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Must Be the Mica

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Archaic Smile


September 26, 2008


I found a foundation! Two weeks ago I started using Alima foundation and so far no bumps or breakouts. It has less mica than the foundation I had been using so I'm assuming that that may have been the problem - or at least part of the problem. Either way I'm happy that it doesn't bother my skin and it looks great.


As for my OCM routine, I adjusted the oils a bit last week for the cooler and drier weather and it's working out really well. My mixture is now:


2 Tbsp. castor oil

2 Tbsp. jojoba oil

1 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil (for more moisture and exfoliation)

2 drops tea tree oil (antiseptic and anti-bacterial)

2 drops rosehip oil (for Hyper-pigmentation and sun exposure)


I am seeing more improvements in my skin's texture and appearance. No bumps, no breakouts, and even the small scar above my lip is faded.


Other products I use:


Alba Botanica Coconut Milk Facial Wash (In the morning and sometimes when I get home from work)

Alba Botanica Aloe & Green Tea Oil-Free Moisturizer

Villainess Mud masks: Scintillating or Pearl Diver (A light application 2 to 3 times a week)

My own toner blend of 1/2 green tea and 1/2 witch hazel




If anyone actually reads this, and may even be considering starting OCM, I would again strongly caution you to think about it, ask around, and do some research. The reason I'm saying this is that lately I’ve come across a number of people on different health and beauty forums that tried OCM and had terrible reactions that either exacerbated an existing problem, like acne or rosacia, or created new problems like acne, skin sensitivity, and/or blackheads and whiteheads.


Some helpful advice:

  • Be very careful when trying something new on your skin - pay attention to ingredients and how you might react to them.
  • Don't replace everything in your regimen all at once. Make changes in stages over a period of a few weeks. This way if you have a bad reaction or see no improvement it's easier to determine the source of the problem.
  • Give your skin time to adjust, but if you have a bad reaction, stop immediately and go back to your old product & routine for a while until your skin settles down.
  • Don't be sucked in by someone else's excitement over a product, routine, or treatment without asking three important questions: How long have you been using it? What was your skin type and condition before you started? What other products or treatments do you use?
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1 Comment

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Just so you know, I have been reading this faithfully. It's been very helpful as I've made my own switch to OCM and mineral foundation. Thanks for blogging about it!

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