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SW 2017 Help #2


Witchee, would you like anything from the Trading Post Halloween update? https://blackphoenix...y/weenies-2017/
I ordered half-decants of all the perfumes (OMG, they all sound so good!) and a sample of Deserted Theater because I’m a sucker for that kind of thing. Can’t wait for reviews!


Awesome farmer's market by my house. They have a local honey stand (which also sells things made from local honey like Propolis tincture!); there's a small apothecary and she additionally makes soaps and hand-made, hand-poured scented candles; plus a guy that makes an array of BBQ and Hot Sauces. Does any of this appeal? Would you like anything from my local farmer's market?
Soaps, bbq and hot sauces, and the like are always appreciated!

Smolder Cosmetics. Do any of their products (glitter, eye dusts etc) appeal to you? https://smoldercosmetics.com
Nothing jumps out to me.

Anything from Strobe Cosmetics (http://strobecosmetics.com)?

How would you feel about getting Hello Kitty stuff?
I like Aggretsuko, but I’m not super into the fandom.

Would you like to get some favorite recipes?
Sure! I especially like one-pot or slow cooker meals because I’m a lazy bitch.

Would you like anything from my shop? https://www.etsy.com/shop/LisaNut?
I don’t have any use for snuggly scarves anymore, sadly, and I prefer long scarves for general fashion purposes.


Would you like anything from the Haus of Gloi Fall Part II update? https://www.hausofgl...ween-scent-list
Mmm, I wouldn’t mind a sample of Cozy or the corn cake scent. The others I’ve tried or already have bottles of!


How do you feel about these little guys? I think they're adorable and kind of want them all, but especially the ghost and pirate ones. https://lovemomiji.c...imited-editions
Aww, I like Mia and Casa, the ghost one!


Witchees, do you want anything specifically from this page? Mitts, hat, shawls, unicorn... http://iceweasel.net/switchwitch/
The unicorns are super cute!

What are your top three most wanted DC'd or previous LE BPALs?
Regan (always), CC: Female, and Phantom Queen

What are some things you do NOT want to receive?
Hmm, I’ll have to think on that one. Nothing specific comes to mind.

is there anything from here that you might be interested in getting a print (or pillow/make-up case/etc) of?
Danse Macabre is nice.

Claire's has some super cute Halloween stuff. In the style of Haunted Mansion - black lace collars, lace and sparkle masques and the like. A few items in Dias de los Muertos style. Would you be interested in such things?
Definitely! DdlM isn’t really my style, but more Halloweeny stuff definitely would be!

Would you be interested in anything from Orange Thyme? https://shoporangethyme.com/ If so, which products/scents/flavors?
A lot of the lip balms sound great, but they appear to all be sold out. Interested in the French Vanilla, Lavender Lemonade, and Lemon Creme.


Anyone like/want calendars or dayplanners?
If you like stationery, do you like plain, colors, images, or specific DON'T LIKES?
What about general desk stuff like cool colored paperclips and post it pads?
Yes to a 2018 day planner or cute notebooks! Other stationery wouldn’t get used much, I’m afraid.

Would anyone be interested in having any of Abigail Larson's artwork (either as a print or on something, like a pillow, blanket, or t-shirt)? https://society6.com/abigaillarson
OMG, A Mother Most Macabre is so, so perfect. I’d LOVE that as a print. I also really love The Yellow Wallpaper, The Fortune Teller, Hades and Persephone IV, Jack O’Lantern, Masque of the Red Death, Mother of Dragons, The Plague Doctor, and many others. God, her artwork is so incredible, isn’t it?! I’m so glad to own some of her creations on BPAL bottles. <3

Does anything catch your eye from Ten Thousand Villages? http://www.tenthousandvillages.com/
Some scarves, but I’d much rather have a scarf handmade by my Witch if zie is so inclined.

Would you be into receiving hand made (crocheted, sewn, felted, chain maille, scale, or duct tape, in my case, depending on the item) dishclothes? Scarf/shawl? Hat? Bag? Anything? Colors? (Duct tape, chain maille, and scales come in colors.)
A scarf or shawl would be great! Chain mail sounds really fantastic; if my Witch is so inclined, I’d love to see some samples so I can get a better idea of what they look like.

Do you collect anything from SBUX like City Mugs, City Mug ornaments, City Cards, or Bearistas? If so, which do you need/want? Or would you like a City Mug or an ornament for fun?
I’d love a City Mug from my Witch’s city!

Anybody want homemade fudge? I can do chocolate with or without nuts, peanut butter, and butterscotch.
YES! Butterscotch or nutless chocolate would be my preferences amount those three. Storebought fudge is good too. All your fudge is belong to me.

Do you like spicy foods? I am currently addicted to these suckers and want to send you some buffalo ridged kettle potato goodness (https://www.billygoa...shop/1lb-kicker)
YUM! Yes to all the spicy things.

What would you like from the Weenies updatus giganticus???
I ordered half-decants of all the Single Notes and a few other things, and eventually I want to get bottles of Hallowe’en 1914 since I missed out last time, Pumpkin Spice Snake Oil, Cardamom Cream Pumpkin Cake, Pumpkin Chypre, and maybe backups of October and Samhainophobia.


Do you collect the art cards that BPAL sends out? Any in particular that you are looking for or definitely don't need?
I don’t collect them per se, but I do have a bunch and make sure to save the ones I don’t already own. All mine are already packed up, but I’d be happy to check for you once we’re settled, Witch, if you have some you’d like to offload.

Do you like this beautiful art, and she makes stickers and prints...SOOOO gorgeous: https://www.shannatr...om/paperprints/
I LOVE Howling Pig Ranch!

Favorite animals or wild creatures or mythological creatures?
The last question reminded me how much I love pigs! I also love cats (especially black cats, but I love all kitties!), dogs, dolphins, otters, wolverines, whales, and sharks.
Mythological creatures: I used to LOOOOVE “sea serpents” when I was a kid. Still do. Unicorns too.

Would you like any swag from the Depeche Mode concert? (pins, posters, shirts, program, dunno what they'll have!)
Ooh, I like Depeche Mode, but I’m not a big enough fan to warrant major swag - a pin would be cool, though; I’ve been wanting to add more to my denim jacket (patches too!)




SW 2017 Help! (Probably useful for 13 Nights of Halloween too)

Hello, dear Witch! Just a reminder to take a look at the address section of my questionnaire before mailing anything my way. I'll be relocating to Huntsville, AL on October 1st, so anything you're planning to mail my way on that date or later should be sent to the Alabama address. If you're planning to send anything that will be delivered in September, please use the Michigan address. Thank you, thank you! <3


Amazon: http://a.co/5a0R5b1
Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/people/KittyHawk84/favorites/items-i-love?ref=favs_index_1


Are you interested in anything from Bath & Bodyworks? Which products and scents do you like? www.bathandbodyworks.com/
Shower gels and candles will always get plenty of use, as will the travel-sized anti-bacterial hand gel (I like the Halloween Faves and Fall Celebration collections). All of the autumn scents sound incredible - all the pumpkin ones are a good bet (Marshmallow Pumpkin Latte, Salted Caramel Apricot, Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice, Bright Autumn Blooms). Oh, oh! And this little guy: http://www.bathandbodyworks.com/p/furry-black-cat-pocketbac-holder-023538044.html?cgid=pocketbac-sanitizer-holders#start=2

I am possibly going to a crystal / gem show tomorrow. I can't afford expensive gem stones, but...
What kind of crystals would you like?
I don’t know the first thing about crystals, but I’ve always loved turquoise, rose quartz, and geodes, for whatever that’s worth!

Pumpkin or Zucchini bread?
Yes please!

What kind of homemade cookies are your favorite?
Any and all, especially if they contain chocolate!

Could you use a muscle rub? (We make ours on the lunar cycle and it has menthol, wintergreen, habanero, cayenne, olive oil, st. john's wort, arnica, beeswax, calendula, and ginger. It tingles. We call it "Thunder Butter". If you have really really super sensitive skin, I would recommend against it. And don't take a hot shower or open all of your pores before using it.)
My skin can be extra picky at the moment, given the baby and all, so I should probably avoid for now.

