often make elaborate family occasions around the preparation and eating of it. 73. I am a hopeless romantic and tell people I love them all the time. 74. I believe crying is cathartic. 75. I love live music, particularly folk and indie festivals. 76. I never write in cursive. 77. I wish I had a rainforest in my backyard and I could just escape into the deep green. 78. I am far more self-conscious than I ever let on. 79. I believe that people have a 'time' and die when they are meant to. 80. First thing I look at when I meet a man are his hands. They give away so much. And big manly hands make me swoony. 81. I like people who have kind eyes. 82. I really appreciate red wine and I would like to be able to describe myself as a 'buff' one day. 83. My ipod has lots of versions of Over the Rainbow. My favourites are Eva Cassidy, Israel Kamakawiwo'ole and Ella Fitzgerald. 84. I hate housework. 85. I would like to live and work overseas for at least a year but am never quite brave or knowledgeable enough to know how to go about it. 86. Grunge music was my music in its day. Hearing Nirvana still brings a rush of endorphins. 87. I wish I could sleep more. 88. I am overly trusting but not naive. 89. I can become fixated on polished stones and polished wood. Pretty tumbled stones, crystals and semi-precious gems will call to me from across a store. 90. This probably also explains my love of beaded necklaces. I like them long enough that I can look down and see them or run my fingers over them. 91. Annoying ringtones really peeve me. I hate that there is a thriving industry for them. 92. I am openminded and I love to talk to people who might broaden my horizons. 93. I love art, particularly beautiful paintings, whether they are famous or not. 94. I can't sew to save my life, but I am a great cook. 95. I shudder when people describe themselves as 'whacky' or 'zany'. Experience has taught me that this usually translates to 'annoying'. 96. My best friend once told me there are two people to avoid in life - serial killers and women who spell 'thanks' with an 'x'. So far his advice has stood me in good stead. 97. I have a copy of Rudyard Kipling's 'If' on display in my home and in my office. 98. I love to meditate and am trying to learn to take it to the next level. 99. I think a really good indicator of character is how a person speaks about their partner. 100. I would much rather talk about you than me!




Ghastly ghostly

Gah, the bit I've been dreading. I'd love to ramble on and on about how I never take a good picture, how this is the only recent one I have and I don't normally look this deathly. But the truth is I do normally look this deathly and rambling isn't a very effective diversionary tactic in a blog. The camera doesn't lie, especially when held by a six year old . Being photographed talking to my eight year old and standing in front of a dark cupboard probably wasn't the most flattering setup. Oh bugger it, you get the idea....  



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