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GC/LE/DC/UNRELEASED/CON/DD/RO: (decants preferred, sniffies or testers welcome!) *Any of the Bards of Ireland 2015 blends* 13 (Thirteen), March 2015 Arkham (dc'ed) Bed of Nails (to re-test) Black Supermoon Chaos Theory - particularly with a vanilla or dorian base, try me! (Would love more Chaos Vanilla 135!) MB: Underbed v1 (to re-test) Wezwanie/Hold (to re-test) --- potentially pending   TAL decants of: Peaceful Home Other TAL stuff: Prosperity Bath, White Light Bath, Golden Graces Prosperity Bath, Chinese Floor Wash, Devil Cologne's Wash, Wallet Wash   Will Take More Of: Alice, the Reaper of Cruelty [partial/full] Benevolent Triple Conjunction (TAL) [partial/full] A Measurement of the Soul [partial] Creeper Dragon [partial/full] Senelion (TAL)*** Sheela Na Gig Sherlock Holmes [partial only] Terra Vigoris [partial/bottle only] Thrive atmo squirt   Empties of (good to pristine labels): Snake Oil, any of the Pumpkin Patch 2013, Bitter Moon, Robotic Scarab, No 93 Engine, Hot Buttered Rum (not 2014), Liberty   Back up bottles of: Possibly searching for bottles of: BPAL: High John the Conqueror, Death Shall Come In With Thee, Phoenix in Winter, Phoenix at MidDay TAL: Lionheart**, Peaceful Home, Joy, French Creole, Hand of Hermes, Nine Muses   Prototypes/Unreleased: (sniffies/testers, even a drop is welcome!) Burial v2 (on etsy), Dunwich v2 (on etsy), Elegy, Eye of Horus, Gaslight, Gertrude v5 (on etsy), Goat 17 (on etsy), Grainne Ni Mhaille, Hexahedraon, ICD 17 (etsy), ICD 19 (etsy), ICDX 11 (etsy), Incessant Torture of Remorse v3 (etsy), LUAL5 (etsy), LUAT4 (etsy), MMH1 (etsy), MMHX1 (etsy), Nine Mysteries v2, Passion, PPGC767, PPH07, Savage, Set, Smurf Essence (Smurf 2 Giveaway), Snow Maiden 2006 v2, Sturgeon Moon 2008 v5, Swallow's Heart, TAWL6, TCM1,Theres a Certain Slant of Lightv9, UOH11, UOUO4, Yesod V5, Yog-Sothoth v2 Older Carnaval Diabolique prototypes: The Glass Eater, The Fire-Scorched Carousel, Maeve, the Sword Swallower, Morven, the Strong Man, The Toymaker, The Confectionary, The Fire Dancer, The Geek Show, Horror Coaster, The Waxworks, The Night Parade of 100 Demons, The Contortionist, Electricity is Life, The Mesmer, The Tunnel of Lust, Boat Ride, 2¢, The Phantasmagoria, The Menagerie, Belphegor's Baubles, Gewgaws, Knickknacks & Objects of Whimsy BPTP stuff: Clothes: Belladonna yoga pants in M, Cats from Saturn babydoll M Room Sprays/Other Samples: Evening in the Veranda, Female Beauty in Spiderweb Kimono, Horticultural Building*, Major Andre's Tree, Snowblind, The Gourd of Deprivation, Tammany Free and Easy, Vivement Hair Gloss (tester to 1 oz): Chorion, Dragon's Milk, Eldritch Dark, Frankincense Clove, Golden Peach & Bergamot**, Honeyed Frankincense, Nectar Pumpkin Spice Everything, Red Patchouli and Fig**, Red Shirt Diaries, Rose Petals and Champa, Rose-Boughs and Rose-Roots, Scattered Flower Smells, Scherezade, Shards of Looking-Glass***, Shug Niggurath, Smutty Goblin, Snake Oil, Stray Poppy-Leaves, Tombstone, Tricksy, White Tea and Sage*** Bath Oil Testers (1 imp to test is enough, makes great frimps): Anne Bonny, Autumn Dusk, Bittersweet Chocolate, Blood Rose, Honeyed Apple**, L'Eau de la Folie, Late Autumn Honey, Luna Sanguinem, Peacock Queen, Pumpkin Cheesecake, Raspberry Thumbprint Cookie, Shanghai, Shortbread Snowflakes, Spider Silk* Bubbling Bath Potions: Inquisitor Bile bath potion**, Lust Bath Salts, Ninon bath potion* Candles: Spiked Apple Cider, Mulled Apple Cider, Black Clove, Pumpkin Clove, Spanish Red Carnation Will always take more of: L' Eau du Chagrin BO (1/2 oz+), Okiya atmo (1 oz+), Mahogany Hall atmo (1 oz+), Konditorei atmo (1 oz+), Caramel Apples and Ancient Oaks BO (1/2 oz+), Looking Glass, Looking Glass (1/2 oz+) BPAL/BPTP postcards & ephemera: Ask me! Particularly interested in Gennivre, Organ Grinder, Pulcinella & Teresina, the Chapel   Single Notes, pre-2005 (testers/sniffies are all I need!): Allspice Amber, Black Anise Anise, Star Apple Blossom Balm of Gilead Bayberry Benzoin Cajeput Calamus Camphor Cedarwood, White Cherry Blossom Chrystanthemum Civet Clover, Red** Coconut, Toasted Coriander Cranberry Cypress Daffodil** Dragon's Blood Resin Eucalyptus Evergreen Fennel Frangipani Galangal Geranium Ginseng Grape Green Grass** Hazelnut Heather*** Hibiscus Hyacinth* Hyssop Iris, Florentine Juniper Berry Lavender, French Lemon Lemongrass Lettuce Licorice Bark Lily, Calla Lily, Stargazer Magnolia Musk, Dark Musk, Egyptian Musk, Skin Myrrh, Dark Narcissus, Black Neroli Nutmeg Oleander Orange Orange Blossom Orange, Blood Orange, Mandarin* Orchid** Passion Flower Patchouli Patchouli, East African Black Patchouli, Indonesian Red Peony Pepper, Black Petitgrain Pine Bark, White Plumeria Poppy, Black Primrose Rose Rose, White Rosemary Rue Saffron Sage Sassafras Spearmint Spikenard Tea Tree Thyme Tonka Bean Tulip** Verbena Vetiver Watermelon Wintergreen Wisteria Wormwood* Ylang Ylang   ** - REALLY want strikethough means in a pending swap on order from lab: on order from decant circles: mcgyver list: red moon 2004; underpants, cc female; halloween in miskatonic   Previous wishlist: http://www.bpal.org/topic/127-wishlist/page-9




Stuff I've Tried - Limited Editions, RO, BPTP, CON exclusives, etc -- needs updated

Carnaval Diabolique - 79/79 Aeronwen; Grindhouse Ladies Agrat-Bat-Mahlaht; Grindhouse Ladies Anaconda Antonino, The Carny Talker Arachnina, the Spider Girl Ashlultum; Grindhouse Ladies Asp Viper; the Snake Pit Australian Copperhead; the Snake Pit Banded Sea Snake; the Snake Pit Bezoar Blasphemare Reliquary, the Blockhead, the Blood Garden, the Boomslang; the Snake Pit Candy Butcher, the Carnaval Diabolique Chapel, the Clemence; Grindhouse Ladies Contract of Theophilus of Adana, the Coral Snake; the Snake Pit Cottonmouth; the Snake Pit Cytherea; Grindhouse Ladies Daiyu; Grindhouse Ladies Death Adder; the Snake Pit Dionysia; Grindhouse Ladies Doc Constantine Eisheth Zenunim; Grindhouse Ladies Eshe, A Vision of Life-In-Death Faeu Boulanger Faith Faiza, the Black Mamba Gennivre, L'Artiste du Diable Grand Inquisitor's Heretic's Fork, the Green Tree Viper; the Snake Pit Grindhouse, the Gwyneth; Grindhouse Ladies Habu; the Snake Pit Hand of Glory Hope Illustrated Woman, the Inez; Grindhouse Ladies Isaac, the Living Skeleton Kataniya, the Clockwork Woman King Cobra; the Snake