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Switchy Witch Questions!

Ok, I am in the new Switch Witch round! Soo... I will continuously update this with new questions as people are asking them, so the person stalking me can know all there can possibly be to know about moi:   ***9/25*** Favorite cartoons or animated films? i love Spongebob. An unhealthy amount of love, too. That show is HILARIOUS Your take on the election? In other words, would you enjoy campaign related gifts, or prefer to stay neutral? Um, no campaign gifts please Villians you sympathise with, or are interested in boinking? LOL!!! good question! I loved Stephen Dorff's bad vampire character in Blade. Him & his blonde vampire bitch were SO freaking hot! Your stance on the all important peanut butter issue: crunchy? creamy? allergic? chocolate? maple? go directly to nuttella, do not pass go? Umm... no thanks on any unless it is in a Reeses Who here likes to read historical fiction? If you do, what eras/people/countries intrigue you the most? No thank you! ***9/24*** What sort of colors do you currently wear? Do you want to branch outside that? What would you like to try? I cannot wear light colors because I am so pale, and not exactly thin. Aka: light colors are unflattering to me. Thank the universe for BLACK! LOL. I love dark blues, reds, purples, and black. And teal. LOVE teal. ***9/22*** About incense: do you like sticks or lose incense? Have you got one of those devices to burn lose incense over a bit of charcoal? No incense, please. Makes my eyes hurt What's everyone's favorite fairytale and what are your favorite versions of it? Ummm... I am not sure... So how many imps/decants is officially 'you have gone overboard and your Witchee is going to expire from scent overload'? Depends on the scents! Who needs a recipe box? I actually made myself one a few years back. I love it ANYONE ELSE want a home-made cookbook? That would be awesome! Although I'm not the best if recipes are super complicated. LOL. ***9/19*** How does everyone feel about really green gifties? I was thinking of giving my witchee some of my handy-dandy "paper" towels (hand-sized, washable muslin squares--kinda like ultra-cheapo cloth napkins) in a kitchen-friendly decorative box, but I didn't want to seem preachy ("Stop using paper towels, you environment destroyer!"). Would y'all use something like that? I doubt it. I am a FREAK about needing a napkin/paper towels when I eat. FREAK. I don't think I could give them up ever. And, really, it would just be more laundry, right? since I'd use about a million a day. eek! Sorry! What craft (or crafts) have you been wanting to try but have no idea where to start? I'd like to make jewelry at some point, but supplies are a bit expensive, and I'm not sure where to start... Would you appreciate some tunes in future packages? And if so, do you care if you get any CDs or mp3s you might have all ready? Or would you be able to find a way to post a list of things you're (a) looking for, or ( b ) all ready have? I think I answered this in the intial survey, but I'll do it again here. I LOVE music. But have little time to actually devote to listening to it, as I used to do it in the car... but my work commute is literally 3 minutes now. So while I would appreciate music, I just can't say I'd have time to listen. boohoo! Polish goodies! Who wants them? Baked goods, candies, kielbasa, pirogies, magazines, you name it? Ummm... It would be really weird to have someone mail me kielbasa. REALLY weird. That scares me. ***9/18*** How do you avoid popping an item for yourself into an order you're placing for your witchie? It is sooo hard. I really can't say I do avoid doing that. Just depends on the day and what is in my wallet at the time. LOL. Underpants? Do you like them? What's your style? Size? I like to buy my own panties, please. hehe What tea would you love to try but haven't because of price or difficulty to get? I typically drink mild/sweet green teas BPTP Room Sprays...your thoughts? They are AMAZING. I want a bottle of the Queen's Croquet at some point. It is delicious! Would you like to receive baked goods from your Witch? And if so, are there things you WOULDN'T like? I'm a little weird when it comes to food being sent to me. I have weird paranoias of contamination. I can't help it. so as much as I would love them, I really would have a hard time getting myself to eat them. I would probably have a panic attack. LOL. ***9/16*** Your thoughts on the update? No Blood Moon for me... or Pancakes. hehe. How do you decide what to put in which package for your Witchee or how many packages to send? I try to do three packages... or "gifts". And I do two smaller ones, than one larger at the end... and for grouping, sort of do it with what fits together (or in the box!) perfectly! If you were my witchee, would you be terribly offended if I sent you a box containing project "experiments" or random miscellaneous pretty bits of brainstorming that I thought you might like/wear? That would be awesome! Please, feel free! ***9/14-9/16*** Do you often drink take away coffe in paper mugs? Nope! Don't like coffee What would a perfume based on you smell like? Hmmm... sweet and similar to Hungry Ghost Moon probably. with dandelion! Who here likes Wizard of Oz things? No thanks! ***9/13*** Do you like Mystery Science Theater 3000? Have you tried out (and if not, would you be interested in doing so) its weird little brother, RiffTrax? Nope, not really something I like at all. Actually, I would say I hate it. eek! ***9/12*** What will you like from Singapore? Candies? Food? Asian crafts/toys? I love little toys, knick knacks, notepads, erasers, bandaids and the like from places... but foods and candies usually scare me. What is everyone's "luck" item? I have a moonstone I throw in my pocket sometimes that I think of as "lucky" Do you like art deco/nouveau - style prints? Not usually, but sometimes I find one that I really like. Just depends! What is one thing that, if you received it in the middle of all the hubbub, would make you smile and take your mind off of all you have to do for a bit? anything, really! I feel that way when I get even just an e-card. xoxo How do you feel about Hello Kitty? I like that store, with all the stuff with Hello Kitty and her friends, but don't typically buy things in there. I love Deery Lou (that is the name of the deer, right? LOL. I forget). She is too cute! 9/11*** Legwarmers? Armwarmers? love love LOVE these! What makes everyone stand out from the Switch Witch herd? Not really sure... If you are into the original Nintendo system, what 3 games would you want that you don't have? If I hadn't just gotten a Wii, I'd totally say "GIVE ME AN OLD NINTENDO! THAT WOULD ROCK!" and I'd probably kill someone for a California Games cartridge, too. hehe. What is your favorite category of the GC? Hmmm... Maybe the Arkham set? ***9/10*** Stance on Joss Whedon and his enterprises? He is a freaking GENIUS Has anyone tried ice wine before? Do/did they enjoy it? Wine doesn't really work for me... dont like the taste much. Of course I drink it anyway, though. LOL. What other perfume companies (besides bpal) have you been curious about? There are a few Blooddrop scents I've been wanting to try... they are in my Wishlist Does anyone here do anything with grave rubbings? No thanks! Would you enjoy art based on original Graveyard photography? Depends on the picture, I guess! Not typically my "style", but there are of course many beautiful photos of that sort. I have an oracle deck by Graven Images Oracle that are all graveyard pics... My Enabler's friend took them, and they are beautiful What's in your Netflix or Blockbuster queue, do you want any new Netflix/Blockbuster friends, if so how do we find you on there? I guess you can look up my name on there? I forget how it works... or email address (Netflix only). I am hoping to get Dexter Season 2 discs soon... they are all on Long Wait! Nooo! ***9/9*** Do you play a musical instrument? Nah... as a kid I did (piano, clarinet). Now I just like to sing! What do you think of Irrelevant Disturbing and Surreal Crawdad Dream? Love it? Hate it? Kicking yourself for not getting a bottle? I love it! but have a lot already... How do you feel about trinkets? You know - tiny toys or doodads that serve no purpose than to be cute, take up space and make us smile. Love them or waste of money? I have tons of cute doodads! love themCan melty things be shipped to you, or will they be in puddles by the time you open the package? I guess it depends on how far you are from me Who likes pirates? Pirates are fun! But not in my decor or anything... What are your feelings about Dia De Los Muertos? Don't really know that much about the celebration, but would be interested in learning more. I LOVE the designs, but don't really have anything from it around... but would possibly like a lot of things! I LOVE the BPTP tshirt. LOVE LOVE LOVE it! What do you think about the Nightmare Before Christmas? I LOVE IT! Tim Burton is AWESOME If candy is sent, would you prefer small amounts to a Halloween sized bag? Whatever you send will be eaten by me and the BF. Trust me. Do you like notes in your soaps or bath stuff that you don't like in your perfumes? If so which? Hmm... maybe things like sandalwood or amber I would like in a soap, but not in my perfume. But I typicall like the same sorts of things in both. Just no scratchies in the soap, please! Do you like floral soaps or bath stuff? If so, what florals work and what don't? I love honeysuckle! ***9/8*** How do y'all feel about honey and maple? And different flavored honey, not just the standard kind? Please, SW, no honey or maple. icky... What is your favorite thing to do on a cool fall day? it would be great to sit outside and read a magazine or book... if only I had the time! ***9/7*** If you have pets, is there a SPECIFIC toy they like to play with; brand and size? Is there a treat/cookie they eat? What brand and size? My kitty is a weirdo. She doesn't like toys OR treats. LOL. What's your ringtone? "Crush Crush Crush" by Paramore for general calls... and the Knight Rider theme song for my BF Just to throw a silly question out there...Munsters or Addams Family, y'all? I like both, but LOVED the Munsters when I was a kid. Like, OBSESSED. What think you about receiving tea accessories and/or miscellany (like mugs, cups, saucers, strainers/filters, honey, natural sweeteners [like stevia])? I like mugs, but don't really need/use the other stuffs listed How do you feel about copies of music or dvd's that your witch might have that you might enjoy? Not just mixes, but whole copies? Sure, why not? Say, witches, I have a question about birthdays. do you expect/rely on other people to plans birthday outings and activities? Ummm... my mom is pretty good at organizing the family stuff. Anything done at home I would probably do. Tarts? Yes/no? I love tarts! But my 2 fave companies aren't open anymore (4FatCats & Becca Lights). I don't know who else to use :-/ I'm wondering if my witchee would like to try these types of things (like the caramel with sea salts or chocolates with chilis/bacon/salt etc.)? No thank you! ***9/6*** What's your favorite animal? i love a lot of animals! cats, hedgehogs, giraffes, peacocks, sloths What one (or two, if you really must) BPAL bottles are you most longing for? Actually, I don't know! I do want a bottle of Dracul to try to force my BF to wear... If you could have dinner/drinks/coffee with any 3 living people that are not your family/friends already, who would they be-? How about Tim Burton & Johnny Depp? Throw in David Duchovny for good measure ***9/5*** If you could bring back any TV show from cancellation what would it be? BUFFY!!! Firefly. Carnivale. omg. CARNIVALE!! I wonder if my witchee would like a blanket type thing. Would you? Sure, why not? It certainly gets chilly here in the winter! What's your favorite "I know it's bad for me but I can't help myself" treat? Mac N Cheese. Ice cream. Very important question: Are you planning on buying anything off your BPAL and/or other wishlists during the round? Not particularly with the BPAL, because of doing the decant circles... And I know to be "good" about the other wishlists! Do you wear a watch? If so, what kind/style? Yup... it is Fossil, and black/turquoise leather with blue jewel studs. It is so freaking awesome! How do you feel about having a donation made in your name to something?If you like that idea, what types of organizations/groups would you want the donation to go to? *answered in SW thread* ***9/4*** Do you have a case for your mp3 player/digital camera? If you would want one, what size is your digital device? I have a ghetto case for my digi camera, but would love something new! knitted or something... Not beaded, as that could possibly scratch, I guess... unless you are super slick and can make it to avoid that :-P The camera is about 3-4 inches long, 2-3 inches high... 1-2 inches thick (judged by looking, not measuring the right way of course) For tea drinkers, do you bag it or prefer loose? I like bagged tea, because I am a lazy bitch and HATE floaties in my tea! Does the weather change where you are, as in, does it get cold in the winter? Anyone need homegrown scarves, hats, mittens, etc? I love that stuff! I have a ton of it, but get more and more each year. LOL. Who are your forum buddies? People you know well enough online or IRL to help your Witch pick out stuff for you? *answered in SW thread* ***9/3*** My questionnaire is chock-a-block with ideas for Witching me on the cheap, and without sending "stuff for stuff's sake". And I just came up with another one--make me a Pandora, Finetune, or Last.fm station you think I might like! What manner of affordable Witchery might you covet? Not particularly interested in the radio thinger... but honestly I am a "cheap date" when it comes to fun gifty stuff. Even interesting online sites I might not know about would be fun to get links to! Does your cell phone have a place to attach charms? *looks at it* ooh! it does! Who knew? LOL. And I have a big stuffed giraffe as my cover (FunFriends.com). i am in love with those! I get them on Ebay cheaper, though... I have a flip phone, and looking at their site I love the new ladybug one! *obsesses over it now* If you drink coffee (and make it yourself) do you use a French Press, regular filter basket coffee maker, Espresso Machine, Percolator? no coffee for me! What movie soundtracks (or scores) do you love? Ummm... I always obsessed over the Fifth Element soundtrack, Quidam (Cirque du Soleil), Buffy the musical, Wicked the musical. Umm... Queen of the Damned has an awesome soundtrack! and American Beauty does too... How do you scent yourself? Do you layer soaps, moisturizers, etc. or do you go straight to slathering your bod with BPAL? Usually fun soap in the shower... then, if I am not lazy, maybe some lotion (I have Isle of Eden & Villianess right now), or maybe BPTP bath oil used as a lotion. Then I spray a scent if I want to (something fruity usually... or Marc Jacobs Daisy. omg. *drools*). Then I get ready for work. Then I put on the BPAL at the pulse points and in my hair! Do you/how do you scent your world? Candles, incense, diffusers, potpourri? None of the above? I have a tart burner, or use big candles. no incense, please! or potpourri... BPAL is such a scent-ual experience. What are your other tactile, aural, or olfactory pleasures? see above question ***9/2*** How do people feel about receiving baked goods/kits to make said goods? Or other cooking items? Would you enjoy oil or vinegar flavored with herbs grown at home? Strange and exotic spices with recipes to try? Cookies made with carnation petals?---- Well... I am a little weird about eating random things sent to me by someone I don't really "know". And, well, I'll pass on the vinegar (ewwww... ). I am a pretty bland eater. Crazy spices & flowery cookies would probably be wasted, and I would then feel awful! What are your pet's names, and what are they named for? I have a cat named Chloe. Technically, she is named after actress Chloe Sevigny... just because I liked the name a lot. ***9/1*** Who here is a complete, over the top, Alice In Wonderland fanatic? Not I! I like it, but don't LIIIIIKE it. Are you a Trekkie? If so, which series do you prefer? Do you have a favorite character? No thanks... never liked Star TrekDo you have phobias? How do you like your mix CDs? Random? Stuff you know you'll like? I honestly love music, but haven't had much time for new music because my car rides are so short to work, and I don't listen to CDs at home much at all these days... Would you rather get food or jewellery? probably jewelry! Do you like children's toys, such as jacks, those little things you tilt around to get the ball in the right hold (wtf are those called?), the aforementioned caplet dinosaurs, cap guns, etc?: I love kiddie toys English candy/tea/marmite or other stuff that you love and can't easily get outside of England? i have no idea! if they are sweet and sugary (or chocolatey), I'll probably love them! Fanfic as a gift* - yay or nay? Your fandom? Slash preferences?*well, a virtual gift obviously. You know what I mean. I have no idea... Any beaders here? Need beading supplies? I've never tried it, but probably would get too impatient for it Do you like making up your SW packages around a theme, or prefer to mix it all up? depends on who I'm making the package for! what their likes are Band-aids: do you like the fun and funky ones? I super mucho love fun bandaids! Except for "gross" ones. No bacon strip ones for me, please! *pukes*What's the scariest thing that's ever happened to you? ***8/31*** What is everyone's favorite Halloween song?! monster mash, of course! How many of mah fellow witchies play video games? Platform? Do you like used games? I have a DS, and just got a Wii for my birthday! What kind of music (genres, please) do you like? mostly rock, I guess. Anything with a good beat & good lyrics. I love harmonies & a great piano part! Have any of you ever received a book from a Witchy and loved it so much you ended up buying a copy for a later Witchee? I've gotten some great books off my WL before, but never re bought them What kinds of eye shadows do we all like? Sparkly!!!! Do you like lip balm? If so, do you like tinted, glossy, sparkly, pearly or just plain lip balm? not sticky, plesae. sparkles are a plus! What are some of the SW gifts/finds from past rounds (or you can just name a gift in general that you found for someone if this is your first round!) that you are the most proud of in terms of your sleuthing skills? umm... it has been a while. I always thought I did a good job at being a SW, but haven't had the best responses... not sure it if was me or them that was the issue, though. LOL. And, secondly, what is something you've been searching for but just can't find? i want a crocheted car steering wheel cover like this SOOOO badly! I am too lazy to make one, but they only sell the freaking pattern. LOL. Not that color, though... sparkly black or dark purple or gray or teal would be great! ***8/30*** Do you knit/crochet? Do you need any supplies? I crochet! I don't know if I really "need" any supplies, but a backup set of needle thingers would be great (i keep misplacing them. LOL). And pretty soft yarns are always welcome! even though I have a closet FULL of it... Who here has an etsy shop? I don't have one, as I am not consistent enough with my crafting to start one What are your two favorite etsy shops? I have a lot of faves, all listed on my Etsy Favorites profile Are you active on any other boards/forums? If so please specify where and your username there. Nope! Not anymore, anyway... ***8/29*** What would you tell yourself 6 months in the past about 2008 so far? "Feeling self conscious? DRINK A BEER! You'll feel fine!" If you had one minute of fame, what would you do/say in the spotlight? "I AM THE ALMIGHTY EVIL TEMPTRESS DORK QUEEN! AND I HAVE ONE MINUTE OF FAME!" Robots versus zombies: who wins? uhh...umm... can I see what they look like first? whichever looks coolest What would zombie say? "BRAINS!" Where are a few of your favorite places? Ummm... East Coast Will Call (LOL), Philly shopping areas, Ocean City in Maryland, Rehobeth Beach in Delaware. I don't really go many places... What is one (only one) object that you collect, that totally goes against your personality or beliefs? Christina Aguilera stuffs. You should see all I still have! and I even purged on Ebay many MANY times... Are you a soap addict? Anything you like to avoid in soaps (goat's milk, lye, dyes, etc...) or any particular scents you like or brands you want to try? I like the BPAL soaps, Silk Road, & Arcana. Some Villainess. But I don't like "scratchies" in my soap, please... What's your favorite book? American Psycho. Don't ask. I know that is sort of f'd up... but that book is brilliant! What size socks do you wear? How about hat size? i have an 8.5 sized set of feet. my head is, umm... sort of small for my body. I always call myself "midget head". Isn't that awful? But, really, my body is just too big for it. It isn't like I have a shrunken head or something Do you read comics? Which ones do you love and which can't you stand? I love the Fables comics. See my Amazon WL to see which book I'm still needing to get! Symbols that are meaningful to me? None really...but I did get the symbol for Virgo tattooed on my foot this year. By nature are you a morning lark or a night owl? Usually I am up at the crack of dawn. Even on Sundays. What's your favorite type of music to hear live, rather than recorded? I love my girl Rachael Yamagata's CDs... and her new one out in October will be AMAZING. BUT. Her live performances are just TO DIE FOR. Another singer like that is Nikka Costa. I'll be seeing both in concert during Sept & Oct! What is your favorite autumnal-seasonal drink? i like apple cider... but cold and with ice. LOL. I'm a weirdo ***8/28*** Crossword puzzles? Other pencil puzzles? i like "seek & find", I guess... but typically I'm too lazy to bother. LOL. Favorite artist? this is hard to say. I like so many random things, and then find out the artist's name AFTER liking it. Favorite poet? the singer Jewel. I'm kidding! Ummm... not really into poetry Halloween. Do you like it kooky or creepy? A little of both? I like "cute" Halloween decorations for stuffed things and the like. Don't really like "gross" stuff in MY house, but do think they can be really fun. I like DDLM stuff, things with skulls in general, but not too cheesy. Reserved or Raunchy? *answered in SW thread* Earth, Wind, Fire or Water? Earth sign here Tea or Coffee in the morning? Tea! green tea Fruity snacks or chocolate? Both, but not together (unless it is fresh chocolate covered strawberries. omg. YUM!) Would you accept art? Of COURSE! Antiques or Brand New? depends on the exact item. Both can be wonderful What keywords do you use when searching for items for yourself on Etsy? peacock, moonstone, hedgehog, spongebob (LOL), lapis Are there any of y'all who are allergic/sensitive to having natural fibers on your skin? wool makes me itchy! What was your favorite ghost/scary/campfire story growing up? *answered in SW thread* Bugs? Do you like 'em or not? *answered in SW thread* i haz no imp storage. do you? *answered in SW thread I think... eek* ***8/27*** If you have a garden/planter box, what do you grow? *answered in SW thread* What incense scents do you prefer? *answered in SW thread* Do you decorate for Halloween? What sort of decorations? Dress up for Halloween? *answered in SW thread* Bats, cats, skeletons, monsters, vampires, witches or what other ghoulies do you prefer? *answered in SW thread* Do you like horror flicks? *answered in SW thread* Who here prefers stylus and ink to ballpoint? Anyone invested time and effort into calligraphy or proper Victorian writing? *answered in SW thread* What about stationery? Need some? What styles do you like? *answered in SW thread* ***8/26*** What is one item that you've wanted forever, could have afforded, but have never gotten and why (haven't you gotten it!)? *answered in SW thread* What Halloween scent are you most looking forward to? *answered in SW thread* Tattoos! Do you have em? Do you want em? Whatcha got or getting? *answered in SW thread* Reduce - REUSE - recycle. Do others feel the same? i am definitely a "reuse" sort of girl...when it is appropriate, of course! Weigh in...Are you right or left-handed? righty, surrounded by lefties! Any period of time that you love? not particularly ***8/25*** What's your favorite part about Fall? the SMELL! the AIR!! omg. the COLORS! Do you like office/school supplies? If so, what is your favorites? i like fun pens and the like. little sticky notepads rock. What's your favorite Halloween candy? i love me some PLAIN candy corn! Will you be participating NaNoWriMo? If so, is there anything you'd like to have for that? *answered in SW thread* ***8/22*** Where does everyone like shop for witching goodness? depends on what they like! Etsy is the BEST, though!What is your favorite pumpkin goodness? Today, i love the new Pumpkin II! And I really love pumpkin bread & muffins.





