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It's been a while... but my love of this scent, and the fact that the name skeeves eviltemptress to no end, i HAD to do this! LOL!  




Meet and Sniff hangover

oh my. how do i describe the amazing experience of the meet and sniff?   meet. hug. hug dog. sniff. eat. sniff. hug dog. eat dessert. sniff. buy. sniff. buy. sniff. sigh. rest a little. sniff. eat. hug dog. leave.   my nose is still recovering. some scent, possibly one i took, may bother me. i am not too sure which one.   i am taking it slow with testing. after sampling eviltemptress's scents friday night, sniffing all day saturday, then sniffing what each other bought saturday night... and enabling my friends on sunday. my nose is overwhelmed!   but my boxes are much more full now! my wishlist is longer (and better refined...) i still have to update some reviews on bpal that didn't get posted yet, and continue to test all this new stuff!   the meet and sniff was a lot of fun, and i look forward to doing it again. i loved sampling so many scents, because it's so hard to judge based on descriptions and reviews alone! and i met some really cool people. and a really cool dog. and a really cool kid. that cat was cool too, even though i barely saw her.   oh and did i mention beard papa???? that was ALMOST better than the sniffies.   photos coming soon.





Soaps! I bought a Shub soap from the TP, but would love any other ones, especially: Misk U, carnal, Bliss.   Bottle of O. i wear this almost every night when i go to bed, and it's time to restock soon!   Luna planetary amulet from TAL   Some scents that i like, that i don't have the money to order bottles from the lab just now. Looking for partial or full bottles (not imps):   none right now   and some LE's - looking for imps or bottles (any amount)   Marshmallow Poof Banshee





