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BPAL Madness!
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The answer is: "No."

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I won't get into a long-winded explanation of who Ken Wilber is and why I find his work fascinating, but much of his work would be considered transpersonal psychology -- the study of how people grow and evolve. I get a newsletter from his organization, and they link to various articles in the media that are of interest to people intrigued by transpersonal psychology, spiral dynamics and all that stuff.


This is one that I can't resist putting up on my blog, since anyone who's read my rants about my annoying coworker will know that the article made me laugh. But it will also be useful to anyone with an annoying boss, family member, coworker, whacky neighbor, whatever... If you've ever found yourself asking, "Don't they get it?" The answer may very well be, "No." :joy: Seriously, what can you do about it, other than laugh? Besides, it hurts less than beating your head on the wall.



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Oh my goodness, I am going to forward this to every person I know, because come on, this is a universal thing. EVERYONE knows someone like this!

But at the same time it scares me...what if I am one of these people?

I wouldn't even know!

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I forwarded it to a coworker, and here was his response, which included a comment about another coworker, whose name has been removed in a merciful gesture, lest his bragging be published on the web. Actually, it's just one of those :rofl: responses:


Perhaps the greatest article I've ever read - now I am really starting to wonder about xxxxx's claim that he is the greatest sex-haver of all time.


ETA: Here's another friend's response. I don't think my friend is clueless, because her humor factor is entirely too high!


Hubby is going to love this one. His tag line for me (and I believe it is accurate) is "Seldom uncertain, never right." I always think I'm more knowledgeable and more adept at things that I really am! But at least now I know I have lots of company.

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Outta curiousity, are you familiar with Stuart Davis? The integral world is small, after all :rofl:



(I was one of the beta testers for II, back in the day)

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Outta curiousity, are you familiar with Stuart Davis? The integral world is small, after all :rofl:


(I was one of the beta testers for II, back in the day)


Cool! Another Integral person! Oh yes, Stuart plays at the OM center in Omaha 2 or 3 times a year, and I watch him on the IN site. I don't watch enough of their video clips or listen to the audio clips, but I do have my favorite featured guests and try to catch what they're saying. We could probably chart what level and line BPAL addiction is on, but I'm not going to take the time! :P

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I had problems with the IN site to such a degree that I quit subscribing for over a year. It can really start to smack of "the gospel according to Ken," IMHO, and sometimes Ken can get a little around the bend. But I know that by saying that, I'd be accused (by the IN devotees) of being a mean green meme person, blahblahblah. For example, the newsletter that included the article I linked to made some rather patronizingly sniffy remarks about Barak Obama being stuck in the green meme, and I thought, dudes, he's slogging through the mire that is the Republican-controlled U.S. Senate (maybe not for long if the elections change the balance of the Senate) in the Bush-administration D.C., don't be looking down your noses at him. I don't give a shit if the IN people are at the highest level of realization, don't get down on someone who isn't at your level but is out doing his green meme best in the middle of the bullshit. Transpersonal psychology is really fascinating stuff, but when its devotees get into this "nanner-nanner-nanner, I'm more realized than you" bullshit, they do themselves no favors.


So obviously, I have issues with the place, but Stuart's music is good and I think he has a wicked funny sense of humor, and he's probably good for the IN community.

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he's such a sweetheart, too!


but he has lousy taste in beer - st pauli's girl and heinie.



:rofl: Hey, I'm in Nebraska, and that's damn near gormet here! :P

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i'm from iowa, you know, so this crappy beer thing, i'm somewhat familiar with. sadly, there are only two places to get decent beer in my hometown - old chicago (because of the microbrews and imports they stock), and this irish pub



anyway, that's really what turned me off of IN and really the movement as a whole - the "you're not as realized as we are" coupled with a real stubbornness to help people get there. one of my big suggestions for IN back in the beta test was to, if not actually get into the basics, to link to it. i don't know if they do now, but their attitude about my suggestion was basically that - if you're not there, we're not going to help you get there.

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