Interested in trying some of our rose petal (rose petals, sugar, everclear) or lavender vanilla bean (lavender, vanilla bean, vodka) liqueur?
Oh man, I wish! Pregnancy makes me a temporary teetotaller.

Want some honey from the bees on our property?

Would you like some homemade jam? I have blackberry, rose petal, strawberry rhubarb, peach, and cherry.
Oh lawd, those all sound incredible!

How about some homemade candied jalapenos with garlic cloves? I have regular and with habanero.
I had no idea this was a thing, but I want them in my mouth!

I didn't dry any apples this year but I was thinking of heading over to Green Bluff and seeing if any honeycrisps are left. I have a commercial dehydrator so let me know if you are interested in any "Apple Crips" (as voodoocatwoman calls them!) I wash, peel, core, and slice before dehydrating.
OMG yes! Honeycrisp is my favorite variety!

Do you need any kind of dice bag, tote, project bag, cosmetic bag, pencil bag, or whatever? I have lots of bag patterns and fabric. We make bags under the name Twinkle N Twilight.
Or how about a couple of pillowcases?
I can always use cosmetics/pencil bags (both small and large) for sewing stuff!


Would my witchee like this to warm up the fall coffee cup?? https://www.truelemo...gory-s/1871.htm
The caramel sounds great! Not a big fan of cinnamon in drinks.

Do you like to take baths? if so, do you like oils, salts, things that fizz, all of the above, none of the above?
I love using bath oil as moisturizer; for baths, I like to use bath bombs, bubble bath, and the like. I’ve never tried bath salts, but I’m very open to trying them!

What style/make/etc of phone do you have? What about size of tablet? Laptop? Would you like decals, skins, or cases for any of these?
I have an iPhone 7 and a MacBook pro - I’ve been eyeing this ridiculous phone case for awhile: https://www.dollskill.com/valfre-drop-dead-cigarette-iphone-case.html
Some sort of decal for the laptop would be nice too!


See's Candy. My absolute favorite. They have special Halloween candy..any of these pique your interest?? Cinnamon Apple Scotch Mallows, Pumpkin spice truffles, pumpkinspice lollypops, caramel apple lollypops, or any other of their chocolates, etc?
Yes! Yes to all the Halloween candy and snacks!!

Are any witchees into coloring books?
I am! Anything Halloweeny, Disney, Star Wars, Lisa Frank, or sci-fi/horror would be wonderful!

Witchees, is there anything that catches your eye at Animi Causa (https://www.animicausa.com/shop/)?
I’ll have to take a proper look a little later. Possibly!

If I were to find an adorable autumnal/Halloween-y dish/flatware/etc. design, how many settings would be needed in your household?
Hmmm, I suppose 4?


Do you like Broadway shows/music? If so what are some of your favorites and/or ones that you hope to see or listen to eventually? Would you like merch from your favorite shows or CDs from shows you want to listen to?
I love musicals! I have a hard time keeping up with current ones, though. My absolute favorite is Les Mis, but I’ve been wanting to see The Book of Mormon, Spamalot, and of course Hamilton! I’ve never met a musical I didn’t like, for whatever that’s worth (though I really don't care for The Sound of Music… I know, sigh.)

I'm heading to NYCC in October! Is there anything I can get my Witchee while I'm there?
No thank you, I have a go-to NYCC fairy.

I'm going to Edmonton Expo this weekend (It's Edmonton's version of comic con). Would a witchee like anything from there?
Nothing comes to mind.


Are you interested in anything from Think Geek? http://www.thinkgeek.com
I love TG! I think I’m all stocked up on their stuff for the moment, though.

Do you have something you wish you put on your original questionnaire/forgot to put/would like to add on to?
Nothing that I can think of, but please don’t hesitate to prod me if I’ve neglected something that you’d like to know!

Any additional misc. information about yourself you want your Witch to know? (I think this was on the survey, but again if there's something that you forgot…)
I think with all these additional questions, we’ve covered just about everything!

If you could decorate your house (or one room) in any one theme, what would it be? Your answer can be as simple ("Star Wars" or "Baroque" or "Modern"), or complicated or a combination (e.g. Victorian Gothic) as you feel best fits.
Oh man, every room in our house is thematic. We have the retro space room, with lots of NASA swag; the sci-fi room, with lots of Mass Effect, Alien, Battlestar Galactica, Star Wars, Star Trek, and other fandom gear; and my eventual sewing room

Aprons: Do you wear them, do you want one? Utility, decorative, cooking or crafting?
No thanks, I have a few that I hardly ever use as it is!

BTW, would my witchee be interested in something like this? (photo of black and white striped knitted doll)
Cute, but not for me.


It seems like there's a question about socks on the questionnaire, but I don't think it got down to this level: Do you wear them? Any particular style (crew length, knee high, anklet, boot, etc.) or fiber (wool, cotton, bamboo anything but wool, etc.) preference?
I wear socks when I wear pants (any and all kinds - knee-high, ankle, crew, whatever), but I prefer tights. Any fiber is fine.

Would you be open to previously-loved books?

What about partial-full bottles of BPAL or BPTP?
Of course!

So what are your favorite fandoms?
Mass Effect, Battlestar Galactica, and Game of Thrones are the big ones that have fairly large followings.


I'm in France at the moment, is there anything here you might like? I'm in Provence, the land of lavender, so if you like that flower in particular just say so!
I LOVE lavender! Anything with lavender would be lovely, but I can’t think of anything specific.

are you into divination? What kind(s) do you currently do? Do you want more books and/or tools for that type (e.g. new tarot cards, new runes)? Is there a new type of #divination you've been meaning to try, and if so, are you looking for the tool, a book on the subject, or both?
No thanks!

World my Witchee be interested in a Tarot or Astrology reading done personally?
No thank you.

Does my Witchee need any magical supplies?
No thank you!

Would you be interested in any of the seasonal (or regular) soaps from Cellar Door Soap (https://cellardoorbathsupply.com)?
I’m always on the hunt for new soaps! And OMG, they’re a local MI company?! SWOON. All the things! All the Halloween soaps sound incredible and totally up my alley. I think I may have to place an order myself soon regardless!


Favorite gemstones?
I don’t have a particular favorite, really. I like a little bit of everything, especially vintage costume jewelry.

If you enjoy jewelry do you like discrete and elegant, flashy and gaudy, small and light, or large and chunky?
Large and chunky! I love statement necklaces and bold vintage pieces.

Any love of pirates or SCA?
Not sure what that acronym stands for. Pirates are pretty neat, but not one of my favorite things.

Is there anything you would like from Disney World?
Ooh, I do love Ariel/The Little Mermaid and the Haunted Mansion!

Are you a Potterhead? If so, to which house do you belong?
I’m a Slytherin but not into the fandom enough for any swag.

How do you feel about chokers?
Love them!


Here's a few questions from me: Would you like some Halloween or other themed decor in the form of a banner, something like this http://www.etsy.com/...n-decor-vintage? If so, would you prefer a traditional style or a vertical door type?
Ooh, both are very nice!

Do you live near a Trader Joe's? If not, are you interested in trying any of the numerous Pumpkin goodies they come out with this time every year?
I currently live near a Trader Joe’s and love their pumpkin goodies! However, I’ll be moving to a place with no convenient TJ’s (woe!!!!!), so if you’d like to send me some pumpkin goodies once I’ve moved, that would be lovely.

Do you like to cook and/or bake? Could you use any specific ingredients (spices, oils, salts, extracts, etc.) or kitchen utensils/gadgets?
I bake occasionally (and I cook as infrequently as possible). I think I’m good on utensils and gadgetry.

I'm at Ocean City MD for bike week......would a witches want anything from here? Bike or beach related??
Ooh, maybe something bike-related! I don’t ride, myself, but I’d like to learn and my spouse has a Buell and is an amateur rider.

What is 1 thing you would love to see in your final box? Can be ANYTHING - your choice.
I’d also like a reveal!

Who would love some USPS eclipse stamps?
Sure! I’m running low on my planet stamps, so any other space-y stamps would be great!


