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The Last of the Really Great Wang-Doodles

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(Either Snarky just lifted the entire title of a book she once read in elementary school... or a surreal p0rno.)


The promised finished heart t-shirt pics, plus bonus t-shirts because this did turn out to be a very addictive hobby:



Unfortunately, Snarky cannot walk and chew gum (AKA craft and make clear documentation), but here's the finished heart!



Detail of the heart. Snarky went back in after taking this picture to clean up the semi-painted spots.



Niece #1 requested a drawing of a "pink unicorn with a white horn standing on green grass". So Snarky bent the rules a bit.



Mane detail.



The grass ended up overpowering the unicorn a bit, but Snarky figures a five-and-a-half year old won't mind. (Hopefully!)



The Mister's one request for Christmas: a shirt that he could wear with (stinky) pride.


Snarky also enjoyed "open studio" last night at work and will have more crafty pictures to post after she gets back from her trip Back East.


The Mister seems to be in a much better place mentally, even though his job situation is even more complicated, though possibly in a good way: he's been tentatively offered some continued part-time work that he might be able to do from home for his current employer, and he just got the results from an online personality test that prompted a company to immediately contact him for an interview. This might end up becoming the major fork in the road for this part of his life that defines how the next several years roll out.


Snarky hopes all of you are enjoying good food and great company. The passing of the Winter Solstice feels like the turning of a very important page for her. She's hoping for the same sense of forward momentum for everyone else who is currently Doing the Unstuck. :boogie:

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Snarky! Great t-shirts! I would say that you could get a nice little side business going with t-shirt design, but then that would cut into time for gardening and cooking really good food, and nah... probably not worth it, except if you worked only by special-special commission. But I still visualize going onto "Go Fug Yourself" or one of the other cool fashion commentary blogs and seeing "Snarky Shirts" popping up in the advertising for fun, funky online shops that they always run on sites like that.


And great news about the Mister prospects! All of the recent developments have to be giving him a real boost, and of course, boosting you right along with it. :think:

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Hee! "Snarky Shirts". :lol: Snarky is planning a few BPAL blog-inspired designs just for the helluvit.


The Mister was near-chipper yesterday, which did lighten the mood in ChezSnark quite a bit. Perhaps this trip Back East will be more Food Folks and Fun rather than Misery Loves Company. :think:

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The Mister just threw together a garlic broth last night to try to fight this horrible clud (flu + cold + crud?) they picked up Back East. To no avail, but it was still delicious! :lol:


Incidentally, The Snarks ended up gifting The Mister's "got garlic?" T-shirt to his budding-foodie step-brother, so now Snarky is gonna hafta make another one. :think:

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