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My Many-Tentacled Wishlist

LE/DISC/RARE   Whatever I can get (have tried or own some and know I love them)   Egyptian Amber SN** Lughnasadh*** The Candy Butcher Proto The Confectionary proto Unseelie**   Sniffies only Dark Chocolate Pumpkin King*** Nocturnus Venom SNs I haven't tried yet (have tried or own: Ambergris, Egyptian Amber, Florentine Iris, Frankincence, Sweet Pea, White Musk)   TRADING POST Jonathan's Coffee House Atmo The Witch's Candy and Gingerbread Cottage Atmo*** Sojourn Down the Midway Atmo**     GC (imps or bottles, I'll take it all!)   Aeval Akuma Alice Anne Bonny Belle Epoque Black Annis Blood Blood Countess Bon Vivant Dana O'Shee Deadly Nightshade Honey Depraved Dirty Dragon's Milk Drink Me Eclipse Eden Evil Glasgow Goblin Gomorrah Grand Guignol Grog Half-Elf Halfling Hecate Hellcat Hell's Belle Hollywood Babylon How Doth the Little Crocodile Intrigue Jailbait Kabuki Kill-Devil La Petite Mort Lawful Neutral Paladin Pele Persephone Port-Au-Prince Queen Alice Redoul Honey Sed Non Satiata Skuld Sudha Segara The Bow & Crown of Conquest The Red Queen The Witch's Repast Uruk Whip   Unimpables (prefer bottles but will take imps too) Arachne of Lydia Bette Noir Captain Cully Dawn: Maiden Dawn: Mother Grendel: Avenger Grendel: Mastermind Hunter Kaidan Lady Amalthea Molly Grue Mommy Fortuna Night's Bridge The Butterfly The East The Lilac Wood The Magdalena The Midnight Carnival The Ninth Cage Victoria Witchblade




New and Improved (not to mention concise and organized for once) Wishlist!

***desperately seeking a sniffie of Pumpkin King; only needs a trace amount of oil. I must know once and for all if this is going to be worth hoarding money for or not!***   Things I have tried/own some of and am looking for as much as I can find:   Egyptian Amber SN Lughnasadh Mabon (original only) ***Pumpkin Hard Candy*** The Confectionary proto The Heraeon of Argos Unseelie.....hah   Things I haven't tried but lust after so hard, I must have whatever I can manage to find!   Black Amber SN Black Cherry SN Dark Chocolate (Gaiman) Egyptian Musk SN Fig SN Hellfire (original formulation only) Horror Coaster proto Night Parade of 1000 Demons proto Raspberry SN Toasted Coconut SN Waxworks proto   Things I would love to try in sniffie form first: any of this year's randomly named protos (except TX30 which I already own), Beltane, Blue Moon 04, CD protos I haven't yet tried (see bottom), Citrinitas v4, F54, Frost Moon, Gaslight, Harvest Moon 04, Ingenue, Orange (Gaiman), Pink Moon 05, Moon of Ice, Morella, Needle in a Haystack, Noir, Pumpkin King, Poe, Red Moon 04, Semiramis, SNs I haven't yet tried (see bottom), Storm Moon, any Tarot blends, Tattie Bogle, Unseelie, Whippoorwill   GCs I need more imps of to fill DIY bottles: Aeval, Akuma, Black Annis, Bon Vivant, Carnal, Dana O'Shee, Depraved, Drink Me, Eat Me, Grog, Helle's Belle, Kabuki, Kill-Devil, Morgause, Seraglio, Scherezade, Skuld, The