Pit Knucklebones L'Heure Verte Licwiglunga Madame Moriarty, Misfortune Teller Maltese Cross of Sanctus Germanus, the Marcilla; Grindhouse Ladies Marguerite; Grindhouse Ladies Marianne; the Grindhouse Ladies Melisande, the Puppet Mistress Meskhenet, the Vulture Maiden Midnight on the Midway Organ Grinder, the Parliament of Monsters, the Parthenope; Ladies of the Grindhouse Phantom Calliope, the Pickled Imp Priala, the Human Phoenix Pulcinella & Teresina Saw-Scaled Viper; Snake Pit Screaming Mandragora Shrunken Heads Sir Hugh Ockram's Winding Sheet Stormclouds over the Midway Tabula Smaragdina Temple Viper; Snake Pit Thalassa, the Galapagos Mermaid Theodosius, the Legerdemain Tiresias, the Androgyne Torture Queen, the Two Headed Goat, the Western Diamondback; the Snake Pit Wild Men of Jezirat al Tennyn, the Wulric, the Wolfman Xanthe, the Weeping Clown Zarita, the Doll Girl       Forum Only - 42/42 Ace of Hearts Agape Anne Beany Cake Smash Democrat E Pluribus Unum Enraged Bunny Musk Enraged Groundhog Musk Enraged Orangutan Musk F5 Formula 54 Frederic Frederic 2012 Gladdener of All Hearts. GOP Green Party Halloween: Las Vegas Hony Mone Independents Irrelevant and Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream King of Clubs King of Diamonds King of Spades Lady Lilith Libertarians Lilith and the Jarocho Lilith Victoria Lilith vs. the Giant Crab Lilith's Tea Party Mariposita Mme Lilith, Fortune Teller Phoenix Pirate Moon Poisson D'Avril 2012 Queen of Clubs Queen of Diamonds Queen of Spades Sprinklecakes Tabella Tiki Princess Were-Puppy WILF         Chaos Theories (not included in count) - 31 Chaos Theory II: CCCXLV Chaos Theory II: CDXXXIV Chaos Theory II: CLVIII Chaos Theory III: CCLXXIV Chaos Theory III: CCXXVII Chaos Theory III: DCXVIII Chaos Theory III: MCCLII Chaos Theory III: MCCXXXVIII Chaos Theory III: MCXXXIV Chaos Theory III: MXXXV Chaos Theory IV: Unknown Chaos Theory IV: CCCXV Chaos Theory IV: CCCXX Chaos Theory IV: CCCXXII Chaos Theory IV: CX Chaos Theory IV: DCCCLXI Chaos Theory IV: DCCCXXXVIII Chaos Theory IV: DCII Chaos Theory IV: DCVI Chaos Theory IV: CMXXXIV Chaos Theory IV: MCCCLXIV Chaos Theory IV: MCCCX Chaos Theory IV: MCCXLVI Chaos Theory IV: MCVI Chaos Theory V: Recursive Self-Similarity v1 #11 Chaos Theory V: Recursive Self-Similarity v1 #6 Chaos Theory V: Recursive Self-Similarity v1 #9 Chaos Theory V: Recursive Self-Similarity v1 CLXXV Chaos Theory V: Recursive Self-Similarity v1 CCLXXX (280) Chaos Theory V: Recursive Self-Similarity v1 CDCXI (511) Chaos Theory VI: Recursive Self-Similarity v7 128 Chaos Theory VI: Recursive Self-Similarity v7 181       Limited Editions - 429/4?? #OccupyWallstreet 413 U.S. 15 / Miller Vs. California A Blade of Grass A Farewell to False Love A Nocturnal Reverie A Thought fro Propertius A World Where There Are Octobers Achluophobia Alice in the Pumpkin Patch All Saints All Souls All Souls Night, 1917 Almond Blossom Anactoria Angeronalia Anthesteria Antique Apparition April Fool Araw Ng Mga Patay Arbor Archangel Winter Askalaphos Autumn and Winter Autumn Cider Autumn Coolness Autumn Fancies Bad Luck Woman Blues Balcony, the Banned in Boston Beatrice Beaver'versary Beltane Beltane 2008 Bite Me Black Apple of Saturn Black Ice Blue Lollipops Blue Pumpkin Floss Body, Remember Bonfire Night Boo Braving the Ice But Men Loved Darkness Rather Than Light Butter Rum Cookie Butterflies, Flowers and Jewels Attending Calaveras Carlin Carnivàle Cerberus Champagne and Cigars Champagne and Roses Champagne, Chocolate and Cheap Sex Chant d'Automne Chanukkiyah Cheshire Moon Chintamani-Dhupa Chiroptera Christmas Rose Cloth of Gold Cohen v. California Corazon Corinna Cracked Bell Creepy Crowned with Calm Leaves She Stands Dark Pumpkin Mead Darkling Thrush Day of Skulls Days of Winter Sunshine Dead Dreams of Days Forsaken Dead Man's Hand Death of Autumn Death's Second Self Ded Moroz Devil's Night Dia de los Muertos Dia de los ñanitas Diable en Boite Diwali Dolce Stil Nouvo Doom of Beauty Dorian in the Pumpkin Patch Dream Dust of Snow Eanach Dhuin Earth Ox Earth Rat Egg Nog El Dia de Reyes El Nuevo Puritano Elegy IX: The Autumnal Elizabeth of Bohemia En Eski Asksiisr Eve, to Adam in Paradise Evening Cicadas and Red Peppers Ex Lut Fuit Face of the World has Changed, I think Faunalia Feeding the Dead Fire Pig First Encounter First Soft Snow Fizzy Jack O'Lantern Flor de Muerto Frank Burns Frau Holle Frost at Midnight Fruit of Paradise Future Ball Gacela of the Dark Death Garden in Winter Gelt Ghost House Ghosts in Love Ghoulish Gibbous Moon Gingerbread Poppet Gingerbread Satyr Gingerbread Snake Gingerbread Troll Gingerbread Villain Gingerbread Zombi Glittering Apple of the Stars Go to Sleep, Darlings Goblin Market Golden Apple of the Sun Golden Rod Crab Spider Golletes Graveyard Dirt Green apple of Venus Halloween in Innsmouth Halloween in Miskatonic University Halloween: Brooklyn Halloween: Los Angeles Halloween: New Orleans Halloween: San Francisco Haloa Haloa 2010 Hanami Hanerot Halalu Haunted Houses Havisham He Too With Death Shall Dwell Head of Holofernes Hearth Hell-Gate of Ireland Hellhound on my Trail Her Voice Heraeon of Argos Herr Drosselmeyer Hexennacht Hexennacht 2008 Hope and Fear Set Free Huesos de Santos Hypothermia I am Tired of Tears and Laughter I Loved You First: But Afterwards Your Love Ice Queen Ides of March Ides of March 2009 Ides of March 2010 Ides of March 2012 In the Forest In Winter in my Room Ivanushka Jacob's Ladder John Barleycorn Jolasveinar Joulumuori June Gloom June Gloom 2009 Khajuraho Knecht Ruprecht Krampus Krampuslaufen La Befana La Calavera Catrina La Mano del Destino La Pere Fouettard La Vita Nouva Labores Solis Lady Luck Blues Lamb's Wool Larentalia Last Rose of Summer Lawn Gnome Le Revenant Liadain and Curithir Liaison Liberty Lick It Lick It Again Lick It Discretely Lick It Like You Mean It Lick It Now Lick It One More Time Lick It Softly Lick It 'Til It's Sticky Lick It Vigorously Like Brooms of Steel Lilith's Bubblegum and Roses Lilith's Feel Better Flowers Lines Written Among the Eugagean Hills Litha Litha 2009 Little Bird Little Pythia Living Flame Loi Krathong Longing Love in the Asylum Love's Philosophy Lughnasadh Lunar Eclipse Luperci Mabon Mabon 2010 Magi Mahogany Tree Maison en Pain D'Epices Mango-Infused Pumpkin Chai Latte Meditation in Autumn Metal Rabbit Metal Tiger Mictecacihuatl