Do any of you potential Witchees have any kitties, puppers, or youngling humans you want spoiled in your packages? What treats or toys do they like?
I have three kitties who love little mouse toys, and my little guy, Seamus, loves board books. If you find something you’d like to send their way, I’m sure they’d love it!

Is there any interest in any of the fragrance oils from the Nocturne Alchemy Weenies update?
I haven’t really gotten into NAVA, so no thanks.

Is there anything you want from the trading post (or trading post etsy) that is available to order right now? (Fatherhood, Puppers, normal GC things)
I think I’m all set on Post goodies for now.


Are you a gamer? If so, what games are you currently playing and is there any merch for that game you'd love to have?
If you are a gamer do you have a steam/gamestop/amazon wishlist?
I hesitate to call myself a gamer because I really only play a few games, specifically the Mass Effect franchise, Alien: Isolation, and a few others. Mass Effect is far and away my favorite, and I’d welcome any swag I don’t already have (which is quite a lot). I’ll have my Amazon wishlist linked to my blog post, but I don’t think I have any ME stuff listed there.

How do you feel about the following scarf options (assuming you're into scarves)?
• Simple eyelet scarf
• Chevron scarf
• Lacy and fuzzy
• Skinny rib knit (extra long for lots of wrapping)
• Leafy !
I really like the lacy and fuzzy one (in black would be spectacular!) and the simple eyelet scarf. The others either aren’t really my style or seem a little too heavy for wear in the South.

Like beer? What styles most appeal to you?
Yes, but I’m currently abstaining since I’m pregnant. Womp womp. When I can drink, I typically like really hoppy IPAs.

Like booze? What kinds?
See above. Gin, whiskey, and bourbon are my favorites. I hate rum.

Like Wine? What kinds?
Again, see above. Wine isn’t my favorite, but I’ll drink it occasionally. I like really dry wines, and champagne too.

For those who watch certain movies every year for Halloween, what are those movies, whether horror or not? Any favorite horror movies that aren't necessarily on the annual-viewing list? How do you feel about fan-made merch for these movies?
Oh, do we! Let’s see (in no particular order)… we don’t watch all of these each and every year, but many of them get at least one viewing per season: And yes to merch - most of our home decor is related to our favorite movies, many of which are listed below:

Hocus Pocus
The Witch
It Follows
Sleepy Hollow
Corpse Bride
Nightmare Before Christmas
Young Frankenstein
What We Do in the Shadows
House on Haunted Hill
Cabin in the Woods
The Shining
It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
Alien and Aliens
Silence of the Lambs
Rosemary’s Baby
The Birds
Nightmare on Elm Street
Blair Witch Project
Night of the Living Dead
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (from the 70s with Donald Sutherland)
Evil Dead
The Thing
They Live!
Trick R Treat
The Haunting
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night
Crimson Peak
The Others
The Babadook
Let the Right One In

Blade Runner (not strictly horror, but we usually watch it this time of year)
Jaws (not on the annual viewing list because we watch it for the 4th of July, but it’s a big fave)

New additions once they’re available for purchase/streaming or new this year:
Get Out
It Comes at Night

We also watch the Halloween episodes of The Office, Frasier, Modern Family, and Roseanne every year. I may have a problem. Maybe.

Here's a great local soapmaker I love--y'all see anything you would like? https://littleseedfarm.com/
GERANIUM ROSE!!!!! Holy crap, it’s so hard to find good geranium products. I’d LOVE to try that scent. Lavender, milk, vanilla bean, and the Bearwalker Beer Bar look wonderful too.

Do you want Fidget spinners, desk toys, or other frivolous things that you look at and decide you don't need enough to spend $ on but would make you happy to have?
No thanks!

Any love of hair toys, clips, ribbons, fascinators, mini hats, etc?
Clips, bobby pins, and the like would be great! Again, my hair is short (think grown-out pixie) and pretty fine, so anything more substantial than that would just fall right off my head!

What local goodies may be of interest? Local honey, jams, candy?
Anything! I’d adore local goodies that my Witch loves.

Are you interested in any subscription services like serial magazines, Birch box, ipsy?
Hmm, I’m not interested in those in particular.

Would you like funky Halloweenie costume makeup like Gothic eyelashes, nail effects, black lipstick, etc.?
YES! I love all that stuff, especially crazy huge lashes.

How do you like to listen to music? CD, 8 track tape, mix tape, Pandora or Spotify, I-tunes?
Pandora, Spotify, iTunes, YouTube, and vinyl (but I promise I’m not a vinyl snob!). If I buy a CD, I just burn it onto my computer and then donate it

Do you prefer reading on Kindle or actual book? What kind of books do you like? Would you like to be surprised with a scary, classic, horror book?
I prefer actual books, but I have a Kindle and purchase e-books from time to time too. I like classic literature, true crime, historical non-fiction, and a host of others. I’d love to be surprised with a scary, classic, horror book! Those are always welcome.

Candles, Incense, or wax tarts? Do you have favorite brands or Weenies scents for the home? Would you like to receive a wax tarts burner, incense burner, essential oils diffuser, or Halloweenie themed candle holders?
Candles or tarts are great! I have a tart burner, but a Halloween-themed one or Weenie candle holders would be fun!

Witchee: are you interested in crafting materials?
Aside from fabric (which I’m pretty picky about) or cross-stitch supplies, I’m probably pretty set.

Would you be interested in a set of hand-made hair falls? It's something I do for fun and I can make any length and do an array of colors!
I WISH! I have super short hair so it totally wouldn’t work on me, but oh are they beautiful!

If you could be ANY character from a film, TV show or book, who would it be and why?
I’m still mulling this one over.

If you could hop into a time machine and travel anywhere/anytime, where would it be and why?

If you could invite 3 famous people to a BPAL meet and sniff, who would invite?

If you were to receive something hand knit, what type of item would you like? hat, cowl, handwarmers, etc. and what color(s)?
I would absolutely love something hand-knit! A cowl, scarf or hoodie/scarf hybrid would be perfect! I’ll be relocating to Alabama at the end of September, so I’m afraid anything for super-cold weather wouldn’t get any more use.

I'm in Japan, is there anything specific from here you would want?
Oh gosh, I’m in a torrid affair with Kit Kats and I’d love to try some of the wacky Japanese flavors! Any other snacks or candy would be much appreciated too. Otherwise anything kitschy or especially Japanese-y would be cool! I’m also a big Cowboy Bebop fan, if that sort of thing is still available over there.

How do you feel about nail wraps?
I’d love to try some Halloween-inspired ones!


Are there any hobbies or crafts you've been thinking of trying, but haven't had the chance yet?
Knitting and crochet! I’m a southpaw and never really learned either properly, though I’d really like to. I have a sweater kit sitting in the bag it came in that I really need to get started on. One of these days!

Would you want to receive a custom spell kit or magical tea? If so, what purpose would you want it to be for?
No thank you.

Do you like poetry?
Yes! Love to read it, love to write it. I like contemporary stuff, Modern, and older stuff too. I was an English major in undergrad and focused a lot on poetry. Happy to provide more information if my Witch is poetically inclined as well.

Anyone like handmade critters, stuffed animals, or custom repaints?
I would love anything my crafty Witch wanted to make for me, including any of the above!

Would you enjoy any designer/specialty yarn for your own craftiness?
I’d like to master crochet or knitting first, but if my Witch is knowledgeable about yarn and sundries, I’d love some tips for great shops.

Would anyone like a donation made in their name to a cause or charity?
That would be wonderful. I’m a huge supporter of the ACLU; check my questionnaire for others. Also very big on pet and animal rescues.

Please provide wishes from the last two updates?
I lost all self-control and got bottles or decants of everything I was looking for in the last two updates, actually, but I know there will be a slew of Weenies that I’ll be lusting after!


Would you be interested in things from Future Primitive? (http://futureprimitivesoap.co.uk/)
OMG, literally all the autumn scents sound gorgeous. I’ve never ordered anything from this company, but I’d be up to try anything!

