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BPAL Madness!
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BPAL obsession at it's finest

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Another day with Tina

I haven't really had much to say lately. I've been in a fog. Spencer is still unemplyed and I'm working but barely functioning. Our sleep schedule is so messed up I'm getting about 2-3 hours of sleep a night. It's starting to make me sick, really. My stomach always hurts, I'm never fully "here", I'm always tired.... it sucks. I'm thinking I may have to give notice at the salon and find a job with later hours.   Club drama is still hell. I wish everyone would grow up and live their own lives. It really is hard to keep doing things for the scene when they turn around and bite you.   Oh well... let me end this on a good note. The fur-kids are doing great and Nitzer Ebb is playing here at the end of the month.




Colorado Meet-N-Sniff this Sunday May 7th

Just a quick note...   Well... I know it hasn't been that long, but I've had several people asking to do another Meet-N-Sniff, and since I just got the amazing C12 Limited Edition blends, this would be a great time for everyone to get to sniff them.   COLORADO BPAL MEET-N-SNIFF Sunday May 7th 2:00pm @ Cafe Netherworld 13th and Pennsylvania Cap Hill, Denver   Feel free to bring whatever you'd like... imps, bottles, your whole collection or just stuff you want to swap... whatever seems best to you. Cafe Netherworld is a wonderful cafe/coffeehouse/bar. They serve New Orleans styled food, adult beverages and coffee of course. They have a great staff who love love us and actually asked us to come back because they miss us and of course they play some super fun music to keep us chipper. They even provide cups of coffee beans to clear our sniffers!   Please reply here if you plan to come because I need RSVP's so I can let the cafe know how many of us to expect. They set aside a table for us.   RSVP'd from LJ slave1 graygirl kimonthejourney arcanemyst pyrotech_c3h8 destinymanifest the_only_babbs goth_hobbit phenobarbiedoll divinemissa 3ofswords __meltdown asphyx_impetus   RSVP'd from the Forums: Nightbird PennyPretty LunaSea   Thanks everyone!!!




I'm going to pull my hair out!

My fur-kids are killing me!!!   OK... I'm getting ready for work... and it's finally time to go. I call the pups to put them in their crates. Iggy comes running right away... Berlin doesn't. Berlin! Berlin! After about 30 seconds of me calling her name, she comes around the corner with a "cigarette" hanging out of her mouth. Yeah, it looked funny as hell and I wish I had my camera at that second... but the fact is, she ate almost an entire pack of bubblegum cigarettes... about 5 or 6 pieces. So, I flip out, call the vet. Chris couldn't find the doctor so I put Berlin in her crate, ran to work, called the vet again and they said to just observe her. It's obviously more scary for her than other dogs because she's only about 10 pounds. I quickly did my morning duties and left to get home around 10. Now I'm sitting her watching her. She seems fine, but cripes... what if this stuff gums up her works, creates a blockage and she needs surgery?!?!??! I'm still in the hole with Iggy and I financially can't handle anymore or mentally either. I'm about to seriously just lose it. Please, please, PLEASE think good thoughts for her. She and I both need them actually...   And speaking of Iggy. He got his last bandage off yesterday. He had a huge scab, which is good, it means he's healing. The doctor said he'd be fine as long as he didn't lick it. Well, he was good all the way home, then we got inside and within 15 seconds, he had ripped his scab off. Blood everywhere. So I rebandaged him and he is conehead again. If it doesn't start to scab again by tomorrow, he has to go back into the vet.   And Spencer might be getting fired today for missing so much work due to his ulcer. His boss says he can't prove it's work related.   I think I'm getting an ulcer of my own from all this. Jebus!!!




Testing the waters

I'm so happy the forums are back!!!! I just thought I'd test this thingee out, it looks quite fun. I can't wait to see what other nifty doo-dads have been added.   I'm excited to start doing reviews again, I missed the forums like crazy...   Anyway... Hello all!!!   I'm wearing Tarot The Lovers right now...



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