Midnight Kiss Midnight Mass Midwinter's Eve Mischief Miss Addie Mistletoe Moroccan in the Pumpkin Patch Mort de Cesar Murder of Crows My Sweetest Lesbia Needle in a Haystack Nes Gadol Haya Sham Night Thoughts Nightmare Night's Pavilion Noche Buena Noctiphobia Nonae Caprotina Nothing But Death Nothing Gold Can Stay November Now Winters Night Enlarge Nuclear Winter Numb Nymphae Avernales Oblation October Oisin Ol' Roswell Cemetery Olisbos On Darkness On Death of His Mistress On the Balcony Ondurdis Ooky Orb Weaver Spider Ostara Pale, Without Name or Number Papow Parentalia Parker Lily Parlement of Foules Peacock Queen Penumbra Perchta Perfumed Garden Phasmophobia Picture-Books in Winter Pink Snowballs Placophobia Plastic Pink Flamingo Poisson D'Avril Pomegranate I Pomegranate II Pomegranate III Pomegranate V Pomegrantate IV Pomona Privilege Pruno Pumpkin I Pumpkin I 2008 Pumpkin I 2012 Pumpkin II Pumpkin II 2008 Pumpkin II 2012 Pumpkin III Pumpkin III 2008 Pumpkin III 2012 Pumpkin IV Pumpkin IV 2008 Pumpkin IV 2012 Pumpkin Latte Pumpkin Masala Rooibos Pumpkin Patch 1 Pumpkin Patch 2 Pumpkin Patch 3 Pumpkin Patch 4 Pumpkin Patch 5 Pumpkin Patch I 2009 Pumpkin Patch II 2009 Pumpkin Patch III 2009 Pumpkin Patch IV 2009 Pumpkin Patch V 2009 Pumpkin Princess Pumpkin Queen Pumpkin V Pumpkin V 2008 Pumpkin V 2012 Pumpkin Vines Punkie Night Purple Snowballs Qaeris Qout Mihi Basiationes Queen's Salon Rat King Red Lantern Regina Erebi Rose in the Deeps of His Heart Rose Red Saint Foutin de Varailles Samhain Samhain in the Pumpkin Patch Samhainophobia Sapphics Season of Ghosts September Midnight Shadowless like Silence She Crushes for Dead Men Deadly Wine Shivering Boy Sic Erit Signior Dildo Silver Apple of the Moon Sin in the Pumpkin Patch Skadi Sleep Sleep Eternal Sleipnir Smut Snake Oil in the Pumpkin Patch Snow Bunny Snow Glass Apples Snow Maiden Snow Storm Snow White Snowball Fracas Snowflakes Sol Invictus Sonnet D' Autumne Sorrow of Love Spinning Multicolor Metallic Pinwheel Spooky Sportive Sun St. John's Eve Stardust Sticky Pillowcase Stinky Strings in the Earth and Air Suck It Sugar Cookie Sugar Skull Summer's Last Will and Testament Sunbird Talvikuu Tarantula Fascinator Tattie Bogle Tears of Lilith Tears, Idle Tears The Clod and the Pebble The Deserted Village The Dole of the King's Daughter The Fairies The Feast for the Greatly Revered Ones The Flower Song The Hag The Harp of Cnoc I'chosgair The Host of Air The Passionate Shepherd to his Love The Presence of Love The Ragged Wood The Vine Theme in Yellow Theotokos There's a Certain Slant of Light Third Charm Thunderbird Time Does Not Bring Relief To Autumn To Helen To Juan at the Winter Solstics To-Day Will Die To-Morrow Traveller Trick or Treat Trick or Treat 2009 Two Loves Under the Harvest Moon Unveil the Grace in Thine Eyes Valentine of Rome Vampire Bride Vampire Tears Visionary Visiting the Temple of Auspicious Fortune Alone on the Winter Solstice Vivamus, Mes Lesbia, Atque Amemus Wake Waraizome Water Dragon Water Snake When the Winter Chrysanthemums Go Wild Swans at Coole Wildfire Winter Dawn Winter Heavens Winter of our Discontent Winter Stars Winter-Time Witch Dance Wolf Spider Womb Furie Woods in Winter Yellow Snowballs Yule Yule Cat Yule Cookies. Yuletide       Lunacies and companions - 119/120 Aeaea Allison Gross Bakeneko Beaver Moon Beaver Moon 2007 Beaver Moon 2010 Beaver Moon 2011 Beaver Moon 2012 Beaver Moon I 2013 Beaver Moon II 2013 Berry Moon Berry Moon 2011 Bitter Moon Black Butterfly Moon Black Butterfly Moon 2013 Black Moon 2011: Beth's Creation Black Moon: Beth's Creation Blackbear Moon Blauer Moon Blood Moon Blood Moon 2010 Blood Moon 2011 Blue Moon 2004 Blue Moon 2007 Blue Moon 2009 - Beth's Creation Blue Moon 2009 - Brian's Creation Blue Moon 2012 Bony Moon Bony Moon 2011 Buck Moon Budding Moon Candle Moon Candles Moon 2012 Chaste Moon Cheshire Moon 2013 Chrysanthemum Moon Cold Moon Cold Moon 2010 Crow Moon Crow Moon 2013 Dragon Moon Dragon Moon 2008 Dragon Moon 2012 Dyan Moon Egg Moon Emathides Falling Leaf Moon Fledging Raptor Moon Flower Moon Flower Moon 2009 Frost Moon Fruit Moon Harvest Moon Harvest Moon 2005 Harvest Moon 2006 Harvest Moon 2008 Harvest Moon 2010 Harvest Moon 2011 Harvest Moon 2012 Harvest Moon 2013 Hay Moon Holiday Moon Honey Moon Honey Moon 2013 Hunger Moon Hungry Ghost Moon Hungry Ghost Moon 2011 Hungry Ghost Moon 2013 Hunter Moon Hunter Moon 2007 Joyful Moon Kindly Moon Long Night Moon Lotus Moon Lotus Moon 2010 Luna Azul Luna Negra: Ted's Creation Lunar Eclipse: April 2013 Lune Noire: Beth's Creation Lycaon Mead Moon Milk Moon Milk Moon 2007 Minotaur Moon of Horses Moon of Ice Moon of Small Spirits Moon of the Terrible Moon of the Terrible 2012 Mourning Moon Oak Moon Oborot Old Moon Old Moon Panther Moon Peach Moon Peony Moon Peony Moon Pink Moon Pink Moon 2012 Planting Moon Planting Moon 2013 Raven Moon Raven Moon 2012 Red Moon Red Moon 2007 Red Moon 2013 Rose Moon Roux-ga-roux Schwarzer Mond: Brian's Creation Sea of Tranquility Selkie Singing Moon Singing Moon 2012 Sleepy Moon Smoky Moon 2009 Smoky Moon 2012 Snow Moon Snow Moon 2012 Storm Moon Strawberry Moon Strawberry Moon 2009 Strawberry Moon 2012 Sturgeon Moon Sugar Moon Sugar Moon 2011 Swan Maiden Tamamo-no-mae Tanuki Thunder Moon Weeping Branches Moon Whirling Wind Moon Whirling Wind Moon 2012 White Moon Windy Moon Winter Solstice Lunar Eclipse Wolf Moon Wolf Moon 2006 Wolf Moon 2011 Worm Moon Worm Moon 2011         Limited Edition Miniseries --- start updating here.     