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BPAL Madness!
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On hiatus from the forums for a while. (I hope it's just a while.)

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I know a lot of people think that cat-macro-speak is really cute and funny, and I'm glad that people are enjoying themselves.


Personally, though, I really dislike it. A lot. It was sort of cute the first time I saw a cat macro about a year ago, but it got old fast, and now it's pretty much into clenched teeth territory.


It wasn't so bad when the macro thread first came out and it was contained just to that thread, but that way of writing and arranging words/letters has now leaked into posts in other threads and it's been showing up on the LJ BPAL communities too. It's gone beyond just being annoying for me. I can ignore it if it happens once in a while, but all of a sudden it's everywhere.


I guess that means I have to avoid the forums and the LJ communities for a while. It's kind of weird because I feel like I've put up with lots of things -- being swaplifted, being snarked at, trying to avoid the drama -- and in the end it was cat-macro-speak that ended up being more than I could deal with.

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I hear you. It's funny in the macro thread, but this board used to be free of the taint of illiterate 14-year-olds Internet-speak, and I admired that. God, I didn't even know what a "lolcat" was until a few days ago!


Come back soon!

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I hear you. It's funny in the macro thread, but this board used to be free of the taint of illiterate 14-year-olds Internet-speak, and I admired that. God, I didn't even know what a "lolcat" was until a few days ago!


Come back soon!


Yeah. Me too. (About the Internet-speak, I mean.)


I promise, I really do have a sense of humor. I even think some of the cat macros are funny. I laughed at the one that showed a cat hitting a keyboard with the caption "F5! F5! F5!" But the baby talk and purposely stupid-sounding grammar... that's just not my thing.


However, since I'm fully aware that I'm rather a killjoy on this and many people love it, I'll just politely excuse myself until things return to normal.

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Aww, I hope you don't have to stay away for too long. :hug:


For what it's worth, it's been driving me crazy, too. The weird talk was fine in the macro thread (although I'm not sure I personally get it)...but in the swaps forum and especially in the Update thread, it makes me want to start poking eyes out. I sincerely hope that it's just a phase.

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Aww, I hope you don't have to stay away for too long. :eek:


For what it's worth, it's been driving me crazy, too. The weird talk was fine in the macro thread (although I'm not sure I personally get it)...but in the swaps forum and especially in the Update thread, it makes me want to start poking eyes out. I sincerely hope that it's just a phase.


I'm back already! I couldn't even stay away for a week. :hug:


I think I've developed a tolerance. I can mostly just scroll by now, and it doesn't annoy me any more. I still hope it's a phase, though.


Is that what that is?


I looked through the galleries the other day and could not understand why polar bears had such bad grammar!


Yep. If you want to see lots of examples of this sort of thing, try cuteoverload.com. I can't look at that site without wanting to claw my eyes out, but apparently lots of people think it's great. The macro/lolcats thing has kind of developed a life of its own and it's all over the internet now instead of being confined to certain sites.

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It does make my brain want to explode on occasion, but I try to use my family's patented avoidance method-

Deny it's existence and hope it goes away. :hug:


*hugs* I'm glad you decided to stick around.

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