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BPAL Madness!
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YES -- im here and breathing

man - it has been busy for finals then for starting massage school. exams everyday. its crazy hard -- and requires much more from me than i'd expected. i feel runover by a dump truck.   wah!   i will leave feedback for everyone in my decant circle asap. apologies for the delay, life has taken over and made me lose my damn sight of everything. -tear     <3 fern




my birthday!

well -- birthday!   i won an auction for gluk for like a bargain of 10 bucks. couldnt pass on that one.   and well...today i hand with the family and grab me a few gifts. WILL BE NICE.   hope your sunday's are all fantastic!   i have successfully --- well, ive tried ---- to stay away from the sales forum. YAY. havent bought anything but a bottle in the past two weeks. HOW AMAZING IS THAT?   <3 fern





oh geez -- it has been so busy.   finally finished my decant circle and well, im proud of myself but im not sure i'll ever do it again! ha. it was work. a lot of thought putting each package together and i just...wow, i cant. so i hope everyone enjoys their packages.   on another note -- my birthday is next week and i soooo want velvet panther so i will be ordering that and a few other velvets. nothing spectacular for my 32nd year of life but i guess thats how it goes right?   oh you can follow me on twitter, www.twitter.com/spanish_bomb --- its seems the only way to get a hold of me anyway.




for my sanity

i have to jot down what ive yet to review but here's a list of pending scents i have tested that i havent put up just yet...   bon vivant - good but not wearing everyday velvet nudie - um yuck velvet panther - AMAZING velvet tiger - sort of grows on you doc constantine medicine show - spray - smells yum on my pillow midnight on the midway -- smells yom yom but i havent worn it. samhainophobia - havent smelled yet   anxious to smell my champagne bottle though --- im sure it smells yom yom yom   anyway --- busy and ready for my decanting to be done!! still waiting on the order and im sort of ready for it anyday but i havent received the click n ship thing so im thinking any day now? gonna email to make sure. starting to get weirded out...11 days since payment or is this the norm?     <3 <3 it'll come soon




my nudie wasnt not what i wanted it to be

okay mission not spending money is going OHKAY --- sort of. i falter for maybe a bottle or two and begin again.   i received my velvets and the ones i thought id like -- YUCK... nudie is sooo not on my favorites but panther is lustable...that is a definate SI SENOR!   what else??? not much -- i did peruse ebay and i wondered if i should bid on underpants until i saw it went for like 100 bones...UH NO but anyway--im waiting on my other velvets to see which bottles im gonna get.   <3 n lemondrops shugah!




BATS DAY & CONVERGENCE shoppers...where r joo?, i'll write songs in your honor and name my firstborn after you

just kidding, i cant name my firstborn after you...i already have one har har.   DUDE --- whoever you are...know that i need you BADLY. you can be the PB to my J if you do this for me...   I WILL SEND YOU MONEY and YOU CAN BUY ME STUFF and I WILL PAY YOU EXTRA to like DO IT and like ....   i'll send you a youtube of me playing air guitar and slathering it all over my arms and gnawing them off... IT"LL MAKE FINE FAMILY TIME!   let me know --- oh and please have feedback on here mang...cause like -- i'll be a paranoid weirdo otherwise.   <3 <3 <3 & Lemondrops Fern




birthday t-minus 2 wks

bpal universe!   im not doing well staying away from your precious...   in fact, im doing disappointingly bad. hah. i tallied up a huge order and am going to conquer it for my birthday next month OH YES...may 3rd...   IM BUYING ALL THE VELVETS I WANT AND NO ONE CAN SAY NADA ABOUT IT! muahahahahaha...     anyway -- all is well, still keeping the wallet close to save up for that $200 order. SUE ME. unless i see a bottle of sugar slathered candied apple, glowing vulva, or black lace come up..im not spending on squat...   except for khrysee, philo, & morpho..   ha. ALWAYS EXCEPTIONS   ....till tomorrow <3 & lemondrops --- fern




tea---yom yom yom

OK...got a package ready yesterday for someone buying imps and decided to wait until today to stuff some of my magic tea...YOM YOM YOM!   also, am working on a swap with some of my imps --- i have too many.   what else?! FUDGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE totally forgot to pay for my b-movie bottle...gotta email her. friday - new payday so i will pay her then, CALMNESS but it would be nice to sell something. i havent sold much lately and i need to rumble up some dough for a few bottles, itd be nice to have a little "discount" at least thats how i look at it when i have dough in my paypal account. ha.   anyway --- work and school --- pm me if you need me.. MWAH




congratulate me on my new job at the apothecary!

oh gadsssssssssss i got a new J-O-B, ladies! and a new boyfriend...something is in the air.   anyway this is the place i work at.... Years To Your Health   their teas are AMAZING...so know if you buy something from me now you're getting frimped some handsifted tea. GEEZUS @ the rootbeer. and no they're not on the site which is part of some crazy regulation by the city BUT...I WILL GET SOME TO JOO...   i had like 50 cups yesterday. hah...THEY WERE probably like, why'd we hire her again?   anyway----love my new job and loving my newest buys...MIDNIGHT ON THE MIDWAY AND LOVERS IN A RICEFIELD...yes those are the BESTUSUS. I also have curbed my purchasing power and have not bought anything the last few days. BE PROUD OH BPAL-VERSE!!!   i was spending upwards of about 80 a week. hahahaha   anyway -- that is all for today -- if i didnt respond to you its because i was busy yesterday from 9am-8pm; i had school and work and didnt crawl through my door until 830pm.   <3 u!