Are there any UK things you'd like to get?
ALL THE CADBURY PLS. (And not UK but close: If you happen to be in/around Northern Ireland, my husband’s family is from Ulster, and any related swag would be super cool.)

Are you into podcasts? If so, what are your favorites? Would you like any merch related to any of them? AM I?! I listen every day. My current faves are My Favorite Murder (I’m going to their live show in a few weeks, eeee!), Stuff You Missed in History Class, Lore, Last Podcast on the Left, and NoSleep. Would love some MFM merch, but I’m sure I’ll be picking some up at the live show. #ssdgm

Would you like something from Nui Cobalt Designs (https://nuicobaltdesigns.com/)?
Beautiful stuff! Nothing really jumps out at me, though.

Or maybe some of Christina's lovely Halloween candles at Sihaya & Co. (https://www.sihayaan...lection-candles)?
Holy crap, all three of those sound AMAZING. Such terrible enablers, you guys! I’m supposed to be saving money to move cross-country this month, sheesh!

ILNP? Who would love one of their awesome holos like MEGA or one of their amazing chromes? http://www.ilnp.com/
Again, I say HOLY CRAP. I think I mentioned in my questionnaire that I don’t usually have the time to paint my nails but OMG those are so beautiful I think I’d have to break that habit for some of those. I’m loving all the glittery ones and the black, blue, and purple fall ones.

Do you enjoy stationery? I'm thinking cute/quality notebooks, washi tape, stickers, fun pens etc. I do use notebooks a lot, though I have to admit most of my pretty ones are mostly all empty because I don’t want to muck them up! (Perfectionist brain is such a chore sometimes!) I usually use Moleskine or spiral notebooks, but backwards because I’m a leftie and can’t be bothered to have a coil of wire jammed into the side of my palm. Fun pens get a lot of use as well.

Are you interested in anything from Cocoa Pink?
- Or Haus of Gloi? I like Cocoa Pink but haven’t bought anything from them in a long time. Love Haus of Gloi, especially Ghost Puffs. I’ll check both sites and update accordingly when I have time to peruse properly.

Halloween Wreath? OMG they’re so beautiful! I’d love one, especially if my Witch is so inclined.

Are you interested in anything from the Moonalisa Halloween update? I haven’t checked out the update yet, but I do have several Weenie Moona scents that i enjoy.

What are your coffee and/or tea preferences? Love tea, love coffee. I’m trying to limit my caffeine intake lately, so decaf coffee and green, white, and herbal teas are preferred at the moment. I prefer coffee pods (I know, I know…) and loose leaf teas, but tea bags are great too.

How would you feel about receiving a hand-painted container for your bpal and/or other treasures?
- would you want a big wood box (~50 bottles), a small wood box (~20 bottles) or a tin for carrying imps around? An imp tin would be awesome! I had a couple cigarette cases that I used




