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SW Thread Questions (Updated 9/26)

Forum questions:   Pumpkin stuff: yes. Flavor and scent. For home scents, I like candles and soy wax tarts (like the Scentsy-type ones that use an electric warmer.)   Canned or baked goods: I am okay with that as long is it isn't very dairy-heavy.   TP Wants: I am sure I have plenty, but I haven't looked in a while. I will update this when I have time to make a new wishlist.   Retailers or e-tailers I don't like: Lime Crime; there are probably others I can't think of right now   Coffee and tea preferences?: I like both, I have a Keurig machine so I can only use the regular k-cups, but I like any and all kinds of tea.   Cooking/kitchen accessories: I do cook, but I have most of the kitchen junk I need or want.   Creative stuff: I am generally pretty lazy when it comes to making crafts myself, but I would love to get something handmade.   Culture or country I have special feelings about: I can't think of any but maybe I don't understand the question?   Art comissions: I can't think of anything I immediately want, but if you make art and want to draw for me that would be awesome.   Freetime: besides tumblr, reading, relaxing, baking, drinking   Table top gaming: not into that, sorry. If you want to get me into it then I will consider, I like nerdy stuff. (My husband and I used to have hour-long battles in the old Star Wars CCG so there's your proof.)   DVDs or games that I want: I can't think of anything, if I do I will update.   Candy from outside the US: I always like trying new things like this!   Meme/fandom: Hm, I don't know.   Facebook: I think it is facebook.com/killersandliars but I am not sure. My witch can probably use my name and city to find me there anyway if she needs to, right?   RCCC: no, but Witch, if you are going to this have fun!   Contact: Whatever you are comfortable with is great with me!   Puzzles and treasure hunts: not sure this is something that I am particularly into but it could be fun.   Music: physical or digital is good!   Problem/Annoyance: n/a   Good luck trinket: any and all good luck is greatly appreciated!   Superstitions: not really, no.   Vegetarian/vegan: n/a I'll try just about anything as long as it doesn't have too much dairy in it.   Other fall scents: I love apple or anything autumnal, basically.   Fabric aversions: nope, none that I can think of. My husband does but he won't be handling the stuff you send me.   Christmas/yule: I love the winter holidays almost as much as I love the autumn ones. We have a regular tree that has a lot of disney ornaments on it but we also have a “spooky” tree that has a lot of semi-spooky yet still Christmas-y ornaments on it.   Hello Kitty: I like cute stuff in general, but I am okay with Hello Kitty in small/subtle ways (like nothing really all over pink and flowers, but the more “grown up” Hello Kitty stuff does still appeal to me.)   If I had a free week to study, I'd probably just choose an author and read as many of their books as I could.   Poetry: I do enjoy poetry, which is probably good since I'm a lit major. I really like the Romantics, which I know is lame, but whatever. Especially Coleridge and Shelley. But I like a lot of other stuff too. Denise Levertov is one of my favorite poets as well, female poets appeal to me in general.   Something related to a favorite Disney character: if that character is Oswald or Donald Duck or Uncle Scrooge, then yes.   Kawaii stationery: I love kawaii stationery. I collected it for many years, actually. I don't write many letters anymore, but I like it nonetheless. If you want to send me letters on kawaii paper I would be so stoked. But I like creepy stuff too.   Something specific I would like to receive: I really, truly don't want my Witch to feel obligated for any specific thing. If you do need something specific, I'll say one of those really cute Halloween cards. I've never gotten a Halloween card in my life!   Tarot cards, etc: I am fine with receiving cards or having my cards read.   Glitter: YES. I love glitter. Mainly in small does is makeup, but glitter attached to anything is cool in my book.   Time period that describes my style/aesthetic: 90's goth and punk meets 50s and 60s femininity? At least for dress. As for décor, it's very eclectic with some modern elements and some kinda spooky ones.   Types of books: I like e-books (I have a kindle) and physical books.   House of Gloi custom bottle: black tea top note, rose mid note, fig base note   Halloween animal or character: I like ravens and bats, and kitties of course too. And spooky skeletons.   Indie/e-tailer makeup: I don't care as much for nail polish anymore, but I do like indie loose eyeshadows and blushes. There are a few indie lipstick brands that I want to try too. I have the most experience with Fyrinnae loose shadows, I like their bright colors and glittery textures. I like cool or warm neutrals, especially taupe, but also greens, teals, golds, and berries for eyeshadows. For blushes, I like literally everything. Same with lip colors, I'm more drawn to nudes and reds but I love corals and purples as well, and I like experimenting with “weird”. Basically if I got a package of shimmery eyeshadows and bold lipsticks I'd be over the freaking moon.   Profanity and off color humor: raunchy is fine, cursing is fine, but I don't like purposefully offensive stuff.   Hair sticks: my hair is probably too short.   Larping: no   Chocolate covered scorpions and bacon powder: no thank you.   Halloween plushie: yes, as long as he or she isn't too big.   