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BPAL Madness!
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Ok, so I've recently gotten myself and the boy into Battlestar Galactica. I knew I was gone when I exclaimed "Frak you!" to the car that cut me off the other day in traffic. I knew the boy was gone when he made Cylon jokes. So far I've only seen the miniseries and a part of season 1 up to "Act of Contrition".

The "Argh!" that is the title of this post is in response to my weird ability to attract spoilers from all over. And once I see/hear a bit of it, I can't stop! I'll be reading through some random LJs of people I only kind of know, or be listening to conversations in class, and now I know stuff and I can't un-know it.

For example, Sharon "Boomer" is now "Athena", there's a weird/crazy pairing between Lee and Kara (imho, so wrong,ew, because it's a real possibility that they hate each others guts) and then there's also possibly Helo/Kara-which is so wrong becuase....well, it should be Helo/circe_blue B) Or at the very least Helo/Boomer...Aaa!


I hope this show continues to be amazing. I used to be a really, really big X-Files fan but then season 8/9 came along and while I still wanted to watch, I would check out spoilers for the episodes to steel myself for whatever convoluted plot twist they threw at me on Sunday nights. Anyone else remember that "Fox/Dana" e-mail?? ::shudder::


PS-I am totally NetFlixing these of course. There's no way I'm waiting a week for each new episode again. Of course, I would have to dodge the spoilers more...

Alright, I should get to bed. I have a busy day tomorrow and I'll most likely have to come back to this post to make it more comprehensible. G'nite!



ETA: I am now finishing up season 2.5. So far Helo/"Boomer" or new model #8, and seemingly Lee/Kara. Stupid me-I forgot the number 1 rule of TV/movie romances. If they hate each other's guts, of course they will end up together :) Also, the boy and I have started calling Anders Dane Cook.

Sharon Screaming "Let them try to take this baby!!!!" and Slamming Her Head Against the Wall = Creepy

Last Parting Shot of Sharon's Pregnant Belly Set to Creepy Music = Double Creepy

Gauis Having Invisible Naughty Dirty Cylon Sex and Getting Caught by Starbuck = Hilarious!

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BSG rocks.



So say we all.


Yeah, when she did that head smash thing it was so brutal and animalistic and scared the crap out of me.


And Starbuck walking in on Gaius. Priceless.

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