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Blog? What the?

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:ninja: postal service.

I really hoped my shiny, new little bottles would arrive today (Bakeneko with some friends). I needed something to cheer me up today, but no.

Just needed to rant. Well, that's as good as any reason to start a blog a guess. And by the way, blog is one ugly word. Oh, I'm such a happy ray of sunshine today :smite:


But, I did get a CnS for Oborot and Groundhog today. :clap: Please come soon, little groundhog.

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I just loved the groundhog, so it will be well worth the wait... even though the wait won't be that long.


Of course, it's always worth the wait when it comes to the precious ;)

If i'm lucky I might have two lovely packages arriving in my mailbox next week. :joy:

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