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Start of the Fall 2013 Switch O'Ween!

Hello Witch Dear! I'm so excited to meet you, you have no idea!   I'll be keeping all the questions from the main thread here so that I can be as verbose as I want without feeling like I'm boring people If there's anything extra that you want to know, please feel free to email me!   Are you a fan of anything that you would like a tshirt of? If so, what size would you wear? I love The Hobbit and Doctor Who most of all, and I would love shirts of either! I wear an XL or a XXL   Do you love, hate, or are indifferent to.....pumpkin flavored things? Mostly indifferent. Most pumpkin-flavored things tend to be very heavy on the spice or too sweet, so I skip these and get all the chocolate instead .   Dear future Witchee, did you get anything from the Beaver Moon or Weenie updates that I need to know about, so I don't accidentally repeat anything? Nope! The Lunacies very rarely work on me, and neither of these sounded good enough to me to drop the cash on them. And the single note also didn't call to me, so I'm good.   Name some DVDs you wouldnt mind receiving, or are they on an Amazon list? The new edition of Little Mermaid (Disney)! I'm collecting all the re-releases of the Disney classics. I'd also love to have a copy of your favorite movie, Witch Dear!   Do you want anything from Starbucks or Teavana? Tea, tea makers, rock sugar, tea tins, coffee, via, via refreshers, mugs, tazo tea...? No thanks! I'm not a tea or coffee person, but I do have an insane love of hot chocolate and apple cider!   Halloween Candy, Decorations, and Costume supplies - What kind are your idea of FUN and which ones would you thoroughly dislike? I love candy corn, Kit Kats, Milky Ways, and vanilla tootsie rolls. I love fun, slightly spooky, kitschy decorations. I don't dress up, so costume supplies would be wasted on me. As for dislikes: no candy with nuts or peanut butter, and also no scary or gory decorations.   What traditions to you partake in for Halloween? Knowing what you do our how you decorate or how you celebrate? Pumpkin carving! This year I'm going to try to carve at least three pumpkins. We used to hand out candy, but there aren't a lot of trick-or-treaters in our neighborhood, so we stopped doing that a few years ago. And we also kit the house out in some pretty awesome decorations   Hey, Witchee, it's getting cold. Socks, scarves, hats or arm warmers? Yes to all but the arm warmers! I love all colors, but I do ask that anything you send me be soft and not scratchy please




"I want to complicate you/don't let me do this to myself"

Table Games - do you play them? If so, which ones, and which versions, and are there any goodies you might like related to them? Yes! I got into Munchkin this summer and love it! I only have the original, so any expansion pack would be great. I'd also love to have Cards Against Humanity, as my family is amazing and filthy-minded and hilariously politically incorrect and this game would be fantastic to play with them.   Witchee, are you in need of any particular spices? Sure! I cook a lot and bake a fair amount, and so anything interesting you want to send my way would be great!   If you were my witchee, would you be interested in anything from my store or something similar? (Nut-made by LisaNut on etsy.) No thank you I recently started crocheting and so I'm good on knitted things!   Say your witch works at a used bookstore. what kinds of things might you like from there? cool old pulp fiction paperbacks? tarot cards? (we have those.) a dr who pen? books about haunted cemeteries in seattle? you may have all of these things:) oh, and also movies. and cds. Tarot cards!!! And pretty much anything from a used bookstore   Witchee, the Haunt Halloween update goes live tomorrow! When it does, please post right away and let me know your dreams and wishes! I've always wanted to try Winchester; Batik, Empire, Gloaming, Lovehound, and Roma perfumes sound amazing. The lip lusts in Bettie and Sweet Cream also sound fantastic.   I've got some canned goods put up -- mostly jams/jellies, some apple butter, some applesauce. Want some? If so, what kind(s)? Yes! All of your canned goods are belonging to me   How feel you about lip balms, glosses, and lipsticks? Any particular favourite scents/flavours? Any favourite makers/sellers? Love lip balms (nut free please!), and adore lipsticks. I'm not a gloss fan because I have very long hair and live in a very windy area so I wind up with lip gloss in my hair and smeared across my face I have the best luck with Revlon and MAC lipstick, but will gladly try any lipstick you send my way, Witch! I love pinks and reds and am always on the lookout for a good nude!   Since wish list links never seem to work in forum mail, won't you please re-post your wish list links here, so they're readable? All my wish lists are linked in my signature under "Wish List". If you click on it, it'll bring you to my BPAL wish list, and then at the bottom of that post are my Amazon, Pintrest, etc lists!




"There's a starman waiting in the sky"