I think I am having a bit of a meltdown Honestly. I am so sorry to all the people that I normally talk to all the time, because I just haven't had it in me to reply to anything (let alone even read the things waiting for me to reply to). I hope you all can understand. I just don't know what to do. More specifically, i don't know what I should be doING. You know, with my LIFE.





Blah. I am bored. But, well, at least I took some time and made a few icons for my LJ profile. I haven't made anything in ages... I used to use Photoshop nonstop, but I've been so lazy... Here is what I made today (well, I added 2 from a week or so ago):     I got the new Harry Potter book today... didn't even pay Amazon extra to get it on time, and it still got here first thing this morning! But I haven't started it yet... I'm such a procrastinator. I'm sure I'll start it at 1am, and be up til 5.   Since my last blog, I've become officially "Auntie Denise"! I will be going to visit the baby again tomorrow afternoon... It is a strange thing, because I have absolutely no desire to ever have children of my own, but I love this little tiny being SO much! She is the cutest thing I've ever seen! But, honestly, the best part about being an Auntie is handing her off to her mommy or daddy when she gets cranky or needs to be changed. So, I suppose I'm still making the best decision to not be a mommy myself. LOL. Here is a picture of the beautiful superstar, Mia:     Ok. I guess I'll stop blabbing about nothing for now!




Da Bunny

Well, I'm going to be an aunt (as I think I've previously mentioned)... and somehow became really motivated and decided that i really had to make this for my future niece:     And it was well received at the baby shower this past Sunday! I was really scared, but apparently it was a hit. LOL!




More Adventures in my Crafy (sort of) World...

Well, I've made a few more scarves (can't have enough of them in humid 86 degree weather, right? hehe). And I've also been making a bunch of felt critters out of THIS BOOK (a lovely gift from my most recent Switch Witch!). Here is a picture of those:     I forgot to take pictures of the rest of the scarves. Oopsy! But the animals were a big hit with the children of one of the guys at my new job. So, yay!




My warped world of crochet...

So my brother's girlfriend is pregnant (found out around Thanksgiving!)... so I'll be an aunt for the first time soon! A few weeks ago, they were able to find out that they would be having a girl. So, what did my head decide? "Yes, you will learn to crochet and make a baby blanket!" Such an ambitious decision for someone like me... Not that I can't do things, but because I planned to teach myself. LOL!! SO, after buying some instructional books and hooks and yarn... then having a temper tantrum ( ) about not being able to figure it out, my stepmom kindly taught me what I needed to know to succeed! Well, sort of anyway. Here is the end result (already gifted on Easter, because I am an impatient person):     Sure, it was a little crooked... but, hey, a baby can't tell, right?   Since, I have been on a mission to make 2 LARGE sized blankets: One for myself, and one for my boyfriend (he picked the yarn out and everything. LOL!). I've also bought a few cool sparkly yarns to make a few scarves (nothing like timing! I know they will be SO useful during this week of 80 degree weather, right? hehe). I figure I will do a bunch and use them next year for Christmas gifts. If I don't lose track of where I store them by then   So far, I've completely finished the BF's blankie:     AND, a scarf:     I still will finish my personal blanket (even though I'll have no use for it for a while now), as well as the last scarf that I've already started. I'll post pictures of those when I get them done!




Freefalling = FRIGHTENING!

I felt too much like a BPAL Whore today when I realized the newest post in my blog was just my "keeping track" post. SO, I figured I would make a new entry today, so that everyone would not be greeted by that if they decided to look into my little world a bit. LOL.   We were on vacation last week, and were able to totally lose our minds and go skydiving! Here are some crazy unflattering, yet hilarious pictures:   http://www.boomspeed.com/evltemptress/pictures/skydiving/     Midway is my "flavor of the day"... and I am still getting whiffs of it now (2pm) from having put it on at 7am. Gotta love that! Funny that I would love that scent anyway, when back in April (when I was bitten by that BPAL bug) I was totally turned off by every foody scent I sniffed.   YUMMY!!! I love smelling like a 10 year old with candy all over their fingers.




Orders Received (Part 2)

