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designer dogs

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A quick blog entry before I begin my exam studying/project finishing/essay writing in earnest.



I confess that I've been really judgemental towards one of my close friends lately. Of course I never said anything to her face but I certainly thought it and I've ranted to the bf about it. You see, my friend recently dropped $860 (!!!) on one of those "designer dogs" that seem to be a trend now (ugh.) She bought her from some breeder in Delaware. First of all, I'm totally not down with designer dogs, cats, etc. even though I know that some pure breeds are in a way, designer. I just think that there are so many animals that need a home already, and once certain types of people (I don't think my friend is this type though) realize that caring for an animal requires time, patience (and the willingness to scoop poop), love, and yes, money (for vets, and shots) that these poor animals will end up at the shelter.


Of course, I know I shouldn't be judging her becuase it's her money after all, and she can afford it. She also has a bunch of other pets that she cares for very well. I dunno, I guess these thoughts reared their ugly heads Saturday afternoon when the bf and I stopped by PetSmart to buy cat food and toys. They had a bunch of animals there that needed homes, and were up for adoption. We met two Welsh Corgis one of which recently had back surgery so her two back paws were still not functioning as they should be. There was also a mini pinscher that had been rescued from a puppy mill and a bunch of cats and kittens. I was particularly smitten with "Erin" who was an adorable 6 month old calico. So cute :boogie: I wish I could have taken in another pet but the cat I have now is most definitely more comfortable being an only. I made a donation but I still think of those cats and dogs. I hope they're going to good homes soon.

I got my own cat 7 years ago from a woman who found him as a kitten, in a paper bag in the dumpster. She heard him mewling and actually thought he was a baby that had been left in there. Ugh, some people disgust me :zzz:


Oooh! There was also this Great Dane that was someone's pet. I looove Great Danes so it was so awesome to see and pet one. He was lovely. Times like this I wish I just had a huge house filled with animals.

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