Are you okay with semi-spicy foods right now? I'm thinking like curry or chipotle? If you were to choose a chili powder would you go Hot, Medium, or Mild? Medium spicy is about all I can handle (I'm a wimp!), and definitely no curry for me please!   If you were this mystery witch's witchee, would you be interested in Spoonfudge (http://www.spoonfudge.com/) or any other such "ordered online" sweet? Ooh. Spoonfugde looks amazing and now I feel like a glutton because there are like 10 flavors I want to try The Caramellow, Ginger Pear, Peaches and Champagne, Salted Caramel, Chocolate Banana, Butter, Coconut Lime, Champagne and Roses, and Root Beer all look fabulous   Also - Double checking everyone's baked goods status. Home-made baked goods or other food stuffs OK? Yes, as long as they're gluten and nut free please!   Is there anything you'd like from Lush, witchee? No thank you   If you like earrings, what kind? Dangly earrings, hoops, studs - what kind do you like? How long do you like your necklaces? Or would you prefer to just get a pendent, so you can size the chain yourself? I love, love, love stud earrings. They're my favorite! I also need a pair of plain hoop earrings as one of my last pair mysteriously disappeared (the cat likes to cart off my jewelry). And I like my necklaces fairly average length, 18-20 inches or so: I have a rather large bosom, and anything too long looks odd to my eyes.   If I were your witch and were to paint you something, what would you absolutely love, what would you feel ambivalent toward, and what would you not like to see or receive? I would love anything you want to paint me, Witch Dear! I love moonscapes and have been looking for a painting or picture of a moon shining on the sea. Are there any craft project/s you are working on now that you need supplies for? Or rather, is there a craft project you've been wanting to do but need stuff to start? I want to start lace crocheting desperately! Either a pattern or yarn/needles would be lovely! I also have been wanting to get into knitting, so anything in that realm would much appreciated.   What do you think of hair sticks? Would you like a set? I love the look of them, but honestly my hair is so thick and heavy and long that hair sticks (and really most hair accessories) fall out.   Is there anything you'd really like to have/try from Trader Joe's, or any other popular-but-not-available-everywhere store? I used to live near a Trader Joe's, and their chocolate covered pomegranate seeds and cookie butter are my kryptonite. I would love to find these in my box!   Would you rather have something fun or practical? Both   Witchee, would you like a set of Cards Against Humanity? Desperately! I've been eyeing it for weeks, but with Switch Witch and the holidays coming up I've been told not to purchase anything for myself (I tend to be a horrible gift-receiver in that if I see something I want, I'll usually just buy it instead of waiting and putting it on my Christmas/birthday/what-have-you list).




"I want the world in my hand"

Hi Witch Dear! Thank you so much for the ebooks! I'm reading the first Harry Dresden one now and am loving it!   Do you have any upcoming away time I should be aware of, for shipping purposes? Nope! I'll be here the whole round!   Would you like anything from Sock Dreams? I love Sock Dreams! I wear primarily skirts and dresses and in the winter I just add a pair of thigh highs underneath to keep my legs warm. I want to love tights, but I have some belly fat and tights make an unsightly belly roll So I stick to thigh highs, and Sock Dreams has an excellent selection! My wish list is here!   Is there anything in the Miskatonic Valley Philharmonic update that you're interested in? Surprisingly, no. Death notes abound in this update, so my wallet is safe for the (hopefully soon) upcoming Carnaval and Yules!   Is there anything my mom's etsy shop that you're interested in? Super cute stuff, but none of it is really my taste




"And I will make sure to keep my distance"

Are you interested in anything from the Haus of Gloi yule update on November 3rd? Which products and which scents? No thank you. I'm really trying to limit my perfume buying and I can't have another perfume company to be obsessed with   How do you feel about nail polish? If you like it, are there any brands or colors in which you are interested? LOVE. My nails are always painted (although I kept them bare for my interviews last week, which was bizarre looking to me). I love OPI the best, as I can get up to a week of wear with their polishes. I also love Essie, China Glaze and Revlon. I tend to stick to mostly reds, pinks, corals, taupes, nudes, and purples for colors. I love the way blues and greens look on other people, but I feel so weird wearing them.   What about makeup? What brands do you prefer and which products would you most enjoy receiving? Yes to makeup! Within the last year I've started wearing more makeup in an effort to look a little more put-together and professional. My daily routine is foundation (Revlon's Colorstay Whipped is the best I've found so far), concealer (Bobbi Brown's corrector is a lifesaver for my dark purple circles), eyeshadow primer, 1-2 eyeshadows (I've fallen in love with MAC's neutral eyeshadows), mascara (Maybelline The Falsies), matte black eyeshadow as liner (MAC again), eyebrow powder (Bobbi Brown again), blush (I've been using MAC, but also really love the Nyx blushes) and lipstick (usually either MAC or Revlon). As far as brands, I love MAC, Bobbi Brown, Revlon, and Laura Mercier (she's out of my price range for the most part though), and would love to get eyeshadows (mattes or neutrals) or lipstick (pinks, "my lips but better" shades, and reds).   Your feelings on Adagio teas: If you've never had anything from them, would you be open to trying them? If you HAVE had them and like them, name some favorites blends. I'm not a tea drinker, sorry!   Do you like video games? Are there any you want to play? Do you have a large library? I'm also not a gamer   Name three BPAL scents you have tried, but are dying to get more of. Black Lace (non-apple), Lyonesse, and Le Lethe.   Have you ever tried anything from Paintbox Soapworks? Which products or scents would you prefer? I have, and to be honest I really don't like her products. Her soaps dry me out big time, and her scents aren't to my taste.   Do you like/have space to garden? If so, what do you grow? I do, and I'm starting this spring! I hope to grow tomatoes, herbs, lettuce, and a metric ton of flowers   Gift cards/vouchers - yay or nay? If you like them - which stores would you like one for? Love gift cards! Amazon, Sephora, MAC, Barnes and Noble, Target, Nordstroms, and Bed Bath and Beyond would be great!   Seen anything lately that makes you go OH HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOME!!? I'm still madly in love with my Nook. For as long as I can remember, I've taken books with me when I go places and it was always so hard to decide which to take and what if I finished it while I was out?! The horror! So being able to take hundreds of books with me everywhere is absolutely mind-blowing to me.   Name five small things you could use, but might not think to get for yourself? A cuticle oil pen, more round labels for my BPAL bottles, fridge magnets, an eyeglasses case, stickers for my laptop.   Is there anything from a farmer's market you might like? I love canned goods, but those might be prohibitively expensive to ship.   Do you have any upcoming away time I should be aware of, for shipping purposes? Nope! I'll be here the whole round!   Would you like anything from Sock Dreams? Here is my wish list! I love Sock Dreams!



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