Bow & Crown of Conquest, The Harlot's House   Other GCs I definitely want bottles of (will also take imps) : Alice, Against Idleness & Mischief, Arachne of Lydia, Bard (RPG), Belle Epoque, Black Hellebore Honey, Chokecherry Honey, Cockaigne, Courtney, Cyborg, Dawn: Maiden, Deadly Nightshade Honey, Debauchery, Detestable Putrescence, Dirty, Dragon's Milk, Dwarven Ale (RPG), Eclipse, Eden, Evil (RPG), Glasgow, Goblin, Gomorrah, Half-Elf (RPG), Halfling (RPG), Hecate, Hellcat, Hideous Heart, Hollywood Babylon, Horreur Sympathique, How Doth the Little Crocodile, Jailbait, Josie, La Petite Mort, Lawful (RPG), Lust, Mage (RPG), Molly Grue, Mommy Fortuna, Morocco, Mouse's Long and Sad Tale, Neil, Neutral (RPG), Paladin (RPG), Pandy, Pele, Queen Alice, Ravenous, Salma, Schmendrick, Sin, Sudha Segara, The Butterfly, The East, The Lilac Wood, The Midnight Carnival, The Ninth Cage, The Red Queen, The Queen of Hearts, Thieves' Rosin (RPG), Uruk, Vial of Holy Water (RPG), Whip, Witchblade   CD protos I've already tried or own: Alley of Games v4 (own), Black Widow Circus, CD023 (own), CD Tilt v4, Fire Dancer v6 (own), Misfortune Teller v3 (own), The Fire-Scorched Carousel (own), The Confectionary, The Toymaker   SNs I've already tried or own: Egyptian Amber (own one treasured imp!), Honey, Plum, Sweet Pea (own), Vanilla, White Musk (own)   I may also accept more of many things I already have, so just try me; the worst I can do is say no.   Iffy notes: anise, apple, aquatics, bergamot, grass, ozone, rose   Get it away: cedar, cologney scents, eucalyptus, heavy dirt, jasmine (except star or sambac), lemongrass, lemon myrtle, lemon verbena, strong herbals




Non-BPAL Wishlist of Immense and Unfathomable DOOM

I'm a shameless perfume whore. That said,I have now compiled for your wondering eyes the unabridged version of my massive list of non-BPAL lusts, which is even (mostly) alphabetized. Behold and be amazed:   Arcana: Devilish, Frivolous Aside, Lady Lamb, Lady Posh (Posh Brats exclusive),Single Notes: Chocolate, Citrus Creme, Pumpkin, White Musk, Yellow Cake   Blooddrop: Past LE/Discon GC: Au Bout du Monde, Bardot, Broceliande, Buche de Noel, Cavity Creeps, C’est la Neige qui rend tout Silencieux, Café Zazou Edition Fete 07, Cobwebs, Contempt, The Cookie Plate, Country Bumpkin, Cutie Patootie, Dandelion Wine, Doe Eyes, Drive-In Movie, Eeek!, Gathering, Honey Bee, Hubba Hubba, L’Empoisonneusse Extraordinaire, Madame Claire de Lune’s Cidre Doux aux Pommes Epicées, Madame Claire de Lune's Cidre Doux au Poire, Merci Extrait D’Hiver, Merci Extrait Maison, The Merry Widow Who Invented Champagne, Midsummer, Orange Et Noir, PB&J, The Pheasants, Taint the Afternoon Cakes, Scurvy Girl, There Castle, Training Bra, Tree in My House, The (Un) poisoned Tea Cup, Vintage, Witchery GC: At Denny’s After Rocky, Bisou, Bonne Nuit, Broomstick, Café Zazou, Citrouille, Diabolique, Delicieuse, Devonshire Cottage, Dixie Eloise Dechamps’ Perfectly Legal and Innocuous