*i ran out of room in the other post!*   aizen-myoo 5ml 7/08 from ivyandpeony sundew 5ml 7/08 from ivyandpeony ashodel (frimp!) 7/08 from ivyandpeony   ice queen 7/08 from roostergrrl on LJ blue moon 7/08 from roostergrrl on LJ   the unicorn 5ml 7/08 from syrenemyst on LJ midwinter's eve (frimp!) 7/08 from syrenemyst on LJ jabberwocky (frimp!) 7/08 from syrenemyst on LJ imp roller bottle (frimp!) 7/08 from syrenemyst on LJ   spirits of the dead 7/08 SWAP from Cordia the cracked bell 7/08 SWAP from Cordia all saints 7/08 SWAP from Cordia jolly roger 7/08 SWAP from Cordia the hesperides 7/08 SWAP from Cordia eris 7/08 SWAP from Cordia hunger (frimp!) hell's belle (frimp!) blood (frimp!)   monster bait: closet 5ml 7/08 from Arylkin the dormouse 5ml (empty) 7/08 from Arylkin   midwinter's eve 5ml 7/10 SWAP with iriedanym on LJ   dracul 5ml 7/11 from mandrag0ra on LJ strawberry moon 7/11 from mandrag0ra on LJ hollywood babylon (frimp!) 7/11 from mandrag0ra on LJ   beaver moon 5ml 7/12 FROM EBAY   smut 5ml 7/12 SWAP from WidgetAlley   yerevan 5ml 7/13 from harmonyfb shub 7/13 from harmonyfb chaste moon 7/13 from harmonyfb ophelia (frimp!) 7/13 from harmonyfb   endymion 5ml 7/13 from Eunice_Branca tzadikim nistarim 7/13 from Eunice_Branca march hare 7/13 from Eunice_Branca   arkham revisited 5ml 7/14 FROM EBAY   herr drosselmeyer 7/14 from gingersnapp on LJ anubis (frimp!) 7/14 from gingersnapp on LJ penthus (frimp!) 7/14 from gingersnapp on LJ   katharina 5ml 7/14 from EBAY szepasszony 5ml 7/14 from EBAY king of hearts (frimp!) 7/14 from EBAY dove's heart (frimp!) 7/14 from EBAY sin (frimp!) 7/14 from EBAY   thunderbird 7/14 SWAP from flummoxicated on LJ sugar cookie 7/14 SWAP from flummoxicated on LJ   hunter moon 7/15 from Nadirah wolf moon 7/15 from Nadirah   dreamland 7/15 from midnight_aeval on LJ aeval 7/15 from midnight_aeval on LJ grand guignol 7/15 from midnight_aeval on LJ   oisin 7/15 SWAP from cybra111   Litha 5ml 7/15 FROM BPAL * aizen-myoo 7/15 FROM BPAL * the dormouse 7/15 FROM BPAL dorian 7/15 FROM BPAL danube 7/15 FROM BPAL leanan sidhe 7/15 FROM BPAL phobos 7/15 FROM BPAL rome (frimp!) 7/15 FROM BPAL darkness (frimp!) 7/15 FROM BPAL vinland (frimp!) 7/15 FROM BPAL   pool of tears 5ml 7/17 from ayrdaomei on LJ tweedledum 5ml 7/17 from ayrdaomei on LJ yemaya (frimp!) 7/17 from ayrdaomei on LJ rapture (frimp!) 7/17 from ayrdaomei on LJ psyche (frimp!) 7/17 from ayrdaomei on LJ   whippoorwill 7/17 from bloodlotus1 march hare (x2) 7/17 from bloodlotus1 roadhouse 7/17 from bloodlotus1 mantis (frimp!) 7/17 from bloodlotus1   dunwich 5ml 7/17 from dragon_mintz on LJ chiroptera 5ml 7/17 from dragon_mintz on LJ sepulcher 5ml 7/17 from dragon_mintz on LJ shattered (frimp!) 7/17 from dragon_mintz on LJ fortunato (frimp!) 7/17 from dragon_mintz on LJ the lady of shallot (frimp!) 7/17 from dragon_mintz on LJ polyhymnia (frimp!) 7/17 from dragon_mintz on LJ   blood countess 7/17 SWAP from mountainwitch ace of cups 7/17 SWAP from mountainwitch hymn 7/17 SWAP from mountainwitch seraglio 7/17 SWAP from mountainwitch   miskatonic university 7/17 from violalee on LJ   frost moon 7/18 SWAP from Elri cold moon 7/18 SWAP from Elri   drink me 7/18 from aessedai lucy's kiss 7/18 from aessedai whip 7/18 from aessedai mouse's long & sad tale 7/18 from aessedai black pearl 7/18 from aessedai doc buzzard sniffie 7/13 from aessedai   eat me 5ml 7/18 from bheansidhe on LJ oisin 7/18 from bheansidhe on LJ nefertiti (frimp!) 7/18 from bheansidhe on LJ   thunderbird 5ml 7/18 FROM EBAY ode to melancholy (frimp!) 7/18 FROM EBAY   cold moon 7/18 from edenssixthday on LJ tombstone 7/18 from edenssixthday on LJ shill 7/18 from edenssixthday on LJ beltane '06 7/18 from edenssixthday on LJ hexennacht 7/18 from edenssixthday on LJ vicomte de valmont 7/18 from edenssixthday on LJ ra (frimp!) 7/18 from edenssixthday on LJ yggdrasil (frimp!) 7/18 from edenssixthday on LJ   et lux fuit 5ml (from willcall by GypsyRoseRed) sudha segara 5ml (from willcall by GypsyRoseRed) bordello 5ml (from willcall by GypsyRoseRed) villain (frimp!) (from willcall by GypsyRoseRed) madrid (frimp!) (from willcall by GypsyRoseRed) eve (frimp!) 7/18 from BPAL (from willcall by GypsyRoseRed)   15 imp sized roller bottles 7/18 from roostergrrl on LJ   queen of spades 7/18 from Ebay hades (frimp!) 7/18 from Ebay   oisin 5ml (empty) 7/19 from syrenemyst on LJ beltane 5ml (empty) 7/19 from syrenemyst on LJ   blue scarf 7/20 from hachanri   snake charmer 7/20 SWAP from bifemmefatale on LJ   Hungry Ghost Moon 5ml 7/21 FROM BPAL Chaos Theory 3 5ml 7/21 FROM BPAL dragon's musk (frimp!) 7/21 FROM BPAL dragon's eye (frimp!) 7/21 FROM BPAL dublin (frimp!) 7/21 FROM BPAL rose cross (frimp!) 7/21 FROM BPAL   black opal 7/21 from allyparker on LJ jabberwocky 7/21 from allyparker on LJ vice 7/21 from allyparker on LJ aureus 7/21 from allyparker on LJ nosferatu 7/21 from allyparker on LJ   cthulu 7/21 from karlajean on LJ whippoorwill 7/21 from karlajean on LJ corazon 7/21 from karlajean on LJ   dandelion SN (eeek!!) 7/21 SWAP from reedsong enraged bunny musk 7/21 SWAP from reedsong tezcatlipoca 7/21 SWAP from reedsong silentium amoris 7/21 SWAP from reedsong black orchid (sniffie) 7/21 SWAP from reedsong nihil (sniffie) 7/21 SWAP from reedsong ozymandias 7/21 SWAP from reedsong dorian 7/21 SWAP from reedsong   TAL Bastet's Laughter 7/22 ** joined decant circle for this through ABrokenAngel TAL Hand of Hermes 7/22 ** joined decant circle for this through ABrokenAngel TAL White Light 7/22 ** joined decant circle for this through ABrokenAngel TAL Temple Celtic 7/22 ** joined decant circle for this through ABrokenAngel   march hare 5ml 7/22 SWAP with kariquirks on LJ   fae 5ml 7/24 from rhovanion on LJ asphodel 5ml 7/24 from rhovanion on LJ dorian 5ml 7/24 from rhovanion on LJ city in the sea 5ml (empty) 7/24 from rhovanion on LJ   alone 7/24 SWAP with Ah Xia tezcatlipoca 7/24 SWAP with Ah Xia delight 7/24 SWAP with Ah Xia seance (frimp!) 7/24 SWAP with Ah Xia   kingsport 7/24 from tabbyintx on LJ ice queen 7/24 from tabbyintx on LJ hexannacht 7/24 from tabbyintx on LJ Tarot: the Star 7/24 from tabbyintx on LJ   egg nog 7/24 from wolfgrrl on LJ (from EBAY) graveyard dirt 7/24 from wolfgrrl on LJ luperci 7/24 from wolfgrrl on LJ talvikuu 7/24 from wolfgrrl on LJ velvet 7/24 from wolfgrrl on LJ mantis 7/24 from wolfgrrl on LJ delight 7/24 from wolfgrrl on LJ djnn 7/24 from wolfgrrl on LJ   Yog-sothoth 7/25 SWAP from mousekinn on LJ lady macbeth 7/25 SWAP from mousekinn on LJ   ice queen 7/26 from delerone on LJ chaste moon 7/26 from delerone on LJ   tulzscha 5ml 7/26 FROM EBAY dee (frimp!) 7/26 FROM EBAY dracul (frimp!) 7/26 FROM EBAY twenty-one (frimp!) 7/26 FROM EBAY faustus (frimp!) 7/26 FROM EBAY   beltane 2006 5ml 7/26 from Brienze val sans setour sniffie 7/26 from Brienze   jacob's ladder 7/26 from maewitch lucy's kiss 7/26 from maewitch jolly roger 7/26 from maewitch   BLUE BRACELET 7/28 from kiiosells on LJ   baobhan sith 5ml (empty) 7/28 from flummoxicated on LJ delight (frimp!) 7/28 from flummoxicated on LJ   stfu (TAL) 7/28 from SWAP crescentwitch on LJ coyote 7/28 from SWAP crescentwitch on LJ high john the conqueror 7/28 SWAP from crescentwitch on LJ odin 7/28 SWAP from crescentwitch on LJ loviatar 7/28 SWAP from crescentwitch on LJ oblivion 7/28 SWAP from crescentwitch on LJ   kingsport 5ml (1/2 full) 7/28 from finnuala198 on LJ tzadikim nisfarim (frimp!) 7/28 from finnuala198 on LJ   mitzvah 7/31 from kellerbl on LJ lucretia 7/31 from kellerbl on LJ black lily 7/31 from kellerbl on LJ nihil 7/31 from kellerbl on LJ carnal 7/31 from kellerbl on LJ   clove 7/31 from madnesspassing on LJ thunderbird 7/31 from madnesspassing on LJ wolf moon 7/31 from madnesspassing on LJ skadi 5ml (empty) 7/31 from madnesspassing on LJ   rose red 2004 5ml 7/31 from rhubarbbear   jolly roger 5ml 7/31 from oceandreamer001 kitsune-tsuki 7/31 from oceandreamer001   kumiho 5ml 7/31 from celestyna on LJ dragon's eye (frimp!) 7/31 from celestyna on LJ mad hatter (frimp!) 7/31 from celestyna on LJ   queen of diamonds 8/03 from visionshadows on LJ hunter moon 8/03 from visionshadows on LJ rosalind (frimp!) 8/03 from visionshadows on LJ   snow white 2004 8/03 5ml from fallow deer lady of shallot (frimp!) 8/03 5ml from fallow deer goneril (frimp!) 8/03 5ml from fallow deer nyarlathotep (frimp!) 8/03 5ml from fallow deer   tweedledee 5ml 8/03 from sookster   Trick or Treat 5ml (partial) 8/03 from the_cat_goddess on LJ flower moon sniffie 8/03 from the_cat_goddess on LJ   ELF 5ml 8/03 from valentina   hgm 8/03 from wildchild walks with wolves thunderbird 5ml (empty) 8/03 from wildchild walks with wolves budding moon 5ml (empty) 8/03 from wildchild walks with wolves hgm 5ml (empty) 8/03 from wildchild walks with wolves   snow angel 8/03 from catabolicmind on LJ dirty 5ml 8/03 from catabolicmind on LJ thalia 8/03 from catabolicmind on LJ   tarot: the hermit 8/03 SWAP with crescentwench on LJ tarot: the hanged man 8/03 SWAP with crescentwench on LJ storyville sniffie 8/03 SWAP with crescentwench on LJ mars (frimp!) 