Thirteen Blends - 12/13 13, original White Label 13, v2.0 Orange Label October 2006 13, v3.0 Purple Label April 2007 13, v3.5 Pink Label July 2007 13, v4.0 Green Label June 2008 13, v5.0 Navy Label February 2009 13, v5.5 Deep Red Label March 2009 13, v5.7 Miskatonic edition, November 2009 13, v6.0 August 2010 13 (Thirteen - May 2011) 13 (January 13 2012) 13 (April 13 2012)     Anniversary Phoenixes - 29/29 Blood Phoenix Candy Phoenix Copper Phoenix Earth Phoenix Fire Phoenix Gold Phoenix Green Phoenix Iron Phoenix Lead Phoenix Leather Phoenix Mechanical Phoenix Metal Phoenix Phoenix at Dawn Phoenix at Dusk Phoenix at Midday Phoenix at Midnight Phoenix in Autumn Phoenix in Spring Phoenix in Summer Phoenix in Winter Pink Phoenix Purple Phoenix Quiksilver Phoenix Red Phoenix Silver Phoenix Tin Phoenix Water Phoenix White Phoenix Wood Phoenix       Astrological/Celestials - 34/34 Aries 2004 Aries 2007 Aquarius 2004 Aquarius 2007 Cancer 2004 Cancer 2007 Capricorn 2004 Capricorn 2007 Gemini 2004 Gemini 2007 Jupiter Leo 2004 Leo 2007 Libra 2004 Libra 2007 Luna Mars Mercury Pisces 2004 Pisces 2007 Pluto Sagittarius 2004 Sagittarius 2007 Saturn Scorpio 2004 Scorpio 2007 Sol Taurus 2004 Taurus 2007 Uranus Venus Virgo 2004 Virgo 2007     Carnival Noir - 13/13 Bearded Lady Bed of Nails Fire Eater Freak Show Geek Gypsy Queen House of Mirrors Kunstkammer Medicine Show Midway Shill Snake Charmer Torture King     A Demon in My View - 10/10 Al-Araaf Alone Annabel Lee City in the Sea, the Dreamland Evening Star, the Haunted Palace, the Lenore Sleeper Spirits of the Dead     Maelstrom - 9/9 Berenice Fortunato Imp of the Perverse, the Masque, the Montresor Premature Burial, the Pit and the Pendulum, the Tell-Tale Heart, the Usher     Dogs Playing Poker - 10/10 A Bachelor's Dog A Bold Bluff His Station and Four Aces Kelly Pool New Year's Eve in Dogsville One to Tie, Two to Win Pinched with Four Aces Riding the Goat Sitting Up with a Sick Friend Stranger in Camp     Faces of the Heroine - 9/9 Abhisarika Kalahantarika Kanishta Khandita Proshitapathika Svadhinaopatika Vasakasajja Vipralabda Virahotkantita     Haunted House - 7/7 Atrocious Attic Chilling Cellar Forbidding Foyer Ghastly Garden Lurid Library Perilous Parlour The Twisted Oak Tree     Monster Bait - 9/9 Bloody Mary Bones Trombone Closet Knockout Drops Thunder and Blazes Tokyo Stomp Underbed Underpants Ventriloquist Dummy       Order of the Dragon - 12/12 Bloody Sword Brides of Dracula Carfax Abbey, the Carpathian Mountains, the Castle, the Count Dracula Dr. John Seward Johnathan Harker Lucy Westenra Quincey Morris R. M. Renfield Wilhemina Murray     Shunga - 8/8 NIfSA: Butterflies and Plovers NIfSA: Dream of the Fisherman's Wife NIfSA: Ebisu Making Love As Two Octopuses Look On NIfSA: Glowing Vulva at Ryokugo Bridge NIfSA: Harikata NIfSA: Lover's Parodies of Sumo Holds NIfSA: Men Ringing Bell with Penises NIfSA: Spell of Amorous Love       Shunga II - 10/10 Couple Consulting an Enpon Eight Views of Actors in Their Dressing Rooms Flowering Chrysanthemums Giant Vulva Lovers in a Ricefield Lovers with Rutting Cats Man With Phallus Head Manners Among Men and Women in the Red Light District Tissue Voyeurs Among the Cherry Blossoms       Shunga III - 15/15 Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand Beanman & Beanwoman Prepare to Attack the Vagina Harimise Kiss Among the Discarded Tissues Konseishin the Penis God Lovers in a Carp Streamer Needlework Octopus and Abalone Diver Okayaki Penis Admiration Picture Book and Pleasure Toys Pink Mood Prosperity of a Country Ronin Unveiled       Shunga IV - 14/14 An Appraisal of Sensual Pleasure in the Four Seasons Biwa Burning Vulva Copulating Mice Couple Engaged in Lovemaking Dancing Koi Festival Mask Gods of Intercourse Harigata II Loosening of the Obi Springtime Playfulness Tea Ushi Young Pine Saplings       Shunga V - 22/22 An Omen of Good Fortune Before the Snowy Window Blooming Rose Blossoms in Springtime Calligraphy Practice Ecstatic Revelry Entangled Following Instructions Gathering Wild Mushrooms Geisha in Orange Kimono Admiring a Samurai Hell of Great Heat Kagema Lady in Speckled Pink Kimono Medical Procedure Mischevious Spirit Narrow Opening Playful Wooden Mallets Samurai in a Graveyard by Night Snowy Mountains and Kingfisher Street Festival Sumai no Sechie Variety of Pleasing Amusements     Sleepy Hollow - 12/12 Brom Bones Churchyard, the Fearful Pleasure Goblin-Rider, the Gunpowder Hessian of the Hollow Ichabod Crane Katrina van Tassel School-House, the Shattered Pumpkin Wiley's Swamp Witching Time of the Night     Wind in the Willows - 9/9 All They Had Seen, and All They Had Lost Badger Gaoler's Daughter, the Mole Nowhere in Particular Piper at the Gates of Dawn, the Rat Sea Rat Toad     Ode to Aphrodite - 13/13 Dia Epistrophia Eustephanos Glukuprikos Khrysee Makhanitis Melainis Morphô Philommeides Pontia Pothon Meter Psithyristês Symmakhia     Ode to Aphrodite 2011 - 11/11 Antheia Apatouros Apatrophia Aphrogenes Areia Hekarge Kataskopia Kypris Kytherian Nikephoros Nymphia     Box of Chocolates - 10/10 Dark Chocolate and Cherry Dark Chocolate and Pepper Smoked Caramel Dark Chocolate with Sun-dried tomato, pink peppercorn, thyme and comfrey Dark Chocolate with Tulsi, Tumeric and White Ginger Milk Chocolate Buttercream Milk Chocolate with Macadamia Nut, Coconut, Button Mushroom and Marshmallow White Chocolate and Strawberry White Chocolate and Sugared Violets White Chocolate with Lemongrass, Coriander and Almond Cream White Chocolate, Marshmallow and Coconut       Velvet Paintings - 10/10 Velvet Bandito Velvet Clown Velvet Cthulhu Velvet Dogs Playing Poker Velvet Nudie Velvet Panther Velvet Pink Kitty Velvet Tiger Velvet Tiki Velvet Unicorn     Literary Vampires - 11/11 Ariadne Brunnell Clarimonde Countess Dolingen of Gratz Cristina Girl, the Julia Stone Lord Ruthven Mircalla, Countess Karnstein Perle von Mauren Sacrifice Sarah     Miskatonic Yuletide Faire - 9/9 Adoration of the Mi-Go, the Black Temple Burlesque Troupe Mason & Jenkin's Port Jelly Mother Shub's Pfancy Pfefferneusse Mother Shub's Spiced Lait de Chèvre Mother Shub's Toothsome Banketstaaf Old Man Ackerman's Instructional Toys Pet Magah Bird Smilin' Servitors' Hyperdimensional Holiday Hits, the     Miskatonic Valley is for Lovers - 18/18 Bijoux Y'ha-nthlei Dark chocolate and key lime truffle Dark Chocolate, Fig, and Tamarind Dark Chocolate, Lime and Chocolate Mint Dark chocolate, whiskey and cognac truffle Enchanted Wood Florist Gilman House hotel Inganok Jewelers Milk chocolate and matcha green tea ganache truffle Milk Chocolate, Cassia, and Bacon Milk chocolate, coconut, cardamom, rum and ginger truffle Milk Chocolate, Raw Ginger and Butterscotch Steeple White Chocolate Mango Buttercream White Chocolate Martini White chocolate, black raspberry and apricot cordial truffle White chocolate, strawberry and white pepper truffle Zadok Allen Vinyanrd     Ode to Ares - 11/11 Aatos Polemoio Andreiphontes Brotoloigos Enkhespalos Enyalios Khalkokorustes Khrysopelex Miaiphonos Rhinotoros Thoos Thouros     Black Helicopter - 12/12 Aurora Spaceship Takes a Dive, the Committee of 300: Meeting Minutes, the Illuminati Cotillion Menacing Ionospheric