SW 2012 Help #2

I think I'm getting close to maximum density (ha, that always makes me think of The Breakfast Club. Speaking of which, I love John Hughes movies too!) over in my other post, so all the overflow will go here.   Do you do Goodreads or LibraryThing or a site like that? If so, can I see your to-read list, please? I am on Goodreads but I’m horrible about updating it; still, I took a peek at my to-read list and it’s pretty accurate, though not comprehensive. I do own a few of the books on that list, so if you’re thinking of sending me any, best check with me first. http://www.goodreads.com/review/list/6131052-andrea?format=html&shelf=to-read   Zombies; Yay or Nay? I have a complicated relationship with zombies. I love The Walking Dead, but it gives me nightmares (even the graphic novels do!). Anything else zombie-related I have to stay far away from, even Sean of the Dead and Zombieland. The things that scare me the most aren’t chainsaw-wielding maniacs or paranormal spirits; it’s the things based in reality but tweaked ever so slightly that give me the creeps. So zombies fit the bill, being human and all, but they move strangely and their eyes are dead and they’re, you know, eating brains and such. J-horror is the worst though, oh my god, with the black eyes and the stringy black hair, the inhuman sounds. The Ring gave me nightmares for months, and still does from time to time even though I only saw it once. If you have cats, do they like catnip toys? If you have doggies, would they like a super-reinforced canvas toy with a squeaker in it? My cats would love catnip toys! They turn into American Catiators whenever they get nipped; it’s turned into a great source of entertainment in our house.   If you have kids, what are they into? Arthur and Rita are into catnip, snuggling, lounging in the sun, and tuna. That’s about it. They’re living the sweet life.   How do you feel about wearable knitted lace? Shawls, wraps, and the like? That would be nice! Maybe a small scarf that’s more fashion than function? Black or grey would get the most use. Looking at the warehouse, I notice that our lovely Greenwoodtree is able to do chart readings and/or forecasts at a very reasonable rate. Is this something you would want? No, thank you.   I live in Japan. Anything you would be interested in from there? ERMAGERD. YES. ANYTHING.   Candy Corn: yes, no? YES! I also really love those little candy corn pumpkin dealies. Any fun-sized candy will be happily eaten.   For those who like tea, what sorts of tea do you like? Green and herbal! Black tea is a little strong for my liking, as I don’t like to sugar my tea, but I love the way it smells. J As I mentioned before, you can’t go wrong with jasmine tea; rose is harder to find but just as good, and chrysanthemum too.     WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH YOUR ASS OFF!!! movies, comedians, black humor, your partner, a comic strip? what? Oh my, so many things. I have a very dry, nerdy sense of humor. According to the 3-variable funny test, I’m The Wit.   Here’s the copy for my results: “your humor style: CLEAN | COMPLEX | DARK   You like things edgy, subtle, and smart. I guess that means you're probably an intellectual, but don't take that to mean pretentious. You realize 'dumb' can be witty--after all isn't that the Simpsons' philosophy?--but rudeness for its own sake, 'gross-out' humor and most other things found in a fraternity leave you totally flat.   I guess you just have a more cerebral approach than most. You have the perfect mindset for a joke writer or staff writer.   Your sense of humor takes the most thought to appreciate, but it's also the best, in my opinion.   You probably loved the Office. If you don't know what I'm talking about, check it out here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/comedy/theoffice/.   PEOPLE LIKE YOU: Jon Stewart - Woody Allen - Ricky Gervais”   This is very accurate. I love the Simpsons (and Futurama! – If you were to listen to conversations between my husband and I, you’d come to the conclusion that we’re staff writers for Futurama. I wish…) and Woody Allen, and OMG Christopher Guest and Wes Anderson are the best. I also really like George Carlin, Monty Python (and British humor in general), Arrested Development, and I have a fleeting affinity to Judd Apatow movies (sometimes they’re funny, most times not, but I enjoy watching them all the same). I HATE HATE HATE Adam Sandler (except in The Wedding Singer and Spanglish) and Dane Cook makes me want to hurl things at my tv. I love Will Ferrell’s SNL sketches too, and most of Joss Whedon’s humor. My favorite movies in my questionnaire reflect my taste pretty well, I think.   You are meeting up with someone on a casual lunch/early afternoon thing. This person is someone you want to impress/look good for (for whatever reason, not necessarily romantic, and not necessarily for business either). What would you look like, given the contents of your wardrobe/etc? I have this Anna Sui dress that I bought from Anthropologie a couple years ago – it’s really thick cotton, with a black spaghetti strap top and a carnival-print cornflower blue bottom and an exposed zipper in the back. I’d pair it with a red belt, red flats, and a blue cardigan (slightly darker than the skirt of the dress). It’s my favorite outfit ever, and I get a lot of use out of it.   You are to be let loose in a clothing store of your choice, to pick a full outfit, down to the shoes, the accessories, etc. and things would be altered to fit you if needed. What store would that be, and what would you look like? If I didn’t make it myself (which I’m trying to do these days since it’s fun and I can be really creative with prints and such), any full outfit I’d choose if money were no object would come from Anthropologie. I love that store so intensely, but it’s too expensive for me to shop at on a regular basis. I’m going to peruse their catalog now and see what I can come up with. For the record, I’m terrible at choosing shoes and accessories. I end up wearing the same glittery ballet flats everyday and the same jewelry (except for earrings) day in and day out. OK, I’m loving this dress: http://www.anthropologie.com/anthro/product/25801085.jsp   But I’m 5’8” and I have a feeling the factory length would be obscene on me, so I’d probably have to add a couple inches to the hem; otherwise, it’s perfect. I really like this one too: http://www.anthropologie.com/anthro/product/25777814.jsp   But I think it would look really boxy on me. Still, the print is beautiful. I would probably pair both of those dresses with nice tall boots, something like these perhaps: http://www.anthropologie.com/anthro/product/25461641.jsp   For all I know they’d all look terrible together, but I have a tendency to wear flats or tall boots with all my skirts and dresses, so it would at least be in keeping with my usual style. You open a box from the post office to reveal the 3 things you want most right now. What are they? (caveats: size doesn't matter, but they have to be tangible/buyable). One of the VM clockwork kitty perfumes (OMG I WANT TO SQUEEZE THEM!), a cute Halloween decor item, and this book.   What is your holy grail "I'd kill to just have one drop in an imp" bpal scent? Oh gosh. I’ve been incredibly lucky to try most of the BPAL unicorns like Storyville, Crumpet Rebellion, and Gothabilly. I have been dying to try some of the HTF leather blends, though – a drop of Dead Man’s Hand or Brom Bones would slay me. I actually had a bottle of DMH in my cart during the last Etsy update, but of course my BFE internet service was too slow and I missed out on the lone bottle. I wasn’t too devastated because I figured someone else would want to snatch it up too, but it was a nail-biting few minutes; I’ll say that much!   If you wear earrings, do you have pierced ears? Yes, I do! All earrings are good earrings! Are there any existing Weenies that you have your eye on, but haven't gotten around to getting? The only thing I wished I had ordered a decant of but didn’t is The Bloody Banister. My new job is at a consignment store where we have all kinds of designer brands for very reasonable prices. Are there designer clothes/purses/sunglasses that you desire/love? (Give some indication as to your "style" as well. For example, do you like bohemian-style frocks in lavender? Crossbody purses in black? Sunglasses that are round and bug-like?) I love retro (anywhere from 1930s-1980s, but especially 40s - early 60s) patterned (floral, abstract, animals, general nostalgia) dresses and skirts. I'm a size 4-6 in modern clothes, which usually translates to a 12 in sewing patterns and usually in vintage stuff (I'm 36-27-36 if that helps!). I have more sunglasses than I know what to do with, and I like structured bags in bright colors.   I realize that we had a similar question in the ?aire, but I need you Witchee-s to list at least 5 items, each ranging $20 and under from Amazon.com or Walmart.com. Let's check my trusty wishlist: 1Q84 Couture Sewing Techniques The Rise of Rome Packing for Mars Vogue Sewing In the meantime, let me know what you like to do on the Internet to kill time. Flash games? What are your daily websites/blog visits, or favorite YouTube videos? I have to remind myself to revisit this. I have lots but I don't have the time just now to search for them all.   And what are your favourite characters from your fandoms? Oh goodness, I could go on FOREVER about this. Hmmmm.... If you want to know more (or why) dear Witch, let me know and I'll happily go into detail.   Breaking Bad, my favorite characters are Saul and Mike. Battlestar Galactica - Gaeta and Romo Lampkin (and Starbuck of course; I have a Starbuck-related tattoo on my arm. If you're familiar with the show you can guess what it is). Arrested Development - Franklin Bluth and Gene Parmesan The Simpsons - Moe and Maggie, also Senor Ding Dong and Troy McClure if we're branching out a bit.   I think those are the only movies/shows I'm obsessed with that could be considered to have fandoms.   The end of this month I'm going to Scarefest, the big horror and paranormal con in Kentucky. (www.scarefest.com) If I were your witch, is there anything you would like from there (skull jewelry, art prints from an artist that catch your eye, etc), or anyone whose autograph or photo or such you would dig? I want to check out the website and get back to you; I doubt any of my fandoms would be represented there, but you never know! I would love any sort of kitschy Halloween item - I like monsters, witches, ghosts and the like. Just no scary zombies or dead Japanese girls, please!   