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Halloweenie SW QUstions

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You're in the kitchen at the end of a pay period and groceries are pretty scarce. Do you take the five ingredients you find first and make something fabulous, or do you order take out?

Depends on my mood - if I feel like experimentign, I will; otherwise, it's take out

Any rabid sports fans out there? What teams do you root for?

I'm a Detroit Red Wings fan, but not to the point of insanity

What's your favorite animal? (You can have more than one.)

I like black and white animals, such as polar bears, pandas, zebras, black panthers. But I also love foxes, hedgehogs, and peacocks.


Do you like pinup art/images?

They're OK - I could take or leave them.

What are your plans for Halloween? Have you made any yet? Do you have any traditions?

Friends of mine have a party every year, but this year might be an issue cos my parents are going to be out of town and are convinced that if no-one's here to give out candy then the house will be firebombed or something

Who are your BPAL forum buddies? You know, people I could conspire with to Witch you!

I'm friendly with most people, I suppose stellans, schackjj, or lunaliquid might know a couple things to help out

What is your favorite color?

I really really love purple, but I almost never wear or decorate with it. Red is my favorite color to wear, and green my favorite decorating color.

Any other steampunk fans/lovers?

Not so much

Describe your ideal picnic lunch. Where would you go? Who (if anyone, and yes there can be multiple people) would accompany you? What sort of food would you take? And, of course, if a picnic lunch sounds like a horrible idea, feel free to say so!

I love picnic lunches, but I like simple casual things, so the traditional sandwiches and chips on a blanket in the park would be ideal


Any Gamers here? What kind? Board games? RPG? Miniature? MMORPG?

I'm not a gamer. I'll play cards, and there's a few board games I enjoy - Parcheesi, Clue Trivial Pursuit. I like chess and backgammon.

Is anyone playing this round of SW into ABJ? (asian ball jointed dolls)

Sorry, but they creep me out

What is your favorite Halloween icon?

black cats and jack-o-lanterns

Imagine that you're given a shoebox-sized time capsule, and you are asked to put any number of items in the box that symbolize who you are. The items can be may be anything you can imagine, and money is no object, but they must fit within the box. Which items do you choose?

Copies of my favorite CDs, a copy of the Tao Te Ching, some strands of beads, pictures of my friends and family

Are you involved in any long-term, ambitious project? something like decorating your house or saving for a trip to the other end of the world, for example.

Not so much

Favorite kind or take out kinda burger? Whats your burger preference? Veggie,meat or ????

Turkey burger. There was this place that made cherry burgers, but it went out of business. *sadness*

Whats your favorite childhood toy?

I used to love my dollhouse. Now, I like to play with crayons, yoyos, and slinkys

If you have a pet, what kind of gifts would be good for them?

No pets

Do you Tweet? What is your Twitter name?

Nope, don't Tweet. Hell, I just joined Facebook - iy'll prolly be a good 3-4 years before I get behind Twitter!

Are you on Ravelry? What is your Ravelry name?

Not on Ravelry


What are everyone's favorite Halloween-y/Autumn-y/spooky movies? Are there any you don't own but would like to?

Near Dark is one of my favroites, also the Crow, and Netherworld (a very cheesy Blue Moon Entertainment flick)

Are roasted pumpkin seeds and home made chex mix the best fall snack foods, or what?

Roasted pumpkin seeds, yes. Never really been into Chex mix - convert me!

Whats your favorite pie, my dear SW's?

Cherry pie in the summer, pumpkin pie in the fall/winter

What kinda socks ar you wearing tonight?

None - I go barefoot until it's too cold to do so - round late October or so

Do you like socks? Blankets? Wrist warmers? Arm warmers? Headband? Shawl? Or what kind of knitted thing would you love the most?

All of the above!

How do you feel about ghost stories? Do you like to tell the old tales around a campfire? Read true accounts on the web way past your bedtime? Do you like to pick up a good anthology of Poe stories on a blustery day? Or is all that too scary for you?

I love ghost stories!