Research Instrument Montauk Project, the Phantom Time Hypothesis Reptoid Dominion Skytyping with Chemtrails Staged Moon Landing Teatime in Roswell Tin Foil Hat Traipsing through the Crop Circles     Metamorphosis - 27/28 Ae. Albopictus Atlas Bernardino Dotted Blue Blue Morpho Brahmin Brood XIX Ceanothus Silkmoth Common Jezebel Goliath Birdwing Great Grey Witch Gypsy Io Juniper Hairstreak Luna Monarch Mourning Cloack Paper Kite Passion Butterfly Purple Spotted Swallowtail Pussy Rosy Maple Ruddy Daggerwing Sphaeromachia Gaumeri Spicebush Swallowtail Two-Barred Flasher White Peacock Zebra Heliconian     Iteru - 4/4 Festival of Anukhet Hatmehit Season of Emergence Season of Inundation     Gothic Literature - 12/12 Byronic Antihero Creeping Mist Decrepit House Ecclesiastical Excesses Encroaching Madness Howl in the Darkness Infernal Lover Madwoman Odd Portents The Shadowy and the Sublime Unsavory Gravediggers Unsteady Governess     Nutcracker - 17/17 Arabian Dance Chinese Dance Clock Strikes Midnight Dance of the Mirlitons GroBVater Tanz Harlequin and Columbine Kingdom of Sweets Klara Mother Ginger Nutcracker Russian Dance Soldier Spanish Dance Sugar Plum Fairy Valse Finael et Apotheose Waltz of the Flowers Waltz of the Snowflakes     Christmas Carol - 20/20 A Game Called Yes & No A Golden Idol A World of Fools An Altar to Cold, Rigid, Dreadful Death Bob Cratchit's Hearth Chained Phantoms Changing the Shadows Christmas Eve in the Counting House Christmas Eve on the Moor Cold, Clear Winter Day Ebenezer Scrooge First of the Three Spirits Ignorance and Want Incessant Torture of Remorse Last of the Spirits Marley's Ghost School Second of the Three Spirits Shadows of What May Be Whoop     Venustas - 8/8 Female Nude, Three Quarter Length, Beside her Left an Apple Tree Male Nude, Arms Upstretched Manilus Hurled from the Rock Nude Woman Reclining Ring Sleeping Nymph and Satyrs Standing Female Nude Wrestlers     Holding Back the Night - 5/5 Enlightenment of the Courtesan Jigokudayu Ii no Hayata Kills the Nue at the Imperial Palace Kusunoki Tamonmaru Masatsura Surprising a Fox Ghost Lord Teishin with a Demon Behind a Screen Minamoto no Yorimitsu Cuts at the Earth Spider     Frankenstein - 23/23 Amiable and Lovely Creatures Beautiful and Adored Blot Upon the Earth Breathless Horror Companion of the Same Nature Country of Eternal Light Days and Nights in Vaults and Charnel Houses Deepest Mysteries of Creation Dense and Frightful Darkness Dreary Night of November Horrors of my Secret Toil Inextinguishable Hatred Insupportable Misery Mocking the Invisible World with its own Shadows Moon Gazed on my Midnight Labours Pale Student of Unhallowed Arts Pride of Wisdom Reward of my Benevolence Solitary and Abhorred Sorrowful Affection Till Death Torrent of Light Workshop of Filthy Creation     Little Match Girl - 7/7 Cold Hour of Dawn Colder and Colder In Brightness and In Joy Last Evening of the Year Most Magnificent Christmas Tree Thousands of Lights Wonderful Light     Pon Poko Pon no Pon - 8/8 Jibiki Danuki Tanuki no Amiuchi Tanuki no Doke Daruma Tanuki no Hikifume Tanuki no Kanban Tanuki no Orai Tanuki no Senkimochi Tanuki no Yudachi       Discontinued - 146/147 Allegory Antique Lace Arachne Asphodel Azazel Bacchanalia Banshee Bat's Blood Black Dahlia Black Opal Black Widow Bruja Cabaret Calliope Chypre Circe Clio Coil Crucible Of Courage Damnation De Sade Deimos Desdemona Despair Dissipation Dublin Eidolon Empyreal Mist Entropy Eos Ephemera Erato Eris Ether Euterpe Fascinum Feu Follet Flora French Creole Glasya Glitter Gluttony Goneril Goona Goona Graveyard: Lady on the Grey Graveyard: Macabray Haitian Lover Hakkotsu Hamadryad Hanging Gardens Hellfire Hesperides Hi'Aka High Priest not to be Described I Died for Beauty Ile de la Tortue India Bouquet Ingenue Jester Juju Kostnice La Belle Dame Sans Merci Lex Talonis Little Sparrow Lobban Loviatar LRVH: Ahathoor LRVH: Khephra LRVH: Ra LRVH: Tum Madrid Magdalene Mantis March Hare Masabakes Melancholia Melpomene Midnight Miller's Daughter Mock Turtle's Lessons Moon Rose Mr. Fezziwig's Ball Music of Erich Zahn Mystery Naiad Neo-Tokyo Nero Niflheim Noir Ophelia Pais de la Canela Pandora Pannychis Penthus Phantom Phantom Queen Polyhymnia Psyche Puck Pulse Points Queen Mab Rage Regan Saint Germain Sepulcher Serpents with Glittering Eyes and Forky Tongues Severin Shadow Shadow Witch Orchard Shroud Silentium Amoris Silk Road Snake Pit: Cottonmouth Sophia Spectre Sri Lanka Stardust: Fairy Market Stardust: Yvaine Storm Succubus Sundew Suspiro Swallow's Blood Szepasszony Tannin'iver Tears Tempest Terpsichore Three Jacks Three Witches Tiger Lily Torment Typhon Unicorn Unseelie Urania Utrennyaya Vechernyaya Venom VILF Vinland Violet Ray Wrath Yerevan Yuki-onna Zorya       Single Notes - 49/121 Amber, Egyptian Ambergris Apricot Bergamot Carnation Cherry Cherry, Black Cinnamon Clove, Sweet Coconut Coffee Bean Dandelion Fig Frankincense Freesia Gardenia Ginger, Red Grapefruit, Pink Heliotrope Honey Honeysuckle Jasmine Lemon Verbena Lilac, Blue Lily Of The Valley Lime Lotus Mimosa Musk, Red Musk, White Oakmoss Peach, Georgia Pear, D'anjou Pennyroyal Peppermint Pikaki Pineapple Pomegranate Raspberry Redwood Rose Geranium Rosewood Sandalwood, Red Mysor Sandalwood, White Strawberry Sweet Pea Tomato Leaf Tuberose Vanilla Bean       Unreleased - 335/379 300F v1 Abedus Indetatus v5 Absinthe v5 Absinthe v7 AF1 AF18 AF22 AF24 AF25 AF3 AF5 AF6 AF8 AGLAV1 Ah'Duno Albedo v5 Amaterasu V2 Amaterasu V3 Android v2 Anjali V3 Antimony v9 AP77 APDAY3 Aphrodite v3 Aphrodite v4 Aphrodite v7 Apothecary v1 Aqua Vitae v2 Arabian Nights Ares v3 Arsenic v2 Astraphobia v1 Aswang v1 B.B2 B.B3 Baba Yaga v7 Belshazzaz V3 Beth's Experimental Blends Black Orchid Black Orchid v3 Black Orchid v5 Bleeding Heart Blood & Champagne Blue Phoenix v2 Boadicea v9 BOBN1 Boo v3 Boomslang V2 BOX 116 BPXMP8 BRA11 BTCS BTLS1 BTMEM BTOD1 BTOD2 BTPQ BTPU1 BTPU2 BTSB Butter Arsenic BYRON V13 BYRON V7 Cagliostro Cake Smash v6 Caligula Capela dos Ossos v5 CBBOB1 CD: Alley of Games v6 CD: Blue Pumpkin Floss v3 CD: Fire Dancer V9 CD: Misfortune Teller v3 CD: Tilt V4 CD023 Cesky Krumlov v1 Champagne and Absinthe Champagne and Opium Champagne and Party Hats Chaotic v3 Chellah v4 Chimera v5 Ching Shih V4 Cinnamon Sugar Cookies & Egg Nog Citrinas Cleric v2 Clytemenestra v3 Construct v3 Copper v1 Dark Chocolate