Kissing Cake, Dollhouse, Eiffel Tower, Frau Von Schtinklestein’s Parially Completed Bavarian Love Essence, Josephine, Les Madeleines, Madame Pompidou’s Elixir Secret Pour Las Maladies et Crises du Coeur, Medusa, Melancholia, Mourning Dove, Pumpkin, Ruffles Bustles and Corsets, Star Light Star Bright, Sultrylicious, White Pumpkin, The Zodiac Club   Conjure Oils: Anemoi, Aswang, Anna, Bathtub Gin, Bat’s Blood, Bastet, The Befuddling Fan, Bete Noire Brew, Black Raspberry, Blood Type A, Blood Type B, Blood Moon, Cherry Red Lipstick, Chupacabra, Circe, Cleopatra, Coatlicue, The Countess, Earl Black, El Diablito, Flapper, Floozy, Gears of Oblivion, Glamour, Immortal, Inanna, Jamila, Kala, La Bruja, La Corona, La Luna, Lindy Hop, Loch Ness Monster, Love Eternal, Moon, Mothman, Nadia, Nagwa, Naima, Nejla, Passion, The Pernicious Parasol, Pirate’s Breakfast, Radio Bastet, Salome, Shakti, The Shadowy Shawl, Shapeshifter, Unicorn, Vajrayogini, Vampire Kisses, Vaudeville, Wendigo, Werewolf, Zeinat   Single notes: Black Orchid, Chai Spice Tea, Champa Bouquet, Coconut Milk, Dark Chocolate, Dragon's Blood, Egyptian Musk, Ethiopian Frankincense, Golden Amber, Indian Patchouli, Madagascar Vanilla, Milk Chocolate, Mysore Sandalwood, Night Queen, Oriental Opium, Sweet Myrrh, Sweet Patchouli   Haus of Gloi: Depravity, Elevenses, Lavender Sugar, Honey Tree, Moon Dog, Peach Mama, Satyr, Twice is Nice, Troika, Vice   I Smell Good: Almond, Amber, Berry, Cake, Chocolate, Marshmallow, Rhubarb   Love Potion Magickal Perfumerie: All Hallow's Eve, And Everything Nice, Autumnal Equinox 07, Constant Craving, Dark Seductions (original), Drakula's Bakery, Gothic Xmas, Halloween Moon, Hallowtide, Hotter Than Hell, La Vie Boheme Femme, LP White, Lorien's Sugared Twilight, Messalina's Passion Potion,Sorceress, Sugared French Vanilla, Sugared Magi, Sugared Nag Champa, (more)Sugared Pumpkins, Slave to Sin, Tea and Strumpets, Winter Snow Blossom, Yule Snuggle   Nocturne Alchemy: GC: Akhnouphis, Alexandria, Amarna, Anubis, Bassima, Bast-um-Ra, Blue Nile, Chocolate Cinnamon Ceylon, Egyptian Black Raspberry, Egyptian Caramel Coffee, Egyptian Vanilla & Passionfruit, Eternal Alexandria, Eternal Ankh, Eternal Aswan, Eternal Cairo, Eternal Egypt, Eternal Luxor, Eternal Nile, Ether:Khepri, Fire:Sekhmet, Hathor, Horus, Isis, Karnak, Ma'at, Meditation: Anubis, Meditation: Atum, Meditation: Bastet, Mediation: Hathor, Meditation: Horus, Meditation: Nut & Geb, Meditation: Osiris, Meditation: Seshat, Meditation: Seth, Meditation: Thoth, Karkade, Luxor, Malban, Mnemethe, Mummy Daddy Caffeinated, Nefer-ka-Ra, Nefertiti, Nomastikha, Osiris, Phyriad, Plum Ohm Ali, Purple Nile, Pyramid of Khafre, Pyramid of Khufu, Pyramid of Menkaure, Qeb-Hwt, Ra, Red Egypt, Scarab, Seth, Sekhmet, Sekhephrium, Smenkhare, Sphinx, Sobek, Temple of Isis, Tutankhamun, Urphaeus, Valley of the Kings, Vanilla Necropolis Canopic Jars:Resin, Duamutef, Imsety Dendera Zodiac: Anubis, Amun, Bennu, Hathor, Horus, Sekhmet, Sphinx