Who here is LOVING Warehouse 13?

Haven't seen it yet, but I prolly would like it if I did take the time to watch

Nother question! Coffee or Tea?

Definitely tea - I love the smell of coffee, but hate the taste

Interested in locally produced products? Food, skincare or both?Olive oil? Lavender oils or soaps?

Yes, yes, and yes

Does anyone in here wear a lot of dangly earrings or collect pendants of all kinds?? How about hair clips or pony tail band things?

I love pendants. I don't usually wear long dangly earrings, cos they get caught in my hair, and owwie!

What is your favourite historical period?

I have many - Renaissance Europe, colonial America (pre-Revolution), Qing Dynasty China

What other hot beverages everyone likes for fall?

hot cider, hot chocolate

Did you order anything from the most recent update?

I ordered end-of-summers and Halloweenies, but nothing from the Falling Leaf Moon update

Vampires or Werewolves? Or some other monster?

RIght now, werewolves. I'm kind of vampired out.

What sort of odd or regional foods do you crave?



How do you scent your home Tarts, reed diffusers, BPAL, candles?

I use a Bath & Body Works Wallflower, and I have an electric candle warmer that works well with BPAL and tarts, too. Regular candles and incense are pretty well out, cos I can't have Burny Things


How do you take your tea? Black or with cream and/or sugar?



Do you believe we control our destiny, or does our destiny control us?

I beleive it's a bit of both. There's a path, but you can always choose to ignore the signs.


What's your favorite dessert treat?

I don't often indulge in dessert, but I do love me some Haagen Dasz Vanilla Swiss Almond


Are you interested in things like home remedies for ailments, cleaning solutions, etc.?

Sure - I know I have a book somewhere, but I need to refer to it more


New question, because I'm learning how to sew - if you do any kind of craft, could you use supplies? What kind? knitting needles, yarn, amazing fabric, pinking shears, cool thimbles or pincushins, jewelery making supplies, beads, etc.?

I just started with the knitting, so knitting supplies, especially yarn (I have a few sets of needles) would be most welcome


If i send you whole spices or coffee beans, would you be able to grind them or would you prefer them preground for your convenience?

Pre-ground. I don't have a grinder, and it's a pain to use the mortar and pestle


For the tea and coffee drinkers: Opinion on tea- and/or coffee-related accessories/etc?

I don't do coffee, but tea acessories would be nice


Of course, we're all going to be grateful no matter what our witches give us, but for the record, what is your anti-present? Tell us something that you think your future witch might give you that you absolutely, unequivocally DO. NOT. WANT.

I always fear my Witch will send me stickers as a box filler. I don't use stickers. I don't like them. I don't know, I'm weird that way.


What BPAL scent have you never tried but always wanted to? What scent have you tried and LOVED, and haven't been able to get more of and why?

THere's lots I've never tried, especially in the GC. F'r instane, I've never tried Snake Oil. Nor soem of the other heavy-hitters that seem to be so popular. Tried and loved - Her Voice. I have one tiny decant, and I never knew it was so lovely.


I know we're all scent sensitive here. What are your favorite non-perfume smells? Day in the life stuff?

Fresh-cut grass. A leather shop. Sawmills. Clean laundry. Baking bread. Wax (real beeswax, not parafin). The rose cooler at the flower shop.


Which three albums would you take to your apocalypse bolt hole and how would you power the generator?

Deep, Peter Murphy

Grace, Jeff Buckley

Songs of Faith and Devotion, DepecheMode

And I'd power the generator by windmill


Any cooks? Could you use anything cooking related? Aprons? Cookbooks? Measuring Cups? Recipes? Herb/Spice containers? Fancy Spices? Dish Towels? Cocktail napkins? Amazing Beaded Pot Holders? (like from our very own Pottersville! ) Something else?

I could always use more help in this area - I am a terrible cook! I even set off the fire alarm - more than once.


What kind of socks?

I'm not too fond of footies, otherwise, anthing goes!


How often do you update your wishlist?

