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Switch Witch Help Questions

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Are You An Indoor Person Or Outdoor Person? Indoor, mostly. I'm trying to get back to being a bit more outdoor.


Are You Up To Being Gifted With Anime? Sure.


Cami Or Corset? Both.


Candles Or Incense? Both.


Coffee/Tea/Hot Beverages? I love tea, hot chocolate, and coffee if it's in some frozen form mixed with other stuff.


Do You Have A Particular Decorating Style? Not really.


Do You Have Pets And What Kind Of Gifts Would Be Good For Them? Two cats. They love toys that can be thrown, stuff they can chase, and they both have serious catnip habits to the point where dad and I have begun saying they're like Cheech and Chong without the smoke.


Do You Like Homemade Gifts? Like Foodstuffs Or Crafts? Love them.


Do You Still Read Any Children's Books? I still have my two books of fairy tales from when I was a wee little thing.


Favorite Books As A Kid? See above about the fairy tale books.


Feelings On Used Books (& Cds And DVDS For That Matter)? Don't mind them at all.


For Those Of You Who Play Video Games, What Consoles Do You Own? PS2, GameCube, my computer, GBA, 8-bit Nintendo, Sega Genesis. I don't know if it still works, but at least one of the 8-bit Nintendos does.


Haircolor Experimentation? My hair has been so many colors, I've lost count. Right now, my bangs are blood red, while the rest of my hair is black, which is my natural color.


How About Burned Cds? Is Everyone Okay With Those? Do Y'all Even Listen To Cds Anymore, Or Is It Straight To The Ipod? I listen to cds in the car, so burned ones are fine.


How Much Do You Still Enjoy Playing With Toys? I still do on occasion. Not much, though. I keep eyeballing buying myself Lego sets, but haven't yet.


How Would You Describe Your Sense Of Humor? Sarcastic. It drifts between stuff like how House is, and wanders off toward Monty Python breed absurdity every so often.


How Would You Describe Yourself? Quiet. I've been known to get up during conversations without people even noticing I've left.


I Want To Know What Little Treats My Witchee Likes To Be Spoiled (Or Spoil Herself) With? I love chocolate. That's one thing I will very rarely pass up. Beyond that, tea, bath stuff, socks...


If Handmade Stuff Is Okay, And It All Goes Horribly Wrong, Would You Want It Anyway? Yep. Fine even if it looks not quite like it should.


Lip Balm? I'm not too particular about it, except for one thing. Lush lip stuff doesn't work well on me. Burns a bit. I'm figuring that's the borax in it, but I could be wrong.


Livejournal? Handle over there is heartbreakangel. It's friends locked, though.


Mailbox Situation, I.E. Can I Send You Chocolate And Melty Treats From Lush, Or Are They Going To Wind Up Being Really Decadent Goo? If it ends up really decadent goo, it'll become a really decadent solid again in the fridge. No worries.


Makeup? Don't wear it often, but I do like it.


Online Games? Guild Wars. I spend way too much time with it.


Phobias? Spiders.


Religious Preferences And Patron Saints/Goddesses/Spiritual Mentors? Thor, Odin, Anubis. Weird combo, I know. Don't ask how it happened, because I'm still not sure myself.


Rice Krispy Treats, Yes Or No? Homemade Or Prepackaged? Yes. Homemade. The prepackaged ones taste odd.


Secret Crush? Gah. I have one I'll likely never see again. Sad panda, I am.


Socks? Love 'em. Knee highs, mostly.


Sports? Hockey and wrestling.


Switch Witch Remain A Secret Or Reveal Herself? I'm good with either, leaning toward reveal.


Tattoos/Piercings? Ears are pierced twice, navel's pierced, and I have two tattoos with plans to get more.


Things I Find Offensive? Bigotry.


What Goodies Do You Love That You Can't Usually Get? TimTams.


What Is The Hottest And Coldest It Gets Where You Live? Hottest is usually up around 100. Coldest depends on the winter, sadly. Sometimes it won't go below 20, sometimes it goes down to -30.


What Practical Goals To You Have For The Upcoming Summer? Get back in shape.


What Sort Of Crafites Do You Do And What Sort Of Crafty Supplies Do You Like? I paint, I knit with looms, I'm attempting to learn to crochet, occasionally there's some drawing going on, and I'd like to eventually start mucking around with making jewelery. I see beads all the time that I get grabby handed over, but I don't know what to do with them.


What's Hanging On Your Walls? What Do You Want Hanging On Your Walls? Two wrestling posters, glow in the dark starts, and some random fabric I was given years ago. I've also got shelves hung up that are covered in all sorts of stuff, from books to action figures.


What's Your Favorite Color? For Wearing? And For Decorating? For wearing? Black. For decorating? Uhm. Don't really have one.


What's Your Favorite Flower? Tree? I'm big on roses, and I like willow trees.


What's Your Most Obscure Interest? Oh, this is easy. I don't know many people that are interested in OSHA regulations.


Which Kinds Of Soaps Do YOU Like? Arcana? BPTP? Lush? Super Bad? I don't use soap often. It dries my skin out something fierce.


Who Are Your Favorite Disney Characters? Eeyore.


Gemstones I like and why: Amethyst, hematite, onyx, there's more but they're not coming to me off the top of my head. It's been one of those weeks.


If I had no dress code: I don't really have one. Work is at home. Unless I have to go out to a meeting, or a job site, I'm in whatever's comfortable, even if it means I'm just stomping around in a sarong and a sports bra.


Wants from the update: Too much stuff to mention. Yeesh. Let's see...Stormclouds Over The Midway, The Chapel, The Torture Queen, pretty well everything from The Wunderkammer.


What kind of pens do you like? Bic Round Stic Grips in fine point with black ink.


BPAL signature scent: Dragon's Heart


Chips: Absolutely love Lay's Dill Pickle ones.

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