8/03 SWAP with crescentwench on LJ   snow white 2004 8/05 from caitygrl96 on LJ mercury 8/05 from caitygrl96 on LJ atropa's cottage: virgo & pisces 8/05 from caitygrl96 on LJ butterfly tin 8/05 from caitygrl96 on LJ whippoorwill 8/05 SWAP with caitygrl96   mouse's long & sad tale 5ml 8/05 from shay_85 on LJ black pearl (frimp!) 8/05 from shay_85 on LJ   tempest 8/05 SWAP with spinallandscapes sea of glass 8/05 SWAP with spinallandscapes catherine 8/05 SWAP with spinallandscapes whippoorwill 5ml (x2) 8/05 SWAP with spinallandscapes hellion 8/05 SWAP with spinallandscapes CT3 5ml 8/05 SWAP with spinallandscapes shub x3 8/05 SWAP with spinallandscapes sleepy moon 8/05 SWAP with spinallandscapes   evening star 8/05 SWAP with hennafairy othello 8/05 SWAP with hennafairy baobhan sith 8/05 SWAP with hennafairy baneberry 8/05 SWAP with hennafairy aglaea 8/05 SWAP with hennafairy alice 8/05 SWAP with hennafairy leanan sidhe 8/05 SWAP with hennafairy titania 8/05 SWAP with hennafairy megaera 8/05 SWAP with hennafairy phantom queen 8/05 SWAP with hennafairy perversion 8/05 SWAP with hennafairy   cthulu 5ml 8/07 from dragon_mintz on LJ pink phoenix (frimp!) 8/07 from dragon_mintz on LJ kyoto (frimp!) 8/07 from dragon_mintz on LJ chimera (frimp!) 8/07 from dragon_mintz on LJ   nihil 8/07 from elfmaiden hgm 8/07 from elfmaiden beaver moon 8/07 from elfmaiden french love (frimp!) 8/07 from elfmaiden   HGM 5ml 8/07 from aessedai   queen of spades 8/07 from adadochka on LJ baobhan sith (frimp!) iamb (frimp!)   snow angel 8/07 from EBAY beltane '06 8/07 from EBAY budding moon 8/07 from EBAY casanova (frimp!) 8/07 from EBAY   queen of diamonds 8/07 from llamachameleon on LJ hungry ghost moon 8/07 from llamachameleon on LJ   hgm 5ml 8/07 from neverseenbleu on LJ tempest 8/07 from neverseenbleu on LJ eve 5ml (empty) 8/07 from neverseenbleu on LJ penny dreadful (frimp!) 8/07 from neverseenbleu on LJ desdemona (frimp!) 8/07 from neverseenbleu on LJ   100 imp vials 8/07 from bethie_nova on LJ   HGM tshirt & decant 8/08 from crescentwench on LJ   thunderbird 8/09 from wolfgrrl on LJ peace 8/09 from wolfgrrl on LJ pisces 8/09 from wolfgrrl on LJ   isle of the dead 8/09 from the_otherworld budding moon 5ml (1 imp left) 8/09 from rhovanion on LJ midway 8/09 from rhovanion on LJ   the black tower 8/12 SWAP with dragon_moon on LJ rakshasha 8/12 SWAP with dragon_moon on LJ   oneiroi 8/12 SWAP from jazlyn maenad 8/12 SWAP from jazlyn queen 8/12 SWAP from jazlyn Estee Lauder soap 8/12 SWAP from jazlyn   mock turtle's lessons 5ml 8/12 from bethie_nova on LJ   fee 8/12 from llamachameleon on LJ nine mysteries 8/12 from llamachameleon on LJ pumpkin king sniffie 8/12 from llamachameleon on LJ 3x Atropa's Cottage samples 8/12 from llamachameleon on LJ   beltane 05 8/12 5ml from Reinier   Smut 8/14 from sacred_poetry Pumpkin Patch #1 8/14 from sacred_poetry Mistletoe 8/14 from sacred_poetry Lick it 8/14 from sacred_poetry Thunderbird 8/14 from sacred_poetry Nosferatu 8/14 from sacred_poetry Jabberwocky 8/14 from sacred_poetry Danse Macabre 8/14 from sacred_poetry Faustus 8/14 from sacred_poetry Carnal 8/14 from sacred_poetry Villain 8/14 from sacred_poetry Stardust (sniffie) 8/14 from sacred_poetry the rat king (frimp!) 8/14 from sacred_poetry penny dreadful (frimp!) 8/14 from sacred_poetry wolfsbane (frimp!) 8/14 from sacred_poetry endymion (frimp!) 8/14 from sacred_poetry belladonna (frimp!) 8/14 from sacred_poetry snowblind sniffie (frimp!) 8/14 from sacred_poetry   Arcana Dia de los Muertos 5ml 8/14 from gaai   CT3: CDX 8/14 SWAP from kiio tigerlily (frimp!) 8/14 SWAP from kiio   sudha segara 5ml (1/2) 8/15 from valentina   HGM 5ml 8/15 SWAP from the_cat_goddess on LJ Snow Angel 5ml (empty) 8/15 SWAP from the_cat_goddess on LJ   whippoorwill 5ml 8/16 from Jola on LJ   misk u 5ml 8/16 from EBAY   isle of the dead 5ml (empty) 8/18 from the_otherworld block buster 5ml (partial) 8/18 from the_otherworld road opener 5ml (partial) 8/18 from the_otherworld white light 5ml (partial) 8/18 from the_otherworld handfasting 8/18 7/31 from the_otherworld centzon totochtin (frimp!) 8/18 7/31 from the_otherworld   harvest moon '06 5ml 8/18 FROM BPAL amsterdam 5ml 8/18 FROM BPAL tzadikim nistrarim (frimp!) 8/18 FROM BPAL empyreal mist (frimp!) 8/18 FROM BPAL hellfire (frimp!) 8/18 FROM BPAL dragon's bone (frimp!) 8/18 FROM BPAL   orpheus 8/18 from edensixthday on LJ thunderbird 8/18 from edensixthday on LJ arcana samples 8/18 from edensixthday on LJ Terra Nova sample 8/18 from edensixthday on LJ the coiled serpent (frimp!) 8/18 from edensixthday on LJ malice (frimp!) 8/18 from edensixthday on LJ   Honey I Washed the Kids perfume (LUSH) 8/18 from Gypsy Row   pandora 8/20 from spinallandscapes on LJ ice queen 5ml EMPTY 8/20 from spinallandscapes on LJ   CT3: DLXIII 8/19 from blood onmy hands MB: Underpants 8/19 from blood onmy hands   orpheus 5ml (partial) 8/21 from gypsyrosered   Midway 5ml 8/21 SWAP with LunaSea aeval (frimp!) 8/21 SWAP with LunaSea akuma (frimp!) 8/21 SWAP with LunaSea   baneberry 5ml 8/21from jolarocknrolla aglaea 5ml 8/21 from jolarocknrolla peacock queen 5ml 8/21 from jolarocknrolla   Femaledictions sample set, LUSH bath bomb & sample 8/21 from treesnail on LJ   alice 5ml (empty) 8/21 from caitygrl96 on LJ kingsport 8/21 from caitygrl96 on LJ trick or treat 8/21 from caitygrl96 on LJ puck (frimp!) 8/21 from caitygrl96 on LJ   fiery wall of protection 8/22 from lissalissa elixir: safari 5ml (partial) 8/22 from lissalissa   handfasting 8/24 from canciona on LJ glamour 8/24 from canciona on LJ bastet's laughter 5ml (EMPTY) 8/24 from canciona on LJ blessing of isis 5ml (EMPTY) 8/24 from canciona on LJ concentration 5ml (EMPTY) 8/24 from canciona on LJ fiery wall of protection 5ml (EMPTY) 8/24 from canciona on LJ glamour 5ml (EMPTY) 8/24 from canciona on LJ hand of hermes 5ml (EMPTY) 8/16 from canciona on LJ handfasting 5ml (EMPTY) 8/24 from canciona on LJ STFU 5ml (EMPTY) 8/24 from canciona on LJ temple celtic 5ml (EMPTY) 8/24 from canciona on LJ   imp pouch 8/25 from caitygrl96 on LJ   allegory 8/25 SWAP from cybra111   LUSH le coeur bar 8/25 from eml298   mabon (arrived empty! OH THE HORROR!) 8/28 from Emu Nymph chaste moon 8/28 from Emu Nymph hellfire (frimp!) 8/28 from Emu Nymph eternal (frimp!) 8/28 from Emu Nymph dance of death (frimp!) 8/28 from Emu Nymph   orpheus 8/28 from sunk on LJ ides of march 8/28 from sunk on LJ sylph 8/28 from sunk on LJ   lughnasadh 8/29 from pixeldimensia on LJ wanda (frimp!)   queen of diamonds 5ml 8/29 from dragon_mintz on LJ sleepy moon 5ml 8/29 from dragon_mintz on LJ ogun (frimp!) 8/29 from dragon_mintz on LJ maiden (frimp!) 8/29 from dragon_mintz on LJ rose cross (frimp!) 8/29 from dragon_mintz on LJ   spirits of the dead 5ml 8/29 from sarada frost moon (frimp!) 8/29 from sarada   danube 5ml 8/31 from jolarocknrolla 13 5ml 8/31 from jolarocknrolla   cockaigne 5ml 8/31 from EBAY dance of death (frimp!)   mag mell 8/31 from EBAY machu picchu (frimp!) 8/31 from EBAY malediction (frimp!) 8/31 from EBAY   snake charmer 5ml 8/31 SWAP from Aredhel   azazel sniffie 9/01 SWAP with filigree_shadow thunderbird 9/01 from filigree_shadow fiery wall of protection 9/01 from filigree_shadow white light 9/01 from filigree_shadow crucible of courage (frimp!) 9/01 from filigree_shadow feu follet sniffie (frimp!) 9/01 from filigree_shadow storyville sniffie (frimp!) 9/01 from filigree_shadow jezebel (frimp!) 9/01 from filigree_shadow dragon's musk (frimp!) 9/01 from filigree_shadow   chaste moon 5ml 9/01 from chai_girl the unicorn x2 (frimps!) 9/01 from chai_girl masabakes (frimp!) 9/01 from chai_girl la belle au bois dormant (frimp!) 9/01 from chai_girl ave maria gratia plena (frimp!) 9/01 from chai_girl hamadryad (frimp!) 9/01 from chai_girl amsterdam (frimp!) 9/01 from chai_girl   queen gertrude 9/05 SWAP from llamachameleon on LJ thunderbird 9/05 SWAP from llamachameleon on LJ   arcana: black tea; femaledictions: dia de los muertos, dirtnap, fruit cellar, funeral pyre, requiem, scarecrow, & swank; L'occitane: green tea with mint 9/05 from la_colere on LJ   storm moon 5ml 9/05 from NoirRosaleen   midway 2004 5ml (1 imp left) 9/05 from thecatgoddess   lightning 9/06 SWAP from puredeadthingy   les bijioux 5ml 9/07 from GypsyRoseRed   doc constantine 9/07 from delphinine on LJ pele (frimp!) 