Stuff from Japan: Oswald the Lucky Rabbit things. All the things. Every one of those. Or anything kawaii Disney.   GC scents I like but never buy: Drink Me, Tweedledum, Dragon's Heart, La Petite Mort, The Raven, Sea Foams Milk, Whip, Santa Muerte, probably others I can't think of right now.   Lush: I love basically anything from Lush.   T-shirts: I don't really wear them.         Newest 9/13:   Thinkgeek: I have browsed there lightly, but I am sure they do have tons if stuff I'd be tickled to get. My favorite geeky things are old literature, Game of Thrones/ASoIaf, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the film They Live, Star Wars (some stuff, kinda picky). Things I do not really care for are Star Trek (no offense if you like it, I never got into it), Firefly (same reason), Doctor Who, Supernatural, BBC Sherlock, and Big Bang Theory.   Paintbox Soapworks: I wouldn't mind trying something from there, but I haven't tried any of their stuff yet. For bath and body e-tailers I do like Haus of Gloi (mainly their pumpkin butter, bubbling scrub, whipped soap, and their light lotion.)   Showing up at my house: That could be cool if we talked about it first, but meeting in public for coffee or something would be way better. I want so badly for there to be other BPALers in my area, but everything's so spread out here I doubt they'd be close.   Ravelry: I do have an account, but I haven't been active. I learned to crochet earlier this year, but I don't do it enough.   Sock Dreams: VERY YAY.   Knitted or crochet items: I'd be okay with them, especially longish scarves or fingerless gloves. I like very soft fibers, and just about any color works for me. I've been getting into more greens and pumpkin colors and golden yellows and teal and blue the past little while, so anything in that family would rock.   Amazon wishlist: it is very up-to-date, actually! http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/18IAQQE0FZ2TG/ref=topnav_lists_2   Caramels: due to the whole lactose intolerance thing I probably would get sick if I ate these.   Incense: I would love that!   Spices: I couldn't say that there's anything I need in particular, but if you think it is cool then I would probably enjoy it.   Handmade stationery or a quill pen: I think a fountain pen would be neat, but not necessarily a quill pen. Handmade stationery would also be very cool, I'd like to see that!   Heat tolerance: I like things medium-spicy, not very very hot but not barely any heat at all either.   Newest 9/24     Halloween candy: there's none that I am over-the-top fond of, but I like most chocolate and stuff along those lines.   Cozy footwear: I am from the south and it seems like we prefer to go barefoot indoors all the time, even when it's cold, so this would not be well-utilized by me.   What do I look forward to each fall? Change of seasons, cooler weather, back-to-school, Halloween, BPAL Halloweenies, snuggling up inside watching movies, etc. The usual stuff.   Gadgets: My phone (HTC One M7, seriously a great smartphone if you're looking for one) has a case, as does my Kindle. I have some stickers on the lid of my MacBook, so I would accessorize it more. I'd love a BPAL sticker, or they had some new "old school tattoo"-style Nightmare Before Christmas stickers at Hot Topic, of which I wanted the Oogie Boogie.   Beauty accessories: I am pretty stocked up, but I could use new Beauty Blender-like sponges. Everyone makes a dupe now, and the dupes are usually just as good.   One big box vs. several small ones: I like the idea of both, especially if the big box contains something REALLY special that did take a while to procure. Small boxes are fun because it shows that my Witch is thinking about me. Both are good. If you're going the one box route, I'd like to know to not be expecting little stuff in the meantime though.   Halloween PJs: I would love some soft, stretchy Halloween-y PJ pants, probably in 2x just so they're comfy. I usually don't even sleep in pants, so they'd just be for wearing around.   M&Ms: I like almond and peanut butter M&Ms, but I am not like coocoo bananas about them or anything.   Wax melts: I LOVE THEM. Hence why I have a whole cabinet full. I really don't need any more, unless you can find some that are evocative of my favorite BPALs.   Spotify: not really interested.   Lillith update: the cake one, obviously, and there was one other that I thought sounded good, but I'll have to look it up. If you need to know for certain and soon I can do that and let you know.   Sugar cube skulls: those are hella cute, but I wouldn't use them.   Skin care: my skin is a mess. I don't even want to talk about it.   Salem: a postcard or a keychain or something cute would definitely be awesome.   LisaNut's etsy: the upcycled floral scarf is very cute!   Knit spiders: yes. Those blue Tarantulas are my favorite.   Pillows: I already have more than I need. :X Unless it has a cool literary quote or has to do with Disneyland I'd say I don't need it.   Bags: I am a bag lover, so I already have a ton. I do like those reusable plastic-y grocery bags, I could always use another one or two to keep in my car at all times.   Special events: not right now. School starts back in a few days, but that's not special.   Scents: again, I'd have to look.   NYCC: probably some things, yes! Cons always get cool exclusives so if you need me to look, let me know.   Tokyo Game Show: IDK what this is, but it sounds kinda cool.   Couples' rings or Halloween jewelry: I love Haunted Mansion jewelry, so of course any of that. Not so much the couples' rings. In general I love Halloween jewelry and accessories.   