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Family problems 5th

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It was soooo good to talk to my parents (without Olli) and with one friend who has been at the party, too.


They all could totally understand me and don't think that I am exaggerating or that it would be wrong to have some basic rules. Made it easier for me.


My mom even broke out in laughter when I told her the story about "playing only on a special carpet in the living room" and banning toys entirely from the living room. In this case - how can they be angry when I ask to play only on the tiling?


Anyway, I feel much better, I still know that I have to talk to Ollis sister. But not this week. I will invite her to come over - alone - and that we will have some tea, chat about that, I will try to make my point of view understandable and perhaps we have some time to paint a bit with encaustic. She always wanted to try that.




If is so funny ... her boy is 8 and I'm always afraid when they come to visit us. I can see broken glass (actually they never broke anything - well they tried to break their own heads and our TV once because they had the great idea to take some pillows and use our staircase as a slide - but since our house has a strange cut there is the TV-shelve just at the end of the staircase, only 80cm away from each other, so this game was pretty dangerous - and the parents did not say a word ...), again fingerprints on my windows (and since we have a glass-gable, there really is a lot of glass to leave fingerprints on - and it takes a damn lot of time to clean them!), sweets all over my floor (I should check the shelves! and our bed!) and so on. Next week there are coming a 11 year old girl and a 9 year old boy - MY relatives - and I am not afraid at all. The boys have one year age-difference and I know this boy won't crawl over my bed, taking teddys from the shelve behind it, he won't yell at my guinea pigs and so on ... because he is raised in a different way. He does not seem to suffer. And he is known to be very lively and a bit difficult regarding to his behavior ... compared to the 8 year old he's an angle ... we don't have to talk about the girl at all - she is exactly like I was when I was her age. Shy. I'm her godmother. Which reminds me ... I should buy them a little something. (Okay, now I am reminded of this story: The boy from Ollis sister and gifts. Since Olli and I are a pair we buy all our christmas, brithday and whatever gifts together. On the 6th of December we celebrate something called Nikolaustag - Nikolaus - a bishop from Nizea when I am right - comes and brings sweets and oranges and nuts to the children - well and to the grownups. Since Ollis family is strange when it comes to sweets they don't buy sweets but real presents. Okay, so we bought some toys for the children and gave our gift to the boy - he was 7 back then. He forgot to say "thank you" - but I think tis is understandable, opened it, liked it, opened the gifts from the others and than - he came back to me "Tina, where is your gift for me?" ... I had a real big smile on my face)

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