9/07 from delphinine on LJ   kingsport 9/09 SWAP from themerrybaker fire eater 9/09 SWAP from themerrybaker   SWAP O' DOOM 9/11 from spark: hecate, hetairae, incantation, inferno, jezebel, moscow, tenochititlan, urania, penitence, nephilim, satyr, anathema, brimstone, ephemera, & tushnamatay; thunderbird & arkham revisited FRIMPS   mme. moriarty 9/11 from ninevah on LJ   Cloister Graveyard in the Snow 5ml 9/11 from rivertumbled on LJ   vials & pipettes 9/11 from SevenSins   roadhouse 10ml 9/13 from BPAL dirty 10ml 9/13 from BPAL the unicorn 10ml 9/13 from BPAL embalming fluid 10ml 9/13 from BPAL   wolf moon 5ml (empty) 9/13 SWAP from reedsong kumari kandam 9/13 from reedsong   f5 5ml 9/15 from BPAL gennivre: L artiste du Diable 5ml 9/15 from BPAL jolly roger (frimp!) 9/15 from BPAL peitho (frimp!) 9/15 from BPAL arcana (frimp!) 9/15 from BPAL dublin (frimp!) 9/15 from BPAL   pomegranate SN 9/16 SWAP from miharu   doc constantine 5ml partial 9/16 from lorajc   lyonesse 9/16 SWAP from portalkat midnight on the midway (FRIMP!) 9/16 SWAP from portalkat carnivale diabolique (FRIMP!) 9/16 SWAP from portalkat pulcinella & ter (FRIMP!) 9/16 SWAP from portalkat   xanthe 5ml 9/18 from Heavenlyrabbit   Theodosius 5ml 9/18 from nineveh   Queen of Diamonds 9/18 SWAP from Melantha   satan & death with sin intervening 9/19 from caitygrl96 on LJ bat woman 9/19 from caitygrl96 on LJ carnivale diabolique (frimp!) 9/19 from caitygrl96 on LJ longevity (frimp!) 9/19 from caitygrl96 on LJ   AC sweet patootie 5ml 9/19 from dierne Femaledictions vials 9/19 from dierne oblivion (frimp!) 9/19 from dierne   Silence 5ml 9/20 from elspeth arcana (frimp!) 9/20 from elspeth carnal (frimp!) 9/20 from elspeth ephemera (frimp!) 9/20 from elspeth   Titania 5ml 9/20 SWAP with sassyjenski on LJ thalia (frimp!) 9/20 SWAP with sassyjenski on LJ juliet (frimp!) 9/20 SWAP with sassyjenski on LJ   AC sweet patootie 9/20 from la_colere   lugnasadh 9/25 from EBAY geek 9/25 from EBAY montressor 9/25 from EBAY   Aunt Caroline's Money Bag 5ml (TAL) 9/25 from decant circle thru Reedsong Aunt Caroline's Money Draw (TAL) 9/25 from decant circle thru Reedsong Gainful Employment (TAL) 9/25 from decant circle thru Reedsong Joy 5ml (TAL) 9/25 from decant circle thru Reedsong Nocturne (TAL) 9/25 from decant circle thru Reedsong   Schlitzie's Ragbag of Toothaches! Curio Set (Femaledictions) 9/25 from aessedai   Fox Woman 9/25 SWAP with dragovianknight on LJ   Thaleia 5ml 9/25 from Gale the Unicorn (frimp!) 9/25 from Gale   Black Moon 5ml (1 imp) 9/30 from kiiosells on LJ   pontarlier 10/02 from edenssixthday ochosi 10/02 from edenssixthday thagirion 10/02 from edenssixthday a'arab araq 10/02 from edenssixthday ghagiel 10/02 from edenssixthday gha'agsheblah 10/02 from edenssixthday gamaliel 10/02 from edenssixthday nahemoth 10/02 from edenssixthday samael 10/02 from edenssixthday   Circe 10/04 SWAP from schmarian on LJ eidolon 10/04 SWAP from schmarian on LJ et lux fuit (frimp!) 10/04 SWAP from schmarian on LJ strawberry moon (frimp!) 10/04 SWAP from schmarian on LJ Arcana Lost for Words (frimp!) 10/045 SWAP from schmarian on LJ   Urania 10ml 10/04 from shantih on LJ   Servare 5ml 10/04 from kiiosells on LJ MCCXIX-1219: Subtle sweet, creamyness with a hint of clean 10/049 from kiiosells on LJ   Bat Woman 5ml 10/05 from elfmaiden follow me boy (frimp!) 10/05 from elfmaiden kabuki (frimp!) 10/05 from elfmaiden   Yemaya 5ml (empty) 10/05 from myskat on LJ   Bordello 5ml 10/05 SWAP from findingstars kabuki (frimp!) 10/05 SWAP from findingstars lilith (frimp!) 10/05 SWAP from findingstars   Death of the Grave Digger 5ml 10/06 from lm on LJ The Isles of Demons 10/06 from lm on LJ Port Royal 10/06 from lm on LJ   Midnight on the Midway 5ml (empty) 10/06 from syrenemyst on LJ   Crucible of Courage 10/10 SWAP from waywardoctagon on LJ belle epoque (frimp!) 10/10 SWAP from waywardoctagon on LJ   Trick or Treat Inquisition (TREAT #1) 10/10 from BPTP   Phantom Queen 5ml 10/12 from mandora on LJ Tarot: the Star 10ml (empty) 10/12 from mandora on LJ   Lunacy ID case 10/14 from BPTP Black Moon Tee x1 10/14 from BPTP   Treat #2 decant 10/16 SWAP from sarahmarie   june gloom 10/16 from storme on LJ CT3 10/16 from storme on LJ dragon's bone (frimp!) 10/16 from storme on LJ himerus (frimp!) 10/16 from storme on LJ   Trick #2 decant 10/20 SWAP from korshka   White Moon 5ml x4 (DECANT CIRCLE) 10/23 from the LAB Frimps: siren, sri lanka, juke joint, ultraviolet, wolfsbane, #20 love oil, pain, & suspiro 10/23 from the LAB   Jinx Removing TAL 10/24 SWAP from mountainwitch viola (frimp!) 10/24 SWAP from mountainwitch   HALLOWEENIE/DRAGON DECANT CIRCLE BOTTLES 10/26 FROM LAB KINDLY MOON 5ml 10/26 FROM LAB Elixir Bitch 5ml 10/26 FROM LAB Mme. Moriarty 5ml 10/26 FROM LAB Imp Pack: arkham, soggoth, night gaunt, Y'ha-nthlei, caliban, manhattan 10/26 FROM LAB   POSSETS: Pippen Pie 7ml 10/27 POSSETS: Ghost Fart 7ml 10/27 POSSETS: sampler pack (Fabienne, Madame X, Giddy, Hyde Park, Scented Gloves, & Frou Frou) 10/27   Black Moon Tee 10/30 from BPTP   LUSH Christingly bubble bar 10/30 from eml298 LUSH Christmas Kisses bubble bar 10/30 from eml298 LUSH Floating Island bath melt 10/30 from eml298   LUSH Glam Rock Glitter Bar 10/30 SWAP from Teggy euphrosyne (frimp!) 10/30 SWAP from Teggy   Schwarzer Mond 5ml 10/30 from SevenSins Dirty 5ml 10/30 from SevenSins magus (frimp!) 10/30 from SevenSins come to me (frimp!) 10/30 from SevenSins baghdad (frimp!) 10/30 from SevenSins   www.BeccaLights.com order 11/01: WAX MELTS - Scent 5: Schmuffin - Scent 4: Applewood - Scent 3: Pomegranate - Scent 2: Lemon Shortbread - Scent 1: Cinnabun - Free Scent: Fluff 'n' Fold   jersey devil SWAP 11/06 from Gale   Arcana Soaps (Revival, Espionage, Avalon, & Ambrosia) 11/6 from SevenSins   TAL Anthelion 11/13 SWAP from mountainwitch Strangler Fig 11/13 SWAP from mountainwitch   Trick #2 5ml 11/13 from Pru   Arcana Soaps (Revival, Avalon, & Sleepy Hollow); Arcana Avalon Perfume; etc 11/15 from Gorey Details   HUGE YULE DECANT CIRCLE ORDER 11/16 FROM LAB imp pack: devil's claw, love-lies-bleeding, lilium inter-spinas, the temptations, mania, horreur sympathique 10/16 FROM LAB   Lick It Again 5ml 11/16 from lorajc   Possets Halloween 7ml 11/20 from valentina   Night-Gaunt 5ml 11/22 from jolarocknrolla   Beltane 2005 5ml 11/22 from ballincollig on LJ   darkling thrush 11/27 from euterpe414 horreur sympathetique 11/27 from euterpe414 bathsheba 11/27 from euterpe414 megaera (FRIMP!) 11/27 from euterpe414   4FatCats Morrocan Mint Tabby 11/28 from velvet Villianess Dulces en Fuego 11/28 from velvet   Gypsy Queen 5ml 11/28 from attacuswings on LJ dragon's bone (frimp!) 11/28 from attacuswings on LJ   Arcana Haint 5ml 11/29 SWAP from Ah Xia Arcana Anodyne 10ml 11/29 SWAP from Ah Xia   Knecht Ruprecht 5ml 11/30 from artemisia_mia on LJ   Resurrected Update Circle Order: 5mls of Purple Phoenix, Bat's Blood, Feu Follet, Glasya, Glitter, Silentium Amoris, Typhon, & Yuki-Onna 12/2 FROM LAB   300 vials 12/07 from kiiosells on LJ   Arcana Little Ghoulie, Espionage, & Shipwrecked 12/10 from filleconcrete on LJ   Y'ha-nthlei 5ml 12/11 from cclasky   empty darkling thrush 5ml 12/12 from kiiosells on LJ empty anthelion 5ml 12/12 from kiiosells on LJ empty nocturne 5ml 12/12 from kiiosells on LJ tarts & 2 bracelets 12/12 from kiiosells on LJ 200 vials 12/12 from kiiosells on LJ   the Reaper & the Flowers 12/12 SWAP from Ah_Xia   Garden Path with Chickens 1/12 DECANT CIRCLE from alicia_stardust on LJ The Great Red Dragon & the Woman Clothed with the Sun 1/12 DECANT CIRCLE from alicia_stardust on LJ Judith Victorious 1/12 DECANT CIRCLE from alicia_stardust on LJ   the cup of death 12/3 DECANT CIRCLE from aevalin on LJ la mort qui danse 12/3 DECANT CIRCLE from aevalin on LJ melancholia 12/3 DECANT CIRCLE from aevalin on LJ Cupid Complaining to Venus 12/3 DECANT CIRCLE from aevalin on LJ Itaso Kansei Nenkan Joro No Fuzoku 12/3 DECANT CIRCLE from aevalin on LJ The Lantern Thost of Oiwa 12/3 DECANT CIRCLE from aevalin on LJ   salamander 12/11 from lm on LJ   Valentine's Day Inquisition x2   Valentine's Day Inquisition full set of decants (circle run by HennaFairy)   CD3/Snakes/Heroines/Lupercalia (running decant circle)     Gaiman Set & Enraged Groundhog (running decant circle)   Fire Pig (decant from circle run by aevalin)   Pink Moon update Decant Circle order (includes all 5 LE's and 2 GC imps packs of new stuffs)   Fire Pig 5ml from _libertybelle_ on LJ   Monster Bait: BiggerCritters decant swap with GoddessRobyn 4/16/07   Poker Doggies & Milk Moon Update Decant Circle order 5/4/07   Thirteen Decant Circle Order   Rose Moon Decant Circle Order   Thunder Moon Decant Circle Order (includes new GC imp pack!)   Paris Hilton Decant Circle Order (includes Snake Oil 5ml)   Red Moon Decant Circle Order




