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Family problems 3rd

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So I've talked to them. I guess everything is fine. Ollis mom told me that she is so sorry about what she said and that she did it because she was simply overstrained and caught between 2 stools. She did not mean it that way and she really loves me. So - problem solved.


The "guinea pigs are more important as children" was on the one hand the wanting that Olli and I have children right away (okay, I'd love kids - but first we should marry and I need a perpetual job) and they themselves never cared as much for their pets like I do. I have the habit to read all I can about how to keep a pet in the right way, to know it's need and so on. This means - with guinea pigs - that once a week you have to control their weight, give them lots of hay and not so much fodder (meaning this stuff from pet shops), twice a day things like carrots and cucumbers or tomatoes. And to watch carefully if everything is alright. Well to her this was "treating them like humans" - and sorry, it is not. I am just responsible with my pets because I love them - but surly it's not "I have guinea pigs - I don't need children"!


But there are still 2 things that bother me.



They consider my ideas how to raise children as bad. Too rigorous. Too confined. Children can't be happy with so many rules. I don't get it. When I'm going to have children I won't be a drill-instructor! But there have to be some rules, specially when you visit other people - I write down what I told them:

That you take off your shoes before you come into a home. That inside the house no one is allowed to smoke (these two are more for the grownups), that you sit at the table when you eat and wash your fingers when they are full of chocolate, that you don't take stuff down from shelves without asking if that is okay. I grew up with these rules. I did not suffer from them. The children in my whole family did grew up like that. But here is the problem: My family comes from another country and it's a big family. My mom has got 7 siblings, lots of them have own children, some even grandchildren. So I don't ask for the impossible ... but I guess now I am the terrible mother ...



I asked the boy if he could limit his playing with toy cars (he had approx. 40 of them with him - on a party with 19 people) on the tiling to avoid scratching on the laminate. I think this is okay. Olli and his parents don't think like that. The point that makes me angry here (but I will keep that to myself, no need to quarrel about it any more) is that Ollis sister herself has forbidden the children to play on their living room laminate without putting a blanked underneath the toys! By now she even banned all toys from the living room! So why should I live with scratches on my floor from HER children when she don't want them from her OWN children?!? Help me out here! Why am I the wicked woman?


Okay, but I'm able to live with that. I will talk to Ollis sister once more, explain myself and I hope than everything is all right. I guess it already is. I'll just keep in mind that I am not wicked for asking to avoid scratches on my floor ... and that I still believe in "there is nothing wrong with some rules".

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