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Two weeks worth of pictures!

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First of all, I'm only including a handful of the pictures I took last weekend, since most of them look just like the week before.


But... I visited my parents last weekend, and while I was there, I grabbed leaves off of my mom's christmas cactus and jade plant. I've got them outside right now since it's hot out, and it hasn't been raining.


The christmas cactus leaf:



The Jade leaves:



And a side shot of one of the beautiful pots I found for them on an obscure shelf at Lowes:





And now, on to this week!


First of all, the bounty we harvested today! The bowl is full of red ripe tomatoes.



A rose bud is opening right now:



The most spectacular thing this weekend, though was the moonflower that finally bloomed this weekend! It smells beautiful


Here it is this afternoon before it opened:



And here are three shots of it this evening after it opened: Unfortunately, my camera doesn't really do well with close ups in the dark.






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Ooh! The moonflower looks beeyootiful. And is that a French manicure? :lol: It looks great! ;)


I thought about taking pictures of a few plants yesterday because of your blog! It's been so hot and dry, but we have a couple of silverado sage bushes in front (very popular here) and they'll independently decide to bloom every couple of months with these really cute teeny purple flowers. Anyway, the big bush was blooming yesterday, but then they're gone and I'm sad.

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I too was admiring your french mani! Also the big bowl of bounty. Beautiful!


One thing I learned about growing jade plants (and this might not apply so much for your cuttings since it's the leaves and not leaves and stalks) is to cluster the cuttings together. They sort of support eachother as they grow.


I love the way the christmas cactus looks all "Night of the Living Dead" and all. :lol:

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That photo of the bowl of nature's body is a gorgeous little still life photo. And it makes me hungry... :lol:


And I too was admiring your French manicure! It looks great on you, and you have beautiful hands.

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Thanks for noticing the manicure, guys! I got my nails done this weekend, and I think they turned out great. The girl doing my nails did a great job with the white parts, but unfortunately, the top coat she used was all bubbly, so the finish on them isn't perfect. She did the whites the way I like, where she painted on a little extra of the white polish, then used acetone and a paintbrush to bake a really crisp edge.


I'll have to take a picture of my pedicure, though. I asked for flowers on my big toes, and got very pretty, very sparkly flowers. I get a smile just from looking at them.


dawndie, I would love to see pictures of your garden!


darkity, I didn't even think about the plants needing each other's support. Oh well, to late for that now, I guess. And yeah, it is kind of night-of-the-living-dead-ish, isn't it? You know that if that cutting ever sprouts, that plant will forever be the "zombie cactus", right?


valentina, I was in awe of the bounty myself. It is such an amazing feeling to know that I grew all of that. That I nurtured those plants, and fussed over them, and they did more than just survive, they've just showered me with fruit!

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