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2006 went by so fast!

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Seriously, where the hell did 2006 go?


It was a big year for me. I went to England, I passed an actuarial exam, my mom had her hip replaced, I bought a house - I feel like there were even more big things that happened, but I don't even remember anymore. But needless to say - It was quite a full year.


This year, I'm hoping for a little more simplicity. I still want to pass exams, but I'd be happy to let the rest of my life chill out a little bit, and spend a year on personal growth and stuff.


I set some pretty ambitious dance-related goals, but I've resisted making "resolutions" for my regular life.


I do have some plans, though:

  • I mentioned it in my dance goals, but I'm working the Couch-to-5k plan already. I'm a week in, and it's so gratifying, though it's hard to believe that I will ever be able to run 3 miles at a time. Once I can, I'm hoping to enter a couple of local 5k races this spring.
  • I've been putting together my study plan for my next exam. I'm starting 4 months in advance, so I can take it easy with just studying a couple of days a week, and still make it to 400 hours of study time by the time I sit for the test. If I can put in 400 really, honestly committed hours, I should have no trouble passing.
  • I'm putting a moratorium on buying stuff. No BPAL, not bath/body stuff, no tea, no books, no yarn, etc. I have more than enough of all of the above, and I'm just not going to buy more until I use what I've got. It's all just sitting around waiting to go bad or go stale, and taking up space. This way, I save money, I don't let the things I already have go to waste, and most importantly, I get back the space I was using to store all of that stuff. And I am 100% sure I need less clutter in my life.

There we are, no resolutions, just a few straightforward goals. (and I think there's a huge difference between goals and resolutions.)

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well, I am so with you in spirit (on the nonconsumering part) as I was thinking of all the little purchases (coffee etc) but as far as resolutions not to buy anything,I didn't make them, cause um um I bought some felting "stuff BUT_NEW YEARS -we will always use what we have Repeat after me,and may all have an extremely kick-ass year

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