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Lab's ship times

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Here's something that bugs me about the BPAL community.


Whenever anyone (usually a newbie) comments or complains about long ship times from the Lab, at least four people jump down the person's throat saying things like "When I started buying BPAL we had to wait three months to get our orders. This is nothing. You should shut up and stop complaining." Or they say "It only seems long right now to people who started buying BPAL when the Lab's shipping times were shorter."


Here's the thing: The Lab's shipping time two years ago has absoultely no bearing whatsoever on whether or not a newbie is feeling excited and impatient and wants her BPAL as soon as possible.


It seems like people say things like that because they think they're defending the Lab, but it comes across to a newbie as "You're not allowed to have an opinion about ship times until you've been around for as long as I have." Or worse, "Your opinion matters less than mine does because you haven't been around for as long as I have." That's a personal insult, which is a lot different from the newbie's original comment about a business practice.


I wish people would stop saying things like that.

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I know what you are saying and I think I agree. Both sides of the coin make me feel a little weird, though. I guess I am of the school that if you don't have anything good or nice or productive to say, then stick a cork in it.


People complaining about ship times AND those shushing them for whatever reason make me uncomfortable.


I think I just ended up saying that people should totally censor themselves.



But hey, that works for me:P

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I recall when I was a noob, I checked my order in CCNow and it said "shipped," so I posted in the squee section of the forum that my first order had shipped. I got a fairly scathing comment in response to my post that I didn't know what I was talking about -- that "shipped" meant the order had been sent to the Lab, not that it had been sent to me. The post started out, "Sorry to rain on your parade, sweetie...." It was very condescending and was intended to make me look and feel stupid, which it did, at least for a while. Then I decided that the person who wrote it was simply rude. (BTW, this person isn't very active on the forum anymore.)


Anyway, I know of what you speak, for I experienced it. There are ways to address issues other than slapping people down. The Lab is terribly clear about its shipping times in the front page of the site -- gently prodding impatient noobs to "read the fine print" is appropriate, but being snotty isn't.

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I think I just ended up saying that people should totally censor themselves.




I know what you mean. And valentina too.


Honestly, it makes me uncomfortable to read anything that's even slighty critical of the Lab. I think they work really hard, their products are better than anything else of its kind out there, everything is reasonably priced, and their customer service is great. Plus Beth is one of the most gracious, reasonable, and funny people on the entire forum.


But I can see why there's confusion about some things for newbies. If I was looking at the Lab's website for the first time and being overwhelmed by all the pages of choices, I'm not 100% sure I'd notice that blurb on the front page about the ship time (even though it's in red and it's right there on the front page). I think it's a fairly innocent mistake to make your first order without realizing it'll take a month to arrive.


I don't think it's necessary to be condescending in responses, like valentina said.

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Belated response (I just realized these blogs even existed! doh)


I am annoyed by something similar, more general I guess, which is when any newbie posts a question and gets a reply like 'Haven't we discussed this enough already?' or 'I can't believe this has been brought up again...'


I understand that we're encouraged to use the search engine and not start new threads, but the forum has become quite large lately, and frankly it's hard to find things. And ieven if they find the thread, and it's 42 pages long, do we really expect them to read the whole thing before asking a question? Us old foks need to remember that everything was new to us, once, too.


Thanks for pointing this out, I'm glad others feel this way.

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