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another daycare...

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It's my second year in college and nothing has gotten better about it. I feel like a frustrated girl having to put up with being in a huge daycare~ the atmosphere of tons of other young people, loud & puffing away at their cigarettes right outside dorms and classes simply makes me want to hide out in dorm room and never, ever leave. I'm not sure if I just have social anxiety or if I just simply hate being around people my age all the time... Either way, I hate it here and have no idea why I ever thought getting into college was going to solve all my problems.


Sometimes I think I might not be built for it... The whole sitting-down-and-poring-over-textbooks thing. I know exactly what I'd much rather be doing! Fiddling away time with writing letters, postcards, leveling up on World of Warcraft, carousing the internet for treasures, making my life more "green" and just... other things. I want to be close to all my loved ones - so I'm taking the first step by going back home to Charleston, SC. I have been *incrediably* lucky having Justin come to school with me, and both of us being each other's support through the shitty times we've had here at this school... but even with him here, I feel like I'm slowly going both crazy and horribly unproductive. Even now, there's only about a week left of school, and I've got FOUR papers to write!! :joy: That's a shit-ton TOO MANY FOR ME! And I just don't understand it either; I used to popped out papers like it was nothing back in high school, and even first semester here... but now I just absolutely refuse to do them... what's happened to me? Literally. What the fug is going on?? My short-term memory is going, my work ethics are blasted, and I can't even do simple, crappy bull-shit papers.




Am I technically going through an early mid-life crisis? :joy: If so, does anyone know any remedies? ^^ All I know is, as soon as my ass is back in Chucktown, I'm going to party hard (& I'm not even a party-person! Ha ha ha...!) and I'm going to pray, pray, pray that next semester works out at C of C. If not, I'm shit outta luck.

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