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Nuts! I'm dumpy.

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I made the awful mistake of returning to MySpace after an absence of several months. The MySpace group for my little group of college friends apparently had people flocking to it in droves while I was away, and now it's full of people I knew 15 years ago in college.


Clicked on the picture of a girl who didn't like me because she thought I caused her boyfriend to break up with her. She's gorgeous now. Clicked on the picture of a guy I dated on and off for a few years but lost touch with. He's a damn fine-looking man. Clicked on the picture of a guy who was full of himself and was a dick to me. Still looks like he's a dick. Clicked on the picture of a guy I dated for a couple of years. He's been hitting the gym. He never looked that good when he was with me.


And what do you see if you click on my photo? A dumpy-looking middle-aged woman with a stupid hairstyle who has gained 25 pounds since college and looks like a mess. Niiiiice.


I was feeling pretty embarrassed about the whole thing and ranting about it in an exaggerated fashion to my husband -- he pointed out that it is impossible for everyone I knew in college to be better-looking now than they were then. I know that. It's not everyone. Just everyone I dated. And the girls who were catty to me because I went out with the lovely sensitive goth boys that they were all swooning over. I would not be at all surprised if some of them looked at my photos and thought, "HA! She got fat and ugly. Good."


I usually don't think I look that bad. I think for whatever reason people often tend to be close to people who are more or less at the same level of attractiveness, and in my current circle of RL friends I don't feel out of my league with any of them. But when I was in college, I paid a lot more attention to my appearance. (These days I'm lucky if I'm wearing two shoes from the same pair half the time.) If there was such a thing as a beautiful people goth/skater clique at my university, I was probably in it. Those people wouldn't give me the time of day right now. They don't let you back into the beautiful goth people club if you gain 25 pounds and move to the suburbs.


In a couple of days this probably won't bother me any more, but right now I'm unhappy that I thought I was comfortable with my appearance and where I am in my life right now... and apparently I'm not. Apparently I am embarrassed by it. This revelation is unsettling to me.

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I wouldn't worry about it too much! People rarely, rarely look as good in reality as they do on myspace. Most people post only their very most flattering pictures, and even then don't hesitate to photoshop them.

If anything it just means that you've grown up and have a life that doesn't revolve around making people on the internet think you are hot shit.


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Lucretia said what I was thinking when I read your, and even if the people in your former group do look really good, pretty does not always equate to happy. I've known a lot of physically gorgeous, but tortured souls in my time. Besides, I'm guessing that you're still beautiful (I've always pictured you that way), it's just that we're all our own worst critics.

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I say ditto the the previous comments. There are always those people from high school/university,and some of them migrate into your office or job, but time will catch up with them , even if not physically; there will be some emotional trauma or distress. In other words, they're not gonna get through this life unscathed even if they are photoshopped. It's often hard to think about all the other changes we go through and can't see on the outside, just because we are judged so often by our appearance. But anyway, I bet your husband doesn't see you the way you look at your self in that post!


Once upon a time I spied a photo of self with a big silly happy grin.However I was wearing a Tshirt (that I hadn't tried on before I packed it to take on the trip), and it had a bit too much spandex, so there were very visible rolls on my tummy:) When I mentioned it to someone, he replied that he hadn't even noticed it:)


What the photo of you probably shows is that you have a real life now, and aren't afraid to show it. And besides, you probably do look damn great! So there!

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