Booze: we collect tiki mugs (vintage and modern.) We have about all the bar ware we need, but we could probably use more shakers. Bar books dealing with tropical/tiki drinks are always well-loved here as well. We have a bar in our dining room, we mainly drink tiki-ish or rum-based drinks both at home and when we're out.   Flavored sugar cubes: this could be nice, esp. the rosewater ones. I'm assuming you use them in tea?   Jamberry: these are very cool, I'd love some!   Book: I buy so many books for myself, it is hard for me to think of ones I want. Here are the ones on my Amazon list as of right now: http://www.amazon.com/dp/1567310656/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=18IAQQE0FZ2TG&coliid=I2Q4LRVXOFOD03; http://www.amazon.com/dp/039916040X/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=18IAQQE0FZ2TG&coliid=I2J776BTNUAIOV; http://www.amazon.com/dp/1616551097/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=18IAQQE0FZ2TG&coliid=I2LL4G2HDA8QAN; http://www.amazon.com/dp/B003E7EXBI/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=3T7FNV8Y8N94E&coliid=I8XSCGCME3YIB; and these are ebooks I want for my Kindle, but I'd like to have them in paper form as well: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JX1GLUA/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=ULXBLU6HDK6L&coliid=ILKMXDSZQ735J; http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009177PRE/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=ULXBLU6HDK6L&coliid=I2XUG7DZJ62ADP; http://www.amazon.com/dp/B006IEFVG0/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=ULXBLU6HDK6L&coliid=I2SBWSYHRB7VJ9; http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009Y3ON6G/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=ULXBLU6HDK6L&coliid=I11ZLW7XGD1SXO; http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009LRWUFQ/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pd_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=ULXBLU6HDK6L&coliid=I1M86FJ3PO36M7; http://www.amazon.com/dp/B009NQZRIM/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pd_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=ULXBLU6HDK6L&coliid=I1Z9QUMF0V7444; http://www.amazon.com/dp/B002N83HAW/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pd_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=ULXBLU6HDK6L&coliid=I1U2Q6OPC4GA5S   New 9/26:   Updated answer to the NYCC question re: BPAL's con exclusives: Yes, I highly want some of the green apple hair gloss.   Under $25 Birchbox:   https://www.birchbox.com/shop/featured/25-and-under-1/royal-rose-simple-syrup (basically any of these) https://www.birchbox.com/shop/featured/25-and-under-1/soap-paper-factory-lip-butter (Blood Orange) https://www.birchbox.com/shop/featured/25-and-under-1/toykomilk-bon-bon-lip-balm (Rose Water) https://www.birchbox.com/shop/featured/25-and-under-1/besame-cosmetics-crimson-cream-rouge https://www.birchbox.com/shop/featured/25-and-under-1/besame-cosmetics-classic-color-lipstick (any color, but especially Besame Red or Portrait Pink.)   Fatherhood update: nothing really caught my eye, sorry   Street art: I have no opinion on this whatsoever.   Single note: Rose, obviously. There's no contest.   New 10/1   NYCC BPAL exclusives: I think I mentioned even a few drops of the green apple hair gloss would excite me.   Weenies: I am going to buy Samhain and Pumpkin I for myself this weekend or early next week, then if I can sell the other bottles I have on the forum I'll buy a couple more before Yules hit. I know The Witch-Bride is my next most-wanted and based on the notes I know I need a full bottle, followed by All Saints, Visions of Autumn IV, decants of Fog Machine Juice and Pile of Fallen Leaves, Pumpkin III, and a decant of Pumpkin V.   Caffeine? I love it. I drink coffee (mainly Trader Joe's K-Cups these days, but I like the Starbucks Veranda Blend K-Cups as well.)   MAC and ELF makeup: I am not a Rocky Horror fan, so none of that really appeals to me. I haven't been excited about MAC in many years. I do like ELF stuff though, and I like Disney, so Witch, you know I would be all about that.   Custom chocolate bar: since the company is based in the UK I doubt it is worth having one shipped here.   Turkish delight and flower-flavored candy: I used to be obsessed with these little violet mints from Ferrero or something, they were in a little silver Tic-Tac type case. Anyway, I liked those, and I guess that could be good with dark chocolate. I'd try rose chocolate too. IDK about Turkish Delight though, it makes me think of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe and kidnapping unsuspecting children. I've never tried it. :X  




SW Fall 2014 blog

Hello, if you are reading this, Witch! The this message will be especially for you. Today is Friday, Sept. 12th, so you may have already started sneaking around and finding out things about me, which is very exciting for me. Maybe not so much for you? On Monday, September 15th, I will be leaving California for eight entire days, but I will be available via email and I should be able to load the forum on my phone. After that, though, I'll basically be back to my regular old lazy bum always on the internet ways by the 23rd. I'm trying to distance myself from Facebook, but if you want to get to know me a little better definitely try my tumblrs (werewolf--barmitzvah is my main one and marshmallow-fashion is my fashion blog.) I'm going to try to catch up with the questions from the SW post before Monday.  



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