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A Beginner Knitter

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so i bought stitch n bitch. so i completed the garter stitch scarf. i'm now on the 'ribbed for her pleasure' scarf. it's taking an age!


ok, so maybe i haven't been spending as much time on it as i should have, but the scarf needs to be 64" long.....so far it's 10" ;) ;) i never thought i'd get completely bored of a project before i finished it. does that happen to other people? am i just impatient?


i want to knit a sweater ffs!


and by the time i finish this scarf it'll be april and too warm to wear it.



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When I first started to knit I had the same problem. I want to run before I crawl, I wanted things with sleeves and neckholes, not a long boring rectangle! Needless to say, my "ribbed for her pleasure" scarf only made it to about 25" and is now used to stuff under the door to keep out drafts :)

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Knitting ribbing is really boring. As an advanced knitter, I can't even make myself do it. I like knitting socks--that was my 2nd project. I made a hat and went right into socks. I didn't make scarves until much later in my knitting career. If you're going to take the time to learn a hobby it may as well be on a project you enjoy!

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Scarfs are horrible! I only knit them as gifts anymore... because I'm too impatient to do them for myself.


There are some great dishcloth patterns out there that will allow you to practice more advanced techniques and give you the added bonus of having more FO's (finished objects) for the work.


And if it really gets to be too much you could take up crocheting. That goes by with a quickness.

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Scarfs are horrible! I only knit them as gifts anymore... because I'm too impatient to do them for myself.


Oh see, I love knitting scarfs and shawls. They're long enough that I have to focus, and there's all sorts of interesting patterns (of varying complexities) and yarns out there, and you can make scarfs for all occasions (not just for the cold winter - cute scarves for accents for work or play!).



...but that said, it took me a few times before I found a pattern that was easy enough to do that interested me enough to finish it. My first scarf attempted became a foot long cat toy. My second ended up becoming something that's either a hat or a neckwarmer, depending on how it's worn, because after I put it down for a few months, I couldn't remember where I left off.

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I love making scarves. They're great for knitting while you're watching TV, to keep you from feeling all shiftless & such. You get to enjoy the beauty of the fiber & feel like you're doing something other than just vegging out, but it doesn't take so much attention that you have to focus completely on what you're doing ...


Admittedly, I'm a pretty lazy knitter.

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now i feel better! i've been comparing myself to a friend who started knitting the same time as i did. she made 4 ribbed scarves as xmas presents in colours specially selected for each recipient. i bought lots of yarn in different colours and on december 20th bought yankee candles as presents instead :(


i've done a bit more to the scarf whilst watching in her shoes. i now have a tear stained face and about 15" of scarf :)

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My sister has been knitting for what seems to be like forever. So have my friends. They all tried to teach me, but I can't just get the hang of it. All my items are in a bag in my closet haunting me. So if it makes you feel any better, your scarf will be done long before mine will ever get started. :)

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