Gold of Egypt: Ankh, Bennu, Crook & Flail, Gold, Scarab, Sistum Moons: Alabaster Moon, Amber Moon, Bloodstone Moon, Deity Moon: Sekhmet, Faience Moon, Fluorite Moon, Gold Moon, Scarab Moon Blue Label NAlentine: Bastet's Chocolate-Covered Apricots, Isis' Love Elixir, The Lady of Philae, Postcard: Egypt, Purple Rose of Cairo NAliday: A Memory of Hope, Amber Noel, Christmas in Cairo, Egyptian Eggnog, Eye of Horus, Halcyon, Hathor's Pomegranate Wine, Invocation of the Gods, Konafah, Mulled Mummy, Ra's Amber Sandalwood, Ra's Mocha Eggnog, Ra's Pumpkin Eggnog, Raspberry Amber, Set's Cider NAlloween: Bastet's Chocolate-Covered Raspberries, The Cursed Tomb, Darker Egypt, KV13, Chaos of Seth, The Curse I, Hapi's Pumpkin Chai Creme Brulee, Flesh-Eating Scarabs, Heretic King, Heretic Queen, Immortal, Jackal'Lantern, Madness of Osiris, The Mummy, Mummy's Revenge (both years), Mummy Wrappings, Necropolis, Nepra, The Netherworld, Pharoh's Revenge, Ra's Book of Shadows, Revenge of Isis, Sarcophagus, Scroll of Thoth III, Shezmu, The Summoning, Ta-Seti Chocolate Honey, The Tribunal of Osiris, Vampire Pharoh, Yummified Mummified, Yummy Mummy, Zombie Bast, Zombie Nubi New Year's: Baby Anubi, Baby Bastet, Baby Horus, Baby Nefer, Baby Tut(all years) Nokturne: Amethyst, Andalusite, Carnelian, Crimson, Crystal, Ember, Kashmir Sapphire, Santalum (original), Sapphire, will always take more Kobalt!   Other Forum Exclusives: Aegyptika, Amber 23, Amber 46, Anubis Blood, Alkhemyst, Amber Kyphi, Bastet’s Chocolate Covered Cherries, Bastet’s Chocolate Covered Acai Berries, Blood of Anubis, Cinnamon Kashmir, Darker Scarab, Djeser-Djeseru, Dream Stela, Duality: Crimson Sapphire, Duality: Crystal Lazuli, Duality: Kashmir Champa, Duality: Sapphire Honey, Egyptian Dreaming, Gold of Egypt: Bastet, Gold of Egypt: Bast-um-RA, Gold of Egypt: Eternal Egypt, Gold of Egypt: Eternal Luxor, Gold of Egypt: Ma’at’ini, Gold of Egypt: Nile Cruise, Gold of Egypt: Mnemythe, Gold of Egypt: Nakhti-Amun, Nefertini, Nectar of the Gods, The Passage of Akhet, Ra’s Creamy Blueberry Eggnog, Raspberry Mocha Ma’atiato, Riddle of the Sphinx: Elegant, Riddle of the Sphinx: Spicy, Riddle of the Sphinx: Sweet, Rites of Ma’at, Sacred Kyphi, Sanctum of Taweret, Scroll of Thoth I, II and III, Blue, Scroll of Thoth III Gold, Shadow of Anubis, Temple of Atmos, Thoth Moon: Bleu, Thoth Moon: Lapis, The Underworld<i>OM NA:</i> Eternity, Khet, Temple NA Scent Addict Exclusives: Incensia Solar Egypt: Ra(Sera)Three Seasons of Egypt: Peret, Shomu Venom:Asp Venom, Cobra Venom I, Other LEs: Abraxas, Alabaster Sphinx, Amber Sun: Nocturnal, Aten, Bedouin Honey Tea, Blood of Anubis, Cardamom Coffee, Dreams of Egypt, Egypt, Egyptian Honey of the Sun Moon and Stars, The Guardian, Haroeris, Hathor's Cherry Pomegranate Tea, Hathor's Creamy Vanilla Almond & Chestnut Tea, Hathor's Peach Kaproret Tea, Judgement: Pure, Raspberry Cardamom Chai, Ra's Hazelnut Cocoa, Renenutet, Journey to Eternity, Hathor's Egyptian