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Wish List

Sonia13's BPAL Journey and Wishes   I am *very* new so this list will probably be edited many, many times!   So far I have tried: Satyr Sin Burial Seraphim (LOVED this one, favorite so far) Tzadikim Nistarim (LOVED) Salome Dirty (Love the Linen vibe) Dorian (Liked this one as well) Hellfire Vice (Hated it in the imp and directly on my skin, smells nicer in massage oil on me) Nyarlathotep The Deep Ones (Clean-smelling and light) Suspiro (Arm-huffing goodness!) Ophelia (Beautiful scent) Morocco Lyonesse Xiuhtecuhtli The Antikythera Mechanism Defututa (gorgeous, warm, rich, refined) Aglaea Tamora (Smelled like Vicks VapoRub on me, and like fantastic juicy peaches on my sister... life isn't fair.) Boomslang I would really like to try these:   ***Anything with a church incense vibe!**** Midnight Mass Cathedral Hymn All Saints' Penitence No. 93 Engine Pride Hunger Velvet Snake Charmer Hanerot Halalu Sed Non Satiata Nocturne Chimera Voodoo Blood Kiss Anubis Lilith Desire Belle Epoque O Snake Oil Agape Languor Three Brides The Caterpillar Scherezade Anne Bonny   Any scent suggestions are greatly appreciated! (Maybe someone more experienced can recognize a theme?) Thank you for looking!



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