Stuffed things? I LOVE stuffed animals (and I have recently started a collection of bears in Halloween costumes, inspired by Parker Posey's meltdown in Best in Show)! I love those giant Squishables dealies - OMG, they are so cute. I love the kitties, the bears, the pink poodle, the walrus, the pegasus, and the manatee! Witchee, would you like it if I made you a "mix tape" of songs that I think you might like? And if so, would you prefer mp3 or CD format? That would be so much fun! Format isn't an issue; I can play either, so whichever is easier for you if you want to go that route.   My Little Pony... Cute or meh? Love them! I'm a child of the 80s and MLP were my toys of choice from age 3 to about 8. I still proverbially kick myself for allowing my mom to sell my entire collection at a garage sale when I got "too old" for them. It was my decision, for crying out loud! What was I thinking? I like Friendship is Magic too, but the new ponies creep me out. I REALLY love personalized ponies, though. My sister (not really my sister, but my best friend of 21 years) made me a pair of ponies for xmas one year - Adama and Starbuck ponies! (My relationship with BSG is a bit... unhealthy... if you haven't gleaned that already. )   Lip balm - tube or tin? Tube! I hate when my fingers get all goopy and I never bother to grab a brush to apply, so tins are never a good option. The only exception is if the scent is to-die-for and only available in tin form, e.g. Blooddrop's apple cider doughnut. Would you like to receive a journal or sketchbook? How about other pretty paper goods like post-its, notepads, bookmarks, letter paper/envelopes? I would love a journal, notepads, or bookmarks! I also go through a lot of blank notecards, as I throw them into my sales/swaps packages.   Are you interested in audiobooks? If so, any specific titles? I can't say I've ever listening to an audio book before. I'm really a traditionalist when it comes to books, though - I need pages!   Bar soaps with some scrubby bits, yes or no? Sure! I don't do scrubs on my face, and sugar scrubs would just bring ants (one of the myriad problems with living in Florida), but I don't mind if my soap has scrubbers. Do you need any small electronic gadgets like flash drives and the like? I think we're set; I keep a flash drive in my purse at all times and I'm pretty sure we have a box full of them somewhere.   Would you like a pair of knitted socks? YES! Any color, pattern, whatever. I can never say no to socks, homemade or store bought!   Do you have any use for knitted dishcloths, facecloths, etc, especially if they were fandom related? YES, YES, and OMG YES! Do you subscribe to any sample boxes, and if so, which ones? Would you like to receive some samples? (perfume, eco/"green," skin care, hair, music downloads, cosmetics, soap...) I do not; a soap box might be nice, but I have a very particular skin care regimen and I don't wear much makeup, so the others would be lost on me.   Do you have a problem with nudes? Nope! Tasteful nudes in art are welcome, and I wouldn't turn down a silly nudie pen as a gag gift.   Are there any other e-tailers you're desperately wanting to try? if so, any specific items/scents/etc? The wishlist in my signature is pretty extensive and includes a lot of etailers. I'm most looking forward to trying some of the VM clockwork kitties if I can find them.   ThinkGeek: anything interesting to you on there? I love ThinkGeek! I have a few of their mugs on my Amazon wishlist.   What's one thing you want, right now, that you're having difficulty finding? Ugh, a good soap dish! All the decorative ones I can find don't drain at all, and I want to keep my nice smellies in good condition so they last as long as possible. I had thought of something else last night, but I can't recall it now.   Who here is going to be picking up JK Rowling's new book on Thursday? Not me. What do you do to take care of yourself when you're having a rough day (sick, life not going your way, whatever)? It invariably involves some from-scratch macaroni and cheese, one of my favorite comedies (see the appropriate questionnaire ?), and lots of coffee.   Favorite and Least Favorite Baked Goods Chocolate anything (except brownies with nuts - nutted baked goods are my only caveat), cookies, breads, anything is fine by me, honestly. I love me some baked goods.   T Shirt sizes: I prefer babydoll or women's fit shirts and I'm generally a small in those unless they run snug, in which case a medium would work. FWIW I am DEFINITELY a women's small in TeeFury and Threadless boatnecks; I'm a girly medium in regular Threadless tees. In standard unisex sizing I'm a small since they don't normally run any smaller than that. I can fit into a boys' XL too, if the design isn't available in adult sizing.   Note: I'm stealing VioletChaos' responses for the following two questions: I found a fantastic little shop while traveling that had unusual jellies and jams. Would you be interested in trying something like Georgia Moonshine Jelly or TOE Jam (each letter stands for some kind of fruit, I don't remember which ones) or something similar? How about homemade jam in general? I will not be interested in any jams containing booze flavors, mint or meat (like bacon jam. No, please! ) However, any mix of any kind of fruit will be welcome with open arms, as will Fruit Jam's sophisticated cousin, the Butter. As in, Pumpkin Butter, Apple Butter and the like.   Would you be interested in homemade herbal remedies and tinctures? I don't think I'd be comfortable with a tincture, but if you wanted to make a salve for me, I would be open to that.   Witchee, do you want anything from the Haunt update coming up on 10/3? I know it might be too early to say, but if you could look at the preview on the night of 10/2 and let me know if you want anything... I certainly might! I plan to stalk that update; I haven't found anything from Haunt worth keeping yet, but I'm sure I will soon.   Owls? I think they're neat, but I don't have any particular affinity to them.   Do any of Villainness' Soap Box exclusive scents interest you, especially any of the Smooches/Whippeds? I don't think the Smooches are my kind of thing, with the sugar and all. It's a shame too because I would love to use a scrub, but the sugar would surely cause an infestation. As far as the Whippeds go, Autumn Gala, Candy Floss Cupcake, Ginger Snapped, and especially Quick or Dead (which seems to be on the Villainess site only) sound really nice.   Puddin' just put a shitton of old Lunacy shirts on the BPTP Etsy! Any ones interest you? I like the looks of the Sugar Moon and the 2011 Bony Moon. And OMG, the 2012 Beaver Moon... I love it.   Gardening? I try! It's very difficult to grow things here because the ground is all sand, no soil at all. We've had success growing asparagus and tomatoes, but nothing else. I'd love some heirloom seeds to try my hand at growing in pots, though.   Do you use or would like to try loose eyeshadow pigments? As I mentioned in one of my posts in the thread, I find them messy. I prefer the traditional panned shadows.   Is there anything you might want from the latest update (Lab or TP)? I ordered a few decants and half bottles from my decantress and still waiting on my first Weenies. I'm really looking forward to Mischief and Third Charm - those are the only two that seem like possible bottle upgrades. And OMG, have you read the Will Call threads yet, Witch? There's an Autumn Lace proto! *dies* Red Lace is my favorite red musk scent, so I'm really looking forward to that one.   What's a new company to you that you most want to try a product from or what would be a new product to you that you most want to try (make-up, perfume, or bath/body)? Hmmmm. I've tried a little bit from most companies, but I have yet to try anything from Moxie Nouveau (and some of their permanent scents sound really nice!) and I'd like to. I'd also like to try some of Paintbox's lotions and the Post's candles and massage oils. If you like necklaces, what are some symbols or images that you would love to have a necklace depict? (ex. spiders, skulls, hearts...?) Despite what I put in my questionnaire, I would love a fun necklace or pendant! No spiders, please, but anything retro Halloweeny (like the classic Universal monsters, witches, pumpkins, black cats, etc.) would be awesome! I have a few things favorited on Etsy too, like Edgar Allan Poe and Hunter S. Thompson pendants. They might give you a better idea of my taste. I don't really wear bracelets or anklets, and earrings would get the most wear, but I'm a sucker for a fun necklaces too.   Arcana update - interested? I shouldn't have looked, but I did. Little Ghoulie sounds good, but Spirit and Shadow sounds PERFECT.   If you had a fairy for NYCC, what exclusive scent would you kill to own? I have a fairy for Badgers and Nymphes, but the Hattie's atmo sounds AMAZING!   What do you think of Shiro Cosmetics Halloween Collection? (www.shirocosmetics.com) ZOIDBERG!!! Woop woop woop woop!   The Godiva Halloween Collection: Everything sounds fantastic!   Would you be interested in comic books and if so what ones do you read or what genre of comics are you interested in? I would love some old comics (or Calvin and Hobbes strips)!   WITCHEE, DO YOU WANT ANYTHING FROM CALIFORNIA? Sure, but I don't have any specific requests.   IngenuiTEAs? One of those would be so useful. I am the laziest of the lazy when it comes to tea-brewing.   Honeycrisp "Apple Crips" (Dried honeycrisp apples, nothing added.) DO YOU WANT SOME WITCHEE????? OMG YES! I miss good, plentiful apples.   Design a tea? Hmmm, I missed the link for this, but I would love to design my own tea - anything rose, jasmine, or green tea-based would be lovely.   FusionSweets? (etsy) Ugh, anything! It all looks so good! But holy shipping charges, Batman! I'd rather have something you made yourself.   Poe Day? Dark Del merch in general?   Kombucha?   Are you dressing up for Halloween, Witchee? If so, is there anything you're looking for to complete your costume? I'm having a heck of a time finding a pipe (a snorfblat, if you want to get technical!), but everything else has already been procured. Do you need any accessories for your smartphone (case, skin, etc)?