Vanilla Tea, Mummy Daddy (original), Mummy Mommy 08 & 09, Offering to Onnophris, Sahara, Ra's Cocoa Lotus, Sekhmet's Plum & Honey Elixir, Shabti, Summer of Thoth, Wine of Cleopatra   Villainess: Antihero, Asphixiate, Birth Rite, Blood, Brats, Byzantium, Canaan, Crushed, Datura, Decadence, Dulces en Fuego, Embargo, Friction, Ginger Snapped, Gloop, Jai Mahal, Killer Beez, Kill Switch, Krakatoa, Paradise Misplaced, Posh, Pyromania, Raspberry Swirl, Retrograde, Silk & Cyanide, The Truffle Trade, Torchsong, Villainess, Xia   Violette Market: try me on any old-school VM blends and A Christmas Carol 08   Wylde Ivy (oils only, not alcohol sprays): Amber Chai, Apple Fest, Azure, Bella Vanille, Black Cat, Black Patch, Black Vanilla, Chocolate Fatale, Coconut Island Castaway, Crystal Amber, Daydreamer, Dirty Chocolate, Ember, Ice Princess, I Heart Patchouli, In the Shadows, Little Shop in Salem, Mystic Amber,Pale Vanilla, Raven, Starling, Sticky, White Cashmere, Wylde Cocoa, Wylde Summer, Wylde Vanilla (try me on any other old LEs/discons)





Notes of WIN: acai, acorn, allspice, almond, almond flower/milk, amber, ambergris, anise, balsam, benzoin, berries, bread, burning leaves, butter, buttercream, caramel, cardamom, cake, cassia, champagne, cherry, cherry blossom, chestnut, chocolate, cinnamon, civet, clove, coconut(especially black), copal, cream, currant, dark florals, dragon's blood, date, fig, frankincense, galangal, galbanum, ginger, grape, green or baked apple, guava, honey, khus, labdanum, lavender, lime, liquor, maple, maple syrup, marshmallow, mastic, mead, milk, mint, molasses, monoi, moonflower, musk(especially red), myrrh, nag champa, nutmeg, oak, orange(especially blood orange), orange blossom, orchid, oude, passionfruit, pineapple, pikake, pitch, plum, pomegranate, pumpkin, rum, saffron sandalwood(especially red), seaspray, smoke, snow, spikenard, sugar(especially brown), sweet pea, sweet potato, tea(except green), tiare, tobacco flower, tonka, tonquin, tuberose, vanilla, vanilla flower, violet, wine, walnut (especially black walnut), ylang ylang, anything foody, smutty, dark, resinous, and "red" or "purple" in general   Iffy notes: apple (red or yellow), aloe, ash, banana, bark, bay, cedar, cucumber, cypress, dandelion, gardenia, grapefruit, hyacinth, kumquat, leather, lemon, lilac, lily,lychee, mahogany, magnolia, metal, mango, moss, neroli, ozone, papaya, peach, pear, pepper, petitgrain, pine pitch, rose, l vetiver, orris, osmanthus, sage, seaweed, shea, stone, watermelon, wildflowers, zinnia   Notes of FAIL: basil, cantaloupe/honeydew (if prominent), carnation (The Great Revered and Illustrious Carnation of Doom), cedar, dirt (if prominent), most types of jasmine (turns to straight cat pee or rancid banana on me), geranium/rose geranium, grass, lemongrass and lemon verbena (if prominent), myrtle, rosemary, anything too dry, green, floral, herbal or predominantly masculine



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