more records... LOL. "Tested, not owned..."

Tested * Shanghai 4/25 from Hennafairy * Calliope 4/25 from Hennafairy * Black Cat 4/25 from Hennafairy * Phantom 4/25 from Hennafairy * The Red Queen 4/25 from Hennafairy * Bewitched 4/25 from Hennafairy Yemaya 4/25 from Hennafairy Peony Moon 5/19 from Hennafairy * monsterbait: underpants5/19 from Hennafairy




the ebay order, for my records...

* velvet 10ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * snow bunny 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * lick it 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * spooky 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * the sleeper 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * sugar skull '05 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * midnight mass 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * yuletide '05 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * the rat king 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * nuclear winter '05 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * sol 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * luperci '06 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * azathoth '05 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * kunstkammer 05 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * khajurajo 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * hearth '05 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * house of mirrors 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * snow moon 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * numb 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * the haunted palace 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * red phoenix 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * pumpkin patch 1 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * pumpkin patch 2 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * pumpkin patch 3 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY x2? * enraged orang-Utan 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * zorya 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * the ghost 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * lightning 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * veil 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * whitechapel 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * succubus 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * lex talionis 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * pannychis 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * machu picchu 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * ave maria gratia plena 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * fenris wolf 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * roadhouse 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY * santa eularia des riu 5ml 6/20 FROM EBAY




Orders Received/My Reviews!