Not regularly, but I try to update it after I buy anything. I just updated after the last SW round


May I help you fill out your costuming wardrobe (assuming you costume)? Are there articles you are seeking to enhance your a) Halloween costume, Renfest attire, c) Cosplay, d) Steampunk accouterment?

Sure, if you like. But I haven't decided what I'm going to be this Halloween, so probably something generic Victoria/witchy/pirate/Renfest would be the best


Who are your favorite artists/illustrators/art periods?

I tend to like photography more than painted art or illustrations, but no Geddes babies, please!!


What's your stance on cranberries?

Pretty much awesome. Except, for some reason, I don't like cranberry sauce with the berries in. I like the jellied kind. But cranberries in baked goods or candy = Yum!


Do you mind receiving used (in good condition, of course) CDs or DVDs? (I know this question was on the questionnaire about books, but I didn't see one for DVDs or CDs.)

As long as they play, I'm good with them.


Do you have a crush on anyone famous? Do you have a crush on any literary characters? Would you like fanfiction or fan art based on this/these people?

I have had a lifelong crush on Sting


You're at home, or out, and you want a snack. Something that will get you through to the next meal, or through to the end of school or what ever. What do you grab?

Pretzels, corn ships and salsa, or crackers and cheese.


Do you have a favorite bpal bottle art?

Not really, although I kept my empties of Order of the Dragon: The Castle, Metal Phoenix, and Dogs Playing Poker: Staying Up with a Sick Friend, and will likely keep Boudicca and Schwarzer Mond 08


Are there any decants from the Halloweenies, Literary Vampires, Gris Grimly, or Hellboy that you would be interested in receiving?

I know this will never happen, but Tattie Bogle!


What's autumn like in your neck of the woods? What do you love and/or hate about it?

I LOVE Autumn in Michigan. There is nothing about it I don't like. All the typical fall things - leaves changing, crisper, cooler air, trips to the cider mill and pumpkin patch, the rainy days, everything!


What's your favorite product(s) at Trader Joe's?

TJ's Fat-Free Black Bean Salsa is the best thing on god's green earth.


If you're caught in front of the tv, what are you watching?

I watch too much TV, but if it's randomly on for noise, it's likely soemthing silly like South Park


Any Amy Brown art fans?

I love Amy Brown, but I have enough of her stuff right now (2 prints, a book, a pendant, and 4 figurines)


How do you feel about Halloween music? (mix CDs, what have you)

I kind of like music that is creepy without being blatantly Halloweenie, ie, Nick Cave's the Carny, or Juno Reactor's Luciana. I'll admit to liking "Every Day is Halloween" and "Bela Lugosi's Dead" but have heard enough of them to last a lifetime. And the silly stuff like Monster Mash is just right out


Who else is reeeeeally looking forward to Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland?

I'll probably see it when it comes out on video


Is there a store that you love which does not have a location near you (but that has a physical presence somewhere, not just online? Why do you love it so much?

One of my favorite stores is called Middle Earth, and it's in Ann Arbor, so technically it's within driving range, but far enough that I don't go there that often. So the name alone is reason enough, but the stuff they carry caters to about every taste I have - original ethnic jewelry from all over the globe, candles, bath & body stuff, funky things from Archie McPhee, little pewter tokens (I have a serious addiction to little pewter tokens) art postcards, Day of the DEad calaveras, Japanese saki sets, etc., etc. It's an awesome place.


Lolcats....yeah or nay?

Funneh kittehs R funneh.


What is your favorite creepy folk story or legend?

I don't even know. We used to have this book of ghost stories like the Thing at the Foot of the Bed, Teeny Tiny, King O' the Cats, and so on. My sister would read them to me in an attempt to scare me, and it never worked. I always wondered why they were considered scary stories. But there are stories I've read since then that still give me the wiggins even thinking about them. I like them, if my witch wanted to pass some along. Does that help?


If your witch were to either write something for you or put together a collection of ghost stories, would you rather have it in writing, recorded as an oral telling, or both?

I think I'd prefer written.



