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what's your name? - Heather

how old are you? - 29

do you have any kids? - no.

what kind of music do you like? - classic rock, christian contemporary, classical...

any favorite bands? - The Beatles, The Stones, Aerosmith, Mercy Me, Third Day

ever been to a concert? - yeah

anything crazy ever happened at one? - I was mistaken for my mother's mother... she was acting like an idiot, and I was minding my baby sister, so the stranger behind us thought I was the parent and she was the idiot kid.

ever met anyone famous? - Ben Stein, Garth Brooks, Trisha Yearwood

if you could spend time alone with anyone, living or dead, who would it be? - That's a hard question, but sitting here, sick, tired, and just a few weeks past the 12th anniversary of his death... I'd pick Dad... assuming that he were himself, and not just some reanimated rotting corpse.

what would you do with that time? - Tell him how much I miss him, about his grandchildren (my sister's 2 kids), about the good man I married and what I made of myself, and about how I can't drive through an intersection in a town he's never been in without thinking of him because something about it reminds me of the way he died, and that I have to drive near or through it nearly every day... so I think of him all the time. I'd tell him how proud I am to have been his daughter... how his picture is still up in my home... how much I regret not writing to him as much as he wanted when he was alive. I would tell my sweet, precious Daddy that he succeeded... I think I'm the kind of woman a father could be proud of. I'd want him to know that.

do you like animals? - depends on the animal.

do you have any pets? - 2 dogs, 2 cats. Have had a rabbit & fish, Dad had snakes, my Gram had a bird, there was a time I had a guinea pig as a wee tot...

if you were in a hurry to get somewhere but saw an injured dog on the highway, would you stop? - I might or I might not. If it was clear that it was past help, I wouldn't. But I've taken animals to the vet in the past to be taken care of.

do you stop to help turtles across the road - dunno that I've ever been driving when I encountered that situation... if I have at all...

who are your heroes? - firemen, EMTs, cops, soldiers... ordinary people who put their lives on the line to help others

do you drink alcohol? what kind? - rarely... wine, sweet fru-fru stuff

if you could go back in time, what would you change? - I might have written to my father more. Maybe. But the big things shape who we are too much. Even the stuff you'd expect me to change I wouldn't.

what is important to you? - my loved ones... esp my husband. my faith.

any tats? how many? where? describe? - nope

piercings? - my ears were peirced twice, now the second hole has healed over, and I never wear more than studs in the first, and not often.

did you have a happy childhood? - it wasn't the worst it could have been, and I do have many happy memories (especially with my Dad) but no, I didn't have a happy childhood. No sane person would call my childhood even remotely happy.

what do you drive? - 1988 Plymouth Reliant K Station Wagon with just under 78000 miles on it. I don't drive much.

political beliefs? - I'm conservative in my beliefs, but most politicians are just dirty. The few men I know in office that I trust I vehement oppose labelling them as politicians... they're not two-faced.

religious beliefs? - Bible-Believing Christian.

smoke? - nope... allergic to the smoke

cry easily? - very

what are your dreams, what would you like to see happen with your life? - I want to raise children that are freed from the emotional bondage I grew up in, who actually live the promise we all have, and who might, actually, be happy and raise happy children who raise happy children.... I want to change my family tree for the better.

do you wish on stars? - not really

ever had a wish come true? - I've had prayers answered, but I don't know about wishes come true.

favorite cartoon characters? - I don't know. Maybe Stewie Griffin?

favorite all time song? - I like too many songs to pick one out

can you dance? - I can move semi-rhythmically to music, but I doubt that counts.

sing? - I try. I sing in choir (which I skipped today because I seem to be getting bronchitis)

what's the kindest thing someone has done for you? - love me.

what makes you happy? - all sorts of things... little things... doing things for other people makes me happy. Knowing someone thought of me makes me happy. Seeing something silly makes me happy. Songs make me happy. Driving through The Intersection without having a panic attack makes me happy.

hobbies? - Um... I collect games, I crochet, cross-stitch, have recently taken up some beading...

talents? - I write. Poetry mostly, but some other things, too.

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