Orders Received: * belladonna 4/28 (from pink.owl) * delirium 4/28 (from pink.owl) * juliet 4/28 (from pink.owl) * la belle au bois dormant 4/28 (from pink.owl) * lolita 4/28 (from pink.owl) * undertow 4/28 (from pink.owl) * embalming fluid 4/28 (from pink.owl)   ligeia 5/01 (from aedes) cordelia 5/01 (from aedes) endymion 5/01 (from aedes) * amsterdam 5/01 (from aedes)   * dirty 5/08 from ayelienne persephone 5/08 from ayelienne thaleia 5/08 from ayelienne ultraviolet 5/08 from ayelienne * delirium 5/08 from ayelienne * yuletide (frimp!) 5/08 from ayelienne   bayou 5/13 from jejunery catherine 5/13 from jejunery eos 5/13 from jejunery titania (frimp!) 5/13 from jejunery   rosalind 5/15 from aidenraine fae 5/15 from aidenraine black dahlia 5/15 from aidenraine   Beltane 05 (5ml) 5/15 from Beatrice33 neo-tokyo 5/152 from Beatrice33 white rabbit 5/15 from Beatrice33 tarot: the world 5/15 from Beatrice33 empyreal mist 5/15 from Beatrice33   *dirty dirty 5ml 5/15 from caramialove ahathoor (frimp!) 5/15 from caramialove le serpent qui danse (frimp!) 5/15 from caramialove titus andronicus (frimp!) 5/15 from caramialove   rose red 5/16 from ancilla migo brain canister 5/16 from ancilla black dahlia black dahlia 5/16 from ancilla holiday moon 5/16 from ancilla   annabel lee 5/18 from Caltha new orleans 5/18 from Caltha yerevan 5/18 from Caltha   FROM the NJ MEET & SNIFF 5/20/06: * Bearded Lady 5ml from Rheliwen Usher from Rheliwen Aglaea from Rheliwen Polyhymnia from Rheliwen   migo brain canister 5ml from RHM Sea of Glass (5ml split with Hennafairy) from RHM Megeara from RHM Ophelia from RHM Kumiho from RHM London from RHM Glasgow from RHM   * The Hesperides (5ml split with Hennafairy) from Joseybird Annabel Lee 5ml from Joseybird * Enraged Bunny Musk 5ml from Joseybird * Snow White from Joseybird   Lurid from Cupid430 Queen of Hearts from Cupid430 Wilde from Cupid430   * embalming fluid from beetiger Zephyr from beetiger   The Perfumed Garden from HennaFairy Talvikuu from HennaFairy Dia De Los Muertos '04 from HennaFairy Dana O'Shee from HennaFairy   * embalming fluid 5ml 5/31 from Chouchen Frumious Bandersnatch 5ml (1 yummy imp left) 5/31 from Chouchen Moon Rose (frimp!) 5/31 from Chouchen   The City in the Sea 5/31 SWAP from ReedSong empyreal mist 5/31 SWAP from ReedSong * Peacock Queen SNIFFIE 5/31 SWAP from ReedSong Peony Moon SNIFFIE 5/31 SWAP from ReedSong   Sea of Glass 5ml 6/02from purplegirl * Snow White 5ml 6/02 from purplegirl endymion (frimp!) 6/02 from purplegirl   MidWinter's Eve 6/02 from HennaFairy   Berenice 5ml 5/30 FROM EBAY suspiro (frimp!) 5/30 FROM EBAY   empyreal mist 5ml 06/05 from Hayet * Snow White 5ml 06/05 from Hayet   * Peacock Queen 5ml 6/07 from zenvodunista Lampades (frimp!) 6/07 from zenvodunista   Utrennyaya 6/08 SWAP from ReedSong Brisingamen 6/08 SWAP from ReedSong Libertine 6/08 SWAP from ReedSong   gingerbread poppet 6/09 from maewitch trick or treat 6/09 from maewitch la fee verte6/09 from maewitch 2, 5, & 7 (frimp!) 6/09 from maewitch   Blessing of Isis (TAL decant) 6/09 from SevenSins Attuning (TAL decant) 6/09 from SevenSins Freak Show 6/09 from SevenSins baneberry (frimp!) 6/09 from SevenSins   white rabbit 6/10 from allidavie * the dormouse 6/10 from allidavie elegba 6/10 from allidavie * tempest 6/10 from allidavie baron samedi 6/10 from allidavie hell's belle 6/10 from allidavie tiphareth 6/10 from allidavie hemlock 6/10 from allidavie   Virgo 6/10 SWAP from cybra111   antony 6/12 from Beatrice33 * aizen myoo 6/12 from Beatrice33 blood kiss 6/12 from Beatrice33 crossroads 6/12 from Beatrice33 * dracul 6/12 from Beatrice33 endymion 6/12 from Beatrice33 hamadryad 6/12 from Beatrice33 hellcat 6/12 from Beatrice33 kitsune-tsuki 6/12 from Beatrice33 kyoto 6/12 from Beatrice33 tamora 6/12 from Beatrice33 tweedledee 6/12 from Beatrice33   dublin 6/12 (in return for help with Ebay from curvy_divine at LJ!) forbidden fruit 6/12 (in return for help with Ebay from curvy_divine at LJ!) tamora 6/12 (in return for help with Ebay from curvy_divine at LJ!)   *the dormouse 6/15 SWAP from neuilly namaste 6/15 SWAP from neuilly   Al-Araaf 5ml (partial) 6/10 from malabar on LJ! * Evening Star 5ml (partial) 6/10 from malabar on LJ! Cairo 6/10 from malabaron LJ! Euphrosyne 6/10 from malabaron LJ! Kurukulla 6/10 from malabar on LJ! Mock Turtle's Lessons 6/10 from malabar on LJ! Saturnalia 6/10 from malabar on LJ! 13 '06 6/10 from malabar on LJ!   MidWinter's Eve 5ml empty 6/19 from bristlecone on LJ!   Fruit Moon 5ml 6/19 from shinysparkly on LJ!   Banshee 6/19 SWAP from ewalk the Raven 6/19 SWAP from ewalk * shattered 6/19 SWAP from ewalk   * snowblind 6/20 SWAP from dpoulsen21 Concentration (TAL) (frimp!) 6/20 SWAP from dpoulsen21 freakshow (frimp!) 6/20 SWAP from dpoulsen21 thunderbird sniffie (frimp!)6/20 SWAP from dpoulsen21   stardust 6/20 from Blood onmy hands queen of clubs 6/20 from Blood onmy hands * beaver moon 6/20 from Blood onmy hands * lump of coal 6/20 from Blood onmy hands phantom queen 6/20 from Blood onmy hands shroud 6/20 from Blood onmy hands   chuparosa 6/20 SWAP from bagfish the apothecary 6/20 SWAP from bagfish Xiuhtecuhtli 6/20 SWAP from bagfish   glitter 6/21 from heartbreakangel on LJ bon vivant 6/21 from heartbreakangel on LJ pink moon 5ml 6/21from heartbreakangel on LJ   pink phoenix 5ml 6/18 from angharad sundew 6/18 from angharad   * honeysuckle SN 6/22 from caitygrl96 on LJ * snow angel 6/22 from caitygrl96 on LJ sudha segara 6/22 from caitygrl96 on LJ shub-niggurath (sniffie!) 6/22 from caitygrl96 on LJ storm moon (sniffie!) 6/22 from caitygrl96 on LJ snake charmer (sniffie!) 6/22 from caitygrl96 on LJ dragon's milk (sniffie!) 6/22 from caitygrl96 on LJ   Tulzcha 5ml 6/22 from blueroses eve (frimp!) 6/22 from blueroses the hanging gardens (frimp!) 6/22 from blueroses   spirits of the dead partial 5ml 6/22 from Juniperus Intrepidus beatrice 6/22 from Juniperus Intrepidus twenty-one 6/22 from Juniperus Intrepidus numb 6/22 from Juniperus Intrepidus hurricane 6/22 from Juniperus Intrepidus   the caterpillar 6/22 from edenssixthday on LJ yew trees 6/22 from edenssixthday on LJ frumious bandersnatch 6/22 from edenssixthday on LJ bengal 6/22 from edenssixthday on LJ * macchu pichu 6/22 from edenssixthday on LJ baobhan sith 6/22 from edenssixthday on LJ chimera 6/22 from edenssixthday on LJ olokun 6/22 from edenssixthday on LJ fallen (frimp!) 6/22 from edenssixthday on LJ   house of night 6/23 SWAP from Aredhel envy 6/23 SWAP from Aredhel   2, 5, & 7 5ml 6/24 from darkwitch72 on LJ ulalume (frimp!) 6/24 from darkwitch72 on LJ ravenous (frimp!) 6/24 from darkwitch72 on LJ   * june gloom 6/26 from caitygrl96 on LJ   gypsy queen 6/26 from moonmouse devil's night 6/26 from moonmouse monster bait: closet 6/26 from moonmouse   tigerlily 5ml 6/26 from oceandreamer001   kitsune-tsuki 5ml 6/26 from Chouchen chiroptera 6/26 from Chouchen Tenochititlan sniffie 6/26 from Chouchen   harvest moon 5ml (imp left) 6/17 from liquidxcrack on LJ beltane '05 6/17 from liquidxcrack on LJ stardust 5ml (empty) 6/17 from liquidxcrack on LJ   * queen of diamonds 6/27 from caitygrl96 on LJ dormouse (frimp!) 6/27 from caitygrl96 on LJ kurukulla (frimp!) 6/27 from caitygrl96 on LJ mouse's long sad tale sniffie (frimp!) 6/27 from caitygrl96 on LJ   sun shaped hanging smelly fun 6/28 from freyas_fire on LJ amsterdam (frimp!) 6/28 from freyas_fire on LJ juke joint (frimp!) 6/28 from freyas_fire on LJ   36 x pipettes 6/29 from roostergrrl on LJ 100 small baggies 6/29 from roostergrrl on LJ   * shattered 6/29 FROM BPAL * bess 6/29 FROM BPAL * cathode 6/29 FROM BPAL * la bella donna della mia mente 6/29 FROM BPAL * swank 6/29 FROM BPAL * tempest 6/29 FROM BPAL * shanghai 6/29 FROM BPAL * juliet 6/29 FROM BPAL * tigerlily 6/29 FROM BPAL * the unicorn 6/29 FROM BPAL * szepasszony 6/29 FROM BPAL * the hanging gardens 6/29 FROM BPAL (SHIPPING 6/26)   Ligeia 5ml 6/29 FROM BPAL * La Belle au Bois Dormant 5ml 6/29 FROM BPAL   mistletoe 7/01 from blood onmy hands eat me 7/01 from blood onmy hands tweedledum 7/01 from blood onmy hands three witches 7/01 from blood onmy hands   fee 5ml 7/01 from gingersnapp   mouse's long & sad tale 7/01 from blackheartedangel amsterdam 7/01 from blackheartedangel mata hari 7/01 from blackheartedangel katharina 7/01 from blackheartedangel corazon (sniffie) 7/01 from blackheartedangel caps to sniff: dreamland, antique lace, morguase, black opal 7/01 from blackheartedangel   snow white '05 7/01 SWAP from one LJ   FROM the NJ MINI MEET & SNIFF 7/02/06:   dorian 7/02 from melantha   montresor 5ml 7/02 from hennafairy morella 5ml 7/02 from hennafairy fortunato 5ml 7/02 from hennafairy leanan sidhe 5ml (empty) 7/02 from hennafairy harvest moon 7/02 from hennafairy storm moon 7/02 from hennafairy budding moon 7/02 from hennafairy peony moon 7/02 from hennafairy severin 7/02 from hennafairy endymion 7/02 from hennafairy sudha segara 7/02 from hennafairy mock turtle's lessons 7/02 from hennafairy lady of shallot 7/02 from hennafairy phantasm 7/02 from hennafairy   * Evening Star 5ml 7/03 SWAP from 1demondog jack 7/03 SWAP from 1demondog belle epoque 7/03 SWAP from 1demondog hymn to prosperpine 7/03 SWAP from 1demondog   peony moon 5ml (empty) 7/03 from crescentwitch on LJ montresor 5ml (empty) 7/03 from crescentwitch on LJ neptune 5ml (empty) 7/03 from crescentwitch on LJ bead of nails (frimp!) 7/03 from crescentwitch on LJ   devil's night 5ml 7/03 from cool_chick on LJ carnivale (frimp!) 7/03from cool_chick on LJ the bow & crown of conquest (frimp!) 7/03 from cool_chick on LJ   spirits of the dead 7/03 SWAP from reedsong thunderbird 7/03 SWAP from reedsong astral travel (TAL) 7/03 SWAP from reedsong voodoo queen sniffie 7/03 SWAP from reedsong   queen of diamonds 5ml 7/05 SWAP from spinallandscape on LJ whipoorwhill 7/05 SWAP from spinallandscape on LJ fee 7/05 SWAP from spinallandscape on LJ evening star 7/05 SWAP from spinallandscape on LJ   jack 7/05 SWAP from celogirl shadow with orchid 7/05 SWAP from celogirl bliss 7/05 SWAP from celogirl     gluttony 7/05 SWAP from tess * dracul 7/05 SWAP from tess   bordello 7/05 SWAP from ldyknight Kuang Shi 7/05 SWAP from ldyknight





