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Just Sing

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We can do it! After I finish this yummy sammich....


There is this thing that's like touching except you don't touch

Back in the day it just went without saying at all

All the world's history gradually dying of shock

There is thing that's like talking except you don't talk

You sing

You sing


Sing for the bartender sing for the janitor sing

Sing for the cameras sing for the animals sing

Sing for the children shooting the children sing

Sing for the teachers who told you that you couldn't sing

Just sing


There is thing keeping everyone's lungs and lips locked

It is called fear and it's seeing a great renaissance

After the show you can not sing wherever you want

But for now let's just pretend we're all gonna get bombed

So sing


Sing cause its obvious sing for the astronauts sing

Sing for the president sing for the terrorists sing

Sing for the soccer team sing for the janjaweed sing

Sing for the kid with the phone who refuses to sing

Just sing


Life is no cabaret

We don't care what you say

We're inviting you anyway

You mother[frakkers] you'll sing someday...

You mother[frakkers] you'll sing someday...

You mother[frakkers] you'll sing someday...

--"Sing" by the Dresden Dolls


Snarky had a bad day yesterday. The Mister did manage to go in to work for half the day, but the first half was spent in moments of panic and anxiety. He says a switch has gone off inside his head that has turned his soon-to-be-former work place into a place of near-terror for him. He apologizes to Snarky for being broken, and it's breaking her heart to see him like this.


But she's beginning to feel her fists harden into tiny little knots of grim determination. Her brow is furrowed and she's rolling up her sleeves figuratively (because it is friggin' COLD over here, making rolling up her literal sleeves a non-option) in preparation for the Work Ahead.


The Mister is broken, but he is healing. Snarky will do her best to support and ass-kick as needed. She's also keeping an eye on her own stress-levels to make sure they complement - rather than exacerbate - his.


Last night she worked on his special shirt. He requested a "got garlic?" shirt which has proven to be a bit more problematic than the other ones. If things turn out well (which they will... eventually) Snarky will post pics. She still owes finished bleeding heart and unicorn t-shirt pics too!


Tonight, Snarky is staying late because her work is having another employees-only open studio session (with potluck panini! :boogie:). She's very excited about this, though she has absolutely no idea what she's going to make. Wish her luck!

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Oh gracious. I'm going to say the same thing to you that I said to a friend who called me the other day and announced: "My life is in shambles!" He's so busy trying to hold things together for other people that he feels like he's being pulled in a million different directions. My friend, like you, is more than prepared to plow head first through the shambles, and like you, he will do it with great aplomb. But I suggested that he needed take care of himself in the midst of everything. So please be as gentle with yourself as you are with the Mister. You're probably doing a better job of that already, compared to my friend, because you're doing the fun and cool crafty shirt projects, which is creative and a great release. But give yourself a nice solstice gift and find some space to breathe and chill out. Both you and the Mister will benefit from it.


I'm still pulling for you! :think:

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I'm still pulling for you! :think:


Thank you so much! Today is much brighter than yesterday. Last night Snarky cranked some serious glass craftage (to the tune of seven soap dishes) that have apparently *not* exploded in the kiln overnight. A triumph!


And, the t-shirt she's been waiting to do for The Mister is about half-done now... and looks pretty sweet.


And! Though this is the darkest day of the year, the sun is out!


Finally: The Mister might have worked out a stop-gap with his current employer in which he can provide some estimating help from home, which would give him an opportunity to still generate a little income and avoid all the stress-making people/places/things, at least for the time being.


So yes, today feels almost like a 180 snap around from yesterday. Snarky knows more roller-coaster moments are on the horizon, but she's feeling much stronger than she did a mere 24 hours ago.


Thank you!



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