Switch Witch 2012 Stalk Fodder

Howdy, Witch o' mine! Here are a few links that may help you better stalk me. Everything is completely updated, though I may continue to add to them throughout the round, as I send my wishlists to my parents for gift ideas too. But PLEASE do not feel obligated to purchase anything from any of these lists; I only hope they might give you a glimpse into my eclectic tastes.   I'll keep a log of all my in-thread answers here too in case you don't have time to read dozens of pages each day. Thank you for being my Witch; I hope I get the opportunity to thank you properly at the end of the round!   Etsy Pinterest Amazon   Q and A:   Do you like s'mores and s'mores-flavored things? Yes! I love chocolate, marshmallow, and graham in any combination you could imagine.   Would you enjoy receiving cute but useful items like colorful kitchen utensils/gadgets, or bento supplies? (boxes, chopsticks, accessories, etc?) What about things like spice mixes (homemade, or Penzey's for example)? Yes, anything like that would get a great deal of use, especially spice mixes and any kind of baking mix. I'm in the kitchen all the time.   What's the neatest freebie you've gotten? It can be cool or thoughtful or just totally unexpected, and not limited to BPALdom. Every experience I've had on the forum has exceeded my expectations a million times over; I'm just proud to be part of such a generous group of wonderful people.   Do you like cute, seasonal or fluffy PJ bottoms? Like they sell at Target, Old Navy (they have had cute Halloween ones!) If so, what size do you wear? I love them, the seasonal ones especially!!! I'm generally a small or medium in juniors'/women's pj pants.   What kind of chocolate do you like? All kinds, but milk chocolate especially, though I do like dark chocolate in small quantities (or with sea salt and caramel, yum!). No nuts, though, please. Hazelnuts are good, though.   I live near a Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, and Penzeys! What does your little heart desire from any or all of these places? I don't have any of those nearby, and to be honest, it's been so long since I've been to a WF or TJ's that I wouldn't even know what's worth getting. But if you have any favorites from these stores, Witch, I would love to try them!   Are home made foods acceptable or does the idea of eating strange mailed food disturb you? As long as they don't have bites taken out of them, sure! It's still in the low 90s here, though, so anything that might melt will. Packaged chocolates and candies can be popped into the fridge, but anything that can't is best avoided.   I just gave you $20 and sent you into a "has everything" store ala Walmart and told you that you have to come out having spent it all, and none of it on anything you need. What would you buy? Be as specific as possible! I also avoid Walmart, but at a Target-like store I'd get a Cadbury Milk bar, a Diet Coke, Freeman Avocado and Oatmeal clay mask, some Swedish fish (red ones only), a candle (the little soy ones at Target now are fantastic!), and orange or purple string lights (we decorate the interior and exterior of our house with them each Halloween).   What kind of cuisines do you like? And, what are your favorite restaurants? I try to avoid chain restaurants as much as possible, but I like all sorts of cuisine: Chinese, Lebanese, Thai, Japanese/sushi, Ethiopian, Mexican, Korean, greasy dive American, Italian, organic/vegetarian places, Greek... need I go on?   I'm from Canada - is there anything specifically a witchee might like that is only available here? I used to buy these maple leaf-shaped cookies with maple-flavored filling that were TO DIE FOR when I lived across the border. I'd LOVE more if my Witch is local.   Do you have an eReader and if so which one? Nope, tangible books for me, please!   What are your "fandoms" and would you like a t-shirt from TeeFury if an appropriate one came up? OMG, YES! And FYI - TeeMagnet compiles the daily shirts of several sites, so that's worth looking at too. Hmm... let's see... I'm trying to think of franchises I've seen through TeeFury recently: Breaking Bad, Battlestar Galactica, Back to the Future, Dr. Horrible, Calvin and Hobbes, Mass Effect, Walking Dead, Arrested Development, and Buffy are the big ones, but I'm sure there are others I'm forgetting at the moment. I'm a women's small in their shirts.   Do you like candles, or tart burners, or something? If so, what's your favorite scent to burn? Yes to both! I love vanilla-based and foodie scents (like buttercream and cupcakes) and autumn scents as well - apples, woods, leaves, spices, and the like. Yankee's Autumn Wreath and Soft Blanket, Woodwick's Applewood, Bakery Cupcake, and Harvest Blessings are some of my favorites, but I never turn down a good candle or tart, regardless of brand. I just bought candles from Target (no brand name IIRC) in Autumn Harvest, Exotic Woods, and Silver Birch; those are beautiful too. In short - candles and wax tarts = win.   Would you be interested in washable/reusable muslin “paper” towels (basically muslin squares hemmed around the edge)? Maybe in some sort of box to put on your kitchen or bathroom counter? Oh, that would be perfect! I'm slowly making the transition to paperless in the kitchen, so this would be right up my alley and greatly appreciated!   Marzipan? Not a fan, sorry.   Do you drink alcohol and if so, would you be OK with your witch sending you homemade infused vodka? Also, does your state allow alcohol to be shipped through the mail? I love craft beer, but I'm afraid I can no longer handle hard liquor. My college days beat that right out of me. I really don't know whether it's legal or not to ship alcohol to Florida, but it's not worth the trouble IMO.   If you get me (or a fellow Aussie, if there are any playing this round) as a witch or witch's minion, would you like to try some Australian specialties, such as TimTams (delicious chocolately cookies), Caramello Koalas (koala shaped chocolates filled with gloopy caramel), Australian native spices or anything like that? Yes to all the Aussie things!!! I LOVE TimTams and Koalas, and I remember this chicken-flavored snack that I ate a lot when I was visiting back in 2001, but I can't recall what they were, exactly. Not chips, maybe more like crunchy stick-like things? But anyway, anything Australian or insert your nationality here!) would be fantastic.   If your witch is a knitter, crocheter or sewer, is there a particular type of garment you would love to receive (hat, scarf, wrap, cowl, socks, fingerless gloves, arm warmers etc)? It's never cold enough to receive hats and gloves, but I would cherish some homemade socks or arm/leg warmers! I am a sewer myself, so if you have any patterns (current or vintage) that are gathering dust, send 'em my way!   Is there anyone else in your house (kids, pets, partner) that would really appreciate a small gift being included for them in the switchwitchy haul so they don't feel left out? The kitties would appreciate treats or toys, but please don't go out of your way! My husband is one of those people that buys whatever he wants and has expensive hobbies, but he always eats any food that comes through the mail.   Since it's been mentioned several times, and I've also offered to nacho witch some, would you you like to receive wild rice and or maple syrup? I promise to include recipe ideas with the wild rice. That would be pretty fantastic.   I have 5 bushels of tomatoes sitting in the kitchen right now that are supposed to turn into red sauce tomorrow, so would anyone like a basic red sauce (spaghetti sauce) to make its way to them? Yes, please!   Some of your favorite artists? Classic and modern? I wish I knew more about art history than I do; I like art nouveau, art deco, impressionism, romanticism... most other things too. Art speaks to me, I just don't know the language. I love Frida Kahlo and Bruegel's "Fall of Icarus," more specifically. I really like Lichtenstein and Edward Gorey too. If you're an art buff, Witch, I'd love to see what some of your favorites are!   If you could have an image or certain subject painted for you on any type of "canvas" (on a box, on paper, on a canvas, and so on) - could you point your witch to some of these images? I can't tell you how great something like this would be! Anything referencing my favorites movies, tv shows, books, BPAL, or even something Halloween-related would be fantastic.   Is there a GC scent that's been on your list for ages but keeps falling off the bottom of your order because of the LEs? Ouija, The Apothecary, Carnal, and Snake Oil - I still don't have a bottle of SO for aging! Mouse Circus and Norman are on the short list too, but since those are special issue I should probably leave them off.   Nail Polishes? Oh yes! Brights, metallics, glitters - you name it! I'm also looking for a black glittery/holographic solid base color. Any suggestions would be awesome if you're a connoisseur, Witch!   Are there any crafts/skills you've wanted to learn but haven't gotten around to? And if so, would you be interested in supplies and tutorials? I can always use more craft stuff! I do cross stitch and I'm an intermediate seamstress, so Aida fabric (size 14 or 16), fabric, acrylic paint, picture frames (5x7 especially!), fabric, and sewing patterns would be most welcome! Seriously, Goodwill and the Salvation Army is a fantastic place to find cheap dress patterns from the 20s - 80s; I don't think I could ever have too many of those! I'd LOVE to learn to crochet; I've always been afraid to since I'm left-handed and I'm terrible at understanding patterns (spatial reasoning: I don't has it). If you're a pro, Witch, and have some tips or tricks, I would be SO appreciative.   Who here would be happy to get a lil' sumthin sumthin from Adagio Teas? --> http://www.adagio.com Sure! I love their jasmine pearls and I like most herbal teas too. My favorite go-to tea is Stash Tea's Jasmine Blossom Green Tea because I can buy it through Amazon - quick and easy!   Do you Ravelry? And if so, what's your handle over there? Would you be interested in gift patterns from your queue? I don't; knitting and crochet are not my forte, though I'd love to learn to crochet. However, my southpawness and terrible sense of spatial relationships make it difficult to learn. Wah.   Who likes Pumpkin Spice Hershey Kisses? Not me. I love regular Hershey Kisses, though!   I live near this very cool retro store (you can order online too) - are there things from it that would make you squee if your witch sent them? Yay, retro stuff! What a great store! Let's see... these are all things that fit with my taste: Ride 'Em Cowboy Towel set Sew Retro Kit Kat Clock ASTRONAUT BARBIE KEYCHAIN (OMG, I LOVE THIS!) Hot Rod Pin-Up Girl necklace   How would you feel about a taste of (insert witch location here) box? I would love something like that!   