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Change of Fools

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Snarky mishears and misremembers lyrics with enough frequency to almost make this flaw an endearing character trait.


"By why would anyone want to play Twister in the sun? And what has that got to do with auto-erotica?" (Not that blisters in the sun make any more sense, really...)


So this morning her brain radio was going "chay-chay-chaaaaaange.... change of fools". :P


Snarky has been having some slightly disturbing dreams, no doubt because of the mild turmoil swirling around her lately.


A few nights ago it was another one of those school dreams - the ones where you either have missed half of the semester, or campus has reconfigured itself overnight, or the paper is due this afternoon and you don't have anything but the abstract completed. That dream wasn't so awful, but Snarky woke up in a state of near-panic for not having her graphs in order.


Last night Snarky dreamed she was on a school field trip (her old nerd school used to ferry students around in stretch vans that were like rolling perpetual-motion experiments fueled by that heady melange of teenaged angst, lust, irrational exuberance, and anxiety) that was held up in traffic because a large commercial airplane had exploded on the freeway.


There wasn't really any sense of panic - except for the fact that Snarky was going to be late to class again. Weird and kind of... misanthropic?


Snarky hit a bad funk-patch yesterday. The Mister has returned to work today, and she had trouble mustering up supportive enthusiasm for him. She has settled with hopeful, yet cautious stand-by-your-manism.


She has also been working long hours the last two weeks, which can't be helping with her internal rhythms.


Tonight she'll probably self-medicate with a hot, frothy bath and some deep dark chocolate. Sometimes the old stand-bys are the best.

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Hee, you reminded me of one of my favourite sites, ever :



"scuse me while I KISS THIS GUY". HEH. HEH.

For some reason I find mis-heard lyrics hilarious.


Hopeful for your man's sitch is pretty supportive as far as I am concerned. Hope and a cheery attitude and positive thinking are probably crucial from a mate, especially if they can't muster it for themselves. I mean other than that, what else can you do?


Tonight I plan on self medicating with a nice optimistic horror movie, myself.

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that misheard lyrics site is good!:D Empathy for the man's situation comes in many forms-so don't be hard on yourself.


Am medicating lack of vd crush with 85%chocolate and Drink Me

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Hee, you reminded me of one of my favourite sites, ever :



"scuse me while I KISS THIS GUY". HEH. HEH.

For some reason I find mis-heard lyrics hilarious.


Hopeful for your man's sitch is pretty supportive as far as I am concerned. Hope and a cheery attitude and positive thinking are probably crucial from a mate, especially if they can't muster it for themselves. I mean other than that, what else can you do?


Tonight I plan on self medicating with a nice optimistic horror movie, myself.


That is a frickin' high-larious site, idm! Snarky had a lot of fun feeling not so alone in her "did s/he really sing that?!" moments. :D


that misheard lyrics site is good!:D Empathy for the man's situation comes in many forms-so don't be hard on yourself.


Am medicating lack of vd crush with 85%chocolate and Drink Me


Due to long work hours (again!) Snarky had to truncate her self-indulgent evening to head-butting The Mister (like a cat, not a soccer hooligan) and a cup of Xocolatl. :D

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