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For my lovely Switch Witch - answers to questions...

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Candy corn?

Oh please no. Please please please no.



Bugs on things - that's fine. But I'm not eating any. Nope.


What was your favorite ghost/scary/campfire story growing up?

The Fall of the House of Usher or the Tell Tell Heart I think.


Do you decorate for Halloween? what sort of decorations?

Oh hell yes. Although last year was the first year in our new place and there were hardly any kids to enjoy my cemetery garden. I will decorate never the less. Tombstones, bones, blood, and a hanging skeleton to start with...


Dress up for Halloween?

Not as often as I should, but I love to do it. I always have my witch hat for work, but I think this year I might go all out. As what yet, I dunno.


Do you like horror flicks?

I like scary, not gruesome. I don't love the Texas Chainsaw or Saw type movie, but I like old Hitchcock, Friday the 13th stuff, anything involving werewolves, vampires etc - monsters I guess. Anything scary supernatural. Just don't try and gross me out, that's not fun or interested from where I sit.


If you have a garden/planter box, what do you grow?

I have a tiny garden plot. I have scarlet runner beans, some hostas, some alyssum, a couple of angel's trumpets and a planet I have been unable to id. I'm going to do some bulbs this year. For spring. If you want to send me seeds or stuff, I'd love it :rantrave: Keep in mind my garden gets very little direct sunlight - it's a shadey spot almost all day.


i haz no imp storage. do you?

Ammo boxes are lovely things!


What incense scents do you prefer?

I like my incense to smell well - inscensey :) Patchouli, sandalwood, sage, lavender that sort of thing. I don't like scents like "Goddess Rain" or anything. Just straight forward stuff. I usually use it only ritually anyway. For room smellies I burn tarts.



I love them very much and covet them. I sadly can't afford them. I love beautiful well made shoes :)



What is one item that you've wanted forever, could have afforded, but have never gotten and why (haven't you gotten it!)?

Things on my Etsy list I think. Nothing is too expensive but I haven't had a lot of disposable income of late.


Right or left-handed?




Yep, we're actually required by law here to recycle and compost but I've been doing it for a long time anyway. And I shop second hand and love used stuff like books etc - so if you have something that you think I would love, I'm cool with you passing it on.


Crafting supplies?

I did scrapbook. I haven't managed to get to it lately.



I have two. They're small. One is an orca on my left ankle, and the other is a pentagram on my shoulder. I plan on getting something this year to celebrate turning 40, it will have crows in it, maybe in a spiral, and I think it will be on my back or side.


Favorite time periods?

I've been really liking the whole steam punk look. I love Victorian stuff too, and the whole steam punk thing is awesome.



I joined a decant circle for some of the Sleepy Hollow scents - I'm hoping to love Ichabod but we'll see :)


What is your favorite part about fall?

I'm lucky enough to live somewhere where fall happens I guess. I love all about it. The leaves changing, the sense of purpose from back to school, getting to wear sweaters but not have to wear winter coats....I like fall a lot. Much more than bloody winter. I hate winter.


Office supplies?

Pretty gel pens in fun colours. I write in black ink, never blue.


Favorite Halloween candy?

Chocolate bars or Salt and Vinegar chips


What is your favorite pumpkin goodness?

I don't actually love pumpkin. I'm meh about it. I like squash. I like sweet potato but never got into pumpkin. I can eat it, but I don't loooooooooooooove it. And I find the smell to be blah. Thing is I have this weird thing where stuff I smell can sometimes make me taste things completely opposite to what I smell. Pumpkin does this (as does cherry, artificial fruits, licorice and strong flowers. OH and pine sol). So I can't enjoy it.

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