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The Tube of Boobs

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Snarky has absolutely nothing profound upon which to pontificate. She has completely rotted out her brains on television lately (TV "watching" - which is more like TV listening the way Snarky does it - is the perfect companion to repetitive lace knitting) and can only bullet point the programs that have permanently wiped out such things as high school calculus, family members' birthdays, and her favorite cornbread recipe:


* 24: mmmmm Baueriffic. Not that the show is meant to be plausible in anyway, but the Snarks do like getting a good ^_^ workout early in the week.


* ANTM: Snarky started watching this in earnest again last week and confessed, tail between legs, to her co-workers that she had... only to find out that they had been sneaking episodes too! It was the freakin' laser beams that pulled them all back in!


* Babylon 5: they are up to season four and are really enjoying seeing all the arcy goodness come to fruition. Snarky especially enjoys the cast commentary included on the tenth anniversary DVDs (Kosh's "eye" is referred to as "the sphincter" ^_^)


* Battlestar Galactica: the Snarks are still unable to watch their favorite show on its new night because they are only getting older and crankier and really do require a reasonable bedtime on Sunday nights. So no, they haven't seen this last episode yet. They have gotten the shock wave of angst from across the country from their BSG loving friends, though.


* Grey's Anatomy: this show is thisclose to going On Notice. Snarky would really, really like to know where all these Izzie/George 'shippers are. Because she wants to understand why the sudden luurve where there wasn't any at all, and why all this support for this magical luurve and JUST WHY?! It makes no freaking sense.


* March Madness: Snarky isn't really paying attention to this, but it is what's on at ChezSnark. So it gets a placeholder.


* Planet Earth: The Mister stumbled across this series on the Discovery channel last night. Amazing, beautiful, breathtaking footage. Even (possibly especially) the brutal moments - like the shark pursuing and ultimately devouring a seal in midair - are just absolutely captivating.


* Princess Tutu: Snarky did not get the whole shojo thing until this weekend. This is the perfect confluence of Snarky's dance background, her love of fairy tales and story telling, and all those stolen moments of pretty-boy anime oogling back when she visited her cousins in Hong Kong. Really very clever.


* Ugly Betty: awesome as always. This show has the palette of an Almodovar movie crossed with the subversive joy of Peewee's Playhouse plus the deftness and timing of a Gene Kelly dance number (and sometimes also the tight sailor pants to boot!). Or something. Just total eye candy and wonderfully snarky/bitchy/delicious throw-away lines.


Snarky is either planning on getting a life soon before her ass completely melds to the couch... or... well, there is Eunny's print o' the wave pattern she could be working on... (as soon as she finds cobweb weight yarn. )

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OH THANK GOD. I confess to the shame as well. It was Natasha who pulled me back in, I love listening to her broken english as she makes russian vodka lemonade from the lemons that the panel tosses her every week.


"You were worse than Ann in Season 3!"

"Ann? Zank you! She was so beeeautifool!"


Ugly Betty is the show I watch and I can't ever find fault with, always makes me laugh and feel good....but somehow I never think of it when I am listing my favourites. I love love love Mark and Amanda.



AND OH MY GOD. Last 5 minutes of Craptica totally make the whole boring season worthwhile. That's all I am going to say!



I had sort of given up on the animes...but that's more because I don't keep up with it, don't know what is new/good anymore. I will have to check out Princess Tutu.

Last think I watched was Fruits Baskets if that gives you any clue to how far behind I am !

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OH THANK GOD. I confess to the shame as well. It was Natasha who pulled me back in, I love listening to her broken english as she makes russian vodka lemonade from the lemons that the panel tosses her every week.


"You were worse than Ann in Season 3!"

"Ann? Zank you! She was so beeeautifool!"


She is ever the optomist, isn't she? Must be the required temperament for mail-order-bridedom.


Ugly Betty is the show I watch and I can't ever find fault with, always makes me laugh and feel good....but somehow I never think of it when I am listing my favourites. I love love love Mark and Amanda.



You understand! Henry hits Snarky's nerdy geek kink so hard. Gah. Wouldn't you have loved to see Amanda as Mark's beard during previous mother visits? Snarky bets they make a great fake couple! :hug:


AND OH MY GOD. Last 5 minutes of Craptica totally make the whole boring season worthwhile. That's all I am going to say!

So the Snarks caught up last night. They were a bit underwhelmed by the season finale. Maybe Snarky's expectations after the finale of 2.5 were just set too high... the whole lyric quoting relay at the end just didn't work for for them. Even though the show been talking about Earth this whole time, dragging in something that is part of actual history was just too dissonant for The Mister and Snarky to handle.


But the pacing and the tension and the wacked out camera (and really, even the soundtrack if they could just let. it. go.) did do a pretty awesome multi-front crescendo. Just... maybe not enough to tide a fan over until 2008 ieeeayah! :grouphug:.



I had sort of given up on the animes...but that's more because I don't keep up with it, don't know what is new/good anymore. I will have to check out Princess Tutu.

Last think I watched was Fruits Baskets if that gives you any clue to how far behind I am !


Snarky has no idea about anime. She just sort of stumbles across stuff every once in a while. She actually learned about "Princess Tutu" from her sporadic lurking of a former Switch Witchee who keeps a very literate and well-worded blog. :grouphug:

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You tricked me! I thought this was gonna be about tube tops! :hug:


:hammer: It's you! I missed you! :grouphug: (Snarky got so excited, she broke her third person rule.)


Oh, and er... yeah. Snarky is quite adept at the false advertising. Or would that be falsie advertising? :grouphug:

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I've been in special ops deep lurk mode! I'll make a point of streaking through your lj one of these days, though, I promise. :hug:

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I've been in special ops deep lurk mode! I'll make a point of streaking through your lj one of these days, though, I promise. :hug:


:grouphug: Snarky will be on the lookout, then. Just be forewarned: there was a bit of gushing just now on the LJ (and a decided lack of nekkid b00bies there too) as well.

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