I needed to do a little "inventory", to see what i have kept with all the sales/swaps I have gone through!   LE 5mls   A Demon in My View: Annabel Lee the Evening Star Al-Araaf spirits of the dead   Yule: Snow White 2005 MidWinter's Eve 2005 (x2) lick it nuclear winter yuletide '05 stardust   Carnivale Noir: Bearded Lady house of mirrors kunstkammer freak show   Maelstrom: Berenice ligeia Morella Montresor Fortunato   A Little Lunacy: Fruit Moon Beaver Moon Harvest Moon Peony Moon   Halloween spooky the haunted palace pumpkin patch 1-2-3   Various: the Peacock Queen Mi-Go Brain Canister Enraged Bunny Musk Beltane 2005 pink phoenix tulzcha harvest moon devil's night queen of diamonds Smut   GC 5mls   Sin & Salvation: Dirty Sea of Glass Roadhouse   Bewitching Brews: Empyreal Mist the Hesperides Leanan Sidhe   Funereal Oils: Embalming Fluid   Mad Tea Party: Frumious Bandersnatch 2-5-&-7 Tigerlily the Unicorn the Dormouse   Wanderlust Machu Picchu   Diabolus Kitsune-tsuki Dracul   Love Potions La Belle Au Bois Dormant   Excolo Aizen-Myoo   Rappaccini's Garden Sundew   coming soon: litha, hungry ghost moon, chaos theory 3, dunwich, chiroptera, sepulcher, arkham revisited, , herr drosselmeyer, old yerevan, thunderbird, city in the sea   LE/DC Imps   Halloween: Trick or Treat   A Demon in My View: the City in the Sea   Carnivale Noir: gypsy queen   Yule: Gingerbread Poppet   Maelstrom: Usher   A Little Lunacy budding moon storm moon   Celestials: Virgo   Naughty/Nice Lump of Coal snow angel   Various: 13 Dios de Los Muertos 2004 the Perfumed Garden beatrice   Single Notes honeysuckle     TAL Decants blessing of isis attuning concentration astral travel   coming soon: hand of hermes, white light, temple celtic, bastet's laughter   GC Imps   aglaea ophelia persephone polyhymnia thaleia titania tweedledee utrennayaya yerevan amsterdam antony baneberry baron samedi delirium dracul x2 endymion (x3) hamadryad hell's belle kumiho megeara the mock turtle's lessons x2 namaste neo-tokyo the raven chuperosa the apothecary xiuhtecuhtli phantom queen bon vivant baobhan sith olokun eve envy Tenochititlan the hanging gardens shattered swank tempest shanghai szepasszony dorian gluttony kuang shi   coming soon: aizen-myoo, the dormouse, dorian, danube, leanan sidhe, phobos,




Bored again!

I went a little icon crazy this morning... these are some scents I really like, or have coming to me soon!      




oh geez...

Ok, well I ordered Hungry Ghost Moon... and added in Chaos Theory 3 (even though I have til August). It seemed a shame to just order one bottle (because of shipping costs). I'll order the OTHER new one sometime between now and August They all are so yummy sounding!! I'm really obsessed with the idea of CT3, too... can't wait to see what they pick for me!   *hope i like it*





by all the lovely scents!   I received in the mail today:   from allidavie NEWBIE IMP PACK white rabbit the dormouse (omg. i'm in love!) hell's belle baron samedi elegba hemlock tempest tiphareth   from cybra111 VIRGO imp!! *happy dance* yummy chai tea sample




Smells Galore!

Hooray! I got some great BPAL packs in the mail today:   From SevenSins: Attuning (TAL) Blessing of Isis (TAL FreakShow Baneberry (frimp! and possibly a new favorite!) 2 pieces of Villianess soap (frimps!): Moonlight & Ugly Magnolia, Beguiling   From maewitch: Trick or Treat Gingerbread Poppet La Fee Verte 2, 5, & 7 (frimp!!) 2 "Soaps*Salts*Etc!" samples (Pink Sugar & Jack Frost) frimps! 1 "Green Lady Soap" sample (Tart au Citron) frimp!   The 2 ladies ROCK! I'm overwhelmed (and happy!)





I am becoming a bigger and bigger fan of swapping!!   Today I got the following from Reedsong:   libertine utrennyaya brisingamen   Swapping rocks!!! It gives me the chance to try things on my wishlist without spending a ton of money, and it also allows me to test out a few I may not have tried on my own... woohoo!!





My new favorite BPAL came in the mail today: Peacock Queen!! I got a 5ml (really, on a whim... which ROCKS) and a frimp of Lampades from zenvodunista I'm so in love with this scent, I can't even tell you... best ever!!





I had an Ebay package arrive yesterday! YAY! Here is what I got:   Berenice 5ml Suspiro (frimp!)  




which to wear... which to wear...

I received a package today from purplegirl!   Sea of Glass 5ml Snow White 5ml endymion (frimp!) 2 slices Lush soap (yum!)   What a sweetheart, really. And I'm totally in love with the bottle for Snow White!




Back to business!

*phew* I was going through total withdrawal without this forum for a while... I guess that is sort of a lame statement, but I truly don't have much going on in my life, and I'm obsessed! hehe.   I got TWO packages yesterday!   From Chouchen:   Embalming Fluid 5ml Frumious Bandersnatch 5ml (small amount left) Moon Rose (Frimp!) candy & sample of Lush soap (Frimp!)     From ReedSong (my first real SWAP... yay!):   City in the Sea Empyreal Mist sniffies of: Peacock Queen & Peony Moon   I can't wait to get the rest of what I have coming to me!     p.s. I started up a LJ BPAL Feedback page HERE... and realized I didn't know this existed... I just went back through all my sales/purchases/swaps to see if those people had feedback pages, and only found a few. If I did BPALbusiness with you, and you have a feedback page, let me know! Sorry I hadn't known about it before (i know you're not supposed to ask people for feedback, but this is me saying I want to leave feedback, just don't have your link).





So, I attended a Meet & Sniff yesterday at RHM's house (in NJ). What fun! All the girls there were SO sweet, and had my cracking up. On top of that, everyone was very open to allowing me, the ditzy newbie, to stick my nose in all their BPAL! I'm sure I commited a zillion faux pas, but nobody seemed to even mind. Sorry to all the girls for anything stupid I may have said/did (including asking for a June Gloom imp and mispronoucing probably a million scent names! LMAO. i'm an ass).   HennaFairy and I were so exhausted when we got home, but still went through each other's new stuff... then ate dinner, watched a hilariously HORRIBLE movie (i forget the name, but i saw Heather Grahams breasts and one of the Fiennes' brother's ass quite a lot), and seriously passed out at 10:30! my arms are all stinky (in a good way!), too.   My favorite thing that I got at the M&S ends up being the Bunny Musk. Who knew? that wasn't even on my wishlist, and I thought I would HATE it (i'm very anti baby powder, and I thought that would be the smell... it isn't!). I love Sea of Glass and the Hesperides, too! And Bearded Lady... and, well, I picked up a ton of frimps... I put them all in my box, and sort of lost track of who I got them all from (sorry ladies! if you remember what you gave me, feel free to let me know and I'll update my swaps list a little better. *duh*).   Oh, and I'm obsessed with Snow White, too! it smells EXACTLY like Bath & Body Works' "Refreshing Garden Mint" that they discontinued a few years back, and I still am hoarding a small amount of lotion from. hehe. I cried when that disappeared!! Joseybird was kind enough to sell me a decant of hers... now I can take my time searching for a full bottle. YUM!   i'm all sniffed out!     ... for a few days, at least   d