(this is really out of date! but ones that i like or dislike shouldn't change much.)     (ratings on a scale of 1-10, 10 being best) sorry for the formatting but this is the easiest way to update from my excel file!)   Name Status Rating   13-gone-7 Absinthe-gone-6 Ace of Hearts-gone-7 Aeval-gone-6 Aglaea-gone-5 Ahathoor-Have (imp x2)-9 Ajna: The Third Eye-gone-- Akuma-gone-7 Al-araaf-Have (imp)-6 Alecto-Have (imp)-9 Alice-have (imp)-6 All Night Long-have (imp)-8 Al-shairan-Have (imp)-7 Amsterdam-have (imp x2)-9 Anahata: The Heart-gone-- And There was a Great Cry in Egypt-have (imp half)-8 Annabel Lee-Have (imp)-8 Anne Bonny-Have (imp)-8 Antique Lace-Have (imp)-9 Antonio, the Carny Talker-ordered from decant circle- Antony-Have (imp)-7 Arcana-Have (imp)-7 Arkham Revisited-Have (imp)- Athens-gone-3 Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo-gone-6 Aureus-gone-5 Ave Maria Gratia Plena-Gone-4 Baba Yaga-have (imp)-6 Baghdad-have (imp)-8 Baneberry-have (imp)-7 Banshee-Have (imp)-8 Baobhan Sith-Have (imp)-7 Baron Samedi-have (imp)-5 Bastet-have (imp)-9 Bayou-gone-6 Beatrice-have (imp)-8 Bed of Nails-have (imp)-8 Belladonna-gone-6 Belle Époque-have (10 ml)-8 Beltane-Have (5 ml)-9 Bengal-have (imp)-5 Bess-have (imp)-8 Bewitched-Have (10 ml, imp)-10 Black Cat-gone-3 Black Phoenix-have (imp)-7 Block Buster-gone-6 Blood-have (imp x2)-8 Blood Amber-have (imp)-7 Blood Kiss-have (imp)-7 Blood Moon-have (imp)-7 Blood Pearl-have (imp)-2 Brisingamen-have (imp)-7 Budding Moon-Have (5 ml)-8 Caliban-ordered 8/9- Calliope-Gone-4 Carnal-have (imp)-8 Carnival Diabolique-ordered from decant circle- Carnivàle-have (imp x2)-7 Cathedral-have (imp x2)-7 Catherine-Gone-6 Cathode-Have (imp x2)-6 Centzon Totochtin-have (imp)-6 Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors-have (5 ml CCIX, CCX)- Chaste Moon-Have (5 ml, shortie)-9 Cheshire Cat-Have (imp)-8 Chimera-Have (5 ml & imp)-10 Chiroptera-Have (shortie sniffy)-8 Chrysanthemum Moon-ordered 8/9- Cockaigne-ordered 8/9- Cordelia-Have (imp)-8 Coyote-have (imp)-8 Crossroads-Have (imp)-7 Dana O'shee-have (imp)-8 Dance of Death-gone-5 Danse Macabre-have (imp)-6 Danube-have (imp) -9 Delight-Gone-5 Delirium-have (imp x2)-8 Delphi-Have (imp)-2 Desdemona-have (imp)-6 Desire-Gone-5 Despair-Have (imp)-7 Devil's Night-Have (5 ml, imp)-8 Dia De Los Muertos-Have (rollerball) '04-8 Djinn-have (imp)-9 Doc Buzzard-Have (imp partial x2)-8 Doc Constantine-ordered from decant circle- Dorian-have (imp x2)-8 Dragon Moon-Have (5 ml)-8 Dragon's Eye-have (imp)-7 Dragon's Heart-gone-6 Dragon's Milk-Have (5 ml partial)-9 Dragon's Tears-Have (imp)-8 Dublin-Have (imp)-8 Eclipse-have (imp)-7 Eden-have (imp)-8 Egg Nog-have (imp)-8 Elixir I: Seduction-gone-5 Elixir II: Succor-Have (imp)-5 Elixir III: Lustration-Have (imp)-9 Elixir IV: Quietude-Have (imp)-7 Elixir V: Moxie-gone-6 Elixir VI: Detox-Have (imp)-9 Elixir VII: Safari-Have (imp)-8 Embalming Fluid-have (imp)-9 Empyreal Mist-Have (imp x2)-8 Endymion-Gone-5 Enraged Bunny Musk-Have (imp x2), Ordered from forum 4/25/06-8 Envy-have (imp)-7 Eos-Gone-5 Eris-Have (imp)-8 Et Lux Fuit-gone-7 Euterpe-gone-3 Eve-have (imp x2)-8 Evening Star-Have (imp)-7 F5-ordered 8/9 5 ml- Fae-gone-6 Fée -have (imp)- Fire Of Love-gone-5 Flower Moon-have (imp)-5 Forbidden Fruit-have (imp)-8 Fortunato-gone-5 Freak Show-have (imp)-8 Frost Moon-have (imp)-8 Fruit Moon-Have (imp)-7 Gennivre, L'artiste du Diable-ordered from decant circle- Glasgow-have (imp x2)-7 Gommorah-gone-6 Grandmother of Ghosts-gone-5 Graveyard Dirt-have (imp) -7 Greed-have (imp)-4 Gypsy Queen-Have (5 ml)-7 Hamadryad-have (imp)-8 Harvest Moon '05-gone-6 Harvest Moon '06-have (5 ml)-7 Has No Hanna-have (imp)-6 Haunted-gone-5 Hellcat-gone-7 Hellion-have (imp)-8 Highwayman-have (imp)-2 Himerus-have (imp)-5 Holiday Moon-Have (imp)-8 Hollywood Babylon-have (imp)-6 Honey-gone-6 Honey Moon-Have (imp)-8 Horn Of Plenty-have (imp)-7 House of Mirrors-have (imp x3)-7 Hungry Ghost Moon-have (5 ml)- Hymn to Proserpine-have (imp x2)-8 Iambe-gone- Imp-have (imp)-6 Intrigue-have (imp)-7 Jack-gone-6 Jacob's Ladder-gone-5 Jersey Devil-ordered 8/9 5 ml- Jezebel-have (imp x2)-9 Jezirat Ai Tennyn-ordered 8/9- Jolly Roger-Have (imp x2)-7 Juliet-Gone-6 Kabuki-have (imp)-5 Kali-Have (imp)-7 Kathmandu-Have (10 ml imp) -10 Khajuraho-Have (5 ml)-7 King of Clubs-have (5 ml)-7 King of Diamonds-have (imp)-8 King of Hearts-have (imp)-7 King of Spades-have (imp)-8 Kostnice-have (imp)-7 Kuang Shi-gone-5 Kumari Kandam-ordered 8/9- Kumiho-have (imp)-8 Kurukulla-have (imp x2)-8 La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente-have (imp)-8 La Fée Verte-Have (imp x2)-8 Lady Macbeth-have (5 ml, orig blend)-6 Lampades-Have (imp)-8 Languor-Have (imp)- Laudanum-have (imp)- Leanan Sidhe-have (5 ml)-9 Lear-have (imp)-8 Ligeia-Have (5 ml partial, imp)-3 Lightning-Have (5 ml & imp)-8 Litha-Have (5 ml)-6 Lolita-have (imp)-8 Loralei-gone-6 Lotus Moon-Have (5 ml)-7 Love in the Asylum-gone-6 Love Me-have (imp)-7 Lucretia-have (imp)-8 Lucy's Kiss-gone-6 Lughnasadh-have (imp)-9 Luna-Have (imp)-6 Lurid-Have (imp)-7 Lust-have (imp)- Mabon-have (imp)-9 Machu Picchu-Have (imp x2)-8 Madrid-gone-4 Maenad-have (imp)-7 Mag Mell-ordered 8/9 - Maiden-gone-7 Malediction-gone-3 Malkuth-have (sniffy)-5 Manila-have (imp)-4 Manipura: The Solar Plexus-gone-- Mantis-have (imp)-5 Masabakes-have (imp), 1 Gone-4 Medea-Have (imp)-7 Medicine Show-gone-7 Megaera-gone-6 Melisande, the Puppet Mistress-ordered from decant circle- Midnight-Have (imp)-7 Midnight Mass-have (5 ml)-8 Midnight on the Midway-ordered from decant circle- Midwinter's Eve-Have (5 ml)-8 Mi-go Brain Canister-have (half 5 ml)-8 Miskatonic University-have (5 ml)-9 Mistletoe-gone-6 Mme. Moriarty, Misfortune Teller-ordered from decant circle- Monster Bait: Underpants-gone-6 Montresor-gone-5 Moon Rose-have (imp)-8 Morella-gone-5 Morgause-have (imp)-3 Morocco-have (5 ml x2, imp)-9 Mouse's Long and Sad Tale-have (5 ml, imp)-9 Muladhara: The Root-gone-- Muse-Have (imp)-5 Namaste-Have (imp)-6 Nanshe-have (imp)- Neo-tokyo-have (imp)-8 Night's Pavilion-Have (5 ml)-6 Nocnitsa-have (imp)-5 Nuclear Winter-have (imp x2)-7 Nuit-have (imp)-7 Numb-gone- O-Have (5 ml & imp)-10 Oisín-have (imp x4, empty bottle)-8 Ophelia-have (imp)-8 Orpheus-have (imp half)-7 Osun-have (imp)-7 Othello-have (imp)-7 Pannychis-have (imp) -6 Parlement of Foules-have (imp)-6 Peitho-gone-6 Pele-gone- Penthus-have (imp x2)-8 Peony Moon-Have (5 ml & imp))-10 Persephone-have (imp)-7 Perversion-have (imp)-7 Phantasm-Gone-5 Phantom-Gone-4 Phantom Queen-have (imp)-7 Phobos-Have (imp x2)-8 Pink Grapefruit-have (imp)- Pink Phoenix-Have (imp)-6 Polyhymnia-gone-4 Port Royal-ordered 8/9- Port-au-prince-have (imp x2)-8 Pride-have (imp)-7 Psyche-have (imp)-7 Pulcinella & Teresina-ordered from decant circle- Pumpkin Patch 1-have (imp)-6 Pumpkin Patch 2-have (imp x2)-7 Pumpkin Patch 3-Have (5 ml)-8 Pumpkin Patch 4-gone-3 Pumpkin Patch 5-gone-6 Queen-have (imp)-6 Queen Gertrude-gone-3 Queen of Clubs-have (5 ml, imp)-8 Queen of Diamonds-have (imp x2)-8 Queen Of Sheba-have (5 ml, imp)-9 Rakshasa-gone-6 Red Lantern-Gone-5 Red Phoenix-have (5 ml)-8 R'lyeh-have (imp)-7 Rome-Have (imp)-8 Rosalind-Have (imp)-8 Sacred Whore Of Babylon-have (imp)-3 Sahasrara: The Crown-gone-- Samhain-Have (5 ml)-9 Saturnalia-have (imp)-2 Scarecrow-have (imp)-7 Scherezade-have (imp)-5 Sea of Glass-gone-7 Seraglio-Have (imp x2)-8 Severin-have (imp x3)-8 Shadow-Gone-5 Shadow Witch Orchid-have (imp)-5 Shanghai-Gone-4 Shattered-Have (imp)-7 Sheol-have (imp)-6 Shroud-Have (imp)-8 Shub-niggurath-have (imp)-8 Silk Road-have (imp)-8 Sin-have (imp)-8 Siren-Have (5 ml)-9 Skuld-gone-4 Sleepy Moon-Have (imp)-8 Smut-have (imp)-7 Snake Charmer-Have (5 ml)-8 Snake Oil-have (imp)-7 Snow Moon-Have (5 ml, imp)-7 Snow White-Have (5 ml, imp)-8 Snowblind-have (imp)-9 Sol-Have (5 ml)-7 Somnus-gone-5 Sophia-gone-6 Spanked-gone-7 Spirits of the Dead-have (5 ml)-9 Spooky-have (imp x2)-8 Sri Lanka-have (imp)-8 Storm Moon-gone-6 Storyville-have (imp partial)-8 Succubus-have (imp)-6 Sudha Segara-Gone-5 Sundew-have (imp)-6 Swadhisthana: Sacral-gone-- Swank-Have (imp)-7 Szepasszony-Have (imp)-8 Talvikuu-Gone-4 Tamora-have (imp)-8 Tears-have (imp partial)- Tempest-have (imp)-8 Temple of Dreams-have (imp)- Terpsichore-gone-5 Tezcatlipoca-have (imp)-7 Thaleia-have (imp x2)- Thalia-have (imp)-8 Thanatos-gone-5 The Apothecary-Have (5 ml, imp x2)-9 The Bow & Crown of Conquest-have (imp)-8 The Candy Butcher-ordered from decant circle- The Caterpillar-have (imp)-6 The City in the Sea-have (imp)-8 The Coiled Serpent-have (imp)-6 The Death of Sardanapal-have (5 ml)- The Dormouse-have (5 ml, imp)-9 The Haunted Palace-have (5 ml)-8 The Hesperides-gone-2 The Ides of March-have (5 ml)-8 The Lady of Shalott-Gone-6 The Lion-gone-6 The Living Flame-have (imp)-5 The Masque-gone-6 The Mock Turtle's Lessons-gone-6 The Moon-Gone-3 The Organ Grinder-ordered from decant circle- The Perfumed Garden-Have (5 ml)-8 The Phantom Calliope-ordered from decant circle- The Pit & The Pendulum-have (5 ml)-6 The Premature Burial-have (5 ml)-9 The Queen Of Hearts-have (imp)-7 The Red Queen-Have (imp x2)-9 The Scales of Deprivation-have (imp)-7 The Unicorn-have (imp)-8 THE VORTEX-gone-- Theodosius, the Legerdeman-ordered from decant circle- Three Witches-have (10 ml partial, imp)-8 Tintagel-Have (10 ml partial, imp)-9 Tiphareth-gone-6 Titiana-gone-6 Titus Andronicus-Have (imp)-7 Tomato Leaf-have (imp)- Tombstone-have (imp)-9 Torture King-have (5 ml, 5 ml partial)-9 Toxin-have (imp)-9 Tulzscha-have (imp)-8 Tweedledum-have (imp)-7 Ultraviolet-Gone-5 Umbra-gone-5 Undertow-Have (imp)-8 Usher-have (5 ml)-8 Utrennyaya-have (imp)-6 Van Van-have (imp)-6 Vanilla Bean-have (imp partial)-10 Velvet-Have (10 ml & imp)-9 Venice-gone-6 Venom-have (imp)-6 Verdandi-have (imp)-8 Vice-Have (5 ml, imp)-7 Vinland-have (5 ml, imp)-8 Vishuddha: The Throat-gone-- Vixen-have (imp)-9 Voodoo-have (imp)-7 Wanda-have (imp)-7 Wanton-have (imp)-6 Water Of Notre Dame-have (imp)-8 Whip-gone-7 Whitechapel-have (imp)-7 Wildfire-have (imp)-6 Wings Of Azrael-Gone-3 Wolfsbane-gone-5 Wrath-have (imp)-8 Xanthe, the Weeping Clown-ordered from decant circle- Xiuhtecuhtli-have (imp)-8 Yemaya-gone-7 Yerevan-have (imp)-6 Yew-trees-have (imp)-7 Yuki-onna-have (imp)-9 Yuletide-Have (imp) -7           Sniffed and not interested in or disliked:   Aizen-myoo Anathema Beaver Moon Black Dahlia Black Pearl Blood Countess Bon Vivant Cairo Carceri d'Invenzion Casanova Corazon Darkness Depraved Dove's Heart Dreamland Drink Me Eat Me Enraged Orangutan Musk Euphrosyne Fallen Fire Eater Follow Me Boy French Love Frumious Bandersnatch Gingerbread Poppet Glitter Gnome Goneril Goona Goona Hearth '05 Hell's Belle Herr Drosselmeyer House of Night Hunter Moon Hurricane Hymn Jabberwocky Juke Joint Katharina Kyoto La Belle Au Bois Dormant Le Serpent Qui Danse Lenore Lex Talionis Libertine London Lump of Coal March Hare Mata Hari Midway Mitzvah Monster Bait: Closet Monster Bait: Underbed New Orleans Obatala Opium Poppy Pink Moon Rapture Rose Red Scorpio Sepulcher Snow Angel Snow Bunny Stardust Storm Strawberry Moon Sugar Skull Suspiro The Raven The World Tweedledee Twenty-one Tzadikim Nistarim Ulalume Unseelie Veil Villain Virgo White Rabbit Wilde Yog-sothoth Zephyr         TAL:   Have: 5 ml   White Light Temple Celtic     Have: Imps   Euphony Healing Jinx Removing Lionheart Meditation Peace Perpetuum Bonum Wealthy Business Nocturne 9 Muses       Had and passed on:   Cleo May