GREAT AUNT FERN! weeeeeeeeee

I AM A GREAT AUNT AS of 1253 a.m. Elijah Noe-- 7lbs 6 oz.   ME!!   baby fever in full effect. if i was tardy with responses and stuff its because we were on baby watch STARING at the mass waiting for it to COME FORTH so we could spoil it...   <3 you all...




LE MAT decant circle

i was soooooooo wanting to do a decant circle and i think this is the perfect time to do it. 3 bottles and 5 people. keeps things simple for me, especially since its my first time ever.   WISH ME LUCK FORUMITES!   the only thing i have to tackle is the printer. ahhhhhh. avery 5760 roight?? - fake english accent?   anyway, excited! suggestions??




haloes & mb: bloody mary rationalization

okay so --- OPERATION STAY AWAY FROM SALES FORUM has gone somewhat awry. because ive been shopping on ebay/here! NEENER NEENER   i saw a bottle of mb: bloody mary (ITS TOTALLY A HARD TO FIND AND I HAD TO - ONCE IN A LIFETIME SORT OF THING) so i bought it and then...ok thats it. ha. BUT HEY! that was only one. so sorrrryyyysss. man --- as soon as i get this other J-O-B i'm going to like SPEND A TON OF DOUGH on the velvet's and it'll totally be excusable.     anyway - still searching for lovers in a ricefield - i hope i win one on ebay and i so totally bought a bottle of haloes from 13curses on ebay. I TOTALLY FORGOT TO TELL YOU ABOUT THAT...ok so that makes it 2. muahahahahaha. THIS ONE WAS TOTALLY EXCUSABLE TOO! it's a rarity...sue me. i had to.   SO OK -- ive been a bad girl but look at it this way --- im rationalizing it by saying they are RARES and HARD TO FIND. ok?   leave me alone... neener neener   oh and the blog that follows this, its for my records cause um...i buy so much and have so many transactions going on i forget who's who. like a girl named JEN --- dont even know what her name on the forum is. IM SO DISAPPOINTED WITH MYSELF---but id so totally leave her feedback for my swap---i just accidently deleted her pm. i'll find her...I WILL!




organizing my thoughts

this is a permn't post that helps me organize what transactions i've got going on right now.. what's pending, whats being swapped, what i'm waiting on...etc...     pending/in talks: diary of a lovestruck teenage cannibal - scarlettgenesis (im so envious, she's on vacation!)       waiting on: bottle of mb: tokyo stomp from carolyn ---package was lost but was refunded 2 decants of gluk from yokaitenchi decants from the velvet collection (clown, dogs, kitty, & unicorn) - meagan aka MEAGANOLA (pending)...     SWAPS:   sold: lady una - nenia --feedback left smut 06 - femme_fatale - - feedback left imps - trex imps - lyndaslp     RECEIVED: gc's - belleange received 4/12 - swap - feedback left a limited edition decant/imp (mb:tokyo stomp & blood phoenix) tapestry pending received 4/13 - feedback left decants of voyeurs, couples, & giant vulva mistershrapnel received 4/12 - feedback left mb: bloody mary - robin received 4/13 - feedback left happy housewife cupcake & villainess soap swansong received 4/15 - feedback left another bottle of giant vulva full as a backup - ebay decants from the velvet collection (nudie, tiger, & panther) jo aka schackjj received 4/19 decant supplies MY GIRL TTP received 4/18 lovers in a ricefield ebay received 4/18 midnight on the midway ebay received 4/21 feedback left miller vs california partial (an imp) scrappy received 4/21 feedback left champagne chocolate & cheap sex ebay miller vs california dark alice a bottle of haloes from ebay




twitter supahstar

geez...i just found out what twittering is like. ITS better than the myspace update on status. its like HEROINE at your fingertips.   anyway - - - - been twittering, myspacing, and facebooking all day in addition to filling out my apps for some stuff.   and have also decided to take a vacay from the sales forum. GOD. have spent way too much this month. my wallet is aching. wahhhh...




version .01

its difficult keeping track of so many blogging methods...   either way, if you haven't heard from me or if ive been mia it is only because i have been dealing with a family emergency that has ended tragically.   funeral will be monday. so ive been trying to divert my attention to school and everything else including working out like a fiend. i guess we all have ways to cope and im no stranger to feeling the repercussions of somone's death.   anyway - im here. PRESENT. just not the normal giddy FERN everyone is used to. a more subdued version is available. a downgrade of sorts.   <3 fern




miller vs california & bewitching brews

thought id just post up here my bpal musings so this'll be my bpal blog because lord knows i have a gazillion others...   OK - ---   so i decided to attempt the daunting task of smelling the entire g/c catalog. right now i'm attempting all of the bewitching brews and well, its begun beautifully with trailertrash princess offering up some of her goodies 30+ that i can smell. YES!!!!!!!!   ran upon a new favorite - miller vs california --- GEEZ this stuff smells amazing. LURV it. gonna kidnap a bottle if i can find one. also which reminds me, i need to find a friend in hollywood to go to the event...hmmm..


