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CD pitch Cards I NEED

I collect CD pitch cards and need the following to complete my set(s) <---cuz 3 sets are better than 1, right? agrat-bat-mahlat antonino the carney talker archnina the spider girl ashlultum blasphmere reliquary blockhead blood garden candy butcher the chapel the contract of... cythera daiyu doc constantine eisheth eshe faiza faeu boulanger gennivre the grand inquisitior... gwneth hand of glory isaac the living skelly katanyia knucklebones licwiglunga the maltese cross... marcilla melisande the puppet... meskehenet the vulture... midnight in the midway the organ grinder parliament of monsters parthenope the phantom calliope priala the human phoenix pulcinella & teresina shrunken heads sir hugh... stormclouds over the midway thalassa the galapagos... theodosius the ledgermain tiresias two-headed goat the wild men... wulric the wolfman xanthe the weeping clown




CD Pitch Cards I HAVE

Because I collect pitch cards, I have a shit ton of dupes and would be glad to swap cards (I abbreviate titles) aeronwen 3 agrat bat 2 antonino archnina 2 ashlultum beozar 4 blasphmere 3 blood 2 candy CD 3 chapel clemence 3 contract 3 cythera 2 daiyu dionysia 3 doc 2 eisheth 2 eshe 2 faiza 2 faeu 3 gennivre grand 3 grindhouse 3 gwneth hand 3 hope 4 illustrated 5 inez 4 isaac katanyia knucklebones l'heure 3 licwiglunga 3 mme. 3 maltese 3 marcilla maruguerite 3 marianne 3 melisande meskehenet midnight organ parliament parthenope 2 phantom pickled 5 priala pulcinella screaming shrunken 3 sir 3 stormclouds 2 tabula 3 thalassa 2 theodosius tiresias torture 3 two headed 2 wild 2 wulric 2 xanthe 2 zarita 3



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