Would you object to annonomous postcards (real ones) from your witch before the big reveal???

No objections at all! Postcards are nice.



Do you drink alcohol? Wine, beer or liquor? What is your favorite wine/beer/mixed drink?

I think I may have answered this one, but I've been drinking beer/cider/Smirnoff Ice lately


Do you like to find out there's a package on the way or to receive a tracking number to stalk, or do you prefer surprise packages?

Whatever my witch's heart desires


If I were your witch, and I wanted to make you a spell or mojo bag, would you be into that? And, if you were, would you want it for something like love, prosperity or luck? Or would you want it for a certain element? Or would you want it for something more personal- and what might that be?



Do you wear lip gloss/lip balm? If so, what flavors/scents?

Not at all. In fact, I don't like the feel of it on my lips, and would prefer none, please!


What is one thing you constantly keep with you that you constantly loose?

My keys


What are your favorite fruits?

Any berries, cherries, blood oranges and bananas


What is your favorite cookie type?

Oatmeal chocolate chip. But I like runchy oatmeal, not chewy oatmeal.


Are you into 80s movies (like i am ) if so, which are your favorites and who are your favorite characters?

I used to be. I pretty much know "Beter off Dead" by heart, but I don't really watch them so much anymore


Do you like Villainess soaps? What are your favorite scents?

I like the scent Villianess


Do you mind artificial colors in your food?

They're fine


Who wants hair pretties?(headbands, barrettes, pony-o's, scrunchies, bobby pins, hair clips, etc)

I think I mentioned my unnamed hair stick/barette thingie quest in the thread, so yes. :lol:



I am on an origami crane kick recently, so I wonder if anyone will be interested in origami crane earrings, origami crane in a glass vial (~1.2cm wide) phone charm/pendant or just a container filled with cranes of different sizes.

I love origami. I have a pair or paper crane earrings that are sealed with some kind of Mod-Podge-like substance that also makes them stiff and unbendy, but cranes in a glass vial would be very pretty too


How do you feel about clothing/accessories made from animals? Anti-fur, leather, shells, etc.? Does even faux wig you out?

Anything with bone, teeth or fur would wig me out. Feathers and leather are OK. Faux would be OK too.


How do you deal with stress? What's your favorite way to unwind?

Tai chi helps like noboady's business.


You're given the opportunity to apprentice at any trade (or craft) of your choosing for the period of one year. Your mentor may be any currently living person. Which field of study would you choose, and who would be your mentor?

I would study photography under Ansel Adams. OK, I know he died 25 years ago, I still want him as my teacher. :yum:


Burned DVDs and CDs?

Are fine by me.



Do you use henna at all (hair or skin)?

I've done henna on my hands before and loved it, but 1) I've developed psoriasis since and it'd have to go on my arms, or feet - for some reason I only get breakouts on my hands and 2) I probably wouldn't do it on myself - I'd be too afraid I'd screw it up. Henna in my hair is pretty much a no-go - I'm too fair for it and I'd turn into Carrot Top :wub2:


What about 2010 Wall calenders? Or 2010 journals or appointment diaries? What subject?

Datebooks are fine, but I have no place to hang a wall calendar


What are your thoughts on Halloween decorations?

Love 'em!


What tarot card do you most identify with?

Queen of Swords or Two of Swords



Who collects ACEOs/ATCs?

Um...what are those? :smilenod:


Switch Witches, which shoes do you own that are your favorite? What are your "daily drivers"?

My black Converse are my go-to shoes, or else my Sketchers Mary Janes


If you could describe yourself in 5 words, what would they be?

bold, strong, stubborn, smart, vulnerable


Do you collect new/used stamps? Will you like to get stamps on your mails?

I do occasionally keep one I might like for a while, but it'll eventually get thrown out.


Any WKAP you're excited about?

For about the zillionth time Unexpeced Golf Hazard


How do you feel about stationary? (pens, notepads, cards, pencils, etc.)

Probably mostly wouldn't get used, but I always need a pen or two

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