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Mother's Day

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I really don't like Mother's Day since I don't have a mother. My mom passed away on August 8, 2002 from cancer.


Every since then, Mother's Day really makes me sad. This year hasn't bothered me too much until I just read a post about a mom surprising her daughter with a visit. Reading that made me want to cry, because that's something my mom would have done.


I was 25 when I lost my mom, an adult, but barely. She didn't get to come to my wedding (or my sister's), and she won't be here when her grandchildren are born.


My dad remarried last year, and I'm super happy for him. But I barely know his wife, mostly because their entire courtship happen after Todd and I move to NC.


I like Todd's mom okay, but we will never be close because of the distance and because she is really, really opionated, and I don't share her views all of the time (we had several fights about the wedding because she wanted to do things different).


I'm sad because I'm not really close to any of my family. My sister is so self absorbed that she never returns my phone calls when I call, stating that she is always too busy to have a phone conversation. She doesn't reply to emails often either. Todd's brother is married, but his wife is super shy, and even though I try to talk to her when we are together for family get together's, she never really responses.


If anything happened to Todd, I don't know what I would do. I don't really have much of a support system, at least as family is concerned.


Anyway, I'll stop being emo for today :boogie:

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I know how you feel. My Mom is far away and I don't get to see her much...and I think I have changed so much from when I was younger that maybe I'm not as much fun anymore. My sister and I don't talk at all very much and don't know what to say to each other for no good reason...I don't speak to my father's family at all and haven't for years. I get along OK with my inlaws but often feel sort of marginalized because they're a very outgoing family and I am a little quieter and more reserved...and I feel like I take a backseat to their son and their daughter who has given them a grandson, which I have not. It's probably all in my mind but sometimes I don't feel very good thinking about family at all. You're not alone...

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