Daya Dead Man's Hand V8 Decadence Ded Moroz Delousing Powder Dido V1 Dirty v3 DMOF Dorian v2 Dorian v3 Dragon Pecker v2 Dreadful Lies v5 EAT ME V6 Eden V7 Egg Nog Latte Eight Actors v4 Elf v4 Empyreal Mist v3 Ennui v42 Eve v2 Eve v5 Fenris Wolf v2 First of the Three Spirits v5 Fruitcake Gossamer v3 Grand Guignol v4 Half Elf v5 Harlot v2 Hatshepsut V11 Hatshetsut V3 Hearth v2 Hel v6 Hellion v2 Hermes Trimegistus v2 Hexahedraon v5 Ho Ho Ho HOD V2 Holly King v6 Horn of Amalthea Hot Buttered Rum HR1 HR2 Hua Mulan v4 Hypothermia v3 I Fell in Love with a Floating Brain v1 ICD 23 ICD 37 ICDX 14 Intergalatic Iron Phoenix v2 IXHV37 IXHV4 Jingo-Kogo v6 Karme Katharina v7 Kinnabari v4 KPX130 Kweku Anansi Lady Lovibond v2 Lamia v3 Leiprechean Lilith V5 Lolita v2 LUES11 LULU7 LULW1 LUMAI LUMF2 Lust v7 Ma'at V17 MAD HATTER V1 Maiden v2 Mango Lychee Champagne Mary Celeste v4 Mason & Jenkins Port Jelly 2 MB: Underbed v1 Mebd v4 Miskatonic University v3 Mitzvah Gorret Mitzvah MMH2 MMH3 MML2 Montressor v9 Morocco V2 Mouse’s Long and Sad Tale v5 Mule Skinner v1 MUV1 MUV3 MVJHL Bake Sale v3 Nagarjuna v2 Nahemoth v7 Naiad v4 Naked Singularity Nepthys v11 Nepthys v2 Nepthys v3 Nepthys v4 New Orleans v4 NGAGL5 NGG023 NGIFR6 NGNUT6 NGPR2 NGW7 Nightmarchers V5 Nigredo v7 Nihil Nihil v2 Nine Mysteries Numb v2 NVF02 NVF10 NVL1 NVMA1 NVP1 NVP2 NVPR4 O v5 O v6 Oak King v4 Obeah Ops Orange Orange Phoenix v6 Osiris v4 P013 P08 P4W14 Paladin v3 Peace Peach Champagne Pediophobia v1 Persephone V6 PEX0 PEX32 PEX95 PGAI17 Phosporous v5 Phyllocrania Paradoxa v1 Phyllocrania Paradoxa v3 Pink Champagne Piper at the Gates of Dawn v2 Pissed Off Skeeters v2 PL176 PL81 Plague Doctor v10 Plague Doctor v13 Planting Moon v5 Playing With Dangerous Toys v2 PNSAK21 Poisoned Apple v2 Poisoned Apple v3 PP32005 PP416 PP52005 PPEL6 PPG28 PPGC456 PPGC580 PPGC92 PPH08 PPH21 PPH81 PPN143 PPV111 PPV662 PRC12 PS: Iron Parasol V1 PSX54 Putrefication v3 Putrefication v5 PW12 PW141 PW7 PX117 PX23 PX39 PX4 PX68 PX717 PX72 PX79 Quick Grope Under the Mistletoe Ranger v5 Reindeer Poop Rubedo v4 Sangria Champagne SAQQARA v2 Scurvy v1 SDPU1 Sekhmet Sekhmet v5 Senelion Serket v5 Set v3 SFM3 SGR4 Sheela Na Gig SHILL v1 Snow White V2 Sol Niger v2 Solitude w/ Pillow Book V1 Soothing System 1 Sparkling Apple Cider Spawn of the She Devil v2 Spirit St. Lucia v8 Strawberry Moon v4 Strawberry Moon v5 Stress Relief Elixir Suga Plum Fairy v3 Taphophobia v1 TCC 1 TCM2 Tetramorph v5 That! The Thing from Over There v1 Threnody v3 Threnody v4 Tiki Princess V3 Titania V1 TKO v3 Toxin TP46 Tracelophorus Giraffe v3 TX30 UMU1 UOH2 UOH34 Val Sans Retour Val Sans Retour v3 Velvet Panther v3 Victorian Rose Milk v1 Vieux Carre Viola v3 Vishpala v2 Vrishka Rajaya V2 WBSP1 Weisse Maus v4 Wild Hunt Wobanakik V2 XCDL13 XCDW5 XNIA2 YAR7 Zero Zombie Apocalypse 4   Alley of Games (CD protoype, not counted) Black Widow Circus (CD prototype, not counted) Caoimhe, the Bearded Lady (CD prototype, not counted) Doc Constantine prototype (not counted) Galvanic Goggles prototype (not counted) Geek Show prototype (CD not counted) Sabrina, the Ring Mistress (CD prototype, not counted) Toymaker (CD prototype, not counted)       BPTP Exclusives - 121/121 Agony of Heartache Agony of Longing Agony of Loss Amaretto Macaroon Bah Bauble Black Cherry Amaretto Christmas Puddin' Blue Peppermint Boadicea Bogle Bone Shaking Antique Velocipede Candied Pumpkin Candy Corn Coated Candy Apple Celeste Chewing Little Bits of String Chocolate Expresso Gingerbread Clytie Comforting Plush Companion Coxcomb Crypt King Crypt Queen Cykranoshian Catnip Deathly Pride Dessicated Frostberry Pie Filling Doodad Dreadful Lies Echo Eclat Ectasy of Infatuation Ectasy of Passion Ectasy of True Love Egg'd Mailbox Fee Fern Frost Figgy Puddin' Ghoul Hooligan Ghulwein Ginger Skulls Helios Hellion Hollyberry & Mistletoe Honey Gingerbread Hua Mulan Humbug Jingu Kitty Knick-Knack Kourabiedes La Fee Verte La Primavera Last Squished Jelly Bean L'Autunno Left his nurse while in a Crowd L'Essence de la Folie L'Essence de la Passion L'Essence de L'Ardeur L'Essence du Chagrin L'essence du Cœur Libéré des Ténèbres Extrait L'Essence of L'Engouement L'Estate Licorice Bats L'Inverno Lola Lucy, Kissed Lump of Coal Marotte Marshmallow Poof Mashmallow Pumpkin Mitzvah Monsieru Petitbleds' Frivolous Wheeled Footwear Monsterbait: bigger Critters Motley Mountain of Bone Muilearteach MVJBA: Dog Days of Summer MVJBA: Pancake Breakfast MVJBA: Spring Training 2008 MVJBA: Summer Summoning Spectacular Narkissos Ninon Noisome Clockwork Tin Locomotive Overprotective Possessed Talking Doll Playing With a Loaded Gun Playing with Dangerous Toys Plum Puddin' Pumpkin Cheesecake Pumpkin Smash Pyramus Raspberry Thumbprint Cookie Red Rose Red Velvet Truffle Scattered Gloom Semiramis Shortbread Snowflakes Slaugh Snow Angel Snowblind Snowy Rum Ball Spanked Spare Change Spiked Punch Strawberry Lemon Drop Candy Cane Sugar-slathered Candied Apple Sweet Berry Winter Ale Tcotchkie Thisbe Tomoe Gozen TP'ed Trees Treat 1 Treat 2 Trick 1 Trick 2 Trinket Uncertain Horror Veronica Very Slightly Haunted Dollhouse Virginia Wad of Chewed Up Strawberry Bubblegum White Rose Ysabel Zenobia         CON exclusives - 54/60 Anti-Saloon League B340 Bat of Good Death Bat of Health Bat of Longevity Bat of Virtue Bat of Wealth Bathtub Gin Bedbug Cabaret.goth Cat Allingham Crumpet Rebellion Deathrock Doc Buzzard Door Thirteen Dungeon Crawl Elephantine Colossus Epomophorus Monstrosus Fetish.goth Fuwu Bankasu in Ruined Temple with Black Monster on Umbrella Geek.goth Ghosts of Arroyo Seco Giant Squid Gothabilly Great Vampire Bat Gun Moll In Reilig Oran Lady of Lake Ronkonkoma Lincoln Tunnel Vortex Loli.goth Lydia Mount Misery and Sweet Hollow Roads Phantom Cow of Yerba Buena Pteropus Leucopterus Pumpkin King Rivet.goth Romanti.goth Sailing Stones of Death Valley Shanghai Tunnel Shirafuji Genta With a Kappa Sibyl Sky City (After) Sky City (Before) Steam.goth Storyville Tony Unheavenly City Vamp.goth Vespertilio Proterus Victoriana.goth Volstead Act Voodoo Queen White Lady of Durand Eastman Park Wrestler Onogawa Kisaburo Blowing Smoke at a One-Eyed Monster       Retail Only   Dark Delicacies - 5/656 Absinthe and Lace Alien Invasion Alone Batty B-Horror Black Death Black Heart Black Lace C. Auguste Dupin Christine Clermont Creature Feature Crimson Christmas Dark Delicacies