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The Girls Love Pink Pepper
The first in The Girls Love series of Honey scents, The Girls Love Pink Pepper is really a gorgeous blending of honey and that woody but feminine scent. This is PINK pepper and it dances beautifully with that deep from the comb honey and other secret ingredients within the blend. I am very very proud of this one, and if you can only afford one of The Girls, make it The Girls Love Pink Pepper.

In the imp and on wet, wow, is this ever pink pepper. As it dries, the pepper softens and the honey begins to come through. Dry, it's a really lovely honey scent with a very soft peppery spice.

The Girls Love Limeys
A really and truly beautiful pairing of honey and lime and secret ingredients, just like bees make. It is a real beauty again. Tart and sweet at the same time, a tiny bit spicy and full of life. And, Yes, the word "limeys" is doing double duty!

In the imp and on wet, this is a very limey, pretty scent. Dry, it's a nice blend of lime and honey.

This perfume is a tribute to the beautiful wistful girl at the bar of the Folies Bergere painted by Edouard Manet. Her mystery among the citizens of the demi-monde and the flowers on the bar and in her bodice are a symbol of the ironies of modern life. This scent brings back the charm of the countryside to the great indoors. A gentle floral unapologetically feminine and classic. Characteristics: floral, perfumy, scent locket, feminine, long lasting.

Soft florals blended with vanilla cream. Not my usual style, but it's actually very nice. Reminds me a little bit of Black Lace, only more floral.

I don't have a description for this one.

Beeswax and damp wool, with a bit of tea. It reminds me strongly of Ichabod Crane. I'm not too crazy about this one.

Western Hills
All the snap and giggle of Cincinnati's perpetual land of youth, where all the boys are football heros and all the girls are pretty. Western Hills folk know how to have a good time, and there is great comfort over there as well. Nothing is quite so snuggly as a Western Hills Christmas, the children get more candy at Halloween, and the Fourth of July is more brilliant over there. Western Hills is a sweet but daring rendition of that part of Cincinnati. Like the real thing, it's sporty, foody, rich and robust but with a heartbreaking familiarity like what you feel when you go home again. A high risk scent which I feel I pulled off with aplomb. Characteristics: foody, sporty, cutting edge, unisex.

Popcorn, vanilla and a touch of candy corn.

Celadon Green
The placid, cool, and unflappable mien of a truly refreshing friend, Celadon Green radiates your serene confidence as it gives you a secret stop gap against the day's travails. This is precisely the scent that you need when you need a cool breeze to blow through hot times. Greenery, and crunchy lushness in spots where others wilt. That's Celadon Green. Characteristics: green, light, long lasting, dry, refreshing, scent locket, home scent, unisex, cooling, summer scent.

A soft swirl of mint, vanilla sugar and a hint of beeswax.
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