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Adventures in Grocery Shopping

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Or "Why Heather Shouldn't be let loose in a grocery store without supervision" :zzz:


I just went slightly insane in the grocery store. No, I didn't create a scene. I decided to take cookies to game night, but I wanted to take homemade cookies, but not too much work, so I settled on getting a mix. Now, which mix... Chocolate Chip, Double Chocolate, Sugar, Peanut Butter, Oatmeal?? I discarded double chocolate immediately; I adore them, but not everyone worships chocolate like I do. I also discarded sugar, because of the assumed time and effort involved. Chocolate chip was tempting, but I can make ANY cookie a chocolate chip cookie... so no. Peanut butter was finally eliminated, after much hemming and hawing, out of fears of possible peanut allergies... not that choosing oatmeal prevents a peanut reaction, but it is less likely.


Anyway... having decided on oatmeal, I then selected some chocolate chips... some semi sweet and some special dark... after hemming and hawing over the size of which to buy, I remembered I had Bible Stoday tomorrow morning, and am taking dinner to a couple with a new baby... so off to fetch more mixes, etc. Then I recall reading on the package (as I looked to see what I needed to make them) that I could add butterscotch to them, too... so back to get some butterscotch chips.


What I haven't told you is that in the midst of all of this, I'm still shopping for other things... so I must have looked like a loon zooming all over the store, and then back to the same aisle over and over and over again to get more of the same stuff every time!!


Oh well. At the end of the day, I'll have: Oatmeal, Oatmeal Scotchies, Oatmeal Chocolate Chip, and Oatmeal Dark Chocolate Chip. But no oatmeal raisins, because I just don't like them. If I come across a dark chunk in a cookie, I want it to be chocolate, not fruit.


And that's today's insanity... I have to go... I have 5 pacakages of cookies to make, and a kitchen to clean before that can happen!! ACK! :boogie:

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Don't worry, I zoom constantly at the grocery stores here, and I use hemp bags so the clerks have already made up their minds about my sanity levels.

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Got the cookies made, dinner made. Took my dinner with me to the game shop, where alas, it smelled temptingly good but there wasn't enough to share. They had to make do with something like 2 dozen HUGE cookies. By the time I left, only a few (3-4) remained.

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