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Layers of Me

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-- Name: Maureen

-- Birth date: Oct 3

-- Height: 5'9

-- Righty or Lefty: righty

-- Zodiac Sign: Libra!



-- Your heritage: Irish & German

-- The shoes you wore today: Brown & Ivory Adidas

-- Your weakness: indulging lots of chocolate

-- Your fears: That people will abandon me. That I'll never graduate. That I'll fail at life

-- Your perfect pizza: Fresh mozzarella and basil!

-- Goal you'd like to achieve: Becoming a super successful social worker, and help remove children from abusive environments



-- Your thoughts first waking up: I want more sleep!

-- Your best physical feature: legs and hair

-- Your most missed memory: All those crazy drunken nights with friends in highschool



--- What instruments can you play? none. I'm super musically challenged. Although, I love playing the hand bells, but that doesn't particularly take much skill

--- Are you ticklish? yes

--- Are you shy? I'm super shy when I fist meet people. I'm much more outgoing around my trusted circle of friends though

--- Are you a morning person? Not at all. I'm totally a night person



-- Smoke: I don't smoke cigarettes, although I smoke cloves occasionally. I'm a huge hookah (shisha) addict though

-- Cuss: Ugh, I hate the word "cuss". I curse!

-- Sing: Not in public, and not for other people, but I occasionally sing in private for myself

-- Do you think you've been in love: Yes.

-- Like(d) high school: I did actually. I went to two different highschools (transfered for junior/senior year), and I have a great group of friends from both schools that I still cherish to this day.

-- Want to get married: I do

-- Believe in yourself: Eh, it depends on the day. I'm working on it

-- Get along with your parent(s): I get along fabulously with my mother. My father is a huge abusive asshole, and I hate him.

-- Like thunderstorms: Yes.



-- What do you want to be when you grow up? a social worker/therapist. I just want to be loved and to love and be happy in general.

-- What country would you most like to visit? Ireland, Mexico, Scotland, Greece, Switzerland, Germany. Oops, that was was more than 1. magtongue.gif I love traveling, I desperately want to travel more.



-- Number of CDs that I own: A whole bunch, although they mainly exist on my ipod these days.

-- Number of piercings: Two holes in each ear, and a closed up belly button hole, and a cartilege piercing.

-- Number of tattoos: 0

-- Number of scars on my body: 4 surgical scars on my stomach from a shunt installation and a gall bladder surgery. Multiple scars on my head from cracking my head open 3 times, and having 4 brain surgeries. Scar on my knee from falling while running in a cross country meet.



-- What crafts do you do? Photography. I would love to learn how to knit though

-- Number of languages you speak: I speak english fluently, and I have a beginner's grasp on Spanish, although I'm trying to become fluent in that as well.

-- Number of books you read in a year: A bunch I don't really keep track.



--What's your favorite season? Fall

--Who's your favorite figure in History? Henry the 8th

--Hair Color? Auburn red. I have the prettiest hair ever. My mom has forbid me from dying it ever, since so many people would kill to have my hair color

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