Diabolical Offspring Diary of a Lovestruck Teenage Cannibal Dr. Henry Jekyll Ein Kuss Von Krampus Erik German Expressionist Horror Giallo Gore-Shock Gothic Horror Haunted Palace Horrid Mysteries House I Fell in Love with a Floating Brain I Married a Vampire from Planet X Invasion of the Flesh-eating Reindeer from Uranus J-Horror Lenore Madeline Masque Maud Ruthyn Midnight Bell Mr, Edward Hyde Mutant Hot Rodders from Hell High Mysterious Warning Nameless City Drive-In Theater Oval Portrait Pit and the Pendulum Premature Burial Prospero Psychological Horror Red Lace Silas Ruthyn Snack Hut Spawn of the She-Demon Spirits of the Dead Splatter Comedy Storytime at Dark Delicacies Sue's Great Old Puppet Show Tattered Lace Telltale Heart That! The Terror from Over There! Zombie Apocalypse     Other - 14/14 Banshee Beat Clockwork Couture: Female Clockwork Couture: Male Halloween: Montreal Hochelaga Malignant Dreams of Cthulu in Love Mourning Lace Pink Lace Sweet Life The Orchard Ü Une Folle Entreprise Victorian Garden Ville-Marie     Grand Total = 2709 2709/2863 = 94.6%; Total # of Scents Tried/Total # of Unique Scents




Stuff I've Tried - General Catalogue

For Limited Editions, see HERE   General Catalogue   Ars Amatoria - 61/61 Aperetos Eros Ave Maria Gratia Plena Bathsheba Bien Loin D'Ici Bordello Brinsingamen Carnal Casanova Debauchery Defutata Delight Depraved Desire Endymion Fascinum Forbidden Fruit Golden Priapus Harlot Hetairae Hunger Jezebel Kabuki La Bella Au Bois Dormant Lady of Shallot Le Petit Mort Le Serpent Qui Danse L'Ecole des Filles Les Bijoux Libertine Lilium Inter Spinas Lolita Loralei Love's Torment Lucy's Kiss Maiden Muse Nefertiti O Perversion Prurience Psyche Queen Of Sheba Rapture Ravenous Salome Saturnalia Satyr Sen Non Satiata Seraglio Siren Snake Oil Spellbound Suspiro Temptation To a Woman Vicomte De Valmont Vixen Wanda Wanton Whip Whoso List to Hunt       Ars Draconis - 11/11 Dragon's Blood Dragon's Bone Dragon's Claw Dragon's Eye Dragon's Heart Dragon's Hide Dragon's Milk Dragon's Musk Dragon's Reverie Dragon's Tears Ladon       Ars Moriendi - 21/21 Dance of Death Danse Macabre Darkness Deep in Earth Embalming Fluid Epitaph Eternal Ghost Haunted House of Night Jazz Funeral Les Fleurs Du Mal Midnight Nocturne Phantom Wooer Reaper and the Flowers Sheol Thanatopsis Twilight Wings Of Azrael Zombi       Atomic Luau Lounge - 19/19 Aremata-Popoa Boo Bam (LE) Blue Fire Golden Wave Mahana Marae (LE) Moai (LE) Moana (LE) Opuhi (LE) Pahoehoe Polynesian Pop Red Tide Rangoon Riptide Screeching Parrot Te Po (LE) Tiki King (LE) Tiki Queen (LE) Tupapau (LE) Upa Upa (LE)       Bewitching Brews - 93/93 Absinthe Aeval Anne Bonny Arcana Aureus Belle Epoque Bess Bewitched Black Forest Black Opal Black Pearl Black Tower Bliss Blood Blood Amber Blood Kiss Blood Pearl Bon Vivant Brimstone Burial Calico Jack Cathode Chimera Coiled Serpent Dana O'Shee Dee Delirium Eclipse Ephemera Event Horizon Fae Forest Reverie Grand Guignol Grog Harlot's House Hesperides Highwayman Hurricane Hymn to Proserpine I Died for Beauty Incantation Inferno Intrigue Jack Jersey Devil Jolly Roger Juke Joint Kill Devil Kubla Kahn La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente La Belle Dame Sans Merci Lampades Leanan Sidhe L'Examen de Minuit Lightning Lurid Magus Mary Read Masquerade Mata Hari Meliai Morgause Namaste Ode on Melancholy Omen Ouija Ozymandias Penny Dreadful Phantasm Plunder Poisoned Apple Rakshasa Raven Scarecrow Scherezade Schrodinger's Cat Séance Shattered Sudha Segara Swank Tavern of Hell Tushnamatay Twenty One Ulalume Ultraviolet Umbra Undertow Veil Velvet Voodoo Wilde Yggdrasil Zephyr       Doc Constantine's Pharmacopoeia - 4/4 Bruised Violet Compound Nostrum Remedium Slippery Poppy Tincture Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener       Diabolus - 39/39 Akuma Baobhan Sith Black Annis Black Phoenix Blood Countess Bloodlust Bluebeard Catherine Countenance Forboding Evil Djinn Dracul Ekhidna Fenris Wolf Goblin Hellcat Hell's Belle Horreur Sympathique Imp Incubus Kitsune-tsuki Kuang Shi Kumiho Loup Garou Maenad Malice Marie Marquise de Merteuil Medea Nephilim Nocnitsa Nosferatu Pain Phantom Queen Phobos Serpent's Kiss Szepasszony Troll Villain Wicked       Excolo - 59/59 Aglaea Aizen-Myoo Alecto Al-Shairan Anubis Baron Samedi Bastet Centzon Totochtin Coyote Czernobog Ehecatl Elegba Eos Eros Euphrosyne Eve Gaueko Grandmother of Ghosts Hades Hecate Himerus Iambe Kali Kurukulla Lilith Loviatar Mania Megaera Nemesis Nyx Obalata Ochosi Odin Ogun Old Scratch Olokun Osun Oya Pannychis Peitho Pele Persephone Sacred Whore Of Babylon Santa Muerte Shango Skuld Sophia Tezcatlipoca Thaleia Thalia Thanatos Tisiphone Urd Utrennyaya Vechernyaya Verdandi Xiuhtecuhtli Yemaya Zorya       Illyria - 25/25 Anthony Apothecary Caliban Cordelia Desdemona Helena Hermia Iago Juliet Katharina Lady MacBeth Lear Lysander Oberon Ophelia Othello Queen Gertrude Regan Robin Goodfellow Rosalind Tamora Titania Titus Andronicus Viola Yorick       Marchen - 34/34 Baba Yaga Beer from the Marsh Woman's Brewery Belle Vinu Bensabiel Black Rider Chicken Legged Hut Death-Horse Egle Fire for Thy Stepmother's Daughters Godfather Death Grave-Pig Grief Little Wooden Doll Moonshine and Mist Night-Raven Old Demons of the First Class Old Goblin Prunella Rapunzel Red Rider Rose Roses, Pearls, and Diamonds Rumpelstilzchen Sea Foam's Blood Sea Foam's Milk Serpents with Glittering Eyes and Forky Tongues The Lights of Men's Lives Thorns Thy Godfather's Present Vasilissa Veritas White Rider Witch's Garden Witch's Repast         Mad Tea Party - 39/39 Against Idleness and Mischief Alice Alice's Evidence All in a Golden Afternoon Bread-and-Butterfly Brusque Violet Caterpillar, the Cheshire Cat, the Croquet Dodo, the Dormouse, the Drink Me Eat Me Frumious Bandersnatch High Strung Daisies How Doth the Little Crocodile Imperious Tiger Lily Jabberwocky King of Hearts, the Knave of Hearts, the Lion, the Mad Hatter, the March Hare, the Mock Turtle's Lessons, the Mouse's Sad and Long Tale Pool of Tears Queen Alice Queen of Hearts, the Red Queen, the Rocking-Horse-fly Snap-Dragon-fly Snooty Rose Sluggard 'Tis The Voice Of The Lobster Tweedledee Tweedledum Twinkle, Twinkle Little Bat Two, Five, Seven Unicorn, the White Rabbit, the       Phoenix Steamworks & Research Facility - 11/11 Aelophile Antikythera Mechanism Coil