Well, now that I have found my new obsessions I wanted to set up something of a scent database here. So to train my nose and my vocabulary on how to describe the scents I like, so I can recognize the scents later on. To that end I've set up some tools to be of use to me. The first is a standard review format:
The second is to make use of the formal scent wheel - courtesy of wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fragrance_wheel
As follows:
Scent Elegba
Source BPAL
The Spirit of the Divine Messenger, the Lord of the Crossroads, He Who Owns All Doors and Roads in this World. He is the intermediary between the Orishas and mankind, and stands at the intersection of humanity and the Divine. He opens all paths of communication, both mundane and Heavenly. His ofrenda contains coconut, tobacco and sweet, sugared rum.
Amount imp
In the Bottle coconut and hazelnut
Wet on Skin hazelnut, sweet some underspices
Dry on Skin caramel, pipe tobacco, sweet
Evoced Color orange
Evoced Moodrelaxed, beach and coffee
Others Panda says it smells like caramel
Elements woody (dry), fresh (fruity)
Scent Ozymandias
Source BPAL
URL http://www.blackphoenixalchemylab.com/bb.html
I met a traveler from an antique landWho said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read,
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed,
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look upon my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
Desolation. The remnants of an empire, shivering with forgotten glories, a monument to megalomania, sundered power, and colossal loss. Dry desert air, dry and hot, passing over crumbling stone megaliths and plundered golden monuments, bearing a hint of the incense of lost Gods on its winds.
Amount imp
Date 12.28.08
In the Bottle very minor florals, amber, sandlewood, minor spice
Wet on Skin as above
Dry on Skin settles into a complex warmth, still an impression of strength - dryness
Evoced Color red-orange
Evoced Mood desert setting sun, strength, male
Elements floral (soft), oriental (soft, woody)
Scent De Sade
Source BPAL
URL http://www.blackphoenixalchemylab.com/sin.html
The essence of pleasure heightened by pain: the raw scent of leather.
Amount imp
Date 12.28.08
In the Bottle Strauight up leather, no skin tones to it
Wet on Skin Totally Leather, very strong like walking into Wilson's Leather store
Dry on Skin Still leather, steady and long lasting
Evoced Color Brown, black
Evoced Mood Outdoorsy leathery goodness
Elements woody (dry)
Scent Kathmandu
Source BPAL
URL http://www.blackphoenixalchemylab.com/wanderlust.html
The scent of sacred incense swirling up the steep slopes to Swayambhunath Stupa. Saffron, blessed sandalwood, Himalayan cedar and the miraculous lotus of the Buddha with chiuri bark and Nepalese spices.
Amount imp
Date 12.28.08
In the Bottle amber, crisp, peppermint or cedar?
Wet on Skin spearmint, spice, mint-is that what eucalyptus smells like? floral,clean/crisp, amber?
Dry on Skin cedar, amber, sandlewood
Evoced Color white blue
Evoced Mood focus, concentration
Others this one fades Very fast
Elements oriental ( woody), woody (woods), fresh (green), herbal
Scent Paris
Source BPAL
URL http://www.blackphoenixalchemylab.com/wanderlust.html
Sensual, decadent, and enigmatic. Lavender, softly underscored by lotus and spice.
Amount imp
Date 12.28.08
In the Bottle strong herbal, floral, - lavender/ medical, backwash of somethign else floral, lily? not smelling much spice here
Wet on Skin as in bottle, a little warmer for the other backscent, and NOW a little cinnamon shows up
Dry on Skin settling towards cloves- ok - This is a little better ... and hours later *back* to lavender and that funky other floral?
Evoced Color yellow green
Evoced Mood anxious, restless
Others Not sure i like this one at all really, really sort of restless twitchy feeling to it, which is odd as i like cinnamon, cloves and lavender - it might be the lotus or the combination
Elements floral (floral, oriental), herbal
Scent Anubis
Source BPAL
URL http://www.blackphoenixalchemylab.com/excolo.html
He Who Counts the Hearts, Jackal Ruler of the Bows, He Who Is In the Place of Embalming. Jackal-headed guardian, protector and psychopomp of Egypt’s dead, he guides souls to the underworld and holds steady the scales upon which the deceased’s heart is weighed against Ma’at’s Feather of Truth. He is the creator and master of funereal rites, He Who Opens the Mouth of the Dead, and is the sentinel that watches over the sanctity of tombs and the virtue and privacy of his charges. His scent is a blend of holy myrrh, storax, balsam, and embalming herbs.
Amount imp
Date 12.28.08
In the Bottle a little spice, a lot of herb, maybe a hint of medicinal, amber, cinnamons?
Wet on Skin lots of floral all of a sudden, very exotic - tint of baby powder
Dry on Skinas above, settling towards a warm ambery spice and myrrh
Evoced Color green, blue - turquoise and lapis
Evoced Mood calm, patience
Others roomies didn't care for this one at all - the myrrh probably. Lasts. For. Ever.
Elements floral (oriental), oriental (oriental, woody), herbal
Scent Satyr
Source BPAL
URL http://www.blackphoenixalchemylab.com/lp.html
Unleash the bawdy, unrestrained passion of the satyr! A ferociously masculine scent: sexual, vigorous, and truly wild.
Amount imp
Date 12.28.08
In the Bottle musky, spicey, waarm sexy, minor spices/florals
Wet on Skin As bottle, with a little more cinnamony warm
Dry on Skin Settles into something smoother and softer later though still strongly sexy
Evoced Color brown red
Evoced Mood sex, heat
Others Panda really liked and could not keep his paws off, apparently has civet cat musk
Elements oriental (soft, oriental), woody (dry)
Scent Devil's Claw
Source BPAL
URL http://www.blackphoenixalchemylab.com/garden.html
A yellow-bright and smoky brown-black scent, horned, pronged and strange.
Amount imp
Date 12.28.08
In the Bottle sharp, minor floral, nuts, sandlewood, musk?
Wet on Skin creamy nut, smoke, cedar?, lemon
Dry on Skin
Evoced Color mean yellow blended with drk green
Evoced Mood uneasy alertness
Elements oriental (woody), woody (woods, dry), fresh (citrus), herbal