i'm head over heels in love...

with     in fact my review (will post eventually) has a new term i made up (maybe it's been done before?)   i had a nosegasm.   only other one that i've had that with is kathmandu!  




one more!

i lied. 3 more. (I came back later with these 2)       and one more again...         ok really. done now. i mean it. i'm going to bed!!!     also, i got my underpants today!!! eeeee!   i can't decide what i think about it. it is more foody/sweet than i'd like, but after the drydown, there are times i love it and times i think "eh". i'll wear it one more time, and share with eviltemptress and everyone at the meet & sniff, and i'll reconsider whether i want to keep it or not!   eta: i may keep an imp, but i am going to trade/sell the rest, eviltemptress and people at the meet & sniff have first dibs, and i have a buyer lined up for anything that's left over.





well eviltemptress has been so good at the icons i've been intimidated... but i have a new favorite scent tonight, and so i made an icon for it!     edited to add another one! or more...           usual disclaimers, do not hotlink, save to your own site (photobucket.com rocks!)




Henna Boxes

I did henna on two boxes but i can only show you one! (one's a gift for somebody!!!) anyway - my "test" one was a smaller box i already had on hand. it doesn't fit bottles, only some imps if they are laying down. anyway, it was a good practice run!     i'll let the henna sit for a a few days, then remove the paste, wipe ammonia to get the henna stain to darken, and stain or seal the box!   more to come...   goodnight!




Storage Boxes

Finished my first two!!   They are both even prettier in person - the blue one has glitter on the top, and some on the paper inside. I just have to decide if/how to seal it. I'm thinking a spray finish very lightly, just on the top/outside.   Here's one - it came with dividers (it's actually for tea) which i painted white, they just aren't dry enough to put back in yet. (you can see them in the photo of the previous post, that's this box open before i started.) i'm probably keeping this one for myself!!         And the second - I made dividers out of balsa wood. a pain in the ass, but they work!!    




Imp Boxes

So I decorated my ammo imp boxes - i also purchased a bunch of bigger boxes that will hold bottles too and started decorating them!   Here are some photos of the two ammo boxes - paper, acrylic gel gloss, and gold leaf (buddha themes - from a japanese art book and a postcard from thailand)             wooden boxes waiting to be decorated! (sale on unfinished wood at AC Moore! I have a lot in plan for these, some paint, some decoupage, some henna... fun!!)  