Ether Galvanic Goggles No. 93 Engine Obsidian Widow Phoenix Steamworks Robotic Scarab Smokestack Violet Ray       Picnic in Arkham - 21/21 Al-Azif Arkham Azatoth Brown Jenkins Cthulhu Deep Ones Dunwich (SiA LE run) Herbert West High Priest Not to be Described Kingsport (SiA LE run) Mi-Go Brain Canister (SiA LE run) Miskatonic University R'lyeh Night Gaunt Nyarlathotep Shoggoth Shub-Niggurath Tulzscha (SiA LE run) Whippoorwill (SiA LE run) Y'Ha-Nthlei Yog-Sothoth (SiA LE run)       Rappacinni's Garden - 34/34 Apple of Sodom, the Baneberry Belladonna Black Hellebore Black Lily Black Lotus Black Rose Blood Lotus Blood Rose Bohun Upas Cobra Lily Death Cap Destroying Angel Devil's Claw Dian's Bud Hairy Toad Lily Hemlock Lotus Tree, the Love-In-Idleness Love Lies Bleeding Mandrake Moon Rose Opium Poppy Shadow Witch Orchard Slobbering Pine Squirting Cucumber Strangler Fig Sundew Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the Voodoo Lily Wolfsbane Ya-Te-Vo Yew-Trees Zieba Tree, the       Rappacinni's Apiary - 16/16 Black Hellebore Honey Chokecherry Honey Daphne Honey Deadly Nightshade Honey Doll's Eye Infused Honey; Paduan Killer Bee Durian Fruit Infused Honey with Brandy; Paduan Killer Bee Hemlock Honey Horse Chestnut Honey Jerusalem Cherry Infused Honey; Paduan Killer Bee Laurel Honey Oleander Honey Paduan Killer Swarm; Paduan Killer Bee Redoul Honey Tobacco Honey Yellow Jessamine Honey Yew Berry Infused Honey; Paduan Killer Bee     RPG Series - 16/17 Chaotic Cleric Dwarf Elf Evil Gnome Good Half-Elf Halfling Lawful Mage Neutral Orc Paladin Ranger Rogue       Sin & Salvation - 36/36 Anathema Black Dahlia Bow and Crown of Conquest Cathedral Death on a Pale Horse Dirty Dorian Envy Fallen Faustus Gluttony Great Sword of War Greed Hellfire Hymn Jailbait Langour Laudanum Les Infortunes de la Vertu Lust Magdalene Malediction Nero Oblivion Paratman Penitence Pride Roadhouse Rose Cross Scales of Deprivation Sea of Glass Seraphim Sin Sloth Tzadikim Nistarim Vice       Somnium - 5/5 Oneiroi Baku Temple of Dreams Nanshe Somnus       Voodoo Blends/Conjure Bag - 20/20 #20 Love Oil All Night Long Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo Black Cat Blockbuster Chuparosa Come to Me Dove's Heart Fire of Love Follow Me Boy French Love Has no Hanna Horn of Plenty High John the Conqueror Love Me Queen Red Devil Van Van Water of Notre Dame Wolf's Heart       Wanderlust - 58/58 51 Amsterdam Athens Baghdad Bayou Bengal Cairo Crossroads Danube Delphi Eden El Dorado Florence Glasgow Gomorrah Hamptons Hanging Gardens Havana Hollywood Babylon Ile de la Tortue Kathmandu Kyoto London Machu Picchu Mag Mell Manhattan Manila Morocco Moscow New Orleans Niflheim Ogygia Pais de la Canela Paris Phantom Island: Cockaigne Phantom Island: Isles of Demons Phantom Island: Jezirat ai Tennyn Phantom Island: Kumari Kandam Phantom Island: Lyonesse Pontarlier Port Royal Port-au-prince Prague Rome Santa Eularia des Riu Santo Domingo Shanghai Silk Road Sri Lanka Sybaris Tenochtitlan Tintagel Tombstone Uruk Venice Versailles Whitechapel Winward Passage         Special Collections   b]The Elements - 4/4[/b] Gnome Salamander Slyph Undine     The Chakras - 8/8 Ajna Anahata Manipura Muladhara Sahasrara Swadhisthana Vishuddha Vortex     The District - 7/7 Countess Willie Crib Girls Emma Flora Hilma Josie Lulu     Panacea - 12/12 Bitch Detox Grr Lustration Moxie Oof Quietude Safari Seduction Succor TKO Ugh     The Salon - 48/48 And There Was A Great Cry in Egypt Arrival at the Sabbath and Homage to the Devil, the Bat Bat-Woman Carceri d'Invenzione Cleopatra Testing Poisons on Those Condemned to Death Cloister Graveyard in the Snow Cup of Death Cupid Complaining to Venus Death and Life Completed Death of Sardanapal Death of the Gravedigger Ecstacy of St. Theresa, the Fox Fires on New Year's Eve at the Garment Nettle Tree at Oji Fox-Woman Kunohana Leaving Her Child, the Garden Path with Chickens Great He-Goat Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed With the Sun, the Isle of the Dead Itaso Kansei Nenkan Joro No Fuzoku Judith Victorious Kiyohime changes from a Serpent La Mort Qui Danse Lantern Ghost of Oiwa, the Les Anges Déchus Lot and His Daughters Love and Pain Lucretia Macbeth and the Witches Mad Meg Madonna Melancholia Monna Vanna Orpheus Penitent Magdalene, the Philosopher in Meditation Resurrection of the Flesh Sailor's Den, the Satan And Death With Sin Intervening Schlafende Baigneuse Silence Smiling Spider, the Spirit of the Komachi Tree Sunflower Sunrise with Sea Monsters Three Brides Three Gorgons Two Monsters   Mini-Salon - 4/4 Donna Con Ventaglio Hygeia Pallas Athene Tree of Life       Sephiroth - 20/20 A'arab Zaraq Binah Chesed Chokmah Gamaliel Geburah Gha'agsheblah Ghagiel Golachab Hod Kether Malkuth Nahemoth Netzach Samael Sathariel Thagirion Thaumiel Tiphareth Yesod     Tarot Oils - 26/26 Ace of Cups Ace of Pentacles Ace of Swords Ace of Wands The Chariot Death The Devil The Emperor The Empress The High Priestess The Fool The Hanged Man The Hermit The Hierophant The Lovers The Magician The Moon Judgment Justice The Star The Sun Strength Temperance The Tower The Wheel of Fortune The World       NeilGaiman Collections   15 Painted Cards from a Vampire Tarot - 4/4 Fool Magician Lovers Priestess   American Gods - 7/7 Bilquis Ifrit Mad Sweeney Mama-Ji Mr. Ibis Mr. Jacquel Norn's Farmhouse   Anansi's Boys - 2/2 Mr. Nancy Spider   Good Omens - 15/15 Agnes Nutter Aziraphale Buggre Alle this Bible Crowley Famine Hastur Jasmine Cottage Ligur Madame Tracy Nanny Ashtoreth Pepper Pollution Shadwell War Wensleydale   Graveyard Book - 9/9 Banana Peel in the Graveyard Convocation Eau de Ghoul Ghulheim Lady on the Grey Macabray Miss Lupescu Owen's Tomb Potter's Field   Neverwhere - 11/11 Anesthesia Door Floating Market Hunter Lamia Marquis de Carabas Mr. Croup Mr. Vandemar Night's Bridge Rat Speakers Velvets   Stardust - 9/9 East Fairy Market Fairy Wine Lady Una Stormhold Tristan Victoria Witch Queen Yvaine   Book Sets: Chapbook and Perfume - 2/2 Snow Glass Apples Sunbird   Other - 1/1 Lemon Scented Sticky Bat     Comic Book Related Lines/Other   Hellboy - 6/6 Abe Sapien Hellboy Kroenen Liz Plague of Frogs Trevor Bruttenholm   IIrredeemable - 7/7 Alana Patel Bette Noir Kaidan Mr. Qubit Plutonian Volt Yurei   Witchblade - 4/4 Curator Det. 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