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my SW asked me??????

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Hello my witch wonderful I TOLD THE NACHO MINION I DONT NEED ANYTHING-youve been SO VERY GENEROUS A minion or nacho witch wrote me asking my coffee and scent prefences. And before I get to those     IF EITHER BEAVER MOON or MISCHIEF found its way to me, there would be much rejoicing. !!       I'd like to thank you for all the goodness. I am still petting my sock dreams socks-twas warm today so havent worn them yet, but they will get the love they deserve.   Tonight I went out shopping, ostensibly looking for Levis but alas, there were short size 8, or tall size 8's but no regular, so I headed to the Kipling purse section. I've taken to only wearing Kipling purses ($ but oh so lightweight-and they hold a lot)   Which brings me to ketchup- my purse is like some sort of traveling office   wallet, phone,charger, separate camera , pens, makeup,meds,notebook,and sometimes bits of craft stuff and supplies!! so I would love one of those purse organizer type things-I put an example on my amazon list!   SCENT STUFF-Vanillas and foody are my favorites-I would love to try MISCHIEF, FIZZY JACK o'Lantern-also like coffee scents (I have MIsk U and love using it in fall and Winter) I also just bought a bottle of BONFIRE NIGHT and love that-also like ale and beer scents!!   am not a fan of patchouli and excessively Floral Other scents-Possets-I used to wear them,but they disappeared on me-my skin just ate up whatever the base is so sadly   Open to trying other scents too!   COFFEE_ YAY FOR GROUND COFFEE-Decaf preferred-I like Trader Joes coffee, and of course STARBUCKS!!! Prefer coffee to tea   CLOTHING- tshirt-long sleeve preferred or short sleeve-no sleeveless cause it woulnt be pretty-size L-I like babydoll kind-if it was a lab tshirt or american apparel type Id be xl but in target style shirts am a large!   FAVORITE SOAP COMPANY IS BOTANICA BATH ON ETSY   (they used to be called natures edge)   like citrus flavors scents for moisturizers always love shower gels   skin type-dry and sensitive:( but moisturizing stuff always welcome   favorite colors-if you look at my etsy shop you can probably tell my favorite color is BLUE,,and I love knitted goods-cowls, scarves, gloves or wristwarmers!!     And you know I have much fondness for cars, for the show TOP GEAR, for all the programs on BBC AMerica (which I no longer have-grr) at this point I do not have an ereader-but at some point anticipate an ipad!!   AND ONE MORE THING_WITCHIEPOO_ I WUB YOU- JUST POKE ME IF YOU WANNA KNOW SOMETHING,OK?





Today my most wonderful witch sent me an email, asking me what I would want if by chance she placed a lab order and something slipped in.(cough) I think it would be bread and butterfly OR boo. My witch has gifted me with amazing soaps and creams and I feel all clean and moisturized thanks to her>!   though I must confess, dear witch, I have never experienced little pony crafting fondness:( Hope this is not upsetting to you.. And tonight(ok, this morning) am gonna peruse my amazon list, and place an order using the gift certificate you sent me! Another BIG YAY! Ok, I hope you had a good day, and got your coffee and milk, because those are extremely important items to have on hand, and whatever your research is, coffee & milk will make it easier(IMHO)   Oh,as far as beverages go,I'm probably set on TEA (thanks to various wonderful witches)   and I love local items (especially mugs) though I confess I have no need for shot glasses...and I will try to post here, and meanwhile, thank you so much-you are a most excellent witch! signed, your witchee:wub2:




in case my witch is wondering.....

My witch is a wonderwoman-she is the best ecard and post reader ever and shes really stalking me dear witch-you asked how I feel about antique lace-yeah its one of my faves-but Im basically a vanilla lover so I have othr faves now   and must do some ordering now-FEEDING THE DEAD &DETESTABLE PUTRESCENCE am saying this because you asked and dont want you to feel compelled to try to get me bpal!   bw-today wore the little blue car earrings you gave me, and they are just adorable!!|   and I can dream about all the weird cars in the car book you sent me!so really, dear witch o' mine, just tell me you'll reveal to me, ok?




in case my witch wants to know....

Hello there, my darling witch. I know you asked me my scent preferences and I admit while I would love to get a sniff of any of the following please dont feel compelled to include bpal in that box you ordered from the post office. In fact, Im heading to a M&S this very weekend so who knows, maybe I will get to sniff some of these!   But since you asked, I think the wishlist scents would be FEEDING THE DEAD (probably the most wished for-beer:D) the Boo,Creepy,Devil's Night, and Pumpkin V   In other news, now that I have Hammonds Car Confidential I can read about the "most vulgar car"-a 100 ft limo with a king sized water bed and helicopter pad.   This is a sort of wonderland of book-all the weird, nutty and beautiful snippets of car lore as seen by one of the hosts of Top Gear-really I love having it, and will think of you whenever I peruse its pages. Hope youre having a good week, and got your beets roasted!





M lovely switch witch has been spoiling me rotten, reading every post I make and sending me most magnificent ecards with giraffes and butterflies and requests for my wishlist!   My wishlist is on amazon, which you've clearly found, and my etsy list is in my signature but it has quite spendy items because I just love to look at them, and am not suggesting that my dear SW come up with any of those items. I am thinking I might start my Weenie wishlist with PUMPKIN V because it sounds wonderful, and I will have a look at the other weenies later.   Witch o' mine-you are stupendouos!!     Now there's a stamp ? The answer is yes I like stamps



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