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BPAL Madness!
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Imp List

Imps I Have/Have Tried   #20 Love Oil - herby, then spicy cinnamon foody, subtle, lovely Agrat-Bat-Mahlat Al Azif Ashlultum Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo Ave Maria Gratia Plena - light, sweet, ethereal Azathoth Bastet - Amber, cherry? But not artificial cherry. Bayou - photo realistic flower petals, camellias? Belle Epoque Black Cat Bliss Blockbuster Blood Lotus - Centzon Totochtil- Come to Me Danse Macabre Devil's Claw - Dia De Los Muertos Diwali Dove's Heart Dracul Dragon's Tears Eden Elegba Emma Eos Ephemera Fire of Love - deep musk, strong wood Goblin Golden Priapus Grandmother of Ghosts Grand Guignol Greed Havana - delicious, sweet but low wood scent Hellfire - similar HoP & SD, lovely tobacco? note Hermia High John the Conqueror Highwayman Hollywood Babylon Horn of Plenty - perfect musk with lighter foody/amber note Hurricane Hymn Hymn to Prosperpine I Married a Vampire from Planet X Jester- very sweet and light, neroli predominant Kill Devil La Petit Mort Le Serpent Qui Danse Lightning L'Ecole des Filles- London Love Me - Cinnamon and sugar awesome yum! Love's Torments Machu Picchu Morocco Namaste Nero New Orleans Oberon Obsidian Widow Othello- Ouija Oya Penumbra Penny Dreadful Perversion Phoenix Steamworks Phantasm Port Royal - rum, yum, slightly woodier more cologney than HoP Psychological Horror Quincey Morris Roadhouse Santo Domingo- awesome, same rum note as horn of plenty Satyr Seance Sed Non Satiata Severin Shub-Niggurath Skuld Spawn of the She-Demon Tenochtitlan Thanatopsis The Premature Burial The Scales of Deprivation Tintagel Tupapau Tushnamatay Tweedledum Uruk Utrennyaya Van Van - Incense-y to start with, then more like a sweet vanilla Vasakasajja Verdandi Violet Ray Vixen - only one so far that disagrees with me - cat pee (may be the patchouli?) Voodoo Whippoorwill Wilde - wonderful, like a soft men's cologne   Autēn autēs kurian. -Neaera   My Wishlist | My Bottles | My Imps Icon credits: Storme, Mer & Me.



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