Last year, my wonderful witch Alethia adopted a bat for me from batworld.org, a bat rescue and sanctuary. Bat's World Would you be interested in having a bat adopted in your name? Absolutely. I spent a good portion of my evening reading their bios. I wish I could adopt all of them! Check with me on any other charities though; I'd like to read up on them first.   What does your kitchen look like? Colors/style? Big kitchen is big. We have lots of space in the kitchen and it's my favorite room in the house. Our house is pretty new (built in 2006) so everything is very modern - stainless appliances, cherry finish on the cupboards, and the same taupe-ish color that's in the rest of the house.   Put your iPod/MP3 player/what-have-you on random and list the first 10 songs it plays! Learning to Fly - Pink Floyd Christmas Wrapping - The Waitresses Gentle Execution - Bear McCreary (Battlestar Galactica Season 3 OST) I Believe in You - Frank Sinatra Super Freak - Rick James You Don't Fool Me - Queen Hip to be Square - Huey Lewis and the News My Boyfriend's Back - The Angels Creep - Stone Temple Pilots I've Just Seen a Face - Jim Sturgess (Across the Universe OST)   What's one random thing you really like and one random thing you really dislike? Like: pigs Dislike: lotus clusters   Are there any herbs that you haven't been able to lay hands on that I could send you? I grow what I need, for the most part. To echo a few other people, freshly dried herbs would be most welcome! And lavender or rose to make sachets.   If there are no "witchy" shops near you, is there anything I can pick up for you from Enchantments? Neat place! Nothing really jumps out at me though.   Are you OK with "special deliveries"? *waggles eyebrows* I am not okay with strange delivery persons hugging be, but anything else would be fine! I work from home, so I'm usually at the house, but it'd be best to check with me through a ringleader or an ecard if you're planning something for a specific day.   What are some things you are OK with receiving gently used or homemade, and some things you absolutely do not want if they are gently used or homemade? I'm fine with most things being used; socks, shoes, and undergarments are an exception - yuck! As I mentioned in my questionnaire, I don't care if books are falling apart at the seams.   Ninja vs Pirates?   I'm about to be near a Lush store next week, is there anything you might like from there? I've never tried ANYTHING from Lush, but I'd like to! I have no use for bath bombs or anything else that must be used in a tub, but if you have any favorites that you think I'd enjoy, send 'em along!   Songs that you keep meaning to buy but never get round to it? Not really; I haven't purchased music in years. I just listen to internet radio.   Movies that you love but forgot to put in your questionaire? Alien! American Beauty! Two of my absolute favorites and I'm pretty sure I forgot to mention them. The Dark Knight, Clue, and Fear and Loathing, too. Take Me Home Tonight and Cabin in the Woods are recent favorites.   Name one movie you keep meaning to buy, but just never get around to getting? Hmmm. I can't think of anything right now, so I must be pretty well stocked!   Any favorite Bath & Body Works scents/products? I haven't used anything but their candles and hand soap in years.   Haus of Gloi is offering custom perfumes - would you like one? What would your ideal blend be? I've had my eye on a leather, leaf pile, white oak, and tonka blend, but I haven't ordered it yet (planning to, though). Also thinking about lavender, marshmallow, vanilla bean, and vanilla sugar. I   Any Bath, Body or nutritional type items you would love to try from a Natural and Organic food store (similar to Whole Foods) that you don't buy because they are a bit too pricey? Oh gosh, I really don't know. Nothing specific right now, I'm afraid.   Witchee, will you be gone from your normal mailing address at any point during the round? Nope - I'll be home!   Are you a Disney fan or does even thinking about Disney make your head hurt? If you're into Disney, would you like something from the Happiest Place on Earth ? I am a HUGE Disney fan! I was Ursula for Halloween last year, and am currently making two Ariel costumes for this year (a mermaid tail and purple shells and her blue town dress). I would love something from Disney. Despite living in Florida, Disney is far enough away from us to be an enormous hassle to get to. I haven't been in years, and my husband never has, even though he's lived in Florida for more than 10 years. Isn't that terrible?   have an extra room spray and 2 extra bath oils (one Cephalopod, one Exhibit Hall Fatigue) from Dragon*Con - would anybody like a decant? No thank you; I had a lovely and very generous fairy for D*Con.   I live near a Mast General Store. It has lots of vintage-y toys, southern foods (jams, jellies, spices) and vintage candy. Is there anything I can get for you? I'm not familiar with the company, but anything like that would be great! I'm not a fan of pepper jelly, but anything else would be nice!   Do you have any Fall or Halloween traditions? Do we?!! We have a party every year and I decorate to the hilt! Lots of colored lights and garlands; light-up pumpkins and silly Halloween stuff - we don't really do scary. Zombies and the girl from The Ring terrify me to the core, so I like to keep it pretty light, but there isn't a corner of the house that doesn't get decorated. We dress up and make our own costumes, too, and spend all day of Devil's Night (the 30th) carving pumpkins and preparing goodies for our party. BTW (you know, in case you care, heh) - the best way I've found to carve intricate jack-o-lanterns is to use a seam ripper to transfer the pattern and use an X-acto knife to carve. Oh, and be sure to rub Vaseline over the carved areas when you're done so the design stays moist and intact as long as possible. We watch our favorite scary/seasonal movies every year too - Hocus Pocus; Halloween; The Lost Boys; The Shining; The Nightmare Before Christmas; It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown; Carrie; Christine; Creepshow; Something Wicked This Way Comes; all of the Simpsons' Treehouses of Horror; Beetlejuice, Corpse Bride, Scream; Psycho; Sleepy Hollow... you get the idea. I really like the Halloween episodes of Roseanne, even though I've never watched a regular episode of the show.   Dear witchee, would you, could you use an electric candle warmer? i'm talking something like this. That thing is so neat! I really enjoy lighting my candles, and the cats stay far away from them, so I wouldn't really need it. Still, a fantastic idea!   Do you lust after some new socks/tights? I can never have enough socks! I love the cheapies from Target; they don't last very long, but for a dollar, who cares? I used to love wearing tights, but I don't have much use for them anymore since it's always hot here. I like legwarmers too, but socks would never go unappreciated.   Are you a gamer (of any sort - video, casual, tabletop) and are there any games you want? I'm really into card games and board games, and I'm a Mass Effect fangirl too. We've been playing a lot of Munchkin and Cards Against Humanity lately, and I'd love one of the CAH expansion packs (available on Amazon). I also collect playing cards from Vegas casinos; if you have any lying around that aren't getting any use, I'd love them!   Would you be interested in BPTP CANDY? I'm not foaming at the mouth for them, but if they were a freebie in an order I'd probably eat them. The tin is adorable!   Do you like coffee? If so, what kinds? Flavored, fancy, basic? Beans or ground? ALL YOUR COFFEE BELONG TO ME! Coffee is always appreciated in our house; I generally prefer the taste of whole bean, but I buy ground sometimes too because I've found that flavored coffees often aren't available in some of the more obscure flavors. I don't like fruit-flavored coffee, but hazelnut-, vanilla-, and chocolate-based flavors are good. I run the gamut on regular coffee too - I like lighter breakfast blends and super dark roasts too.   Would a Starbucks gift card make you happy or do you prefer your local place? The only Starbucks nearby is inside our local Target, and to be honest, I hate the way they brew their coffee. I buy their whole beans occasionally, but I'm always disappointed. So no, please no Starbucks coffee. If you do have a card you're not using though, I do love their mugs and biscotti, so it would not go wasted.   On the subject of pottery: YES, PLEASE!!! We never have enough coffee mugs (and I love those oversized ones). Any colors you have on hand would be fine, but I'm partial to blues, yellows, purples, and black. I can't overemphasize how awesome it would be to receive a mug made by my Witch!   Do you have a forum buddy? Someone who knows you and/or your tastes well enough to answer questions on your behalf? I do! Honey is my bestest forum buddy and I trust her to answer anything you're able to throw at her. If you are on Livejournal, would you appreciate LJ stuff like paid time, custom userheads, stuff like that? If you are NOT on LJ but are on other sites that have similar paid-for services (Flickr, for example?) would you, and what are those sites/etc? That's such a generous offer, but I'm not on LJ enough to warrant something like that.   Would you like your own set of handmade rune stones or worry stones? No, thank you; I wouldn't even know what to do with them!   If you are into tarot, what is your favorite card? I think tarot art is beautiful, but again, it's something I know nothing about.   Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, cider, or none of the above? All of the above! I'm easy to please. I've already mentioned my preferences for coffee and tea, and any hot chocolate and apple cider is fine by me.   Gum, hard candy, soft candy, or none of the above? I don't care much for gum or hard candy (though I love butterscotch candies), but I like soft candy, like soft caramel chews, Starburst, Twizzlers (not black licorice, just the cherry/strawberry/generic red!), and the like. Generally, though, I always go for chocolate, and Cadbury Dairy Milk is always my first choice. I like my share of salty snacks too.   Loose tea or tea bags? Do you need anything for your loose tea? (Filters, presses, etc.) I use tea bags, but only because I have nothing to put loose tea in. I much prefer loose tea, but I have never bothered to get an infuser. Whenever I do buy loose tea, I just drink around it. I would love an infuser or whatnot to put my loose tea in, however, if you know of a good, reasonably priced one!



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