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haloes & mb: bloody mary rationalization

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okay so --- OPERATION STAY AWAY FROM SALES FORUM has gone somewhat awry. :( because ive been shopping on ebay/here! NEENER NEENER :(


i saw a bottle of mb: bloody mary (ITS TOTALLY A HARD TO FIND AND I HAD TO - ONCE IN A LIFETIME SORT OF THING) so i bought it and then...ok thats it. ha. BUT HEY! that was only one. so sorrrryyyysss. man --- as soon as i get this other J-O-B i'm going to like SPEND A TON OF DOUGH on the velvet's and it'll totally be excusable. :)



anyway - still searching for lovers in a ricefield - i hope i win one on ebay and i so totally bought a bottle of haloes from 13curses on ebay. I TOTALLY FORGOT TO TELL YOU ABOUT THAT...ok so that makes it 2. muahahahahaha. THIS ONE WAS TOTALLY EXCUSABLE TOO! it's a rarity...sue me. i had to.


SO OK -- ive been a bad girl but look at it this way --- im rationalizing it by saying they are RARES and HARD TO FIND. ok?


leave me alone... neener neener


oh and the blog that follows this, its for my records cause um...i buy so much and have so many transactions going on i forget who's who. like a girl named JEN --- dont even know what her name on the forum is. IM SO DISAPPOINTED WITH MYSELF---but id so totally leave her feedback for my swap---i just accidently deleted her pm. :D i'll find her...I WILL!

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