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eBay Order Benefits Blind Cats

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I won an auction today on eBay for a 5ml bottle of Inferno, 10% of the proceeds to benefit Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary, Inc. in St. Pauls, NC, through eBay's Giving Works program.


I visited the BCRS website, and oh my. This is a wonderful organization. If you go to their "Meet the Cats" page, there are some wonderful stories, but be prepared with a box of Kleenex close by. Some of these are sad, sad stories (although they have a happy ending). I wish 100% of the auction went to this organization, and I plan to donate to them as soon as I am able.


If you see any other auctions that benefit Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary, please consider bidding (here is a link to a list of eBay auctions that benefit BCRS). You can also just visit their website and click the "Donate" button. These seem like truly good people doing wonderful things for blind cats.

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