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Halloween Switch Witch Random Questions - Part III

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Halloween Switch Witch Random Questions - Part III


My questionnaire is chock-a-block with ideas for Witching me on the cheap, and without sending "stuff for stuff's sake". And I just came up with another one--make me a Pandora, Finetune, or Last.fm station you think I might like! What manner of affordable Witchery might you covet?

I don't know if I can listen to Pandora anymore. For a while there they didn't let people in Canada listen to it... oh, yup, still not allowed to listen to Pandora. I've used Last.fm a bit but not Finetune. Anyway, I do love music, whether it's an online radio station recommendation, or a list of songs you think I'd like that I can search for on YouTube or whatever. I'd love a mix CD. I'd also greatly enjoy stories about your pets, and links to cute and funny videos. Ooh, and recipes that you really like that I should try out, tips on making stuff... ideas for things that I can do with my boyfriend on weekends! We tend to get really stressed out during the week at work and sometimes on weekend I feel like we need to do "something" but I never know what that something is so we just sit at home.


Does your cell phone have a place to attach charms?

I just checked, and yes. :eek:


If you drink coffee (and make it yourself) do you use a French Press, regular filter basket coffee maker, Espresso Machine, Percolator?

I use Starbucks! Hehe... I don't drink coffee very often. Occasionally I'll use the Espresso Machine at work but I don't really like the coffee from there.


What movie soundtracks (or scores) do you love?

Lord of the Rings. The Hours. Err... I'm sure there's a whole lot more that I like but it's totally not coming to me right now.


How do you scent yourself? Do you layer soaps, moisturizers, etc. or do you go straight to slathering your bod with BPAL?

I tend to only scent myself with BPAL these days. I've actually started getting into fragrance-free moisturizers because I want to use my BPAL and I'm afraid the scents will mix. I'm just such a slatherer of BPAL recently. :lol: I sometimes mix BPAL in unscented lotion. I can go through something like a fifth of a bottle if I'm doing that to slather in a lotion. If I'm not doing it in a lotion I use a bit less, but still quite a bit. Well, I guess it depends on the blend. If I know it's strong, I tend to slather less.


Do you/how do you scent your world? Candles, incense, diffusers, potpourri? None of the above?

I use those ceramic aromatherapy thing with the tealight and the dish. The name is completely escaping me at the moment. Are those diffusers? I like room sprays and linen sprays but I always hold back from buying them for some reason. I also like those things with the bamboo sticks stuck in oils that somehow draw the scent up and into the room. Maybe those are the diffusers? Hehe. My brain is totally broken today. I don't use candles very much because most candles seem to have a waxy smell that I don't really like. And a lot of the scented candles I've sniffed are plasticky-sweet and artificial smelling. Maybe I've just not smelled really good ones.


BPAL is such a scent-ual experience. What are your other tactile, aural, or olfactory pleasures?

I love knitting with very textured yarns. In the beginning I used to love the sooooooft yarns like Malabrigo and silk and stuff like that but over the course of the past year or so I've come to love yarns that seem less processed and are more "rustic", I guess. People seems to hate vegetable matter in stuff like Noro or Peace Fleece but I love it. I don't know why. I like picking stuff out of my sweater. Maybe I'm just fidgety. And I like imperfections in my yarn--bizarre place of thick and thinness, things like that. It just makes the knitting more interesting. And they feel nice on my fingers. I recently made something out of Sea Silk which is really smooth and soft and flowy and it felt weird, like there was nothing there. It was a little disconcerting.


And then there's music. I enjoy music so much. I can't get through a day without listening to something. It actually helps me work better if I can have music and not hear other people.


Sniffing. I sniff everything. My tea, my spices, my boyfriend, my yarn. MY YARN. Mmm, sniffing yarn. I sniff my cats too. It doesn't work out so well with Russell because he's very sheddy and I end up with a nosefull of kitty-fur. Nyxie's a lot better with the not-shedding so she's much nicer to sniff (though less patient so she's more likely to walk off). I also love cooking because of the smells.

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